domingo, 31 de julio de 2016

JUL 31 16 SIT EC y POL

JUL 31 16  SIT EC y POL


[ In 20 primaries results have been shifted by 2 companies in charge of counting votes = fraud.]

1-minute expert testimony that unaccountable voting machines are a literal “black box” with absolutely nothing to see or count. Please note the distain of the off-screen “official” responding to clear and obvious proof of election fraud:

[[ Will this report go to FBI & Supreme Court for further investigation?  ]]

ECONOMICS's probably nothing...
It’s earnings season once again and it looks as if, as a group, corporate America still can’t find the end of its earnings decline since profits peaked over a year ago. What’s more analysts, renowned for their Pollyannish expectations, can’t seem to find it, either.

Over the past half-century, we have never seen a decline in earnings of this magnitude without at least a 20% fall in stock prices, a hurdle many use to define a bear market.

In other words, buying the new highs in the S&P 500 today means you believe “this time is different.” It could turn out that way but history shows that sort of thinking to be very dangerous to your financial wellbeing.

While overall police deaths have gone down (but through all means, including common causes such as simple working accidents or vehicle crashes), we see that for the specific case of cold-blooded shooting of police to death, so far in 2016 this has gone up by about 60%, versus the YTD levels in previous yearsAnd while in recent years about 55% of these murders were done by Blacks (who represent 13% of the U.S. population), in 2016 this surged to a goliath three-quarters of police murdered by Blacks throughout 2016



All roads in and out of NATO's critical Incirlik Air Base located in Adana have been closed as Turkish Minister of European Affairs cautions that it is just a "safety inspection" while local newspapers speculate that a second coup attempt may be underway. According to Hurriyet, 7000 armed forces with heavy vehicles have surrounded and blocked off the airbase.



John Helmer, Russian-based Anglo-American journalist says that Russia feels threatened by US, NATO, Turkey, and the turbulence at its borders
Gerry Epstein and Dimitri Lascaris say that the banks are in such trouble that they need to be nationalized with their management removed
TRNN's Kwame Rose interviews Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein on the last day of the Democratic National Convention about why she thinks she can mobilize voters who were inspired by the Bernie Sanders campaign


Now that the two major political parties have officially selected their nominees for president, Chris Hedges sits down with Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein, to discuss an alternative way forward. Bernie Sanders might be out of the race, but...
After years of trying to strengthen its defenses against Russia, Europe has found itself very vulnerable to strikes from within. How is that going to change the conversation about security in Europe, and who is expected to provide it?



[ In 20 primaries results have been shifted by 2 companies in charge of counting votes = fraud.]

“The difference between the reported totals, and our best estimate of the actual vote, varies considerably from state to state. However these differences are significant—sometimes more than 10%—and could change the outcome of the election.”  ~ Fritz Scheuren, professor of statistics at George Washington University, President of the American Statistical Association (ASA)

1-minute expert testimony that unaccountable voting machines are a literal “black box” with absolutely nothing to see or count. Please note the distain of the off-screen “official” responding to clear and obvious proof of election fraud:

We’ve documented that the US use of electronic voting machines without a paper trail fails to meet the definition of election because it requires physical votes subject to independently verifiable counting (with videos).

We’ve documented that Clinton belongs in prison for support of lie-started and illegal Wars of Aggression in key vocal roles as US Senator and Secretary of State; the worst crimes a nation can commit, as well as election fraud in collusion with the Democratic National Committee.

Now, Election Justice USA issued their report of the 2016 primaries, Democracy Lost, with findings that Bernie Sanders won the Democratic primaries, but was denied victory from the following types of election fraud (pg. 95):
1) Targeted voter suppression
2) Registration tampering
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[[ Will this report go to FBI & Supreme Court for further investigation?  ]]





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