domingo, 3 de julio de 2016


The FACT: more & more people openly decide not to vote this lady:

Case in point Progressive Democrats of America Executive Director: We Will Not Endorse Clinton

If people decide to fight for Democracy .. don’t matter the Oligarchy’ will.

So, there is more wishful thinking than analysis in Paul Street’ article

By Hugo Adan , July 3-16

Politics is the art of org & mobilizing people for the right cause. Politics doesn’t depend on what the elites in power want ..

The true is that the correlation of forces is changing in favor of people’s cause and will
Fact 1 : the oligarchy is in severe crisis & everything can change night over.
Fact 2. Intuition & sense of past revolutions, make Sanders be ready to continue the fight.
“This campaign isn’t about Bernie Sanders, it’s about all of us”
said Sanders in SANDERS CONTINUES CAMPAIGN FUNDRAISING. In fact, “Sanders persistently refused to concede the race or endorse Clinton”, now more than ever.

Maining: the struggle will continue and won’t be stopped until Hillary is defeated.

Fact 3. The elites always wanted -from the very beginning-  to  keep the current status-quo. That is why they support this nasty lady that rig primaries & breach US Laws. Now the same elites & members of the deep-state  (and Institutions in power) are changing their mood and they are unsure of holding such aim ..Why?  They  know the human & political costs of such endeavor. I’m talking about life to be lost in the cause of defending democracy & the big division of America that supporting Hillary will create.

Fact 4.  The elites and people know that supporting the warmonger Clinton has no sense in todays international context .. Obama’ foreign policy with NATO (their bulling to RU-China), has put the whole world at the border of WW3.  Obama’s “regime-change” in Syria and his failed wars supporting ISIS is a disaster & no longer sustainable .. No context to continue such policies.

The only resource left  for the military-industrial complex (key component of the deep-state) is the temptation of violating MAD-containing thesis and produce the WW3 .. Obama barely control them and it seems he agree to left this task to Hillary who received money for corp profiteering from manufacturing the state of the art weaponry. RU-China’s response to such possible event  is already set .. they will produce a total destruction of the American Empire infrastructure in less than 3 days .. once a nuke-missile cross their space. The effects of their counter-attack will be thousand time harder than Hiroshima & Nagazaki & 2 thousand times faster than the Brexit ..

IN SHORT: There is not space for Hillary Clinton in the current international context,  if our concern is the future of America. “Vale más una retirada honrosa que una derrota desastrosa”. Clinton indictment & severe punishment is the real solution to current riddles. The rest, depends on the org, mobilization, lead & strength of the American people. WE HAVE IT with us & they will decide.

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