sábado, 16 de julio de 2016

JUL 16 16 SIT EC y POL

JUL 16 16  SIT EC y POL


If we want fair justice & real democracy we should NOT VOTE the 1%

originally posted at strategic-culture.org

Normally, when the head of the FBI under one President says something like “no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case”as the FBI reported regarding Hillary Clinton’s emails, that would be the end of the matter; but Clinton actually still isn’t off the prosecutorial hook of this criminal case, unless and until she becomes President herself.

The decision as to whether or not to prosecute her on this matter is not made by the FBI Director, but by the Attorney General. The current one, Loretta Lynch, was appointed by (and holds her job at the discretion of) the man who has endorsed Ms. Clinton to become his own successor: the current U.S. President, Barack Obama. If Clinton doesn’t become the next President, the next Attorney General won’t be appointed by Clinton, and that person will then be making any decision as to whether or not to present the Clinton emails-case to a grand jury; and, if an indictment results, then to present it to a trial jury.

Even the Obama appointee to be the FBI’s chief, Mr. Comey, introduced his statement there, by acknowledging that “there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information.” As regards his opinion that “no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” reasonable prosecutors already have brought such cases, and they have won convictions on these cases. So, just based on that record, Mr. Comey clearly lied there.


"No matter what Alan Greenspan did he was taken as a genius. Whereas 20 years later, Janet Yellen sounds like a fumbling idiot no matter what she does. All her actions come across as desperate because the credibility has been blown away. The Fed has been forced into action and by being forced into action it has only highlighted what the Fed can’t do."

Pretend you’re running a corrupt government and something big and scary happens in another part of the world. Brexit, for instance. You’re quite naturally worried about the impact on your local economy and political system. What do you do? Well, one obvious thing would be to call the statisticians who compile your economic reports and tell them to fudge the next batch of numbers.

This week the S&P 500 surged to a new record high of 2164 this week while the 10-year US Treasury yield touched an all-time low of 1.37%. As a result Goldman, and especially its clients, are stumped. As chief equity strategist David Kostin admits, they have one burning question. As Kostin puts it, they "are struggling to reconcile how extreme valuations of both assets can co-exist."


Gery Bernsten, a decorated former CIA career officer who served in the Directorate of Operations between October 1982 and June 2005, said on Friday that Obama has lost control of the Middle East following attacks in France that left at least 84 dead"This is going to get very, very ugly," Gary Bernsten said on Fox & Friends Friday.

For those who want shares to go up at any cost, it’s absolutely fantastic that the [central banks] are buying so much. But this is clearly distorting the sanity of the stock market.

Last night, a poorly organized, badly planned, quasi-coup took place in Turkey which led to Erdogan further retrenching his authoritarian position in the country. This morning, the president's own "counter-coup" began with the purdhing of 2,745 judges across the country, as well as the issuance of arrest warrants for 140 appeals court members. Erdogan's path to full, authoritarian power is now open.

On the surface, things seem pretty quiet in mid-July 2016. But underneath the surface, it is a very different story.  As you will see below, the conditions for a “perfect storm” are coming together very rapidly, and the rest of 2016 promises to be much more chaotic than what we have seen so far.




The Attack in Nice  By Steven Chovanec
The concurrence of terrorist activity is intimately tied in with involvement in the Syria crisis.
Seeing the link between terrorism and class war is essential if any political and social change is to occur.
Making Wars For Oil is Obsolete . By Dr. Jill Stein, Green Party Presidential Candidate
“It’s time to stop a foreign policy which is essentially a marketing strategy for the weapons industry.”


originally posted at strategic-culture.org

Normally, when the head of the FBI under one President says something like “no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case”, as the FBI reported regarding Hillary Clinton’s emails, that would be the end of the matter; but Clinton actually still isn’t off the prosecutorial hook of this criminal case, unless and until she becomes President herself.

The decision as to whether or not to prosecute her on this matter is not made by the FBI Director, but by the Attorney General. The current one, Loretta Lynch, was appointed by (and holds her job at the discretion of) the man who has endorsed Ms. Clinton to become his own successor: the current U.S. President, Barack Obama. If Clinton doesn’t become the next President, the next Attorney General won’t be appointed by Clinton, and that person will then be making any decision as to whether or not to present the Clinton emails-case to a grand jury; and, if an indictment results, then to present it to a trial jury.

Even the Obama appointee to be the FBI’s chief, Mr. Comey, introduced his statement there, by acknowledging that “there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information.” As regards his opinion that “no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” reasonable prosecutors already have brought such cases, and they have won convictions on these cases. So, just based on that record, Mr. Comey clearly lied there.


Venezuela  La implosión de la política rentista Edgardo Lander
VEN Ent a Pablo Gentili  “La prueba Pisa es un verdadero invento de la ingeniería genética del neoliberalismo" Luis Bonilla   Entrevista a Pablo Gentili  en aras de iniciar un debate nacional sobre la Calidad de la Educación
Pensamiento crítico  La ciudad, entre mercancía y derecho García Quesada
Sólo el precio de las mercancías, su valor de cambio expresado en dinero, detiene el vaivén dubitativo del flamear, su capacidad de decidir si el pasaje es el paraíso del valor de uso o el imperio del valor económico, si es íntimo como una alcoba o público como el paisaje.
Francia  Masacre en Niza comunicado de prensa del NPA.
La muerte de dos hombres negros a manos de la policía, Alton Sterling en Baton Rouge, Louisiana, y Philando Castile en Falcon Heights, Minnesota, horrorizó a gente de todo el mundo y manifestantes salieron a las calles en grandes números en todo el país para proclamar que las vidas negras cuentan.

El pasado 8 de julio se registró una extraña tormentas de arena queo es habitual en el litoral oeste de América del Sur, por lo cual fue considerada como 'inusual'." El origen podría estar en una pendiente elevada, que pudo haber permitido que la arena se elevara y viajara a distancias lejanas", ha explicado la NASA. 

Asimismo, esa aglomeración podría haberse dado por los vientos catabáticos que se generan "cuando el aire entra en contacto con un suelo frío que está a gran altitud y se congela por la radiación".

Junto con el polvo, esas corrientes llevaron lluvia y nieve, que provocaron el cierre temporal de varios aeropuertos.




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