sábado, 2 de julio de 2016



HILLARY is part of the oligarchy & the one WHO CREATE THE MESS IN LYBIA
A President appointed by the 1% of big corp & elected by trapped electorate inside the duopoly party-system -Dems & GOP- will not be a democratic President.

MOST OF THE US ELECTORATE are independent voter and they WON’T VOTE THEM .. 
But legitimacy doesn’t matter to Hillary-Trump, even if only 25% of the total electorate selects the new “un-democratic” president.  

Without legitimacy, their power will be easy dismantled State by State via popular REFERENDUMS. Then, the struggle will continue harder than it is now. That will be the logical effect of current un-democratic games of Hillary Clinton.

If they deny a 3rd Choice, this  will be a faked “democracy” .. That will be the case if the bipartisan system financed by big Corp don’t allow Sanders-Jill Stain to run as independent & with similar degree of access to the main stream media.  .. Otherwise this will be one more paid-bought election.. A SHAMELESS DEMOCRACY. 


1-Most people already decide not to vote if there is not 3rd choice .. They will prefer ABSTENTION  instead of charade of voting for Hillary or Trump.

2-They also decided to make the last effort to restore democracy the day of the “un-Democratic” National Convention by demanding the Clinton Super-delegates (SP) to renounce their post, and

3- To demand to Hillary’ pledge delegates to accept the 4 demands to democratize the Dems Party. Otherwise they will quit and announce the creation of the 3rd option lead by Sanders-Jill Stain.

4- If Hillary followers of Clinton & SP decide to continue their dishonest rigging of Primaries, they will be blamed for the brake of the Dems Party and their names & dirty business (money corruption) will be denounced publicly. ]

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