viernes, 1 de julio de 2016


JUL 1 16  SIT EC y POL

"This is typical of  Hillary who represents the climax of arrogance and corruption among career politicians. These types of people have been getting away with this for so long that they cannot imagine running a government for any reason other than personal gain."

Martin Armstrong is the former chairman of Princeton Economics International Ltd. He is best known for his economic predictions based on “Economic Confidence Model”, which he developed. Wikipedia
Most Democrats coincide with him & 48 % of US electorate won’t vote her.


Looking at recent data, and specifically something we pointed out two weeks ago, Bass said the country’s $3 trillion corporate bond market is “freezing up” amid rising defaults and canceled debt sales. “We’re starting to see the beginning of the Chinese machine literally break down.” 

Bass reiterated that China’s lending binge in recent years is unsustainable and it is only a matter of time before this bubble, bigger than the US bubble of 2005/2006 which brought Bass fame and fortune, bursts.

The Best And Worst Performing Assets In June And Q2

So how did assets classes close out June?
In local currency terms it is equity markets that occupy the bottom. The worst performer during the month was European Banks (-18%), followed closely by the peripheral markets (Athex -15%, FTSE MIB -10% and IBEX -9%). The Nikkei (-10%) is also wedged in their which suffered with a 7% rally for the Yen. The Stoxx 600 and DAX were down -5% and -6% respectively during the month while the S&P 500 (+0.3%) just finished in positive territory on the last day of the month. The other notable underperformer during the month was unsurprisingly Sterling which tumbled just over 8%. As a result however the FTSE 100 (+5%) held in well in local currency terms, although this translates to a -4% decline and so one of the more notable underperformers when we look in USD terms.

At the top end of the leader-board top two spots go to Silver (+17%) and Gold (+9%) which were the main beneficiaries from the risk-off moves at the end of the month.

US Manufacturing PMI fell back very modestly from its flash reading but rose MoM to 51.3 as Markit warns "producers are struggling in the face of the strong dollar, the energy sector decline and presidential election jitters." But, ISM Manufacturing surged full of hope to 53.2, above the highest analyst estimate (a 4 standard deviation beat of expectations). Every subcomponent rose aside from Prices Paid as it appears - as opposed to everything we have seen in earnings and chatter - that Brexit, election uncertainty has done nothing at all to dampen 'hope'. In the face of this seasionally-adjusted exuberance, construction spending has plunged almost 3% in the last 2 months - the biggest drop since Feb 2011.

Is this even allowed? It appears S&P has joined the cynical, skeptical ranks of fiction-peddlers and has axed ? its economic outlook for the US economy.

Silver is up over 11% in the last 6 days (the most since Aug 2013) since Britons decided to leave the sinking ship, pushing the white metal above the key $19.50 level - back to its highest since September 2014. Gold has been in great demand also, heading for its 5th straight weekly gain after its best start to a year since 1980 as one analyst noted "gold will remain one of the major beneficiaries in the current backdrop, as heightened volatility and lingering uncertainty will keep investors' risk appetite in check." Silver's recent surge has seen it play catch up to gold, now back at its 'richest' to gold since September 2014.

Populism, nationalism, and xenophobia all contributed to the victory of the “Leave” campaign in the United Kingdom’s recent referendum on membership in the European Union. But these forces float on the surface of a larger sea change: a fundamental shift worldwide in the relationship between the state and the market.

Social and political discontent will continue to bubble up around the world until we return the state-market relationship to a healthy equilibrium. The problem is that no one knows how best to do this.
Some propose re-harmonizing international markets with national autonomy, as occurred under Bretton Woods. But the post-war international economic order was built for the pre-globalization age, and we cannot put the genie back in the bottle, even if it were possible to do so. Brexit marks the beginning of the end of the latest era of globalization. What comes next is anyone’s guess, but we can be certain that it won’t be the final destination.

In conclusion, we found this comment extremely pertinent (via Steve Hurst)...
Its inevitable the empty wallet movement overcomes the treasure chest party at the ballot box as the number of empty wallets steadily increases driven by inequality mechanisms.

If you aint got nuttin you got nuttin to lose.

There is a welfare system in place but its effect is emasculating and longterm unemployment is correlated with psychological problems. The longterm and well established trend in growing youth unemployment is a timebomb at so many levels.


Just two weeks ago, a huge scandal erupted within another 'union' as Germany slammed NATO for "warmongering" destroying the fictional narrative that 'innocent' NATO was merely reacting to evil Russian provocations. Now, as The Intercept's Zaid Jilani and Lee Fang expose, retired U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove (yes an ironic name for a warmonger), until recently the supreme commander of NATO forces in Europe, plotted in private to overcome President Barack Obama’s reluctance to escalate military tensions with Russia over the war in Ukraine in 2014, according to apparently hacked emails from Breedlove’s Gmail account.

Puerto Rico Defaults On $2 Billion In Debt Payments
As expected, Puerto Rico will default on about $2 billion in debt payments Friday, including $780 million in constitutionally-backed general obligation bonds, as governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla has issued an executive order authorizing the suspension of payments. In addition, Garcia Padilla also declared states of emergency at the island's biggest public pension - the Commonwealth's Employee Retirement System - which is more than 99% underfunded.
  • Bond yields sink as central banks head for easier policy (Reuters)
  • PM hopeful Gove says UK leader must believe in Brexit (AP)
  • U.K. Can’t Bank on EU’s Rationality in Talks (WSJ)
  • Gove Makes Case for U.K. Premiership After Johnson Betrayal (BBG)
  • ECB not debating abandoning capital key in QE buys (Reuters)






Activist and author Kris Hermes and ACLU's Steve David discusses a recent victory against free speech restrictions on protests in Cleveland, and the long history of mass arrests and harassment against political speech
Economist Gerald Epstein says U.S. workers are beginning to realize that their hardship is due to underlying workings of corporations, the banks, and neoliberal economic policies that are against their interest


Gilbert Mercier  Democracy Is Dead


Thousands of commentaries have been issued about Brexit in the past week.I’ve written four myself. Most discuss Brexit as the result of immigration issues, class war, political theater, a reaction against the European Union’s bureaucratic power, sovereignty, etc. Other essays focus on the potential upsides or downsides of Brexit.

Few if any commentators present is the idea that Brexit is a symptom of the Crisis of Capitalism.
The current global version of Capitalism is characterized by these overlapping dynamics:

1. Replacing stagnant real growth and income (and thus taxes) with debt.
2. Replacing investment in real-world productivity with speculation (i.e. financialization)
3. Replacing “everyone must have skin in the game” free-market capitalism withprotected, privileged Elites crony capitalism in which the few benefit at the expense of the many.
4. Replacing local, decentralized democracy and ownership with central planning.
5. Using “extend and pretend” financial trickery to mask insolvency, impaired assets/ collateral and non-performing loans rather than address the debt overhang directly via write-downs and liquidations of impaired assets.
If real (adjusted for inflation) growth and wages were increasing organically(i.e. as the result of free-market dynamics rather than central-planning manipulation)there would be no need for financialization, “extend and pretend” or central planning.
These ills are the status quo’s “fixes” to the Crisis of Capitalism, which arises from these causes:
Keep Reading


Economía. La muerte del M3. Alfredo Apilánez
El M3 no es definido con precisión .. es usado para describir la “cantidad de dinero y activos líquidos en circulación”: “el M3 era probablemente la estadística más importante producida por la Fed y el mejor ‘controlador’ de la actividad económica y la inflación”.  El M3 -la cantidad de dinero- es  herramienta  analítica muy importantes que ha sido borrada por la Reserva Federal de un plumazo de su registro de datos: la información sobre el dinero que fabrica? Por que?
Los efectos ambientales del brexit. José Carlos Díaz
La corrupción es inherente al capitalismo (neoliberal?)  Carlos Larriera
Lo mismo hizo Hillary con Sanders, aunque en “secreto” lo esta abandonando
El montaje anti Russef quedo al descubierto. Habla Boff de cómo lograr su regreso?
PARA LEER lo que viene: RT  ABRIR:
Que si por error un misil  de China deja 100 muertos y ningún herido



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