lunes, 11 de julio de 2016

JUL 11 16 SIT EC y POL

JUL 11 16  SIT EC y POL


The military-industrial complex & Saudis the big contributors ..
.. to the Clinton Foundation, according to M Hudson & P.J
WHY? No for peace, democracy & freedom. For war & tyranny


Perhaps one of the more interesting data points from last week's Employment Report is displayed in the graph above, which shows that the jobless rate for black male teens (aged 16-19 years) increased to 40.1% in June from 28.1% in May. Except for a slightly higher increase of 12.2 percentage points during the aftermath of the Great Recession, the 12 percentage point increase in June was the highest monthly increase in history going back to 1972.

By Mark Perry of the Foundation for Economic Education

Following Minimum Wage Increases, Unemployment Spikes among Black Male Teen sacs

The minimum wage law is most properly described as a law saying that employers must discriminate against people who have low skills. That’s what the law says. The law says that here’s a man who has a skill that would justify a wage of $5 or $6 per hour (adjusted for today), but you may not employ him, it’s illegal, because if you employ him you must pay him $7.25 per hour. So what’s the result? To employ him at $7.25 per hour is to engage in charity. There’s nothing wrong with charity. But most employers are not in the position to engage in that kind of charity. Thus, the consequences of minimum wage laws have been almost wholly bad. We have increased unemployment and increased poverty.
Moreover, the effects have been concentrated on the groups that the do-gooders would most like to help. The people who have been hurt most by the minimum wage laws are the blacks. I have often said that the most anti-black law on the books of this land is the minimum wage law.

Silver out performs gold as both rise with Treasury bonds, which are in turn rising with stocks, as Junk bonds hit new recovery highs while USD remains firm as inflation expectations are out of the picture. This is highly atypical, maybe even unprecedented. As we watch the macro burp up all kinds of paradoxes and inconsistencies, we can’t help thinking back to the day that the ‘Hero’ announced Operation Twist...
This chart was created years ago to illustrate what I thought was in progress, which was a “close out” of fear and hysteria as marked by the gap up in gold vs. SPX in January of 2008. That gap (actually two of them) was the first step to the acute phase of the US financial crisis, which was ultimately the trigger for the unprecedentedly unconventional policy that followed and remains in effect today.

While I originally expected that the new phase (as indicated by Gold-SPX) would involved a deflationary counter-cycle, recent data points (including the Semi Equipment sector) indicate the opposite condition may yet emerge. Again, the indicators will tell.

As rates and growth converge at low levels, legacy investments modelled on more optimistic assumptions struggle. Many fail. The pressure on incumbent profit margins from these newcomers simply exacerbates their troubles. “So that feedback process of interest rates below a certain level becomes quite destructive to the existing base of capital,” explained Lithium. “That’s the simplest answer.”

A majority of Americans disapprove of FBI director James Comey’s recommendation that Clinton not be charged with a crime over her email arrangement, by 56-35. But, perhaps unsurprisingly, as WaPo reports, there is a striking difference between Republicans and Democrats as cognitive dissonance in the latter seems extreme given that about two-thirds think the issue of Hillary's "extremely reckless, unsophisticated" history is unrelated to what she'd do as president.


Tomorrow Hillary Clinton will be speaking in New Hampshire and she will be joined by Bernie Sanders. Expectations are for Sanders to endorse Hillary as we inch closer to election time. The support from Sanders is expected to be on the common ground of improving America (whatever that means). Additionally, Donald Trump said Monday that he expects to decide on his vice presidential pick by the end of the week and that he is leaning toward a "political" pick rather than a "military" one.

Some more facts that don’t match the mainstream narrative...

A police officer was shot in the left arm and finger after shots were fired at the Berrien County Courthouse in St. Joseph, Michigan, according to local news outlets. According to media reports, at least 4 people have been shot with unconfirmed reports of 3 casualties.
Early on in his presidential bid, Donald Trump began touting his anti-establishment credentials. When it worked, he ran with it. It was a posture that proved pure gold in the Republican primaries, and was even, in one sense, true. After all, he’d never been part of the political establishment nor held public office, nor had any of his family members or wives. His actual relationship to the establishment is, however, complex in an opportunistic way.
Trump declared himself the "law and order candidate" while criticizing Hillary Clinton over her use of the now infamous private email server. "I am the law and order candidate... I'm also the candidate of compassion — believe it," Trump added. "But you can't have true compassion without providing safety," he continued. "Without safety, we have nothing."

The fragile state of Italian banks in the fraught post-Brexit financial climate has been highlighted by the International Monetary Fund, in a stark warning that the eurozone’s third biggest economy will have suffered for almost two decades before it starts to recover the ground lost since the 2008 financial crash.


If this betrayal takes place we have 2 choices: THE GREEN PARTY and in States in which Jill Stein is not registered, our option will be ABSTENTION . We are not going to vote neither Clinton nor Trump.




America’s “$1 Trillion Nuclear Weapons Plan”: To take out Russia, Iran and North Korea .. was approved in the “The Doomsday Forum” of NATO.


Organizer Kali Akuno says the movement refuses to retreat in fear in face an increasingly militarized police response
Gerald Horne and Paul Jay discuss the roots of police killing people of color in the American history of slavery, the elite policy that produces poverty and racism, and the laws that police officers are expected to enforce in order to maintain super-exploitation and economic inequality.


Is the Real Scandal the Clinton Foundation? . By Michael Hudson And Paul Jay
The military-industrial complex is one of the big contributors to the Clinton Foundation, as is Saudi Arabia.
If we do not revolt, the savagery, - that is the daily reality for poor people of color- will become our reality
The Warfare Comes Home . By Ray McGovern
There’s an unfinished revolution waiting to be won.


This Week on CounterPunch Radio Green Party Candidate Jill Stein

Michael Hudson – Paul Jay. Is the Real Scandal the Clinton Foundation?




By Chris Hedges

Those who live in police states, or internal colonies, especially young men of color, endure constant fear and often terror. Michelle Alexander, author of “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness,” calls those trapped in these enclaves members of a criminal “caste system.” This caste system dominates the lives of not only the 2.3 million who are incarcerated in the United States, but also the 4.8 million on probation or parole. Millions more are forced into “permanent second-class citizenship” by their criminal records, which make employment, higher education and public assistance, including housing, difficult and usually impossible to obtain. This is by design.


Perú.   La caldera del diablo Gustavo Espinoza
MX  -Razonemos y supongamos  Guillermo Almeyra



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