sábado, 9 de mayo de 2020


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco
Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Money supply that doesn't translate into consumption must result in higher financial asset prices until defaults result in wealth destruction. 
Even some of the most ardent supporters of the fraud that is Keynesian economics now admit the entire modern economic system is on the verge of collapse for one main reason: the marginal utility of debt is collapsing, with ever more debt required to generate an increase in underlying GDP.

During Q3, the correlation fell to just $0.28 and resulted in very little inflation of GDP growth. Through this lens, the impact of QE on the real economy has diminished over time.

It is likely then that current QE is unlikely spurring much consumption as r isn’t influenced lower (via money supply increase) as much as in the past and likely remains well above r*.
Worse, as we discussed last week, one can argue that r* is likely lower now than potentially any point in history, and according to Deutsche Bank it is at an all time low of -1%.

Risk assets will continue to slide into the election and into 2021, at which point as Nordea showed last week, we will hit a point where the lagged effect of the flood central bank liquidity will finally hit into the S&P500, and result in one final explosion in risk assets, sending stocks over 40% higher...
There is a chance central banks will own a good part of cross-sector corporate debt/equity when the dust settles and inflation starts to go through the roof.
That there is a bubble, a massive one, is unquestionable. Readers will further have anticipated that it didn't have to be a global pandemic to burst this bubble. This bubble was practically looking for a prick - any prick - to burst it.Whether it was a credit event, liquidity shortages that led to bankruptcies, a terrorist attack, a natural disaster or a bat: markets had reached a level of fragility where they could not cope with the materialising of such a tail risk event.
Market outlook
Already banks have slowed their credit lines to corporates, like in 2008/2009, anticipating that some of their debtors will fail to repay.
Sure, with more QE flooding the markets a complete wipe-out may be averted, as there is no political appetite for mass insolvencies (especially in an election year in the US).

Crossing the Rubicon
If central banks have no or a soft-washed inflation mandate we are heading towards a Weimar Republic style inflation setup.
Asset prices across asset classes are being propped up by central banks, it becomes just a matter of time until inflation goes from 'subdued' to 'out of hand'.
Other commentators already noted: we may have abandoned free markets and now head to a centrally planned set up.
The recent pick-up from the March 2020 lows in stock markets will be short lived. Nothing has fundamentally improved, other than emergency liquidity provisions by central banks. Expect a new selloff by year end - re-testing the lows of March - because perfidiously the Fed does not yet own enough corporate debt/equity to control asset prices!

Central banks will be printing fiat money on a unprecedented scale. With potentially negative interest rates even in the US, a slowing of global trade and thus reduced supply, the risk of a surprise inflation increases markedly. If and when this feeds through, asset allocation becomes key.
Look for uncorrelated asset classes or inflation resistant assets. There is a chance central banks will own a good part of cross-sector corporate debt/equity when the dust settles and inflation starts to go through the roof.
"Volatility sellers have pulled back, and it will take a long time for new strategies to form and for assets to grow."
They will be back (in fact this is a great time for the strategy given less supply now, a theme the MS Cross Asset Strategy team has highlighted in Overwrite Across Asset Classes from Apr 22nd 2020) – but that base of dedicated  vol sellers will be slow to build, which means that volatility declines more slowly from here, which means that systematic strategy re-leveraging will come more slowly as well.

While it is still early in this episode, over the last month the magnitude of the gamma supplied to the market has been modest, suggesting a similar pattern is developing.

 It Is harder to recycle the volatility selling that occurs outside the US via autocallable products back into the larger US market, the relative cheapness of ex-US vol (driven by greater local vol supply) relative to S&P 500 vol could be sustained for some time (ask for more details on auto callables).
See More Charts at:

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

Former President Barack Obama delivered a blistering attack on Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, calling it 'an absolute chaotic disaster'as well as anemic.'...
"This is the largest interference with personal liberty in our history..."
URGE pacto de NO AGRESSION entre el US y China. Eso supone NO a la xenofobia USA
And how many lives did their delay cost?
How many  lives?  Menos de las que causa la xenophia y muchisimo menos de las que podría provocar la guerra con China or el WW3, que es adonde apunta nuestro ‘querido’  Presidente Trump. Si Trump quiere ganar las elecciones  lo menos que puede hacer es desmontar NATO y llamar al Presid Chino para un abrazo de amistad fraterna.  Revise mi nota abajo: No se puede solucionar un problema son los mismos medios que los crearon: el militarism rampante  d US
Silver?  That is not true, GOLD is the most precious metal
Silver is the matrix of precious metals..

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo
The world is a dangerous place...
and the virus has only made it more dangerous...

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos

Ecosocialismo   Ensayos para una transición ecosocialista  varios aut
Ciencia   Inteligencia artificial y COVID-19  Hubert Krivine
CV:  Nos cuentan muchos cuentos   Sabino Cuadra
Zumeta   La generosidad del gesto y el trazo   LKIko lagunok
Memoria histórica   Billy el Niño, el torturador  Sabino Cuadra
Ven campo minado:  Se avecina insurrección popular  Ociel Alí López

Maduro: se captura otros 3 mercenarios implicados en el ataque fallido  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/352658-maduro-anunciar-captura-tres-mercenarios-intento-fallido-incursion
Colombia: las tres lanchas incautadas por Ven fueron arrastradas allí por la corriente   https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/352660-armada-colombia-tres-lanchas-arrastradas-corriente
El número de personas infectadas por el coronavirus supera los 4 mill   https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/352597-numero-personas-infectadas-coronavirus-supera-4-millones
Minuto de silencio por los caídos en la lucha contra el fascismo https://actualidad.rt.com/video/352641-minuto-silencio-caidos-lucha-fascismo

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3


Posting selfies, staging performances for online audiences, and recreating famous works of art using nothing but impromptu means seems to be helping thousands of people who are quarantined in their own homes to overcome anxiety and feel inspired again.
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss the 2.999 trillion (BARGAIN!) the US Treasury expects to borrow for the April– June quarter. They also discuss the ‘infinity war’ that’s raging as central banks
                The viral video of Ahmaud Arbery’s shooting in Georgia shows a murder akin to a modern-day lynching. Native American communities requested Covid-19 medical supplies, but were given body bags instead.
He discusses the impact coronavirus will have on the European Union’s unity, the possibility of class warfare and revolutions in the West comparable to Russia in 1979 and France in 1789, anti-establishment sentiment as a result of globalization, how unfettered capitalism has created the conditions for mass social unrest amid Covid-19 and more!

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


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