sábado, 16 de mayo de 2020


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies. Rivers and seas boiling. Forty years of darkness. Earthquakes, volcanoes. The dead rising from the grave. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together - mass hysteria." Ghostbusters
On Thursday, May 7, an unprecedented event took place: after a violent repricing in Eurodollar contracts as near as November 2020, for the first time ever the market was pricing in that negative interest rates are not only coming to the US, but would arrive sometime around the presidential election.
Implied FED Fund Rates

We find that the Fed needs to buy a lot of bonds compared to issuance before USD scarcity is finally fully eased in the system, leading to easier financial conditions in EM and ultimately global growth prospects being repriced positively" In other words, "the Fed will have to buy more than currently. This speaks in favor of even LOWER long USD bond yields, not higher."

Treasury auction rules suggest that when a security is auctioned at par the bidders have their allocations determined on a proportional basis to their auction offers. This is why bid-to-covers spike when secondary market levels are below zero at auction.

Negative rates are an issue for stable NAV funds because the fund value will decline by virtue of investing in negative yielding assets. To address this NAV stability in a negative rate environment MMFs in the US would need to move to a floating NAV regime, potentially increase customer fees, or use a share cancellation regime. The latter two options as more likely given that changes in the stable NAV structure could potentially cause sudden changes in fund allocation as we saw during the 2016 MMF reform

Increased MMF customer fees or a share cancellation regime are more likely in a negative rate environment vs a shift to floating NAV for all funds.

BofA's bottom line is that the US MMF industry would likely be able to adapt to a regime of negative yielding interest rates if given enough time to prepare. That said, MMFs and front end investors would likely need at least 6m to 1Y worth of notification from the Fed that negative rates should be prepared for so that they could properly adjust their systems.

On top of all that, negative rates would serve to impede key financial intermediation functions for banks, pensions, & insurers. As we have observed in Europe and Japan, negative interest rates would hurt bank profitability and potentially make them less willing lenders due to lower capital cushions.

Virtually every strategist has warned of significant downside to bank earnings in a negative rate environment and noted lower margins result in reduced capacity for a bank to absorb losses. Pensions & insurers would also struggle with larger liabilities to manage. Financial intermediation complications likely reduce the attractiveness of negative US rates for the Fed.

The likely damage to the profitability of banks and the risk that banks could actually increase lending rates to protect their interest rate margins. That is, assuming that banks will be reluctant to pass negative rates to retail or corporate depositors, they might increase lending rates to offset the decline in their profitability. Effectively, a decline in the deposit rate to negative could actually cause a tightening in financial conditions in the real economy and a contraction in bank lending rather than easing.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

The Hypothesis ‘CV-19’ was designed not to face Health  but military aims.. is possible
...in 2012 document painted eurocrats as saving the planet from a killer virus and draconian lockdowns...

A strange comic book that was commissioned for publication by the European Union in 2012 eerily predicted almost exactly what has unfolded with the Covid-19 global pandemic. However, in this propaganda laced presentation of the outbreak, unelected  globalist bureaucrats save the planet.
“In 2020, in reality, the EU has pandered to China, and bowed to censorship regarding the virus outbreak.”
“In the Eurocrats’ own fiction, globalism saves the planet. In reality, it ends in mass death and global tyranny.
THEN: NATO si tuvo sus artistas  in Europa. La tesis de T Meysan se confirmo

...there is a very simple reason why complaining has no real effect... Because the complainers keep on obeying.

"Central-bank support is key in the massive bond buying we’ve seen for now. But if they blink then at some point, in the medium term, it will all likely unravel..."

...even as the price of gold has risen in recent months, the gold miners themselves may be even larger beneficiaries of the US dollar supply shock.

For many parents, this will just reinforce their growing suspicions that public schools just aren't worth it anymore. Maybe they never were...

Trump will have what seems an endless supply of embarrassing Biden clips he can rely on for ammo between now & November. So grab your popcorn.

This isn’t the basis for a new negotiation. Pelosi et.al. are arguing at the state level and lower to extend the lock downs... This is all about how many tax producers can they turn against Trump before November...

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Between  oxigen, water & food –the basics to survive as Nation- food is control by CH..

"In the fight against authoritarianism, universities can continue to benefit from the largesse of an emboldened authoritarian state, or they can stand on the right side of history... They cannot do both..."
China did not cause the COVID-19. They not affect US companies inside China nor abroad as we did it. But China has a network of countries  in the Shanghai Pact that can affect US Economy in different ways, plus other networks world-wide, so the one who is going to lose from current psychotic –xenophobia is the US. And specially our poor & middle classes who are going to pay higher prices  for many consumer-merchandize. China don’t depend on US Econ, we do so. Trump should stop his xenophobia asap .. it is simply ridiculous. Dem’s opinion doesn’t matter, their buffoon Biden is going to be defeated in fair election 2020

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos




"¡Nos rendimos!": agencia rusa se burla de Trump  por su "requete-súper misil"  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/353392-jefe-agencia-espacial-rusa-trump-misil
Estadíst revelan el terrorífico impacto del covid-19 en los asilos de Europa y de EE  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/353404-impactante-numero-muertes-residencias-ancianos
la OMS advierte de otra ola mortal de covid-19 en  Europa  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/353420-oms-segunda-ola-coronavirus-europa
US amenaza con "consecuencias" si la  CPI no detiene la investigación contra Israel   https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/353345-eeuu-amenaza-consecuencias-cpi
Explosión en el centro de LA hiere a varios bomberos e incendia varios edificios  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/353427-explosion-centro-angeles-heridos-incendio

VOLTAIRE NET ORG   https://www.voltairenet.org/en

by Thierry Meyssan

Contact tracing may be necessary for recovery from coronavirus, but does this spell the end of our remaining personal privacy?
How prepared are tourist destinations hit hardest by pandemic restrictions for the summer months ahead?
Max and Stacy discuss the similarities between Charles Saatchi and the US Federal Reserve, where junk is turned into ‘value’ through showmanship and public deception. Stacy also creates some ‘valuable’ hair art. In the second half, Max continues his interview with Raoul Pal of Global Macro Investor and Real Vision Group. In this segment, they discuss sophisticated investors' packaging risk and dumping it into pension funds
One of the best positives of this crisis is that the US labor movement is filled with actions. There have been more than 170 labor actions since the beginning of March according to the website Payday Reports. We’ve also learned that the most essential workers are the people earning the least money in massive corporations. So, now people are calling for a general strike.
Prof. Ilan Pappe, author of ‘The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine’ after Nakba Day. He discusses the historical significance of Nakba Day and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by Zionist pro-Israel forces in 1948, the conflation of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, whether Israel is using coronavirus as an opportunity to further its attempts to annex the West Bank, why the Israeli blockade on Gaza is worse for Palestinians than Covid-19, the unity government of Benny Gantz and Benjamin Netanyahu, the lack of an opposing ideology against Likud, and more!

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


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