martes, 26 de mayo de 2020


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

US equity markets roared higher overnight on several vaccine-related headlines (but repeated China sanctions headlines - especially at the close, took the shine off the ball, especially for tech stocks)...
See Chart:

It appears Dr.Fauci's optimism was unfounded... just as his pessimism was too...
Of course, US equity markets are not alone in their irrationality. Nothing says bid the yuan like Washington threatening China with sanctions and capital controls...
See Chart:
Offshore YUAN :  se empieza a levantar el dragon

And nobody says Buy Hong Kong stocks like the cavalcade of freedom-crushing new laws and headlines unleashed from the mainland this weekend...
See Chart:
Hang Seng Index

While the Nasdaq (blue) lagged on the day it was still higher on the day BUT just look at Trannies (green) and Small Caps (red). Dow broke above 25k and S&P above 3,000 before the whole fragile facade fell apart on repeated headlines on China sanctions...
See Chart:

But it was a different crowd leading the day with FANG stocks back at one-week lows...
See Chart:

As FANGs faltered, Bank stocks soared...
See Chart:

But the "virus fear" is fading fast once again...
See Chart:
Virus fear trade

"Most Shorted" Stocks extended their fourth squeeze leg higher...
See Chart:

Treasury yields were higher across the curve with the long-end notably underperforming (2Y +1bps, 10Y +7bps)...
See Chart:

The B-Dollar Index dumped notably today - biggest daily drop in 2 months...
See Chart:
Breaking below critical support...

Finally, you have to laugh really... The last 16 trading days have seen the S&P rise 163.0 points from the US day session close to the open the next day... and fall 4.3 points from the open of the US day session to the close.
See Chart: Day session vs overnight

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

Memorial  vs  APOLOGY DAY 
U.S. interventionists should have also used the day to apologize not only to the families of those veterans but also to the families who lost loved ones as a consequence of U.S. interventionism in their countries.
"Twitter is completely stifling FREE SPEECH..."
Bad uses of the police & Military. They should defend the NATION .. Not attack them
10 dead out of nearly 50 shot over long warm weather holiday weekend...
IF TRUMP wants to be re-elected: destitute top Commands who order shooting to unarmed civilians. If he plan to cover up this massacre by attacking a foreing country: either VEN or IRAN.. that will be his suicide.. not only because they are armed to defend themselves.. but because he will START WW3 putting at risk the whole humanity. IF the Supreme cover it up with impunity or silence.. the S-C don’t exist and local, regional & national REFERENDUM will replaced them.
We're entering the era when a new order violently replaces the old
"...public and private authority figures and essential workers are at highest risk of being targeted..." 
RELATED 3: Si la LEY Internacional no funciona, la violencia se responde con violencia
At least 2 tankers now safely in Venezuelan waters, with 3 still trailing in the Caribbean...
As we documented before, VEN has two types of missiles: one of them can rich any point in the US and the other can destroy US navy & air attack to VEN in a matter of minutes.  Besides, VEN has the full military support from RU-China & I think VEN is getting the support of Bolsonaro in BRA. (to be confirmed: a- the hidro-transatlantic Amazon via will unite Peru, EC, COL + VEN with BRA (Amazonian route). b- the trans-atlantic ferro-via interrupted by Alan Garcia’ puppet of US in Peru, it will be re-iniciated and financed by China . This will unite north PAR, URUG & ARG in the atlantic with South PE-BOL & North Chile in the Pacific Area. These two trans-atlantic projects are going to create a New Econ map in South America   They will have a single currency, so: Bye Bye USD). Bolsonaro is being attacked  by the US paid-press-with the ironic blame of being ‘dictator’. The FACT is that the worse dictators in all “AMERICAS” RESIDES IN THE US.  CHECK HISTORY: US Imperialism in the South! 

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Se Necesita 1guillotina de Robespierre para ejecutar NO la realeza de ayer sino a…
a la seudo inteligencia de hoy que NO VALE 1 REAL pues imagina bio-weapons donde no los hay. Cuanto le pagaron?… nadie lo sabe. Pero si sabemos lo que dijo Shi a CGTN: "If we want to prevent human beings from suffering from the next infectious disease outbreak, we must go in advance to learn of these unknown viruses carried by wild animals in nature and give early warnings," Adding: "If we don’t study them there will possibly be another outbreak."
Bunkers below Jerusalem + Dimona will be demolished. Bye-bye USD printer+nuke-site
Israel will not miss a "historic opportunity" to extend its sovereignty to parts of the West Bank, Netanyahu said.
Opportunity vs FINAL DESTINY of worse evil-regime  in the Middle East. ISR depends on Trump’ re-election  & his chances of winning are every day remote. Even IF he wins, he will face issues of legitimacy & gobernability that give not space to support ISR annexation.
"The public stayed closer to home and consumed less gasoline because they were going to recreational venues nearby rather than traveling long distances around the country."
Memorial Day Weekend, which was closely watched by economists for signs of reopening "green shoots" and an acceleration in the US recovery, ended up being a huge dud. Because while beaches were mostly open and states across the country emerged from lockdowns, Bloomberg notes that demand for gasoline ended up falling over the Memorial Day holiday weekend, not only compared to a year prior but also to last week!
Worse, consumption on Monday fell 0.5% from the week prior, and was a whopping 25% to 35% lower compared with the long weekend a year earlier.
Daily US gasoline demand by week

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

-US Navy Blasts Russia for 'Irresponsible' Intercept of P-8A Poseidon Over Medit Sea  Empezaron a tirarse de los pelos.. Puede asi empezar el WW3, como Guerra de putas

Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos




El buque Petunia llega a Ven, el tercero de los cinco petroleros enviados por Irán
Delcy R acusa a Guaidó de intentar apropiarse del oro de Ven en colusión con Bco de Inglaterra


by Thierry Meyssan

por Thierry Meyssan
Ese conflicto, que parece sacado de otras épocas de la Historia, acaba de entrar ‎en una nueva etapa con la nominación de un gobierno bicéfalo. De hecho, dos primeros ‎ministros, representantes de dos visiones políticas opuestas, van a paralizarse ‎mutuamente. Sólo podrán alcanzar progresos en temas sociales y de salud, acelerando ‎la modernización de la sociedad y, por consiguiente, el fin de la locura colonial.

Max and Stacy present ‘The Herbert Report,’ where time goes backwards (negative interest rates) and energy and matter do not exist (negative oil prices). In the second half, Max talks to Cory Klippsten of about launching a new company during a pandemic and lockdown, the
‘intolerant minority’ of bitcoiners, and what it means to do ‘dollar cost averaging.’
Hundreds of Chinese soldiers have crossed the China-India border in a significant escalation in tensions in the disputed region of Ladakh. Rick Sanchez explains. China has announced new security rules for Hong Kong following months of sometimes violent protest. The rules aim at curbing sedition, foreign interference and treason. RT America's Alex Mihailovich reports. Then former UK MP George Galloway shares his insights. He argues that the US knows it cannot openly challenge China and so has adopted a strategy of "slowing" its rise to hegemony.

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


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