sábado, 16 de mayo de 2020


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Financialization was never sustainable,and neither was the destructive globalization it enabled...

Globalization and financialization have been losing momentum for years. Under the guise of "opening markets," globalization has stripmined every economy that can't print a reserve currency and hollowed out economies globally as only globally competitive sectors survive globalization. The net result is that once vibrant, diversified economies have been reduced to fragile monocultures completely dependent on global flows of capital and spending for their survival.

Excesses of debt and leverage funneled into risky speculations inevitably end in default. Financialization manifests as asset bubbles and hyper-consumption as people who never had credit spend up to the credit limits and beyond. Both asset and consumption bubbles pop, pushing the financial sector that feasted off the unsustainable expansion of credit into insolvency.

That globalization and financialization are dead is revealed by what Federal Reserve bailouts and fiscal free-for-alls cannot do:
1. They cannot create creditworthy borrowers out of thin air like the Fed creates dollars out of thin air.
2. They cannot force lenders facing mass defaults to loan more money to uncreditworthy borrowers
3. They cannot force creditworthy borrowers to borrow money.
4. They cannot reflate asset and consumption bubbles that have popped.
5. They cannot restore confidence in long, fragile supply chains.
6. They cannot magically turn unprofitable enterprises into profitable enterprises.
7. They cannot create income streams--revenues, profits, wages, etc.--with bailouts that continue the perverse incentives of moral hazard or "free money" designed to give debt-serfs enough cash to continue making their loan payments.
8. They cannot forgive debt payments without destroying the wealth held as debt: mortgages, student loans, auto loans, credit card debt, corporate junk bonds, etc. are assets that lose their value once borrowers default.
9. The Fed can buy impaired debt, but that doesn't change their abject powerlessness (points 1 through 7 above).

Financialization was never sustainable, and neither was the destructive globalization it enabled. Any system that depended on the ever-expanding exploitation of new resources, debtors and markets could never be anything but fragile. The ferociousness of its rapacity masked its inherent weakness, a weakness that is now exposed as fatal.

The  new WEIMAR show will go to US history as failure too.
The Fed has monetized $2.8 trillion in debt so far. It's nowhere near enough.
Last week, the Treasury shocked the world when it announced that in the current quarter (the 3rd of the fiscal year), the US will need to sell a mind blowing, record $3 trillion (pardon, $2.999 trillion) in Treasurys to finance the US money helicopter.

This, after selling $807 billion in the first half of the fiscal year, and another $677 billion in the quarter ending Sept 30.

And since it is just a matter of time before Congress has to pass yet another fiscal package which will be at least another trillion dollars, and up to $3 trillion if the Democrats get their wish, one can say that Guggenheim's projection of over $5 trillion in debt issuance this calendar year will be wildly conservative
Treasury Issuance will shatter records in 2020

Now here's the thing: as Deutsche Bank recently showed, so far this new debt avalanche was entire monetized exclusively by the Fed, whose debt purchasing operations have been far greater than the net Treasury issuance.

But this was only the case when the Fed was buying a massive $75 billion in TSYs per day in the late March crash, when Powell dumped a monetary nuclear bomb on the market to stabilize the biggest panic selling an entire generation of traders had ever seen, and nearly doubling the Fed's balance - which is now just shy of $7 trillion, in a few months:

Since then, however, the Fed's daily and weekly POMO has shrunk substantially, and as discussed earlier, it is down to just $30BN in Treasury purchases per week as of next week, which amounts to around $1.5 trillion per year.

There's just one problem: $30BN per week in TSY monetization is nowhere near enough to consume the trillions in Treasury issuance that is about to hit. In fact, all else equal, the Fed will very soon have to find a pretext to aggressively ramp up its treasury purchases.
As Goldman writes overnight, putting the problem in its proper context, "Central banks have been purchasing sovereign bonds at a rapid pace (Exhibit 1), faster than past QE programs in most cases. These purchases are occurring against a backdrop of a surge in fiscal deficits, which will require enormous amounts of additional sovereign supply to finance them."

Which makes sense, of course: after all helicopter money, which is what we have now that MMT (Magic Money Theory) has been shoved down everyone's throat without any debate, only works when there is coordination between the Treasury and the central bank. And while until now Fed purchases have generally offset Treasury issuance, that coordination is about to end. As Goldman puts it, "Central bank buying should absorb a substantial amount of upcoming issuance, though we expect increases in “free float” across most markets, most notably in the US, which adds to the medium-term case for higher yields and steeper curves there."

Next, Goldman estimates this so-called FREE FLOAT, defined as the amount of sovereign debt outstanding less central bank and foreign official holdings, across major DM markets, and shows it in the chart below. Through the end of last year, free float was on a downward trend in Germany and Japan, as ECB and BoJ purchases absorbed the bulk of new supply. In contrast, free float had been trending higher for much of the year in the US and UK.

So with record fiscal deficits and resumption of asset purchases in several markets, where is free float headed this year? In Exhibit 3, Goldman lays out its expectations for total purchase amounts on a net basis along with net supply. It finds the largest increase in free float in the US, as Fed purchases continue to slow; in fact according to GOLDMAN CALCULATIONS the US public (now that foreign investors have hit the breaks on US TSY purchases), will be on the hook to fund the $1.6 trillion needed to bridge the full amount of US funding needs.

IN SHORT, even with central banks unleashing $7.9 trillion in QE so far in 2020 (according to Bank of America calculations) of which the Fed accounts for over $2.8 trillion in debt purchases alone, this won't be enough to monetize the tsunami of debt that is coming to fund the biggest global rescue operation in history, and if investors find that suddenly the bond market has to clear without the only true backstop - the central bank - willing and able to mop up all the supply, a critical precondition for the continuation of "helicopter money", THE OUTCOME COULD BE DISASTROUS.

Incidentally, we first warned about the urgent need for the Fed to aggressively step up and boost its QE (instead of continuing to taper it by $1 billion week after week as it did again today) on Wednesday when we quoted Curvature Securities' rates strategist and repo expert Scott Skyrm, who calculated that "there are $689 billion net new Treasurys settling during the month of May and $992 billion net new Treasurys settling between now and June 15. YES, almost one trillion new Treasury securities hitting the market within the next month!"

His conclusion: "That means the market needs to come up with about one trillion dollars to pay for those securities over the next month." Which, of course, is a euphemism because we all know who in the market needs to come up with one trillion dollar - the only one who literally prints money: the Federal Reserve.

Conveniently, Goldman's argument allows us to recycle our conclusion from two days ago, in which we said that here is the layman's version of what was just said: "the Fed has flooded the system with liquidity... and it is not enough, because the way helicopter money works, is that liquidity supply (the Fed), and liquidity demand (Treasury via debt issuance) go hand in hand, and periods of too much supply, as was the cash with the Fed's massive QE in late March and early April, are promptly followed by periods of dramatic liquidity demand, such as the next month when $1 trillion in liquidity will be drained to fund the US government "money helicopter."

Goldman's own calculations suggest that the shortfall net of the Fed's ongoing QE tapering could be as much as $1.6 trillion.

As a result, Powell faces a two-fold problem: since the Fed chair has taken negative rates off the table, Powell has no choice but too boost QE again, and unleash another firehose of debt monetizing liquidity in the financial system.

[[ Este partido esta mejor que los de la Bundes-liga. Aquí se juegan su vida los grandes mafiosos del WS conocidos como “honestos inversores”  vs. el equipo del FED que imprime los falsos USD. Estos saben que la Deuda y el  interest rate van a hundir la economía americana.  Al parecer, los del FED siguen el principios de Friedrish Hayeck:  To combat the depression by a forced credit expansion  is to attemp to cure the evil decease by the very means which brought it about .. if that happens is because we are suffering from a misdirection of production”.   Y el árbitro de este  partido,  the only one who  knows  donde estamos y adónde vamos , este arbitro que al parecer simpatiza con Hayeck , es nuestro Ministro de Economia Mr Powell,  él  es quien  va  a decidir  la  final del partido. Y,  si decide mal , si no es imparcial y justo con ambos equipos , si no los convence de que Hayeck tiene razón, estos equipos  lo cuelgan  de los runtus  a  ambos,  al ministro de Economia del US  y a su padrino,  Mr POTUS. SI YO FUERA EL ÁRBITRO, suspendería el  partido: alegaría que el equipo de los empresarios estan dopados con un doble virus : QEs  & Bailouts, que es peor que COVID-19 pues no solo mata a los pacientes infectados sino a los médicos que los examinan y al público que los observa y aplaude en el estadio. Hay que evitar que el Pdo final termine en violencia letal. Hay suspenderlo…  Tambien las elecciones?  pregunto alguien. Por supuesto,  le dije. El tipo de crisis que tenemos (economía, política y COVID 19) obliga  a hacer cambios radicales en el sistema. Si no lo hacemos, fenecemos  ]]
Como salvar a la mafia especuladora mundial?
Major Central Banks are buying Bonds to support their economies

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

'85,000 jobs have been lost in the US andmillions of Americans have died' since pandemic began... apparently.

Tyrants can’t have power without people willing to enforce the tyranny. If there are no order followers, there are no orders...

It's easy to find timelines that detailTrump-Russia collusion developments... But it's not so easy to find a timeline pertinent to the investigations into these events...

There will be social-economic consequences for the collapse of the labor force.  
The Federal Reserve on Thursday published a new survey of how virus-related lockdowns disproportionately affected Americans, suggesting the working-poor has been crushed under the weight of high unemployment and economic distress. 

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell outlined in a webcast to Congress this week that severe economic impacts related to virus shutdowns were mostly seen for lower-income Americans: 

"The numbers show clearly that it's more recent hires and lower-paid people who are bearing the brunt of this, although people are suffering all across the income spectrum," Powell said. 
About 64% of those with a job loss or decline in weekly hours worked were able to pay bills in full, compared with 85% of those who continued to work. 

At least half of the respondents said they would have trouble covering a $400 expense

But will they opt to return?

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

King Abdullah threatened the US-backed Netanyahu plan will “will lead to a massive conflict with Jordan”...

The city will need to test nearly a million people a day, nearly 10x the most that has ever been done in a day in the epicenter of the global outbreak...

Saudi Arabia dumped a record $25.3 billion in US Treasuries...


"This action puts America first, American companies first, and American national security first..."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos





OMS advierte del posible vínculo del covid-19 con una rara enfermedad infantil  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/353286-oms-vinculo-covid-rara-enfermedad-infantil
Por qué los migrantes venezolanos retornan a su país en medio de la pandemia?  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/352349-retorno-migrantes-venezolanos-coronavirus-venezuela
China afectaria a Apple y otras  del US en  'lista negra' en venganza por Huawei  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/353321-china-apple-companias-eeuu-sanciones-huawei

Huawei is back in the limelight as the US ramps up its battle against the Chinese telecom giant with new measures to block shipments of semiconductors from chip makers to Huawei Technologies. Tensions between China and Australia are also on the rise.

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


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