sábado, 9 de mayo de 2020


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Record-WatchFor the first time ever, more than half the US population is not working; over 76,000 Americans dead from COVID-19; the US economy is contracting at record pace; earnings expectations are collapsing at near record pace; interest-rates at record lows (and imputing negative rates by year-end); and stocks are soaring at their fastest pace ever...
See Graphic:

As we noted earlier, there was one especially scary aspect of today's jobs report that has not gotten enough publicity, namely that as BofA writes, the employment to population ratio plunged to a record low, with only 51.3% of the population working. Inversely, this means that in April, 49% of the US population was not working.
See Chart:

We do note that FF futures spiked when The Fed announced Jay Powell would hold a speech next week (theoretically enabling him to jawbone down any expectations of negative rates)
See Chart:

The Nasdaq composite was up 5 days in a row - the best streak since Dec2019 (when it went 10 days in a row without a drop)...
Sending Nasdaq green for 2020 - as if all those dead and unemployed people never mattered...
See Chart:

Because fun-durr-mentals are so bad, it must be good!!  NO really
See Chart:

Meanwhile, the nation is split politically between lockdown-deniers and stay-at-home-ers; and Democrats (who politicized the DoJ to entrap Flynn and launch a coup against Flynn) have demanded an IG probe into Barr's politicization of The DoJ; and states/cities are demanding Federal bailouts for what they have over-promised their voters and benefactors for decades....
Volume has collapsed as stocks have gained...
See Chart:

Stocks piked to end the day on the highs as the Fed Funds futures market "tightened" away from negative rates expectations...
See Chart:

It's the Internet, stupid!
See Chart:
FDN – First trust Dow Jones
Internet Index Fund ETF

FANG stocks are up 5 straight days (and 7 of last 9)...
See Chart:

OVERALL, the median stock (Value Line Geometric index) is drastically underperforming the broader market...
See Chart:

UST 10Y YIELD spiked today - despite the dismal jobs data (on more Fed taper and Powell speech headlines)...
See Chart:

New record all-time lows for 2Y and 5Y yields...
See Chart:

The B-dollar Index ended the week unchanged... with weakness in the last two days as negative rates started to rear their ugly head...
See Chart:

Commodities were all higher this week...
See Chart:

Finally, as we noted earlier, the Nasdaq is now bigger than the rest of the world's stock markets put together...
See Chart:

The bond market is starting to get antsy about the pace the Fed is trimming its purchases.

The chart below summarizes all the Fed Treasury and MBS buying completed and scheduled since the relaunch of QE on March 13:
So, in aggregate, the Fed will buy a total of $60 billion of MBS/TSYs next week, down from $70 billion but still more on a weekly basis than the largest QE programs monthly totals before this crisisif well below the $625 billion in purchases conducted in the week starting March 23, when the financial system was once again on the verge of collapse due to a decade of ruinous Fed policies... and only the Fed could bail it out.

The news of the latest POMO cut, while expected, did not please the the market, and 10Y yields pushed higher by 2bps, rising from 0.66% to 0.68%...

... although still well below the 4.5% yield on the 10Y that bond guru and creator of the bond VIX index, Harley Bassman, said could be the trigger that causes the Fed to lose control.
In any case, bonds are clearly starting to get anxious about the pace of Fed tapering, and should Powell cut $1-2 billion more, we may finally see a bond market tantrum as traders realize they have no choice but to force the Fed to keep buying bonds at the current pace, especially with some $3 trillion set to be sold this quarter.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

As the bogus prosperity economy built on exponential growth of debt implodes, we all seek ways to protect ourselves, our families and our worldly assets...
I do not see planning for eventualities as "either/or." I look at it in terms of three levels:
Plan A: dealing with devolution: government services are cut back, prices for essentials rise over time, fulltime paid jobs become scarce, the State (all levels of government) becomes increasingly repressive as it pursues "theft by other means," i.e. the stripmining of private assets to feed its own fiefdoms and Elites; most assets fall in purchasing power (value) as the system's financial props erode.
Plan B: When things become rationed/unavailable, services become sporadic, pensions stop being paid in full, spontaneous homeless encampments arise in heretofore "nice" areas, cities go bankrupt, small businesses go underground to survive the ever-higher taxes being levied on the few remaining productive enterprises, etc.
Plan C: if things fall apart: either move to communities where you or your family have roots (tough luck for all the millions of rootless Americans shifted around by corporate "relocations" the past 50 years) or turn to your neighborhood, town, friends, family, church and other social networks for cooperative strength.
The problem with putting all your resources into a "bug-out" strategy (Plan C) is that it might not come to pass, in which case you've misallocated your assets.
This is why I focus Survival+ on structuring a prosperity which will work on all levels. This prosperity has five basic parts:
1. Prepare for hybrid work by developing multiple skillsets, interests and contacts and understand that being productive and reciprocal is more important than getting paid (as I put it: "to take care of Number One, first take care of numbers 2 through 9.")
2. Develop sustainable, overlapping social networks (self-organizing networks) in which you have more than one place to interact with the same person, i.e. at church or in the neighborhood. I call these non-State, voluntary networks transparent non-privileged parallel structures because they are independent of the State and Monopoly/Predatory Capital Elites.
3. Cut expenses to the bone so you no longer need a large income to "survive." Consider lowering your taxable income by working less so you're no longer working so hard just to pay taxes generated by high incomes. (Thanks to correspondent Stephen A. for noting that barter that results in gains is generally taxable. As always, check with the I.R.S. or a licensed tax advisor to confirm what income is taxable/nontaxable.)
4. Reach a new understanding of "prosperity": health and social wealth are the "treasures" which money cannot buy. Yes, we all need some money, and preserving/growing whatever capital you do have will be difficult and time-consuming. There is no easy "one size fits all" solution.
5. Understand the importance and strength in building and maintaining personal integrity, the one asset we each control in totality and that no one can take from us. All reciprocal networks (financial, political, religious or social) depend entirely on trust, and the bedrock of trust is complete personal integrity.

Much of the devolution we now face is a direct result of the degradation of integrity. 
Yes, I know this all sounds wonderful, but how do you do it in real life? Well, life is and always has been a do-it-yourself affair.
Let's start with one simple truth: nobody knows the future.
Now let's hear from two readers and then I'll pick up the narrative.
Correspondent Mac posed this question--one which millions of other citizens should also be interested in:

1. Join existing networks based on your interests and locale. 
My own view is that history suggests that any environment, be it violent inner-city ghetto or near-wilderness, is more survivable if you have multiple layers of social reciprocity working for you.
2. Your neighbors/neighborhood are already a community. 
3. If there really is no group or people who you can relate to, then by all means find a locale with people who have similar interests and are rooted.
4. I am a believer in the Peach Pie strategy. 
5. OK, work/jobs. I anticipate the continuing erosion of fulltime paid work. The "factory model" of employment (the monolithic State or Corporation as employer) will be replaced by hybrid work which is an adaptable, flexible mix of paid and unpaid work, private enterprise, community work, creative endeavors, etc.

1- skillsets and networks cannot be depreciated like money. They cannot be stolen.
2- I also explain in Survival+, I am a fan of gold/silver for the simple reason they cannot go to zero value like stocks, bonds, derivatives, and paper money.
3- But I also point out that gold is a capital trap.  It is not a productive investment like installing a solar panel. I submit that controlling as much of the FEW (food, energy, water) assets as possible has some intrinsic value which gold does not have. 

Last important point. 
These include most medical care, fitness, cooking, gardening/yardwork, childcare, caring for the elderly, fixing actual physical objects and software /networks for local enterprises, repairing appliances, installing solar panels on your house, selling at the farmers market, making sales contacts in your town/city, and having a good time.
A completely free abridged version of the book is available (85,300 words) in PDF: free version of Survival+ If you decide afterward to buy the book to put a few bucks in my pocket--thank you.
"...neighborhoods are still echoing to the sound of deadly gunfire and raucous partying."
...as record unemployment numbersstrike in the U.S., automated machines are being rolled out to replace even more workers.
CV-1984 is accelerating the spread of Orwellian surveillance devices like talking drones, facial recognition cameras, and more; but that’s not the only technology that is advancing – robots or automated machines are also speeding up their deployment to combat the spread of the coronavirus.
A group of scientists on the editorial board of Science Robotics are further calling for robots to do the “dull, dirty, and dangerous jobs” of infectious disease management by replacing certain hospital jobs like disinfecting robots combing rooms/floors and working in labs.
In fact, the Brookings Institution said in a report last month that “any coronavirus-related recession is likely to bring about a spike in labor-replacing automation … Automation happens in bursts, concentrated especially in bad times such as in the wake of economic shocks, when humans become relatively more expensive as firms’ revenues rapidly decline.”

El felón BIDEN está fuera de carrera, para crear otro bufón es tarde. Cuomo podría ser
"It was obvious that this event had a very traumatic effect..."
BIDEN re-nació del fraude ‘compra de votos’  por Bloomberg y su pasado guerrerista con Obama y Hillary en Libia es de lo más asqueroso. Asesinato y robo del oro de ese país más la creación del ISIS , el grupo terrorista Saudi que destruyo Siria  en alianza con el UK e ISR,  todo eso quedo impune gracias al silencio cómplice de Biden.  Biden oculto también el asesinato de 4 personas que pedían apoyo a Hilary en la Embajada USA en Bengazy. Todo esto conto con el apoyo directo de Biden. Su silencio cómplice creo la impunidad al terrorism ISIS en el medio oriente.  Cuanto le toco de la millonada de dólares que los Saudis dieron para entrenar y armar a sus yijadistas? Solo él lo sabe.  

"...I have never seen so much anger and frustration in the United States in my entire lifetime, and it is truly a recipe for disaster."

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

In my opinion (habla  Hugo Adan) China experience is something very important to consider when talking on CV-19,  for the following reasons:
1-      Un todo o sistema está compuesto de partes que cumplen diferentes funciones internas. Es la unidad de esas diferencias lo que permite al todo existir y desarrollarse. No solo eso, la unidad de las diferencias le permite al todo desarrollar una energía especial conocida como SYNERGY: La suma de esas energías en movimiento  es mucho mayor que la simple suma de las partes. Si son 10 las partes, la unidad de las diferencias en mov desarrolla una fuerza superior a 10: puede equivaler a 30, 50 o/a  100.  Es esta sinergia lo que explica la fuerza de las REV populares, y la fuerza de todo sistema en movimiento.  
2-      Hay dos tipos de sistemas: los abiertos y los cerrados. Diriase 3 tipos pues los sistemas sociales (políticos, economicos, educativos y el health system ) combina ambos dos, lo abierto y lo cerrado. Es lo que ocurre con un escuela que se cierra para desarrollar sus elementos internos (el estudiante, el profesor, el coordinador o director), que giran alrededor de un sillabus o progama, para procesar los inputs que le vienen de fuera y para producir los outputs que  se esperan fuera.  La cuarentena del CV-19 encerró al enfermo y al médico para solucionar el problema virus pero no hubo el input tecnológico necesario para resolver el problema y ambos murieron -en proporción inversa, pero se los sacrifico para nada. El problema virus no ha sido solucionado, existe porque el ambiente esta polucionado por las guerras y sus drills que favorecen la auto-reproducción de nuevos  virus. Ya se habla del virus mutado en Europa, lo que amenaza la existencia de más pandemias. El sistema salud ha sido abierto en el US y volverlo a cerrar va a ser difícil si la nueva medicina para el nuevo virus aún no existe. El CV-19 sigue matando y con el puede morir el sist-polit-social que le dio contexto.
El punto 3-4-5 y 6 los publico mañana.
"China views nuclear weapons only as strategic deterrence, but any deterrence needs to be strong enough to halt military aggression toward China." 
Lo que hay que evitar es el estallido del WW3 y ese peligro es inminente. La experiencia de 1961 con Kennedy en el poder indico que el mejor deterrence de una guerra es preparar la respuesta armada también. RU instalo misiles nuclear en Cuba apuntando hacia el US y eso obligo a negociar la PAZ. Un clavo saca otro clavo, es la lógica de la guerra y al parecer está ocurriendo lo mismo hoy. El sistema satelital esta tan desarrollado que puede capturar el cruce de un misil hacia otra frontera y responder automáticamente contra quien envió el misil de ataque. Es lo que al parecer va a ocurrir si el US y NATO atacan Iran y  VEN. RU-China atacarían 10 puntos en el US, 5 en el UK  y 5 en el resto de NATO El resultado es obvio: MAD (mutual assured destruction) Y más pandemias. Completos Estados y ciudades como Londres podrían desaparecer del mundo, entre ellos ISR y Turquia, cuyos Estados vivieron de la guerra  y viven para ello.    
For the jet-setting correspondents of Western corporate media outlets, liberal Russian reporters are just tools to advance their own ambitions.
“If I wanted to go into Venezuela, I wouldn’t make a secret about it. I wouldn’t send a small little group, it’d be called an Army.”

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos





El desfile aéreo en Moscú con motivo del Día de la Victoria   https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/352603-desfile-aereo-moscu-motivo-dia-victoria
Veteranos comparten momentos aterradores vividos en la guerra   https://actualidad.rt.com/video/352562-veteranos-compartir-momentos-aterradores-guerra

VOLTAIRE NET ORG   https://www.voltairenet.org/en

by Thierry Meyssan

Seventy-five years ago, the scourge of fascism was defeated in Europe. The Soviet Union and its Western allies were victorious. What is the meaning of that victory today? What explains recent efforts to rewrite history?
Andy Lack is out as the head man at NBC News and MSNBC. His departure comes as reports say New York State is investigating the network for past sexual harassment allegations.
The city of Baltimore getting the go ahead for its aerial surveillance program, but critics are concerned that the technology might invade the privacy of law-abiding people. RT America’s Rachel Blevins has the story. The coronavirus pandemic continues to take the world by storm, with worldwide cases now topping 3.8 million and 270,000 reported deaths. New York continues to be the epicenter of the outbreak in the US, where there are reports of NYPD patrols turning violent and dozens of children falling ill from a mysterious illness related to COVID-19.
Seventy-five years ago, the scourge of fascism was defeated in Europe. The Soviet Union and its Western allies were victorious. What is the meaning of that victory today? What explains recent efforts to rewrite history? And what accounts for the efforts to diminish the sacrifice made by the people of the Soviet Union?

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


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