domingo, 3 de mayo de 2020


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The size and scope of the current assault on free markets makes all previous central bank and government interventions look insignificance in comparison.
With the central banks going all in on debasement of money by all means of quantitative easing and money printing, the QE Defender Game is more relevant than ever. We have therefore updated the characters of the game which can be played for free without registration here.
Over the last two months, major central banks and governments across the globe have unleashed a series of monetary and fiscal interventions on markets and economies which are unprecedented in their magnitude and which are bordering on the destruction of the current financial system.
Helicopter Drops
In this scenario, helicopter money, analogous to a helicopter dropping cash directly to the population, comes into play. Essentially helicopter cash represents direct methods of boosting consumer demand by the distribution of currency directly to the public into their bank accounts and into their pockets. Like quantitative easing, direct cash drops pave the way for destruction of currencies and can be the touch-paper to trigger hyperinflation.
Quantifying QE - USA: Whatever it takes
After cutting interest rates to zero via two emergency decisions during March (March 3 here and March 15 here), the US Federal Reserve then announced on 15 March that over the coming months it would ramp up QE by buying at least $500 billion of US Treasury securities and at least $200 billion of agency mortgage-backed securities.
That’s $700 billion of Fed debt buying from banks and the Treasury across a cross section of widening of risk categories. At the same time, the Fed begun flooding the Fed system with credit in an attempt to boost liquidity, including $1 trillion in repurchase operations per day.
This new unprecedented and unlimited QE by the Fed over March and April can already be seen in the huge explosion in US money supply, where the monetary aggregate measure M2 (which includes cash, demand deposits, time deposits and money market mutual funds) has rocketed higher from the new money "out of thin air" that has no bearing on underlying economic growth. This can be seen in the below Federal Reserve chart. As a closely watched indicator in forecasting future inflation, this M2 chart speaks volumes.
See Chart:

In the same vein, as architect of this rampant QE, the money out of thin air hits the Fed's bottom line,showing up in the rapid expansion of the Fed's balance sheet, which has ballooned from $ 4.17 trillion at the end of February to $6.4 trillion now. That's an insane $2.2 trillion added since the start of March, or in other words, a 50% expansion in the Fed's balance sheet since the end of February. This is neatly illustrated in the blow out of the Fed's total assets since early March.
SEE Chart:

Turning to US fiscal interventions, at the end of March the US federal government pushed through a staggering $2.2 trillion economic bailout package titled the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), an intervention so large that it's equivalent to 10% of US GDP. This CARES Act (which was ready and waiting in the wings) covers everything from loans to large and small corporations ($750 billion), the bailout of the US airline industry ($26 billion), loans to states and local governments ($340 billion), and most controversially, direct payments to individuals ($300 billion).

In an interview in 2010, then Fed chairman Ben Bernanke tried to dissuade concerns over Fed money printing, QE and market interventions, saying that:
This fear of inflation I think is way overstated ...What we’re doing is lowering interest rates by buying Treasury securities. And by lowering interest rates, we hope to stimulate the economy to grow faster.
The trick is to find the appropriate moment when to begin to unwind this policy. And that’s what we’re going to do.
Fake words then from Bernanke, fake words now. There was no real unwind. Tapering was trick and a distraction. This is the same Bernanke who explained how the Fed's lending is merely electronic printing, creating money out of thin air, and in so doing, inflating the money supply.
Under this possible scenario, physical gold will become one of the few trusted assets to remain a secure store of value and wealth preservation when paper currencies crash and burn. Universally trusted as a safe harbor in times of crisis and emergency, physical gold is both the proven last man standing and the go to asset in a world at risk of hyperinflation.
We readily admit that many unknowns concerning the virus remain, but we do expect additional waves of infections to occur.
The Fed’s balance sheet will expand by 38 percentage points of GDP, more than the 20 percentage points during QE1, 2 and 3 combined.
Federal Reserve Balance Sheet
Here another stunning statistic from Goldman: YTD the 5 biggest stocks are up 10% while the remaining 495 S&P500 companies are lower by a collective 13%.
...economies that face the sudden stop will sell those Yuan to buy US dollars and repay loan commitments which could create a risk of capital flights in China that the country cannot afford...
"Then as now, he says, “central bankers were pushing on a string”, trying in vain to whip up a real economic recovery with monetary policy."
 The latest "Lunch with the FT" feature by the FT's Rana Foroohar may be of interest to readers curious about Sokoloff's background and how over the past four decades he became one of the most closely sought after independent thinkers and strategists on Wall Street.
As the FT notes,Sokoloff "has been trying to make the financial elite see the dangers of seeking to solve the problems of debt with more debt",  something we too have been doing since 2009 but obviously to absolutely no success.
Sokoloff is, of course, referring to this:
Federal  Reserve Balance Sheet

Sokoloff has a primer for our age, since it covers how central-bank actions contributed to the debt-driven run-up to the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression."
And here is what Sokoloff believes what will happens when, again, "central banks push on a string":
See Chart:

One-upping Sokoloff, we have created a better chart that more clearly lays out what happens if one tacks on the Great Depression outcome to the current Dow Jones. In short, we should see the Dow dropping to the Great Depression-equivalent low of roughly 10,000.
See Chart:

There is good news: after its plunged to all time lows, the Dow traded in a tight range for several years before eventually blasting off to unprecedented highs.
Which is why any true comparisons to the Great Depression era should also consider the cataclysmic event that ended it, and look forward to a similar outcome over the next few years. 
“It's not like we're vicious, money-hungry large corporations. We have families to feed, too."
...we are beginning to see some important divergences develop between the stock market and other data that suggest we are not out of the woods yet...
See more charts

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

...this sort of behavior by the FBI and DOJ is business as usual, whichunderscores the corruption. This is not a couple of renegades. This is just how things are done by the government.
Is Trump the one who lie & we’re ones who die if he cont with stupid WW3 xenophoby
Another bombshell intelligence report shows once again that China lied...and people died...
Now China is not the one who creates the CV virus, but still the one who hide info on the severity of this pest, is the official story. The FACT is that China immediately act to isolate & avoid the spread of this virus, even though  the virus was fastest than the State responds & they lost many citizens. 
 China’ scientist elaborate the 1st code to  elaborate vacines agaisnt the virus & gave it free of charge to different nations of the world (including US).   
They didn’t spend time in stupid conspiracies like Trump.  What Trump wants  is that corp of PENTA & MIC (military Industrial complex)  benefit from the business  of death  with this pandemia  (manufacturing  weapons  & wars abroad). 
Trump want also that big profiteers of the neoliberal system  (Pharma & speculators from Wall Street) get billion of USD  to recycle the fake Economy that is in ZERO GDP growth now. 
Trump already  start  these actions  and his  final aim in attacking China is to start WW3. I don’t think US has the capacity to attack RU-China  without  a severe response already announced.  
But at least this threat point to  neutralize RU & China  if US bomb IRAN. A recent pact among these 3 nations has already agreed.   
WW3  will be the last genocide in a long list but this time a suicidal genocide
WW3 and its horrible effects will be total responsibility of  Trump  regime.   
That is why we are demanding Senators & the entire nation  to sign petition to Supreme Court to demand  Trump resignation as soon as possible .  

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


la frustrada incursión en Ven: "Fue un plan del US. con apoyo del narcotráfico"
Fuerza Armada VEN expresa "absoluta lealtad" a Maduro tras intento de incursión marítima
Le Monde: El CV-19 mostro que US. "ya no  tiene liderazgo mundial"
"Hambre, desempleo, miseria": son efectos del CV y Bolsonaro vaticina terminarlo
Trump: Inteligencia USA advirtió el  CV  a finales de enero sin darle importancia
CHINO se burla con Lego de la respuesta  US  a  las alertas sobre el CV-19
Multimillonarios se enriquecen con 282.000 mill de USD  durante la pandemia
Brasil sigue siendo el país de América Latina más afectado por la pand

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


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