domingo, 24 de mayo de 2020


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"The default letters from landlords are flying out the door."
Two weeks ago, when showing the uncanny correlation between defaults and the unemployment rates, we predicted that the number of Chapter 11 filings that is about to flood the US will be nothing short of biblical.
SEE Chart:
Coversa on Unemployment vs.11 bankruptcy

Bloomberg: retail landlords have been sending out thousands of default notices to tenants, who in turn have experienced appollipse in foot traffic: sales and cash flow due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and are simply unable to pay their debt obligations.

"The default letters from landlords are flying out the door," said Andy Graiser, co-president of commercial real estate company, A&G Real Estate Partners. "It’s creating a real fear in the marketplace."

The stakes are enormous, and landlords are suffering, too. An estimated $7.4 billion in rent for April hasn’t been paid, or about 45% of what’s owed, according to a recent analysis by CoStar Group, which also found that just a quarter of of expected rent payments have been received by landlords.
SEE Chart:

However, as noted above, landlords are of course still stuck with their own bills - including bank debts which they're expected to pay. On Thursday we reported that US malls are in a crisis which started in January as vacancies hit a record high.
SEE Chart:
US Shopping Mall Vacancy rates sets New Record

And earlier Friday we reported that US retailers have accounted for the bulk of defaults over the past two months, as they were forced to temporarily close stores in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

US Leverages loan default value this year (in $ Mills)
Leverages: operaciones riesgozas
“The only thing worse than being a retailer right now is being a retail landlord.”

The fact that a liquidity crisis developed in US money markets five months before the virus hit America has been forgotten. Only a rising gold price stands testament to a deeper crisis...
The fact that a liquidity crisis developed in US money markets five months before the virus hit America has been forgotten.  

Only a rising gold price stands testament to a deeper crisis, comprised of contracting bank credit while central banks are trying to rescue the economy, fund government deficits and keep the market bubble inflated.

The next problem is a crisis in the banks, wholly unexpected by investors and depositors. At a time when lending risk is soaring off the charts, their financial condition is more fragile than before the Lehman crisis. 

We can now discern the path leading to the destruction of fiat currencies and take reasonably guesses as to timing.

SEE this subtitles:
1-How central banks view the current situation
2-Issues of credit
Since central bankers play their part in credit instability by encouraging banks to extend credit to stimulate the economy in the first place. That fact alone makes it nearly impossible for them to accept the consequences of their monetary policies.

In the case of Barclays Bank its assets relative to market capitalisation gives a leverage for shareholders of 62 times at a time of increasing lending risk. Put another way, additional loss provisions of only 1.6% of the balance sheet asset total wipes out the bank’s market capitalisation.
Major Eurozone banks are in a similar or worse condition, as shown in Table 1, of all UK and European designated and listed global systemically important banks (G-SIBs). 

The G-SIBs are meant to have extra capital buffers to lessen the likelihood of a repeat of the Lehman crisis.

Clearly, it is virtually impossible to see some of these highly leveraged banks surviving today’s deteriorating loan conditions, nor is it possible to imagine that if one or more of them fail how they will not take down other banks.

As well as believing their own wise monkeys, Andrew Bailey and Christine Lagarde should be praying on their knees that the recovery will be V-shaped and rapid, because the banking system might not even survive that, let alone anything worse. But the outlook is significantly worse because of the pre-existing slide into global recession

No marked benefit seen for those who were healthier and didn’t need oxygen or those who were sicker; "Given high mortality despite the use of remdesivir, it is clear that treatment with an antiviral drug alone is not likely to be sufficient."

It is safe to say that most folks have no idea about implications regarding the $ trillions the Fed printsnumbers that are so big they are incomprehensible for the average man...
One Hundred Dollars
Keeps the world moving.
Ten Thousand Dollars
Enough for a great vacation or to buy a used car.
Approximately one year of work for the average human on earth.
One Million Dollars
Not as big of a pile as you thought, huh?
Still, this is 92 years of work for the average human on earth.
One Hundred Million Dollars
Plenty to go around for everyone.
Fits nicely on an ISO / Military standard sized pallet.
The couch is made from $46.7 million of crispy $100 bills.
$100 Million Dollars = 1 year of work for 3500 average Americans
Here are 2000 people standing shoulder to shoulder, looking for a job.
The Federal Reserve's mandate is to maintain price stability and low unemployment.
The Federal Reserve prints money based on the assumption that increasing money supply will boost jobs.
One Billion Dollars
You will need some help when robbing the bank.
Interesting fact: $1 million dollars weighs 10kg exactly.
You are looking at 10 tons of money on those pallets.
Couple Billion Going Into Bottomless Pit
$2 Billion on Truck Trailer
Buldozers pushing $ Billions into the Global Unsatisfiable Black Hole of Greed
One Trillion Dollars
If you spent $1 million a day since Jesus was born, you would have not spent $1 trillion by now...
2020 $2 Trillion Emergency Stimulus Package by US Government
In response to the virus quarantine lockdown causing the US (and world) economy to stop, the US government has put together the biggest stimulus package in American history, in order to help corporations and people escape effects of quarantine.
  • $340 Billion - Supplemental Spending (Hospitals, Veterans, Public Transport, etc.)
  • $221 Billion - Variety of Tax Benefits for Businesses
  • $150 Billion - Direct Aid to States (distributed by population size)
  • $500 Billion - Loans/guarantees for businesses, states &municipalities
  • $349 Billion - Loans to Small Business
  • $301 Billion - Direct Payments to Households
  • $250 Billion - Unemployment Insurance
  • $032 Billion - Airlines
The $301 Billion for direct payment to households (also known as UBI or helicopter money, is only ~15% of the entire rescue package. Also, this rescue package is just one of many. The vast majority of the package goes to bail out corporations, many of whom have done stock buy-backs in recent years and now do not have the cash on hand needed to weather the financial standstill.

The $500 Billion for guarantees for businesses also opens the door for government to take ownership stake in those failing businesses.
The virus lockdown is unprecedented in modern history in terms of economic damage. Even during war times, bars and factories remained open. In order for the virus to decrease world population of 7.8 Billion people by 1% in 1 year, each day ~210,000 people must die from virus related illnesses.

TO Fly-through of the scope of $2 Trillion US Government Emergency Economic Stimulus Bill  OPEN VIDEO:

CONTINUE READING AT:  Don’t miss the last part: from deflation to hyper-inflat

OIL + WARS: main cause of world contamination  & pand.. THE WORSE will be WW3
Areas like Kurdistan, Chad and the Republic of the Congo collectively owe billions to trading houses for "oil-for-cash" loans...
Poor countries won’t  create WW3.  Oil & wars create rich countries like US and oil & wars will be also the cause of its disappearance if WW3 explode. Can you imagine one single termo-nuclear projectile over UStectonic plates debilitated by drills of oil-gas exploration.. it will wipe out several US States in one single shot. It will happen and that is part of d meaning of MAD: MUTUAL ASSURED DESTRUCT. But MAD theory did not calculate the chances of cleaning all nuclear contamination worldwide nor the exact amount of people genocided, not even the new types of pandemias that will affect the survival people , if any. .

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

"If it keeps going the way it's going, I have a chance to break the deep state. It's a vicious group of people..."

Nuclear Power doesn’t make US strong.. it make it week instead: target of world hate
“very much an ongoing conversation”...
Wasting money for health & free Educat for all + creating false illusion of power

"Dangerously hot conditions..." 

Do not be fooled by the reopening. It is not real because it is not meant to last. It is a steam valve to calm public outrageand to condition us to periodic tyranny...

The centralized financial system has compromised itself several times during the last two decades alone, and now it’s time for a serious change!

"Bezos' wealth grew 31% to $147 billion..."

An important lesson in the power of federalism that has been eroded in American politics...

Global automakers are in big trouble. 
Mal de todos = Consuelo de estúpidos

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Here is an detailed overview of the impact of Covid-19 on the global economy through various real-time, high frequency data that has weeks if not months before it makes it into official economic reports.

First, a snapshot of COVID-19 infection count and regional spread:

The latest data on-ground mobility data suggests that there is a long way before normal.

While air traffic is dismal, here too there a slight rebound in mostly non-commercial flights; commercial air traffic remains a disaster, however.

While credit card spending has seen a modest rebound, and consumer activity is clearly starting to recover, restaurant bookings in the US remains dismal.

The labor market, unfortunately, remains an unmitigated disaster:

Both industrial and manufacturing activity in the US has been crippled, but it is starting to rebound.

So how about China, after all it's supposedly all "fixed" now. Unfortunately, the real-time data paints a vastly different picture.

In Europe, it's - as usual - a tale of two halves: the northern nations where things are largely normal, and the Mediterranean states where the pain is largely concentrated.

Finally, some mobility charts, first in the UK
... and then Europe.

Rouhani issues last minute warning that Iran will respond if tankers' movement thwarted...

This guy need psychiatric help. His xenophonia got d top: doesn’t  matter WW3
Just three years ago, Americans had a neutral view of China (and nine years ago it was strongly favorable). Today, the same polls show that 66 percent of Americans dislike the country...
This level of stupidity fits Trump’mood when is depress by Biden polls prop. Do the same propag & incorporate Union-bottom leaders & women interview. Stats are more effective than polls. All he needs to do is printed more money for poor & Middle Classes & compare US situation with  other countries  and send all family small packs with blue mask & globes. NO threats at all to any C. NO attack to China. NO war mongerism at all, especially with VEN-IRAN= it means US oil plundering. IF he do all of this, he will be re-elect & buffon Biden lose. The 2nd round of CV-19 is coming, it will be worse if WW3 starts. IF Trump dissolve NATO-PENTA  I will vote him. Otherwise a  3RD OPT or ABSTENTION.

"The circumstances are being investigated."

Comes after Pentagon warned all boats in gulf must stay 100 meters away from US warships or risk "defensive measures"...

The institution is 'particularly vulnerable to China government influences due to the large amounts of China donation sand contracts".

"Through providing essential web services to these controversial companies, U.S. firms are playing a part in the proliferation of highly invasive surveillance products that have the potential to undermine human rights around the world..."

London looking for war with China?. El que busca encuentra. London be=wipe out
"We should stop being fooled that somehow at the end of the all the kowtowing there’s this great pot of gold waiting for us. It’s always been an illusion..."
China is a sovereign country & Hong Kong belongs to China

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos






VEN a la ONU: "uso inminente de fuerza" por US contra barcos iraníes que va a Caracas
Kim desarrolla poder de autodefensa y disuasión nuclear de Corea del Norte
Rohaní: "Si US causa probl a nuestros petroler en el Caribe tendrá problema"
Estudio masivo y doble confirma la efectividad del remdesivir contra el CV-19
Ternura exótica: granja Rusa de alpacas de Perú ofrece visitas virtuales 

China has started to hit back at the wave of attacks upon it as the originator of the Chinese virus, the Wuhan virus, the power that unleashed this pandemic on to the world. The first target of this retaliation has been Australia, where 80% tariffs have been imposed on goods and services, making it almost impossible for Australia to export to China. Unkind critics have suggested that Australia is the gum on China’s shoe, making the choice of Australia as the first target more easily understood. However, there may be others very soon: as America ramps up hostility and propaganda, individual states are beginning lawsuits against the Chinese governt
Max and Stacy discuss Jay Jay Powell guaranteeing GOOD TIMES for the markets! Everything is dyn-o-mite when the Fed has got your back with free money. In the second half, Max talks to Marshall Auerback about the new elite consensus that MMT and UBI are awesome as money-printing cranks up.

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


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