lunes, 5 de junio de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"I don’t see how anyone can possibly claim that the U.S. economy is doing well... prior to the last recession there were 26 million Americans on food stamps, now we have 44 million, we're on pace to shatter the all-time record for store closings in a single year, and the number of homeless in LA has risen by 23% over the past 12 months... But once again, it is a battle of perception vs. reality."

We have finally gotten back to the 60 percent mark, but we are still far, far below the level that we were at before the last recession struck.


Russell 2000 sentiment has sharply declined since January, when future contract positioning reached record bullishness. It’s now the most short since May 2011.

"There will be rallies in bonds that you can trade, but over the long run, I have complete faith that governments and Central Banks will do what they do best - inflate away your hard earned money. Betting against them is betting against history… "

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"All of this is nonsensical sillyness. What has happened is this..."

"With all due respect to Woodward and Bernstein... it was the FBI that brought Nixon down."
"We are continuing to see brisk sales of self-defense and concealed carry firearms. We're also continuing to see new gun buyers.  People are nervous about their safety, and rightly so. It's a dangerous world we live in and American citizens know that we're not immune to terrorist attacks."

2017 could be an “above-normal” year for large hurricanes, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a potential problem for Gulf Coast oil drillers and refiners.

FBI Arrests NSA Contractor Who Leaked Top Secret "Russian Hacking" Document To The Intercept

Just hours after the Intercept reported of a top secret NSA document which allegedly confirms Russians targeted US election officials days before the election, the FBI arrested and charged the woman they say leaked the document to The Intercept.

Californians have grown accustomed over the years to massively overpaying for public services and infrastructure projects.  That said, the cost of providing the best healthcare money can buy and luxurious accommodations to the state's 130,000 prisoners is starting to move beyond outrageous, even by California standards.
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Diplomatic relations between Germany and Turkey hit rock bottom on Monday when Germany's foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel said his country has no choice but to begin the process of pulling its forces out of Turkey's Incirlik air force base as the Turkish government will not allow all German lawmakers to visit troops there.

Virtually nobody saw it coming: a Saudi Alliance cut off most diplomatic and economic ties to Qatar, in an "unprecedented move" designed to punish one of the region’s financial superpowers for its ties with Iran and Islamist groups in the region.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

President Vladimir Putin On Alleged Russian Election Interference   (Full Exclusive) | Megyn Kelly | NBC News
Washington’s Empire Is Not Unraveling    By Paul Craig Roberts



The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

Doomsday Operation: Israeli Plans to Detonate Nuke in 1967 War Revealed

A prominent US think tank is claiming that in 1967, Israel hastily made plans to set off an atomic bomb if it appeared they would not emerge victorious from the Six Day War.
The "doomsday operation" was detailed on Monday by the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. According to researchers, it was put in place to intimidate Arab countries like Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and Syria. 

Yaakov said during one interview in 1999, "Look, it was so natural … You’ve got an enemy, and he says he’s going to throw you to the sea. You believe him. He says he’s going to throw chemical weapons on you…. What are you looking for? Anything you can do to stop him. How can you stop him? You scare him. If you’ve got something you can scare him with, you scare him."

Six-Day War 50 Years On: Mideast Peace Only Begins When Israeli Occupation Ends

June 5 marks the 50th anniversary of the start of the Six-Day War between Israel and the Arab nations, which ended with the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory. Palestinian Ambassador to Uruguay Walim Abdel Rahim believes that so long as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict remains unresolved, there can be no lasting peace in the Middle East.

Characterizing the war as an open act of aggression against the Arab states, Rahim noted that it was a "catastrophe for the Arab world, for whom the Israeli occupation became a real disaster." At the same time, the diplomat said that the Six-Day war was the start of a new historical stage, "a time of awakening – the beginning of the Palestinian revolution, in the name of redeeming our dignity, which had been trampled."


Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

Mujeres y Rev  Las mujeres de 1917  Megan Trudell
Siete historias lógicas y un cuento breve  Marxista, germanista, y preso, al que nunca avergonzó su incorregible adicción a la lógica  Salvador López  Mas fácil es escribir “Siete Cuentos Cortos”  y un ensayo sobre “La Logica de la Historia Contemporanea”. Lo 1ro ya lo tengo, lo 2do estoy trabajando.
Si tienen dinero que lo inviertan en Cuba .. pero no en otro Burdel como el de Batista
-Parar las aguas del olvido (2)  Gregorio Morán Se puede parar el torrente del amazonas pero jamás la memoria histórica
Sacude el mundo y pónlo en tu bolsillo   Para que se avive la llama de la vida  L C Muñoz
Monsanto no es trigo limpio  JC Escudier  M no es trigo alguno.. lo sucio se limpia. M es podredumbre.
MX  Maquiavelo en México  Edo Nava Que hace ese gran hombre en un pantano?
BRA Gleisi al Gob del PT, Lula al poder  D P Los de arriba no pueden, los de abajo no saben con quien
COL  Paro de maestros   Seguimos sin resolver el problema de fondo  Ángel Pérez
-Trump, los truenos y Cuba  Alfredo Prieto
                Qué pasó (pasa) en Venezuela?   Fernando Esteche

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

QATAR RECHAZA LA CAMPANIA DE MENTIRAS y lamenta la decisión Saudis, Emiratos, Egipto.. de cortar relaciones diplomáticas con ellos. Todos estos son Estados terroristas de mayoría SUNI. La única  diferencia es que Qatar están contra Israel y así apoya a los palestinos. Pero no a los Chías de Iran

A los latinos nos afecta que corten beIN SPORTS donde miramos el futbol europeo gratis. Y ese corte ocurre porque esta cadena es subsidiaria del Satélite Network de Al-Jazeera, propiedad de Qatar.

Ver mi reportaje especial sobre QATAR en  Nueva Democracia.. si lee ingles

En  VER OJO Abajo, pueden escuchar un interesante video que sumariza el lio entre Qatar y Saudis mas otros dueños del Golfo..  todos contra el pais que admiro: IRAN. LISTEN:  
OJO        Timeline of GCC, Egyptian discord with Qatar  Listen VIDEO Inside Story at
Continua  Press-TV:

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