lunes, 19 de junio de 2017

JUN 18 17 SIT EC y POL

JUN 18 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"...Never has the wealth gap in America been so wide. This creates the initial conditions for a very uncertain and potentially unstable and explosive political and economic future..."

The last words my father spoke to me before he died in 1996 was, [“Gregor], somebody is going to have to do something to help the poor.”

Fast forward to 2017.   Never has the wealth gap in America been so wide.  This creates the initial conditions for a very uncertain and potentially unstable and explosive political and economic future.
I just woke up, for example, to see these two articles juxatposed on my news aggregator.

Why does America have so many hungry kids? – CNN
Summer in the Hamptons: Oysters, Rosé, and Helicopter Noise?  – WSJ

One article is about how 13 million American children go to bed hungry every night and the other is about the 1 percenters, who are now taking helicopters to their Hampton summer homes to avoid traffic.   What in the hell is happening to our country?

Average wealth has increased over the past 50 years, but it has not grown equally for all groups. Between 1963 and 2013, families near the bottom of the wealth distribution (those at the 10th percentile) went from having no wealth on average to being about $2,000 in debt, those in the middle roughly doubled their wealth—mostly between 1963 and 1983, families near the top (at the 90th percentile) saw their wealth quadruple, and the wealth of those at the 99th percentile—in other words, those wealthier than 99 percent of all families—grew sixfold.  – Urban Institute

Percentiles of family wealth 1963-2013
By macromon | Published June 18, 2017 | Full size is 696 × 509 pixels

NOTICE  the difference between both graphics n relay on the bottom one

Percentiles of family wealth 1963-2013
Source Urban Institute. Global Macro Monitor
By macromon | Published June 18, 2017 | Full size is 690 × 528 pixels

The current data is much worse as the above doesn’t take into account the massive runup in asset prices over the past 3 1/2 years.

Philanthropic 1-Percenters, But……..
I know many 1 percenters who are great and generous people and give so much in an effort reduce poverty.   Paul Tudor Jones’ Robin Hood Foundation, for example, is God’s work.    Though they make a difference in many individual lives, these good works can only go so far and only make just a small dent in the problem of our vanishing middle class and increasing American poverty rate.

It’s the policies, Stupid!
Policy changes are imperative if we are going to really — first, we must decide if we want to — make a change.   It’s time to move away from the ugly and tired dialectic of “tax cuts for the rich and government help for the poor.”   Everything must change.
Creative public policy and a change of thinking are the only hope, comrades.

Here is one example,
The United States exports more food than any other country in the world. So why do families with children have trouble getting enough food in such a prosperous nation?

“The non-politcal answer, to me, is greed and government,” Stallings said.

“There’s too many government health restrictions that force restaurants to throw away food” instead of donating it to the needy. “It’s also greed: We’re not helping our neighbors.”   -Bryan Stallings,  CNN

How much uneaten food  is thrown out in the US yearly?
40% or about $165 billion worth
That is enough to feed  25 MILLION AMERICANS

Wow!  We trash 40 percent of the food we produce.

[ IN SHORT: somos un pais pobremente alimentado –aunque obeso- porque preferimos votar comida de calidad a la basura , por precios inaccesibles al común de los Americanos o por falsa INFO sobre productos organicos vs productos Monsanto –lindos por fuera y podridos por dentro ]

Lessons From The Godfather

Special interests will surely stand in the way of the much needed new policy thinking/making, including from reforming education to allowing restaurants to donate their food to the needy, for example.   So how do we deal with them?

Take a lesson from the Godfather and mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, when he was Chief of Staff for President Obama and negotiating the bailout of the auto companies.   Some in the bailout group raised concerns about pushback from the United Auto Workers.

To which the Godfather replied,
F..k  the United Auto Workers  or F$*K the UAW  – Rahm Emanuel 
To which we say,
F..k  the Special Interests  or F$*K the Special Interests   – Global Macro Monitor

My God, we are talking about hungry children, for Pete’s sake.

"The "fixes" to the stagnation of postwar Capitalism in the 1970s were financialization, globalism, and the sustained expansion of debt--all have run out of steam..."

"Markets go up on an escalator, they come down on an elevator. This is the most hideously overvalued market in history."


While the last five weeks have seen $1.3 trillion of rate-hike bets have already been unwound - the most ever; the derivative market is signaling there is more pain to come as expectations for lower rates are everywhere.

"The labor force in the City fell to 557,600. That’s below March 2016! This confirms a slew of other data and anecdotal evidence: People and businesses are leaving. It’s too expensive. They’re voting with their feet..."

Over 57,000 Russell 2000 e-mini contract longs were added in the last two weeks - the most since July 2008 - leaving hedge funds at their most bullishly positioned in US small caps ever...
Guessing the ideal economic for war  [  If nuke war n back to stone ages.. no sense to plan anything ]

"War has always accomplished the resets of all countries and empires in ages past, and this era will be no different, no matter who is at the helm of the ship: especially when the course is purposefully charted right for the rocks..."

In trying to answer "When will the Fed tighten enough to cause the next recession", Deutsche Bank says that while current market expectations suggest the next recession (or at least the next Fed tightening that would be forceful enough to cause a recession) could still be many years away, the bank "thinks this is too optimistic." Here's why

"Historically speaking, such levels of exuberance have tended to have poor outcomes for investors who did not realize the level of 'speculative risk' that had built up in portfolios over time... This 'time' will not turn out any differently – it is just the 'timing' and the 'catalyst' that will be..."

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

Following former FBI Director Comey's testimony that President Obama's Attorney General Loretta Lynch asked him to downplay the Hillary Clinton email scandal, Senate Republicans are demanding hearings into her involvement in "obstructing justice."

"The anti-Russia hysteria  has led to factual errors in press accounts and has erased standards of political fairness...There seems to be nothing that Trump opponents will not say and no charge, however low, they will not stoop to making as long as it furthers the goal of removing Trump from office."
HOW MUCH COST TO AMERICANS THE MILITARY CIRCUS?  beyond deaths by killing themselves

"We have to practice, we have to demonstrate that we can support allies in keeping (the Gap) open, in maintaining that connection... this is only a small-scale drill compared to what would be needed in case of a real attack."
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

North Korea is accusing the US of seizing an official diplomatic package from a team of diplomats headed home from a UN summit on the rights of the disabled – an act it said was tantamount to “mugging” its delegates, who enjoy diplomatic immunity.

"...The General Command of the Army and the Armed Forces, warning of the serious consequences of this blatant attack on counterterrorism efforts,... and exposes the malicious intentions of the United States of America in the management and investment of terrorism to achieve its objectives in passing the American Zionist project in the region."

In a major escalation of the Syrian proxy war, Iran's Revolutionary Guard said it launched multiple missile strikes from IRGC missile bases in provinces of Kermanshah & Kordestan, targeting "terror bases" in Deir ez-Zor in eastern Syria in retaliation for ISIS-claimed attacks in Tehran.

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

Apparently WW3 won’t touch America, only Europe & East… apparently
The FACT is that the whole world is against America’s  war-business 
Once WW3 starts, all US business abroad & inside will be target
Why?  we destroy entire State-Nations, kill millions & migrants are dying
We left them without house, family, neighbors, nation and state ..
We convert them into terrorists..  We are the terrorists!
We simply create a lethal boomerang . .. And don’t want to be destroy by it?
We should stop now the business of manufacturing missiles, nukes, drones ..

The US-led international anti-terrorist coalition confirmed bringing down the Syrian government forces aircraft earlier, adding that the plane had been bombing US-backed opposition forces' troops.

At 6:43 p.m., a Syrian regime SU-22 dropped bombs near SDF fighters south of Tabqah and, in accordance with rules of engagement and in collective self-defense of Coalition partnered forces, was immediately shot down by a U.S. F/A-18E Super Hornet," the statement read.
Creating Enemies: China to Continue Military Buildup, US Needs to Get Used to It

The US has no reason to worry about China's growing military strength since China has no intention of starting a war with any country, but that China will continue to develop its military and the US and its allies should get used to it, a retired PLA rear admiral said.

"China will continue to develop its military to narrow the gap in military strength between China and the US, which the US and its allies should accept as normal," said Xu Guangyu, a retired PLA rear admiral and a senior adviser to the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association.
Iran, China to Hold Joint Military Drills – Iranian Army Chief of Staff

Iran and China plan to hold joint military drills to improve bilateral military relations.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran welcomes improving military ties with China, including holding joint military drills with Chinese army,” he said following a meeting with Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan in Tehran, as quoted by the Mehr News Agency.

“Iran and China have excellent relations, and Iran enjoys strong position in the region, commanding considerable influence over the developments in Middle East; Chinese military is committed to full implementation of military agreements signed with Iran,” he said.
Russian Troops Hold Chemical Emergency Drills at Armenia’s Airfield

Russian troops held drills on liquidation of epicenter of chemical contamination at the Erebuni airfield in Armenia, the Russian Southern Military District’s press service said on Monday.

The document states that a Unified Command structure will be created to manage the force, which will be established "to ensure the security of parties in the Caucasus region." The group's prerogatives will include repelling any armed attack on either party, as well as defending the state borders of Armenia and Russia.


A large-scale air defense exercise is underway in seven former Soviet republics, the Russian Defense Ministry said Wednesday.

"At 8:00 a.m. [5:00GMT], over 130 command-and-control centers of various levels in the seven member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States started processing operations aimed at improving command interoperability of the CIS joint air defense system," the Russian ministry said.
Large-Scale Military Drills Start in Azerbaijan on Monday

BAKU (Sputnik) — Large-scale military exercises kick off in Azerbaijan on Monday, with 23,000 military personnel involved.
The drills are set to continue until June 24.
Earlier in June, Azerbaijani and Turkish armed forces participated in joint military drills in Azerbaijan's western Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan.

Turkish, Azerbaijani Forces Participate in Joint Drills in Western Azerbaijan

Defense Ministry said that Azerbaijani and Turkish armed forces are participating in joint military drills in Azerbaijan's western Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan.

"In accordance with the memorandum of understanding signed between the governments of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkey, joint tactical exercises involving troops of the armed forces of the two countries began in Nakhchivan on June 12," the ministry's statement read.

SUM UP:  Apparently “the happy business “ of manufacturing  WMD and war abroad” will continue
                In our stupid dream “American Nation won’t be affected” , our soldier won’t be touched
                FACT is that American richest people built bunkers inside & abroad.. Why? for their Vacation?

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

Multinacionales y medio ambiente   Moda sucia  Colectivo
Jeremy Corbyn, el antipopulista  Philippe Marlière
Es un socialista quien logro el progreso del Partido Laborista, no un político en búsqueda V electoral
Francia   Macron y el derecho a mandar  Charles-André Udry

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

US Nato, Israel & Saudis call “militants” to their terrorists
Trump again blasts investigation over possible ties to Russia
By Dutch company Pal-V. In the market by 2018

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