miércoles, 14 de junio de 2017

JUN 14 17 SIT EC y POL

JUN 14 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics


"The question is not “when” we will enter collapse; we are already in the midst of an economic collapse. The real question is, when will the uneducated and the biased finally notice? I suspect the only thing that will shock them out of their stupor will be a swift stock market drop, since this is the only factor they seem to pay attention to. This will happen soon enough."

In my article 'The Trump Collapse Scapegoat Narrative Has Now Been Launched', I discussed the ongoing and highly obvious plan by globalists and international financiers to pull the plug on their fiat support for stock markets and portions of the general economy while blaming the Trump Administration (and the conservative ideal) for the subsequent crash. Numerous economic shocks and negative data which had been simmering for years before the 2016 elections are rising to the surface of the normally oblivious mainstream.

My position according to Trump's behavior and cabinet selection is that he is aware of this agenda and is playing along. That said, there is another important issue to consider - the participation of the ignorant in helping the Ponzi con-game continue.

For those of us who were analysts before the derivatives crash of 2008, this mindset is nothing new. I remember the complete arrogance present in the mainstream just before the implosion; the sneering and attacks that were used in an attempt to silence anyone with the guts to openly suggest the fundamentals and the data did not support the investment exuberance. I remember many people asserting that that the economy's progress was unstoppable, that another crash like 1929 was impossible, that the real estate market was an invincible engine. They were all wrong, yet, they were so confident. Most of these same people still work in the financial press to this day. Imagine that...

I would prefer to point to the hard data on hand than mere mainstream opinion. Maybe I'm a little paranoid, but I've already seen mainstream analysts fail on numerous occasions.

First, consider the fact that the Federal Reserve, the key component along with other central banks around the world in the rise of stock markets, is now cutting off the flow of easy money through continued interest rate hikes. I predicted this move back in 2015 when almost everyone said the Fed would go to negative rates instead. Without no-cost Fed money to feed the machine, stock markets have essentially stalled, and now, there is talk of a “tech dump” on the horizon With the vast majority of gains in equities the past year attributed to only five major companies, all of them tech oriented, this would be a disaster for stocks.

This is a considerable shift away from the last few years, in which it was expected by many that markets would expand exponentially for the foreseeable future. Now that the Fed's quantitative easing and near-zero interest rates have been removed as fuel, the true economic picture is becoming clear, even to the mainstream.

According to the Atlanta Fed, US GDP in the first quarter of 2017 has declined to 0.7% , going back to lows touched on in 2014 after the Fed reduced QE.

102 million working age Americans do not currently have a job. This includes the 95 million Americans not counted by the Bureau of Labor because they assume these people have been unemployed so long they “do not want to work”.

Thousands of retail outlet stores, the primary engine of the American economy, are set to close in 2017 Sweeping bankruptcies and downsizing are ravaging the retail sector, and internet retailers are not taking up the slack despite highly publicized growth.  In 2016, online retail sales only accounted for 8.1% of all retail sales.

Oil inventories continue to amass as US energy demand declines. Declining energy demand is a sure sign of overall economic decline. OPEC and other entities continue to argue that “too much supply” is the issue; an attempt to distract away from the reality of lower consumption and the falling wealth of consumers.
Corporate earnings expectations continue their dismal path, suggesting that stock markets have been supported by central bank stimulus and blind investor faith in central bank intervention. The stimulus is now being cut off. How long before investor faith is finally lost?

These are only a few of the MANY data points that paint a very ugly picture for the US economy. The rest of the world is just as tenuous if not worse.
This is why when I hear the phrase “doom and gloom” I have to laugh and think of the shoe shine boys.
It is unfortunate that so many people only track stocks when accounting for economic health.

The question is not “when” we will enter collapse; we are already in the midst of an economic collapse. The real question is, when will the uneducated and the biased finally notice? I suspect the only thing that will shock them out of their stupor will be a swift stock market drop, since this is the only factor they seem to pay attention to. This will happen soon enough.

"Initially, these caps will be set at relatively low levels, $6 billion per month for treasuries and $4 billion per month for agencies. So any proceeds exceeding those amounts would be reinvested. These caps will gradually rise over the course of a year to maximums of $30 billion per month for treasuries and $20 billion per month for agency securities, and will remain in place through the normalization process."



The Treasury curve (2s10s) has collapse to 80bps - its lowest since September 1st 2016 following The Fed's rate hike. The supposedly dovish statement sent the dollar higher, and helped bank stocks (even as the yield curve dropped and flattened). Gold is also under pressure...


Collapsing economic data, weaker PCE forecasts (1.7% vs 1.9%), but stronger economic growth guesses (2.2% vs 2.1%) and The Fed hikes rates and doesn't just maintain its rate trajectory but pulls forward the beginning of balance sheet unwinds. We look forward to Janet explaining how everything is so awesome...


"The entire investing world now feels completely justified in coming into today with 'dovish hike' expectations.  The issue there is that it sets a VERY fine-line on messaging, where you have such consensual expection of ‘dovish hike’ that the slightest disappointment in this view could rock us. "



FANG Stocks are dragging the Nasdaq lower as "growth" is dumped post-Fed...


What happens next?

10-year US Treasury yields just broke to 2.10% for the first time since November 10th, and more importantly tumbling through a key trendline support from a year ago...

Disappointing inflation and retail sales data has sparked a surge in safe-haven demand for bonds and bullion, and left stocks confused this morning ahead of The Fed statement and press conference this afternoon...

America’s Great Depression started off worse from 1930-1932, but the recovery came on stronger. By contrast, Illinois did not have as steep of a fall during the first years of the Great Recession, but Illinois’ recovery from the Great Recession has been abysmal.

"If the Fed were to just let its balance sheet 'run off', it would cause additional pressure on short-term interest rates even as policy rates are rising. It could also potentially invert or further distort the front-end of the yield curve and destabilize the money markets... It would, therefore, behoove the Fed to sell some of its longer dated Treasury holdings to steepen the yield curve."

This one is almost too ridiculous to believe...
                CHECK  VIDEO  https://youtu.be/izwKpotVQLw

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

Not evidence needed:  Is this a case of a Senate with “Overwhelmingly  IDIOTS”? 

The Senate on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved new sanctions to punish Russia for "meddling" in the 2016 election. The bipartisan legislation, which passed with in a 97-2 vote, slaps new sanctions on Russia and restricts President Trump from easing them in the future without first receiving congressional approval.

"It is time for those of us that believe in constitutional values to rise up and take our country back. It won’t be easy, but if we want this nation to have any sort of a future at all we have no choice but to act."

"The powers-that-be understand that if the government can control speech, it controls thought and, in turn, it can control the minds of the citizenry. In fact, some of this past century’s greatest dystopian authors warned of this very danger."

The Education Department announced Wednesday that it will change two key Obama-era rules governing student loan forgiveness in cases involving fraud and misconduct by universities.  The department said it will convene special committees to rewrite the Borrower Defense to Repayment and Gainful Employment regulations.
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

The nasty business of wars:  A rio revuelto, ganancia de pescadores

just two weeks after Trump signed a record, $110 billion weapons deal with Saudi Arabia, moments ago Bloomberg reported that Qatar will also buy up to 36 F-15 jets from the Pentagon for $12 billion, providing the small Gulf nation with "state of the art" capabilities.
As Venezuela’s oil industry goes down it flames, it’s looking like it may just take Cuba down with it.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Qatar chaos sends ripples of economic anxiety across the region.
The United States has been using lies to go to war since 1846. 
Comey’s Lies of Omission  By Mike Whitney
Can a man who rubber-stamped waterboarding be trusted? 
The move by Robert S. Mueller III to investigate Trump’s conduct marks a major turning point.
Full Testimony: Attorney General Grilled on Russia Ties
Jeff Sessions testifies on Russia ties and possible perjury
Sanders lent his support to the neo-McCarthyite campaign of the Democrats.
Watch - The Putin Interviews   Video  Oliver Stone Interview With Vladimir Putin

COUNTER PUNCH  & ZC ZCOMM.ORG/  https://zcomm.org/all-types/  

Roger Harris   Scapegoating Russia  Review of Kovalik ‘ book  The Plot to Scapagoat RU

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

More Fake News? WaPo’s Unnamed Sources Reveal Trump May Have Obstructed Justice  https://sputniknews.com/us/201706151054643374-fake-news-washington-post-trump/

The Washington Post wants you to know that “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” but when it comes to sourcing their biggest breaking stories — Wednesday’s being that US President Donald Trump himself is under the Department of Justice special counsel’s magnifying glass — the Post can’t find anyone with a name to step into the light.

When asked whether he thought Trump had obstructed justice, Comey told West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, “I don’t know. That’s Bob Mueller’s job to sort that out.” 

“We briefed the congressional leadership about what Americans we had opened counterintelligence investigation cases on,” Comey testified, “and we specifically said the president is not one of those Americans, but — that there was no other investigation of the president that we were not mentioning at that time. “

While the Washington Post basks in the glow of praise from establishment Trump critics desperate for cause to impeach the 45th US president, the rest of us will have to sit idly by — in the dark.   Said the The Post and the Times. 

Iran Sends Its Warships to the Gulf of Aden, Here's Why   https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201706141054610896-iran-warships-gulf-aden/ 

On Sunday, Iran's 47th Navy flotilla, comprised of Alborz destroyer and Bushehr logistic warship, set sail on its voyage to Oman. It will further go to the north of the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden. Sputnik Persian talked to Iranian political analysts, who explained why Tehran is demonstrating its naval military might.

Today, the Gulf of Aden littoral states have joined hands to prevent our naval flotillas from docking in there with the purpose of indirectly blocking our presence in high seas and international waters,” it quoted Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari as saying in the ceremony marking the start of the 47th Navy flotilla’s mission.

Sayyari also made it clear that Iranian flotillas pursue two main objectives in their overseas missions: ensuring security of shipping routes and foiling Iranophobia attempts.

"Iran regards it as its duty to preserve safety of the regional countries, especially in the joint water basin, hence we should not interconnect these maneuvers with any external factors, and with the Qatari crisis in particular," Hossein Ruyvaran, Iranian political analyst, an expert on the Middle East and the Arab world who teaches at the University of Tehran and former director of Iran's regional state TV station in Beirut told Sputnik.

Iran's Plan for Nuclear Powered Navy is Response to 'US Violating the Deal'  https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201612171048685583-iran-nuclear-deal/

In mid-December, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani ordered the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) to start developing nuclear power units for ships, in response to a possible violation by the United States of the Iran nuclear deal.

"There is the Iran nuclear agreement itself. And there is also a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action which was signed later. Moreover, there is, as the Americans call it, a gentleman’s agreement or unspoken agreement on certain measures labeled as the 'spirit' of the JCPOA," Abshenass told Sputnik Persian.

Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

La Revolución Cubana en el siglo XXI  Fdo Martínez  final analisis
Colombia, el espejo neoliberal al desnudo  Federico Kucher y Pablo Wahren
Juntos por el Perú   Yorka Gamarra
COL        Houtart, el precursor  Camila Pérez
                Carta abierta a mesa de negociaciones Gobierno-ELN Mesa Social pro Paz

VEN       Recordar a Allende en Venezuela  Ricardo Orozco

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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