domingo, 4 de junio de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Manufacturing's share of all U.S. employment fell to an all-time record low of 8.48% in May. While blame has been laid at the foot of globalization and technology, in fact it has been an almost non-stop decline since the end of World War 2.
Sinophobe in the time when neo-colonialism is over

“The real credit excesses haven’t been created here, they’ve formed in China, which leaves the Fed in a quandary as the Fed no longer control China."

The US labor market "recovery" is perhaps the biggest 'fake news' of the US economic narrative, and as a comprehensive recent analysis issued by Morningside Hill reveals, the state of the US jobs market is far worse than the official data suggest. Here's why.

Here is the official BLS data for the jobs added over the past 11 years, and a monthly breakdown for 2016.

Needless to say, part-time jobs are far inferior to full-time positions. Contingent workers are facing many challenges compared to full-time employees:

  • Low pay: contingent workers have a median hourly pay around $13 compared to $18 for full-time workers amounting to 38% lower remuneration.
  • Job instability: 28.5% of part-timers were laid off in the previous year compared to 8.2% for full-time employees.
  • Low access to health insurance: only 18% of contingent workers had employer-provided health benefits compared to 56% of regular workers.
  • High poverty rates: 33.1% of core contingent workers earn $20,000 or less per annum while only 10.8% of full-time workers fall within that category.
  • High reliance on public assistance – part-time employees rely on programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for example.

"... investors are taking the greatest amount of risk for the least amount of potential return in history..."

"We become more materialistic than under a natural monetary system. We can’t just sit on our savings anymore, and we have to watch our investments constantly, and think about revenue constantly, because if it is not earning enough, we are actively getting poorer."

"The only thing I know for sure is the fall is imminent, the heights from which we will begin our descent are dizzying, but it's unsure what will arrest our fall into depopulation, deflation, and depression. Realism is the new pessimism."

Central banks own just over a third of the global tradable bond universe of $54 trillion, or roughly $18 trillion. How this amount of debt on bank balance sheets is ever unwound, i.e. sold without crashing the bond market, we don't know.

Gold and Silver Hated Now, Cryptocurrencies Loved. The Debate Rages Onward, and Here’s a Solution!


(1)    At the Current Time, NEITHER Cryptocurrencies or Gold are Fully Outside the Manipulative Powers of the Global Banking Cartel

(2)    Price is NOT the Same as Value

(3)    All Comparisons of the Price of 1 BTC to 1 Troy Ounce of Gold are Completely Baseless and Without Merit


La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"...of all the liberal media, Mother Jones should be most ashamed for fueling the moral panic about Russian “disinformation”. It wasn’t too long ago that the Reagan Right attacked Mother Jones for spreading “Kremlin disinformation” and subverting America."

Corporate CEOs, French and German leaders, and the general crowd of Al Gore brainwashed global warming fearmongers are up in arms over Trump pulling out of the Paris Global Warming Accord. We have just one question: When has such mass hysteria ever been right?
IMPERIAL TERRORISM FROM US-UK  behind Islamic terrorism in electoral time

They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism.

86% of people in Brazil and 76% of people in India consider global warming a very serious problem. In the U.S., on the other hand, only 45% of respondents were seriously concerned, but there is also a massive gulf in perception among Democrats and Republicans...
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"(Qatar has) spread flagrant violation of all agreements and covenants and principles of international law... supporting terrorist groups aiming to destabilize the region..."

"There is a theory that Kennedy's assassination was arranged by the United States intelligence services. So if this theory is correct then what could be easier in this day and age than using all the technical means at the disposal of the intelligence services and using those means to organize some attacks, and then pointing the finger at Russia."

A massive Truck bomb shook the center of Kabul, killing at least 80 and injuring up to 400 civilians on Wednesday. Attacks against civilians have been on the rise in recent years, causing more than 11,400 deaths and injuries in 2016... almost double that of 2009.

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

How Obama’s State Department Sabotaged Trump Efforts to Calm US-Russia Relations

US State Department officials appointed during the administration of President Barack Obama have been revealed to have actively sought to block the normalization of diplomatic relations between Moscow and Washington under Obama’s successor Donald Trump

US Decision to Sanction Russian Companies Pre-Dates Trump Administration

The US decision to impose new sanctions against Russian entities was made during the final days of President Barack Obama’s administration, a Department of State official told Sputnik.
"These determinations to sanction this group of individuals and entities were made by the State Department on January 17, 2017… and subsequently reviewed by the incoming administration prior to transmission to Congress," the official stated on Monday.

Putin Calls Claims Russia Has Damaging Dossier on Trump 'Piece of Nonsense'

"Well, this is just another piece of nonsense. Where would we get any information about him? Did we have some kind of special relationship with him. There was no relationship whatsoever. Yes, he visited Moscow in his day. But, you know, I never met him," Putin said in an interview with NBC News anchor Megyn Kelly answering the question whether Moscow possessed damaging information about Trump.

"We have talked about it with former president Obama and with several other officials. No one ever showed me any direct evidence. When we spoke with President Obama about that, you know, you should probably better ask him about it – I think he will tell you that he, too, is confident of it. But when he and I talked I saw that he, too, started having doubts. At any rate, that's how I saw it," Putin said in an interview with NBC News anchor Megyn Kelly.

In explaining her reasoning for the stunning November 2016 Democratic presidential loss, former candidate Hillary Clinton has seriously alienated the political party that chose her as their primary representative.
And at a recent commencement speech Clinton angrily declared, "When people in power invent their own facts, and attack those who question them, it can mark the beginning of the end of a free society."

US House Democrat Questions Trump Adviser Conway's Ties to Polling Firm

A US House Democrat has questioned the ties of Trump's adviser Kellyanne Conway with her polling company over possible conflicts of interests.

SPONSORS of JIHADISM DIVIDED: El fuego de la barbarie que crearon en Siria y Yemen los cocino.
Saudi Arabia Cuts Diplomatic Relations With Qatar Following Bahrain

Saudi Arabia also announced that it was cutting air and sea contact with Qatar. Also, it has been announced, that the Saudi-led coalition cancelled Qatar's participation in Yemen operation, citing al-Qaeda support.
The statement comes just after Bahrain announced cutting diplomatic relations with Qatar.

Bahrain Severs Diplomatic Relations With Qatar
WHY?  for destabilizing security and stability in the Kingdom of Bahrain and interference in its internal affairs

Related 2
Egypt Cuts Diplomatic Relations With Qatar Following Bahrain, Saudi Arabia

"The Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt has decided to sever diplomatic relations with Qatar because of the continued hostility of the Qatari authorities towards Egypt," the statement read.
Earlier, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia announced severing diplomatic relations with Qatar. The countries also cut air and sea contact with Qatar.

UAE Cuts Relations With Qatar, Supporting Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Egypt
The announcement by state news agency said that UAE accused Qatar of "destabilising security of the region".

RU’ ANSWER TO US-NATO bulling … fortalice unity of Belarusian and Serbians
 Russian Airborne Troops Arrive in Belarus to Take Part in Drills
"During the drills, the Russian airborne troops with be equipped with the Ratnik infantry combat system while the combat vehicle crews with the Cowboy protective suits," the military said.

Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

Una mirada Feminista  a la Economía  La política feminista era esto  Sandra Ezquerra
Lehendakari en Colombia   Empresas vascas y ¿derechos humanos?  Gorka Martija y J H
Palestina   Huelga de hambre victoriosa, la lucha continúa  Alain Pajolat

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

I hardly know former US security advisor Flynn: Russia’s Putin

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