martes, 13 de junio de 2017

JUN 12 17 SIT EC y POL

JUN 12 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"From peak to trough the deceleration in global credit growth is now approaching that during the global financial crisis (-6% of global GDP)."

"This isn’t wealth. It’s just phony paper. And as the Great Recession showed in late 2008, phony paper wealth can go ‘poof’ in an instant."

So in terms of supply/demand fundamentals, the average price nationwide shouldn’t be that much higher.

But take a look at this chart, courtesy of the Federal Reserve.
The red line shows interest rates, which have been generally falling since 1990. The blue line shows home prices, which have been rising like crazy since 2012.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to spot the correlation: record low interest rates mean higher home prices.
This isn’t wealth.
It’s just phony paper.

And as the Great Recession showed in late 2008, phony paper wealth can go ‘poof’ in an instant.
With that in mind, it may be time to consider taking some of that paper wealth off the table and setting it aside for a rainy day.



"I believe the U.S. is the best place to invest.  Every single person I think I have ever talked to tells me I am wrong in this.  If you believe in the majority, you can just throw my opinion in the waste basket. But on the other hand, I was brought up in this business and I am saying ‘THE CROWD IS ALWAYS WRONG.’"

Of course, while he makes the argument, we're not quite convinced that investing at peak multiples and with the S&P trading at all-time highs is 'contrarian.'

And another 'contrarian' indicator:

But sure, the 'crowd' hates U.S. equities right now.

As our politicos creep deeper into a legalistic wilderness hunting for phantoms of Russian collusion, nobody pays attention to the most dangerous force in American life: the unraveling financialization of the economy.

Nobody in power in this country is paying attention to how close we are to that epic moment — at least, they’re not talking about it. If the possibility of all that even occupies some remote corner of their brains, they surely don’t know how to prepare the citizenry for it, or what to do about it. The truth is that societies respond emergently to major crises like the imminent unraveling of our financialized economy, often in disorderly and surprising ways. I suppose we’ll just have to watch the nauseating spectacle play out, and in the meantime enjoy the Russian collusion melodrama for whatever it’s worth — probably more than a ticket to Wonder Woman or the new Tom Cruise Mummy movie.

According to the latest EIA Daily Prodctivity Report forecast released today, in July the total shale basin output is expected to hit 5.475 mmb/d, surpassing the previous production record of 5.46 mmb/d reached in March 2015. And that's just the beginning.

The market had suddenly woken up to the realization that the Illinois story will not have a happy ending.

The culprit: local businesses, as corporate income tax collections have been the main cause under-performance, falling $909mn, or 41.3% on a year-over-year basis.

The chart below shows how the spreads have moved wider each day since the month began. On Thursday the spread widened out by 28bps, compared to average 8.2bps it moved the previous five days. Since then the move has accelerated.

Traditionally, sharp moves in the bond market - such as thise one - have been sufficient to prompt politicians to reach a compromise, although in a world in which central banks have always stepped in to make things better, we fail to see how or why the Illinois auto pilot, which is currently set on collision course with insolvency, will change direction any time soon.

"The new crisis can be expected to be 'Peak Economy' instead of Peak Oil. Peak Economy is likely to have a far different shape than Peak Oil - a much sharper downturn. It is likely to affect many aspects of the economy at once. The financial system will be especially affected. "


Since The Fed began its 'tightening cycle' in December 2015, the Treasury yield curve (2s10s) has flattened dramatically, tumbling back today towards cycle lows (and well below Trump-election-hope lows). What is perhaps more worrisome is the historical trend strongly suggests this trend is far from over and an inverted yield curve looms.

“We are having a hard time finding high-quality companies at attractive valuations...the average stock is overvalued somewhere between tremendously and enormously.”

It's official: not only has bitcoin officially made its way to Wall Street, but confirming rumors that emerged over the weekend, "hedge" funds - starved of volatility in virtually all other asset classes -  are now not only actively trading the volatile digital currency, but as clients of the vampire squid, they have petitioned Goldman's chief technician, Sheba Jafari to start covering it.


"The 'credit impulse' -- defined as net new credit to GDP -- has gone negative in the world for the first time since the start of the Great Recession...THE MOST LIKELY PERIOD FOR [THE RECESSION] TO HAPPEN WOULD BE END OF THIS YEAR because, of course, Trump has not delivered."

"For those still overweight the sector, note the panic signaling in implied volatility on Friday. One should expect a rebound. We believe one should be paring back to neutral on that opportunity." - BMO

Despite the ongoing growth in the US budget deficit as tax receipts fail to keep up with government spending, a problem has emerged.
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"No longer is it at all reasonable to characterize the United States as a stable democracy. It’s certainly not stable now; and, also, it’s certainly not a democracy. And the present long-term trend is in the wrong direction."

What specifically did Sacks do that caused U.S. officials to put him in their sights? He took medicine to Iraq. That infuriated U.S. officials because the medicine that Sacks took into Iraq interfered with their ability to kill more Iraqi children, which in turn, impeded their ability to achieve regime change in Iraq.

Although the situation has improved in many countries, the ten lowest-ranking nations – known as the world’s “least peaceful” countries – have shown little change in recent years. However, nine of those ten countries share one commonality in the violence that they’ve experienced: U.S.-led destabilization efforts and regime change operations...

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

CRISIS  we are VERY CLOSE to that epic moment.
The Age of Anger  By Chris Hedges
The steady deterioration of the ecosystem will ultimately lead to total systems collapse
The entire framework of the anti-Russian campaign is fraudulent.


Binoy Kampmark  The Comey Show

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

Macron's Election Victory Lays Bare 'Implosion' of Traditional French Parties

AUTO-RECICLAJE DEL LEGADO IMPERIAL : Emmanuel Macron's victory in the first round of France's parliamentary elections demonstrates the disintegration of traditional French two-party politics, Dr. Christoph Frei told Radio Sputnik.  .. UN BOOMERANG que amenaza regresar al imperio

"What we see is an implosion of the dominant party balance that has dominated France and French politics for the past 60 years. So yes, absolutely, what we see is a crumbling down of party structures that have basically seen their best days," Frei said.

What 'Unsubmissive France' Political Movement Stands for

The members of the left-wing Unsubmissive France (La France Insoumise) political movement will participate in the French legislative election, the first round of which is scheduled for Sunday.

Unsubmissive France was created in 2016 by a representative of France’s left forces Jean-Luc Melenchon.

Before engaging with the socialist ideology, Melenchon was fond of Trotskyism and studied the works of Karl Marx.
In 1977, Melenchon joined the Socialist Party which he left in 2008, establishing his own Left Party. The party became a political ally of the French Communist Party and formed the Left Front political movement along with it.

What You Should Know About French Center-Right The Republicans Party 

Members of the French center-right The Republicans party will compete with their rivals in the country's legislative elections, the first round of which takes place on Sunday and the second is set for June 18.

The Republicans advocate the strengthening of the four "pillars" of the French Republic — school, business, family and secularism.

[[ Esto me suena familiar:  disfrazarse de centrista en el circo electoral para poder caminar a la IZQ ]]

Será afectado el Deep State si cae Comey?  Es posible, pero para bien de peor OLiG ,no de la NATION
Comey Could Face 35 Years in Jail for Leaking Talks With Trump

Former NSA senior analyst and whistleblower William Binney said that James Comey could legally be jailed for up to 35 years for admitting in a congressional testimony last week that he had deliberately leaked a confidential conversation with President Donald Trump.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey could legally be jailed for up to 35 years for admitting in a congressional testimony last week that he had deliberately leaked a confidential conversation with President Donald Trump, ex-National Security Agency (NSA) senior analyst and whistleblower William Binney told Sputnik.

"That's something that whistleblowers are in jail for between five and 35 years," Binney noted about Comey’s testimony last week to the US Senate Intelligence Committee in which he admitted to leaking a memo of his conversation with Trump.
But that's not the only crime Comey has done," he said, but did not elaborate further.


Poll Shows Almost Half of Americans Believe Ex-FBI Head Comey More Than Trump 

Polls don’t matter in this context… It depends on Deep State opinion.. I’ll guess it favor seller of WMD
The poll was conducted on June 8-9 and involved 1,000 US citizens.
The poll comes following Comey's testimony on the Trump-Russia probe at the US Senate Intelligence Committee on June 8. It was the first public appearance of Comey since his firing in May. During his testimony, Comey explained why he recorded his private talks with the US president, saying that he was afraid Trump might "lie" about them. However, he said that Trump did not directly order him stop investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.
In May, Trump fired Comey over what he believed was poor handling of the investigation into the Hillary Clinton private server and email scandal. 
On contact  The fatal addiction  [[ What about Fatal State Institution’ CONTACTS and happy business ]]

Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

Migrantes  "La balsa de la Medusa"  David Torres
Amaia Pérez Orozco   Cuestiones de estrategia en la economía feminista  Nadia de Mond
ALC-CLACSO (Junio, 2017)   Nuestra América XXI: Desafíos y alternativas  Varios autores
                Una verdad incómoda   Javier Biardeau R.
                La izquierda frente a Venezuela   Claudio Katz  
                Regresión en Derechos Humanos   El gran salto atrás  Horacio Verbitsky
                Desacuerdo federal extractivo   Darío Aranda
Bolivia  Oposición boliviana   La unidad (im)posible   Shirley Ampuero
                El odio, una receta al estilo colonial   Bárbara Ester,
                La centralidad de los humildes de la Tierra  Leonardo Boff
COL        ¡Hacemos un llamado por la vida!  Varios autores
                Guerrilleros y Fiscal, el gran contraste   Gabriel Ángel
                Una tragedia putumayense en tres actos
PAL        La agenda terrorista sobre Oriente Medio  Abu Faisal
MEX       -Otro botón de muestra   Guillermo Almeyra
RUSIA   Rodolfo Bueno
                                Las prioridades de Lenín   Carol Murillo Ruiz

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

Persian Gulf Diplomatic Crisis

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