viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016



Hugo Adan, Oct 28 2016

I’m a socialist voting for Dr. Jill Stein and here my answer to the question

Because Vote for a 3rd option doesn’t violate the 2 principles of democracy:  right & freedom; and because all citizens have the right to use the 3rd  principle:  the voting as “exercise of power”. It is a legitimate principle of democracy since R Dahl on. Power – has been defined- as political actions of individual in community, designed to affect an established system that affects our current social life. Power It is the ability to use Laws and social context to introduce social changes that cannot be done otherwise.  

Politics is about might, more than rights & freedoms. Power is organized MIGHT of individuals who decide to act in one direction and with clear purposes. This is this power that creates the basis for other rights  and freedoms. Without the actions of organized people, the other rights exist only in paper.

The seizure of power at State nation level is the final end of power. The principles of democracy set by Robert Dahl warrantee the voting as “exercise of power” as we defined.  Before the capture of power at  local, state and nation level, power is only –in the term of Bertrand Russell – A PROGRAM of intended effects. That is,  A has power on B IF:  

1-      A has effects on B choices and actions.
2-      If A has the capacity to move B choices and actions in ways that A intended.
3-      If A has the capacity to override opposition from B.
4-      If as result of relationships between A and B (1-2-3) become institutionalized inside the system, or has the tendency to persist long in a given social structure.
There must be other ways of defined power, but this is the one used by socialist in the south, and now here in America, it is much more clear & simple than the one from Max Weber, Mills and Parsons.

Voting as “exercise of power” is the basic principle to vote for a 3rd option. We should go beyond elections and support and build the basis for PEOPLE’ FUTURE POWER. It doesn’t matter now who –among the two oligarchical candidates- win the current elections. They will both create a fascist power (a totalitarian dictatorship that I described in THE RIDDLE ABSTENTION vs VOTING for a 3RD OPTIO..).

In the current context, both Hillary than Trump, have no other choice than fascism if they escalate the war with Russia-China, and if they commit fraud –as already been denounced- in the coming elections. This will create a massive violence and the violent repression, as effect. That will break our society apart.  Of course fascism  is more a choice from Hillary than Tramp, as is implicit in her war mongerism.

This is the reason why all socialists parties in America (around 10 of them) plus many progressive people that supported Sanders before, have decided to vote for the 3rd option lead by Dr. Jill Stein. We need to organize the will of people to resist and overcome anti-democratic forces. 

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