lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

OCT 16 16 SIT EC y POL

OCT 16 16  SIT EC y POL


Political risks in Europe are on the rise as the once prosperous middle class are forgotten, both financially (cannot compete with low cost Chinese workers) and culturally (if you do not like what is happening to your neighborhood you are a deplorable and irredeemable racist bigot and we do not need to listen to you). Losing life savings as deposits are bailed in left and right will be the straw that bring down any pretense of political correctness.

One year ago we showed the following chart to explain the relative strong dollar that was on everyone’s mind at the time. With a second leg higher in the US dollar imminent, this particular chart will be more important than ever. Claims to dollars, such as demand and time deposits, or even more opaque money-like products created by the shadow banking system is just that, a claim or derivative on the final mean of payment, namely base money. When trust breaks down and owners of dollar claims rush to exchange them for actual dollars, the price of dollars goes up in relation to goods and services because there are not enough dollars to satisfy all the claims outstanding.

In monetary terms deflation takes hold and there are no market mechanism that can clear this anomaly (because it was never a proper market to begin with) as the price of the underlying and the derivative will move in perfect proportion to each other. Enter the Federal Reserve with their QE programs, id est base money creation, to meet dollar demand and stem the ensuing panic.

Unfortunately, something even more sinister has been going on with dollar derivatives internationally. In addition to domestic claims to dollars, there are a massive market for dollars internationally called Eurodollars. Foreign banks, particularly European banks, help global investors, merchants, exporters and importers trade and settle in USD, with very few actual dollars presentAs long as everybody trust each other, this highly efficient system can operate smoothly with a high degree of leverage. Money market funds and filthy rich commodity exporters have a long tradition for placing their money in these markets allowing the financial system to benefit greatly.

A massively overleveraged financial system is once again on the brink.All it take is a second leg higher in the USD and European banking is dead in the water with monstrosities like Deutsche Bank being one of the most interconnected institutions on the planet. Knock-on effects on the global economy will be severe as dollar funding dries up. The USD SWAP line between ECB and the Federal Reserve will quickly reach a trillion dollars and the newly elected US Congress will throw hissy-fits as they are essentially asked to bail out the international Eurodollar market.

Political risk in Europe are on the rise as the once prosperous middle class are forgotten, both financially (cannot compete with low cost Chinese workers) and culturally (if you do not like what is happening to your neighborhood you are a deplorable and irredeemable racist bigot and we do not need to listen to you).

Losing life savings as deposits are bailed in left and right will be the straw that bring down any pretense of political correctness.

In June, oil was still down 20% relative to a year prior. Last month, that year-over-year change had already risen to 0%. And if prices hold at current levels, oil will be up 45% at year-end. To repeat for emphasis, that’s -20% YoY to +45% YoY in the space of six months."

S&P 1650 by the end of the year? Reality looms.

"They know the economy is in the shitter and the average American is not better off than they were four or eight years ago. As a last ditch effort to keep this tsunami of history from rolling over them and sweeping away the last vestiges of their corrupt rule, they have ramped up the printing presses and government spending to try and make the masses believe the economy is hitting on all cylinders. It will fail, and the peasants will be coming for them."

"...we have the precedent from a much earlier time (the 1930s) when the defection of just one member from a currency union caused the system to unwind rapidly. And we can clearly sense the seeds of another popular political revolt in other member countries; a flurry of upcoming elections and referendums provides an immediate catalyst...We believe we are approaching a dramatic fulcrum point in public opinion in Europe."

The global elites’ false promise that neoliberal economics would cure all ills through the elixir of endless growth helps explain the angry nationalist movements ripping apart the West’s politics...

"We will provide the full text of HRC’s physician’s letter, summarizing that she is in excellent health and is medically fit to perform the duties of President. we expect the stories that pop at 2 pm to have headlines such as “CLINTON IN ‘EXCELLENT HEALTH,’ MEDICAL RECORDS SAY” … “CLINTON RELEASES HEALTH REPORT."

"I don't know how this will end.. but I do know we will have to defend ourselves. And I evenknow how they will package this as 'Russian aggression' again when this is simply a response to American actions... The world is being pulled in an irreversible direction."

"In return for altering the classification, the possibility of additional slots for the FBI at missions overseas was discussed.  This is a flashing red light of potential criminality."

"Just as I'm pretty sure Mark Penn didn't do his cocaine rant against Obama without some higher up approval."


The events in the Middle East, Syria and Aleppo are the focus of global attention. Rarely has a battle been so decisive to the outcome of a war and the fate of hundreds of millions of people around the world.

The West has always been a great trembling hive of hypocrisy, portraying itself as liberal, progressive, civilised and democratic... as the "shining house upon the hill": just, altruistic, democratic, with a "mission to extend individual liberties throughout the world." These western and especially US virtues are mobilised to justify policies, wars, covert activities which are not virtuous at all.

Moments ago, Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi publicly announced the start of an offensive to retake Mosul, the capital of Islamic State's caliphate in Iraq. "The hour has come and the moment of great victory is near," he said in a speech on state TV, "I announce today the start of the operation to liberate the province of Nineveh."  US troops are said to be playing a "supporting role" in the offensive.

While many were wondering if China would unleash QE (which it has been effectively doing for years, using various liquidity conduits), Beijing has quietly launched the biggest fiscal stimulus in history, one that is even bigger than 2009-10, following the global meltdown.


Click to download the audio (MP3 format)  There is a new form of military engagement on the world stage, and is principally practiced by the United States. It is called Hybrid Warfare.
Hybrid warfare, involves two pillars. The first is a “coloured revolution” or soft coup triggered by external sources instigating anti-government sentiment within the framework identity politics. The second is unconventional warfare, involving non-state actors executing violence designed to generate chaos and disorder and keep authorities off-balance and vulnerable to overthrow.
“They either smash us or we take them out from the race”

This comment is based on:

The real topic here is  DEMOCRACY AS POWER.

The Constitution requires that governments be accountable to the electorate and that corporations in turn be accountable to democratic governments.” To represent the interests of people and living communities a democratic  Govt  depends on two global powers: big corp that represent purely financial interests and the institutions of government or State apparatous that has power over the masses but not over corp.” Such accountability depends on Laws and rules and the one who create them is not even the State, but the deep state “an association de banksters & super-rich from WS plus honorable members of the Gov.

In our Presidential regime there is a chance that  Presidents has the upper hand –the power- in defining Law authorities, rules and the composition of the deep state, if he has control of the House & Senate. It rarely happens (if happens.. it is usually in the 2nd period, if get re-elected.). So, in general the President  is week in front of big corp. In short, democracy barely gives power to a State that represent the Nation, the common good; and never gives power to a nation of voters inside a duopoly system (two parties financed by big corp). Democracy gives to them only the chance of selecting between two evil parties. That is, the chanced of selecting a lesse evil, a bad person anyway.

The market factor. The big corp who the market,  control also the Govt. There is a myth –a kind of religious believe- that said that the market should always be free from rules of any Govt .. if you want that markets serve the common good. This is an ideological fiction born of banksters dreams, and spread over and over by the corp media.  I happens so until the British hacker Navinder Sarao was cought manipulating market transaction from Wall Street for 20’ in the morning of May 6, 2010. See "Flash Crash Mastermind" Navinder Sarao To Be Extradited To The US, Faces Up To 380 Years In Jail. One person was caught among hundreds, perhaps thousands of hackers doing the same type of operations. The interesting thing is that Associations of  banksters and corp from WS do the same type of fraud to our Nation with complicity of the State, but they do not accept competition from simple individuals. Banksters  and big WS corp  have the exclusive monopoly of fraud.

All this reality was captured by David Korten in The Elephant In The Room: What Trump, Clinton, And Even Stein Are Missing.  I guess it was Jill Stein who suggested a better title  TWO ELEPHANTS IN THE ROOM : “they either smash as or we take them out from the race”, she said.  Even though, David general statement –without Stein in it-  is valid to describe current reality:
“Earth is dying. A few hundred billionaires are consolidating their control of the Earth’s remaining real wealth. Racism is rampant. And their violence devastates millions of lives.”

Following that logic we can say that our perverted democracy is another ideological fiction born of banksters dreams, and spread over and over by big corp media paid to idealize it. See my brief art “The objective political Reality”  extracted from “EZ retarded realism”.,I said there that 

There are not lesser evils anymore : what we have today are two death animals already in decomposition inside our house. They stink too much  & we need to take them out and disposed inside a garbage container. This is that we can do in Nov 8 with a strong Abstention movement”.  


Iraqi Prime Minister Announces Launch of Operation to Retake Mosul from Daesh
Major Offensive: More Than 60,000 Iraqi Troops Preparing to Retake Mosul
Turkish Troops in the Battle for Mosul: What’s Behind Ankara’s Interest?
Trump’s Doubt of US Intel's Groundless Claims of Russian Hack ‘Defies Logic’
Supporters Rally Behind Trump Despite Media Attacks, Sagging Polls





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