sábado, 22 de octubre de 2016


This includes an urgent Plan of Actions at the end

Hugo Adan, Oct 21, 2016

The logic for ABSTENTION has been summarized clearly by Nathan Hanna in “An Argument for Voting Abstention - Personal Web Page, 2009.   

I will make a summary of her arguments and add R.Dahl thesis on this topic.

In this doct she argues that there is an ethical obligation to ABSTEIN under certain political conditions. The obligation to abstain follows from two premises

a-      One should not exercise one’s right badly.
b-     There are conditions where, if one votes, one can only vote badly (lesser evil story)
c-      Therefore, one should not vote in such conditions.

She mentioned two conditions:

1.      Illegitimate system or anti-democratic: full of exclusions and frauds
2.      Unfair process: biased in favor of one party

If we add the “freedom” conditions for real democracy or “Polyarchy” set by Robert Dahl we have the whole argument in favor of Abstention: 

1-      Freedom to form and join organizations (we have it by silenced in TV debates)

2-      Freedom of expression  ( only  to support oligarchical duopoly parties. Dissenters have been blocked; their computers destroyed with viruses; some of them were prosecuted, jailed & even killed. Amy Goodman was harassed recently for reporting on State abuses against native population). 

3-      Right to vote (only if you registered in one of the oligarchical parties, you can’t move freely from one to the other. The Dems called “Closed Primaries”, to this illegal capture of votes. Because of, millions have been excluded recently in NY, California, Boston and other primaries. The third option party of Jill Stein is being blocked in several States, in this way the system is banning to many US citizens their right to vote).

4-      Eligibility for public offices. ( electing local authorities is also sided in favor of the two oligarchical parties.)

5-      Right of political leaders to compete for support & votes. (Minority parties have been excluded from main debates. You can only compete if you have economic support from billionaires. Sanders manage to get the support of working classes and it was not enough. The system is rigged in favor of the two party system)

6-      Alternative sources of information. (We do have it, but the mainstream media is controlled by big corporations. There is official threats to cancel Internet, if "National Security" -the two oligarchical parties- demand it.)

7-      Free and fair elections ( since the 6 above conditions for real democracy don’t exist, or only partially exist, we don't have real democracy with free and fair elections) 

8-      Institutions for making government policies depends on votes and other expression of preference. ( The political bureaucratic control of the system is the most corrupted one. Besisdes, few States like Michigan manage to implement Referendum and recount of votes. Lobbies from big corp distorted primaries results with their super-delegates and other anti-democratic maneuvers).

I have to add the following
Democratic voting is not only "a right and freedom" to express political preferences one hour every four years; it is also an exercise of political power for the oppressed people to defend thier interest and/or change radically the current status quo. The right to exercise political power peacefully is the essence of democracy, and it is a right that should be expressed daily or when the time required (not one hour every 4 years) via political actions of solidarity supporting people causes. 

It is fair to conclude that: If all these 10 conditions for real democracy do not exist or barely exist, then we are in front of a rigged democracy.

You decide if the arguments above are enough for your ABSTENTION in the coming elections, but first listen the next option you have.


This logic is based on the combination of three objective contextual realities:

1.      The trap of two evil parties as only choices for the electorate, force them to exercise their right to vote badly,  or voting for a lesser evil. This is the most terrible defect of our electoral system  Worse if the oligarchical parties have similar traits. If so, they will join forces  to silence the voice or prevent the emerge of a 3rd option ,as now happens. If the two o parties have real differences, the “deep state” or shadow Gvt representing the oligarchical interest as a block (not a particular sector) will use those differences to create artificial political chaos to legitimize the existence of the duopoly system.

One can use the Cartesian line to see this game. In this line there is a ZERO in the middle, and positive numbers (+) in the right side, and negatives (-) at the left side.  The ZERO represent  the Abstention: kind of temporal neutrality, “not in favor, not against radical change”. It is a “way to see” or “suspense” in the language of Trump. Meaning: “The process is on, nothing is done, until fair verification of results is over. All that is need now is the verification of a vote emitted, if released by the machines, to recount votes where need it. Then, we will see”.

Meanwhile, a premise is clear: A negative vote -1 + another negative vote -1 doesn’t make a positive one in the Cartesian line, it instead double or triple the amount of poison against democracy. Meaning: The joining of the two oligarchical parties before and after the election does re-create -at a higher level- the current anti-democratic system. It will be worse even if they contradict each other before elections (at bureaucratic level) and after the elections (Senate and House vs. Executive power= total chaos plus civil disobedience & violence).

2.      War is the 2nd greatest enemy of our democracy  and the main source of political and economic calamities for a State nation. Besides diverting financial funds needed to attend internal problem, it waste it and destroy millions of human life and infrastructural resources. The context is loaded with war mongerism thanks to Hillary.

3.      Neo-Fascism is the third greatest enemy of democracy. It emerges from the alliance of leaders and parties with big corporations aligned with the military industrial complex, this is exactly the case of Hillary. This phenomenon creates the opposite to liberalism, egalitarianism and democracy. Fascism is the authoritarian dictatorship of one single party -with two faces in our case- it is the equivalent of totalitarianism. A system full of explosive inequality controlled via police military repression of the oppressed labor in the name of State security.  

 tThe last and more frequent threat the Democracy is electronic fraud. This is a motive for special art that I promise to publish next Monday or Tuesday, as soon as Trump publish the evidences he is expected to get. Do these machines provide record of the vote done to facilitate the recounting of votes, in case is required?. Is there a record of computer fraud with the company that is providing these machines and the personnel  in-charge of operating them?.. All that we know so far is that the Democrats took control of all affairs related to the machines counting votes. President Obama admitted. Read this article: 

"Whenever people are in power, they have this tendency to try to tilt things in their direction...it’s not as if it’s just Republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in the past. Sometimes, Democrats have, too."
       According to Prof Paul Craig Roberts "rigging elections" is part of our political culture. Read this : Paul Craig Roberts Roars "Rigged Elections Are An American Tradition"
Point 1: Lesser evil trap

1-     The only option we have in the Cartesian line is apparently the ZERO point representing  Abstentionism. But abstencionismo is not a permanent neutral point. It is really an escape from reality. Is the absent of political action, a naïve believe of “I don’t care for politics. The fact is that politics will affect the present & future at all level of our existence. The ZERO doesn’t represent permanent neutrality –perhaps a brief temporal moment of indecision a month ago (wait to see). But now, nobody can be neutral inside a train moving at high speed, worse if the direction is unknown and the breaks dosen’t work. Even remote observers can be affected if the train crash. The Cartesian line only serve to evaluate the political actions of defined actors (the oligarchical parties in our case), it gives you a map on where they go, and  where they are now. This map doesn’t define nor pre-determine your will and attitudes.   

Who really determine your fate is yourself, your capacity  of united with others in similar situation to use the right to vote as exercise of political power. That means to fortify an organization that will serve now and after elections  to express your voice and execute  plans of non-violent actions at local, state and national level to defend your rights. Vote as exercise of political power is the essence of American democracy and we were doing so for long time but in chaotic or disconnected way. All we need now is to define the worse enemy, then we proceed to articulate all social progressive movements against that enemy. We can even use spaces or loopholes open by a big party to set temporal pacts to put across our aims. Is that Lenin & Trotsky did when they were siege by big western armies after the Rev.

2-      The two oligarchical parties (democrats & GOP) share the same fundamentalist ideology: neoliberalism. This is a collapsing system and they knew it, but never made a proposal to go beyond it. The demand of Sanders to re-adapt the Glass Steagal Act and the need to create a Tobin tax on all speculation transaction in WT was abandoned.

3-      Both oligarchical parties share the view of more State intervention to face debt, unemployment, health,.. and other domestic issues. Hillary & OB made it clear recently that more State intervention is need it. Trump coudn’t  go beyond feble words because he is in the speculation business, and his taxation papers  contradict the Fact of being fair in paying taxes. Even though, they will be united in the Senate & House against common people.

4-      At the level of foreign policy the record of Clinton is dismal, her lies on Russia and her war mongerism is irrational (lack of evidences) to say the less. Trump has more decent approach on this topic but at the end both of them agree to face trade and currency issues based on using the mighty of militarism and their “exceptionalism” at the UN level . That is: they both support the expansion of the collapsing empire at whatever human cost. Syrian case +..

5-      In politics they both behave openly against democracy by excluding the 3rd option from TV National debates. They both represent the 1% and want to silence the 99%.

6-      They both democrats a GOP shared the monopoly of the press in their favor until recently that Hillary got the full monopoly to biased the political discourse with her lies and nasty demonization on Trump & RU. Instead of putting condition to the press and get a deal with Hillary to postpone elections until electronic machines counting votes are check, instead of averting the coming electronic fraud before proceeding to the debate, Trump happily put his head in the rope for the Corp media to lynch him. Now he need to provide evidences of such fraud to get full support of the nation. 


1-      This is the point that makes Hillary the worse choice between the two evils. If the NATION pay attention to the dangers of this issue .. she will be defeated by a social movement demanding PEACE. No one single statement against war has been made by Hillary during the 3 national debates. She intentionally divert this issue by talking instead of private Trump saying on sex 11 years ago. She creates nausea on politics. She had the support of billionaires and don’t need the support of people.

2-      Her war mongerism has not limits. Her AIPAC DISCOURSE  was a clear evidence that she id proud of her nasty past record (Iraq, Libya and now Syria) She is supporting Israel terrorism against Palestine and the terrorist of ISIS as Obama does. She announced in AIPAC that she will inititate a war against Iran. In more recent statement she went beyond and announced her decision to start a nuclear war to Russia. No ethics nor humanism in this lady at all.


1-      The probeta experiment for neoliberalism was CHILE during the 1970s. The elected President Allende was killed and his Gov deposed for the military fascist coup of A. Pinochet. The experiment was financed and implemented by the US, Kissinger was the political mentor of this coup and Milton Friedman the economic advisor. Fifteen years after the neoliberal agenda was officially set in the Washington Consensus (1985) . At world  level such fascist experiment -that cost 40,000 human life- was celebrated by the Reagan Administration . Hillary Clinton and Trump openly declared  their admiration to Reagan. For Trump, a neophyte in History, Reagan was the 1st creator of the “Greatest  America”, not FDR. Hillary was very proud of the war criminal Kissinger, my best friend she said. Sanders decried: you should be shame of it, he said to her.

2-      The US foreign policy goes hand on hand with fascism, as it was in Italy in 1922 and ten years later in Germany  with Hitler (under the name of Nazism). This type of dictatorship has been called Totalitarian by Scholar like Hanna Arent, Friedrich and Brzezinki.

Friedrich set the five features of a totalitarian system:

A-     an official ideology (today it would be neoliberalism).

B-     single mass party controlled by an Oligarchy (in the US would be the “deep-state” or shadow Govt, a bunch of corporation lobbyists plus selected official from the Govt & bosses of the Security apparatus CIA, FBI, etc) this is the single party that articulate the shared views of Dems & GOP in the Senate on everything that concern the oligarchical interest.

C-     Govt monopoly of arms (OB tried to do it under the excuse that many people is killed by those arms. The 2nd Amendment prevail against such hypocritical argument from our champion of wars abroad. Hillary said that she will continue such “humane line”. She will do anything that please the scary oligarchy afraid of the explosive inequality they created.).

D-     Govt monopoly of Mass Media ( not need it now .. we already have same news with different owners. The only thing that escape their control –partially- is the internet & alternative media, but they already announced that they will kill that freedom if the National security demand it) .

E-      terrorist police system (we already have it and with special attention to blacks and latinos, and Muslims too .

F-      Centrally directed economy ( we already  have it and with special mission to serve the common interest –no particular ones- of big bankers and billionaires of Wall Strett. For them all, many bailouts, for the people some crumbs . I’m not against the issue Centrally Directed Economy, it is working here for some of big corp, as it is working in China & RU -SOEs- and in Germany, in all of them with more social responsibility than in our country. All that we need is to reverse its trend in favor shark speculators ).   See Carl Joachim Friedrich - Wikipedia

We are in the road to this type of system if  Hillary arrives to power. Her close contact with big Corp producing WMD and wars abroad, say so.

3-      More on the ideological features of FASCISM.

A-     Extreme nationalism. The believe that our Nation is an exceptional country with a cultural purity that is superior to others. So we deserve to be “above international Laws”. This is just a type of militaristic myth, a kind of religious ritual in their ceremonies. In my opinion this is a great society, no doubt about .. but above the Law .. ah ah.  There are beautiful people here sharing a common  dream: an America full of social justice, freedom, peace & real  democracy. Just a dream.

B-     There is an assertion of national decline that we have to overcome now at whatever cost, it is in the mind of our oligarchy. In the past we were a great nation said Trump –in fact we were with FDR-  with  harmonious social and political relations –that was and is another dream- and we have to rebuild that greatness again, said Trump. Why the urgency? ,  because we have military superiority  –not anymore- we can’t be subordinated to lesser nation, the oligarchy is saying. The fact is that we don’t need a military superiority to rebuilt our  nation. Without war we can do it faster than other nations. We have the tech and human resources to do it. All that we need now is to stop the greed –voracity of big speculators as FDR did it since 1936, in similar circumstances. 

C-     The worse of a fascist ideology is blaming our neighbors from the South for our decline. The fact is that Texas Ranchers open the door to them whenever they need cheap labor and they will put down the wall Trump is planning to build in the border with Mx. Racist ideology and the stupid grotesque “purity “ of the whites  is also typical of the fascist KKK ideology.

D-     That blame will foster ideological division between opposite social classes of our nation. That is very dangerous if we really plan to make war to RU. The memory is fresh about the concentration camps with millions of foreigners, before getting inside the WW2. If we attempt that again we will force them to united and protect their life at whatever cost this time. There is no way to do the same as we did in the past.

E-      That division could generate struggle against capitalism (its upper classes) and its political form of liberal democracy (their corrupt bureaucrats). The soldiers coming from war will join this movement and this will be the real defeat of the empire, if the Fed Union is not totally dissolved before the social crash. Fascist ideologies are really a boomerang against our current system. Nobody wanted but it happens in world history.

The trap of lesser evil, war mongerism  and the emergence of fascism are the real dangers that American democracy is facing today.  To overcome these challenges  all that we have is the option of exercising the right of using democracy  as political power. That means : using our capacity of uniting ourselves in political actions that fortify our 3rd option.  

We need a coordinated plan of non-violent actions at national level  to avoid the arrival of Hillary to power. She is the worse evil among the two and I propose coordinate with Trump the demand to postpone elections and to democratizing it by registering the Green Party in all States of the Nation. This petition should be elevated to State Courts and to the Supreme Court.  


We should start now the demand  TO POSTPONE ELECTIONS and to DEMOCRATIZE THE SYSTEM by registering the Green Party in all states of the Nation. Trump is planning to show  evidences that the machines counting votes are rigged, as many denounces suggested before. There is not point in going to elections if the machines are already set for electronic fraud?.

And it is time to democratize our system at the level of advanced democracies in Europe. We need to erase the bad image that our electoral system projected  during the recent debates.


This initiative is the best way to avoid violence during and after the elections and it is an effective way to assure PEACE  and  DEMOCRACY in AMERICA.  

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