martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

OCT 10 16 SIT EC y POL 1

OCT 10 16  SIT EC y POL 1




The fact and evidence-free statement by US intelligence that Russia was behind the DNC leak is an attempt to swing the US Presidential election in Hillary Clinton's favour and amounts to the direct interference of US intelligence in a democratic US election.


"Hillary should stop [saying] things that are untrue, which candidly she often does... she has huge endemic political weaknesses...even a clown... would be an even money bet to beat her and this scares the hell of out me..."

by Knave Dave - Oct 9, 2016 4:09 PM
The Clinton reset button for US-Russian relations has turned out to be the proverbial red button used to launch nuclear missiles
by Knave Dave - Oct 9, 2016 7:06 PM
Wikileaks’ exposure of Hillary Clinton’s emails makes it clear that US intrusion in the Syrian Civil War is really all about Iran and Israel.

From the no-handshake start, following the most awkward Bill-Melania pre-debate greeting, it was clear the gloves were off. Lashing out at Bill's indiscretions "his actions are worse than words", Hillary's lying "you should be in jail... I will call for a special prosecutor", and the biases of the moderators "it's one of three here" even the crowd cheered.. before being quickly shushed. Online polls, unbiased commentators, and the Mexican Peso agreed Trump won.

While nobody has any idea what Trump's best angle of attack may be, or what the republican presidential contender will say in under three hours when the townhall-styled debate begins, it is certain that following a brief courteous open, the mudslinging on both sides will promptly escalate, resulting in one of the most memorable, "deplorable" yet entertaining slow-motion train-wrecks observed in primetime history.
TIT FOR TAT: effective psychological pressure.


If the pre-debate intro was dramatic, the actual debate was right out of Rocky IV, when in an unprecedented moment, Hillary and Trump both refused to shake hands.

Tonight's town-hall style presidential debate from St.Louis promises to be an eyeball-scorcher. With the bout scheduled for 90 minutes with questions from the web, the crowd, and moderators, parents are strongly advised to lock up small chidren (and pets) as the chances of the words 'pussy', 'liar', 'monica', and 'rape' emerging during the battle are high. Luckily CNN's Anderson Cooper and ABC's Martha Raddatz are moderating so everything should be 'fair'.

New leaked emails reveal the very tight relationships between the mainstream media and the Hillary Clinton campaign
THIS PARANOIA-SCHIZOIDE WAS EXPECTED TOO:  listen what Hillary said last night:
#Russia has decided who they want to see president of the United States and it's not me.' -#Clinton #debate
Absolute stupid statement: sign of mental illness. This plus JAIL to her, put trump in control. She lose

Time magazine’s parent company is a top donor to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign — a factor that may help explain the publication’s obsession with blaming Russian president Vladimir Putin for “rigging” the U.S. presidential election.


1. In a world of manic factor crowding via the exponential growth of cheap passive index and smart beta products, get ready for the class-action lawsuits in a future-state. And:
2. this is BEYOND GOLD as an example of “tail wagging dog” / “echo chamber” / “feedback loop amplification” from the market structure shift experienced within the industry over the past 10+ years.


This time is “not different.” The only difference will be what triggers the next valuation reversion when it occurs. If the last two bear markets haven’t taught you this by now, we are not sure what will. Maybe the third time will be the “charm.”
Can we stop this nonsense? Please.

One of the biggest reasons why investors consistently underperform over the long-term is primarily due to the extremely flawed advice promoted by Wall Street.  ..  The latest bit of advice that you should immediately hit the “delete” key on is from Simon Moore via Forbes. The article, while it certainly fits the “buy and hold” narrative, is rife with flawed assumptions and analysis. To wit:

The latest bit of advice that you should immediately hit the “delete” key on is from Simon Moore via Forbes. The article, while it certainly fits the “buy and hold” narrative, is rife with flawed assumptions and analysis. To wit:

“You shouldn’t worry about market corrections. Not because they won’t come — they will. There is just no way of knowing when. Consider the data. It turns out that since corrections can’t be predicted, the best strategy is to remain invested for the long haul.“

Yes, as I will explain in just a moment, you should definitely worry about corrections as the destruction of capital is far more important than chasing returns.

However, the point of saying “corrections can’t be predicted” is inherently flawed. Yes, you definitely can not pinpoint the exact date and time of corrections, but THEY CAN be avoided.

There is a simple reason why every great investor has a simple rule that varies in form: “buy low, sell high.”  Purchasing an investment is only ONE-HALF of the investment process, without the “sell” no money is ever actually made. Furthermore, it is the “sell” process that ultimately minimizes the effect of the correction and, most importantly, if you don’t “sell high,” you can’t “buy low.”

Continue reading.  Here more subtitles:
The Fallacy Of Long-Term Returns
No, Stocks Don’t Do Well During Negative Events
2008 Was a 30-Year Event?
Yes, Please Worry About Corrections

While the entire nation was transfixed on last night's latest, and most scandalous yet "debate", in which there was little actual debating and a lot of talking points and character assassination attempts, index futures were little changed throughout Sunday's 90 minutes event, suggesting that no clear winner had emerged on either side.
 [[ Wishful thinking. The FACT is that Trump WON the debate.. Checkmate with simple “mate pastor” as expected. Trump tomo control del espacio (el auditórium) moviendo 4 peones y luego  golpeo con alfil y dama directo a la yugular. 1-Real actions.. no words.. define politics, 2- You place yourself above the LAW, you deserve JAIL.  Jaque-mate-pastor. ]]

When this crisis accelerates, investors will run away from the bond market and seek safety in stocks, USD currency and gold. It will be a scene, unlike any you’ve seen before and understanding why it will happen and having the correct investment strategies will not only make you happy and calm – it will also make you the star at dinner parties. And when others ask you how did you know, you begin with the least talked about factor in the investment world – interest rates.

The true 'fiction peddlers' exposed...

“I think the world has reached a dangerous point. I don't want to give any concrete prescriptions but I do want to say that this needs to stop. We need to renew dialogue. Stopping it was the biggest mistake. Now we must return to the main priorities, such as nuclear disarmament, fighting terrorism and prevention of global environmental disasters.

According to a new Reuters report, the US may be guilty of war crimes for supporting a Saudi-led air campaign in Yemen that has killed thousands of civilians.
  • Rancorous Debate Gets Personal (WSJ)
  • In debate, Trump signals aggressive close to his campaign (AP)
  • Trump Ends Nightmare Weekend With Over-the-Top Debate (BBG)
  • Trump vs Clinton: He calls her a devil, she says he abuses women (Reuters)
  • Ryan discussed revoking Trump endorsement (Politico)
  • Trump's body language during debate raises social media eyebrows (Reuters)






Veteran journalist Chris Hedge says though Clinton's rhetoric on Muslims is more palatable, she has been an enthusiastic supporter of 'bombing our way to peace' in the Middle East.
Laura Flanders interviews economist and professor Pavlina R. Tcherneva, who says economic growth and employment begins with targeting women and racial minorities as the benefactors of policy


"I have argued for the use of force" John Kerry
The New Slave Revolt  By Chris Hedges
“We will not only demand the end to prison slavery, we will end it ourselves by ceasing to be slaves,”


Robert Koehler  The Politics of Fear


Russia Believes Syrian Conflict Has No Military Solution
EU Anti-Russian Policy 'Continuous Series of Mistakes' – Russian Senior Official
‘No Faith in American Objectivity’: Russia Blasts US for Arresting Its Citizens
Voting for New UN Secretary General Showed EU Bias – Slovak Foreign Minister



Regardless of who wins the presidency, a much larger question looms: will the U.S. be ungovernable 2017-2020? There are multiple sources of the question.

One is of course the remarkable unpopularity of the two candidates for the presidency. For all the reasons that are tiresomely familiar, whomever wins the presidency will remain deeply unpopular with roughly 40% of the adult populace.

It’s not too difficult to foresee not just gridlock, but angry gridlock. Neither candidate can count on even the slightest shreds of goodwill from the other party, and with bi-partisanship already dead on arrival, precisely how much governance can any deeply reviled president offer the nation?

Whether pundits like it or not, one issue that will not go away after the election is the dominance of the nation’s financial and political elite: the top .01%. As many of us in the alternative media, and to a lesser but still significant degree, in the mainstream media have been noting, the dominance of the elite class of financiers and politicos has increased in the 21st century.
Keep Reading


WikiLeaks: Diez años por la transparencia informativa "Una gran biblioteca de la rebelión"  Silvia Arana
Los dueños de lo que comemos  Aníbal Ortizpozo
-¿¡Terrorista moderados!?  Rodolfo Bueno



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