domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

OCT 23 16 SIT EC y POL

OCT 23 16  SIT EC y POL

New Podesta email reveals how democrats rig polls with "over samples in key districts/regions" and "ethnic over samples as needed."


"Our current debt may be manageable at a time of unprecedentedly low interest rates. But if we let our debt grow, and interest rates normalize, the interest burden alone would choke our budget and squeeze out other essential spending. There would be no room for the infrastructure programs and the defense rebuilding that today have wide support."

Will it happen again?   

The near-zero interest rates favor short-term production schedules with minimal capital requirements, resulting in low-risk production lines of cheap goods. That’s why we have “pound- shops” and 99p shops and all the other shabby outlets that now litter every suburban high street - creating the illusion of zero inflation.

Over the last 40 years, the deception of funny money and rapid credit creation is what kept the illusion of growth and prosperity alive But over the last 8 years that illusion has been shattered by the following realities: Oceans of red ink, an over indebted economy, a debauched currency, a debased culture, a despoiled political process, criminal leaders, budding civil unrest, and much, much more. Welcome to France circa 1788.  The unthinkable is about to happen.

If governments allow banks to shut down bank accounts of individuals or companies without a fair trial and due legal process, it will create a very dangerous situation indeed. In this environment, buying gold is rational behaviour to even the biggest paper-bugs out there. The current monetary experiment of massive QE is no longer the main concern of prudent investors and institutions, it is now combined with negative interest rates and bail-ins.


"Yes, it's corrupt. It's a scandal. And she didn't answer your question at all.... the mixing of speech fees, the Clinton Foundation, and actions by the State Department, which she ran, are all intertwined and it's corrupt. You know, I mean, you can't just say it's unsavory. But there's no formal investigation going on now, and there are outs that they have."


History doesn’t occur in a vacuum; when the U.S. and Russia confront each other directly, it won’t be because of a mere incident occurring in Syrian airspace. It will be because the two nuclear powers have been confronting each other with little resistance from the corporate media, which keeps us well entertained and preoccupied with political charades, celebrity gossip, and outright propaganda.

 "Washington has to realize that it is rightly this hegemonic mentality that has resulted in its declining global influence and inability to provide public goods with positive energy.... the US has been destabilizing regional peace and stability by meddling in the South China Sea, challenging China and alienating ties between China and the Philippines."

"We should be producing 9 million if it wasn't for the wars." Falah al-Amiri, head of Iraq state oil marketer SOMO, said, making it clear that Iraq would  not cut production (or even freeze): "We are not going back. It’s a question of sovereignty."




WikiLeaks Releases 16th Batch of Clinton Campaign Chair's Leaked Emails
‘Peace Treaty’ on the Horizon? North Korea, Ex-US Officials Huddle in Malaysia
North Korea Blasts US, Japan, South Korea for 'Destabilizing Northeast Asia'
WikiLeaks Reveals Plans to Expose Clinton Adviser Benenson





"En Estados Unidos no hay elecciones"  Hay consolidacion del poder oligarquico.
Ya se sabe quien podría ganar y con fraude APOYADO POR OBAMA. Los jóvenes
prefieren un meteoro que destruya el mundo antes que los corruptos Hillary or
Trump lleguen a la Presidencia del US.
Keiser report 983 sobre el doble gobierno

Este art sugiere que no es posible evitar el FRAUDE porque el Deep State lo avala asi.
RT: Keiser report 983 sobre el doble gobierno. Oct 23, 2916




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