sábado, 29 de octubre de 2016




Does the FBI has significant evidence to stop Hillary  from the race?

My answer is YES, there are more than enough accumulated evidences,
before the recent emails found on Friday 28 by the FBI . I’m going to
use reports from prestigious Univ in the US (Harvad & Stanford), plus
Fed authorities statements and Laws broken by Hillary Clinton so far.

I’m going to depart from the concept of political legitimacy - perhaps
the best contribution of Weber to political Science. Legitimacy refers
the authority build by political leaders, political regimes & State power
to make their commands, rules and Laws be accepted & obey by its
subjects. To Weber, obedience is not the key part of the concept. An
army can invade a country and enforce their authority. People can
obey but not consider that ruler as legitimate power.

A fascist regime can do the same, using fear at the beginning to ensure
compliance and then use the mass-media, the school and military
barracks to create new views, attitudes and value-manipulation to illicit
legitimacy to  their ruler.

That is exactly that Hillary was doing inside the Democratic party
with an army of super-delegates and paid- staff in the Corp media
to manipulate primary results. That, in addition to electoral frauds in
different states (millions of voters were excluded en NY, CA, in Boston
and other places with the tactic of “closed primaries”). In other states
the official results were distorted with the vote of super-delegates.
The intention was to  create the image of “undisputable winner”. 

Why this happens?
Because our electoral system is broken, anti-democratic from top to
bottom. At the top, it was designed to serve the interest of Wall Street
billionaires, bankers and Big Corp, especially those who manufacture
weapons and wars abroad (those aligned with the Military Industrial
Complex). They financed Hillary and provide the Lobysst that directly
Control most of the superdelegates.

At the bottom, the frugality of money creates widespread corruption,
abundant and nasty enough that a key player of the NDC was remove.
A broken system perpetuate the power of money over Laws and
Principles of democracy. When it happens, when a system is broken,
all its political institutions, starting with the Parties became the less
appropriate to its society. In the words of Lipset, parties became a
strong destabilizing factor of any legitimate system.

This broken system was illegitimate in terms Democracy standards,
and it is now used by Hillary to legitimate her assault on power.

The 1st  victim of Hillary machine was Sanders. From the concession he
made to her of no-talking about on her the email scandal, to his
final surrender we found only a line of deception and betrayal typical
of weak men without strong convictions.

Her 2nd and final victory was the blocking of the FBI investigation
on Libyan gate (emails destruction, money received from Saudis to
depose Gaddafi, and  the criminal negligence on Benghazi US
Embassy:  4  Americans death).

The Blocking of the FBI investigation received the support of Obama
and a key member of the FED Judicial system. With the same help, is
expected a National Fraud in Nov 8, that will put not only Hillary but
top corrupted authorities behind the issue “machines counting
votes” in check make.

In short: there is enough evidences to indict Hillary Clinton

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