domingo, 2 de octubre de 2016


OCT 2 16  SIT EC y POL


It’s just another massive bubble, a financial engineering bubble. It is a bubble driven by the cold calculations of the criminal masterminds in the C-suites of America’s corporations. It is a bubble enabled and funded by the mass insanity of central bankers and clueless investors around the world. And it is a bubble egged on by the cheerleaders on Wall Street and their financial media handmaidens...

"the elite media wants to blame the phenomena of the Trump campaign on racism and xenophobia and, you know, small-mindedness of one type or another. But I think the underlying driver here, the underlying alienation comes from an economic policy that has benefitted enormously the bicoastal elites..."

Combined with her grand visions of social engineering - plans to involve the state ever more intimately in our daily lives - Hillary Clinton’s enthusiastic embrace of the Marxian policy of transferring more inherited wealth from families to government will take us down a very dark path.

Well this is a little awkward. With the leaked 1995 Trump tax returns 'scandal' focused on the billionaire's yuuge "net operating loss" and how it might have 'legally' enabled him to pay no taxes for years, we now discover none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton utilized a $700,000 "loss" to avoid paying some taxes in 2015.

Pensioners Beware - Brits Considering First Step Toward Slashing Pension Benefits

“That might be the price for survival now.  The aim is survival now, which gives you flexibility in the longer run."

Pensioners around the world should take note of the controversial new legislation being considered by the UK Parliament's Work and Pensions Select Committee that would allow private businesses to cut pension costs by suspending contractual inflation-linked benefit increases.  Of course, this could be just a crucial first step in the long journey toward cutting pension benefits and finally admitting that many defined benefit pension plans around the globe are nothing more than insolvent, ponzi schemes. 

Committee Chairman Frank Field told the Financial Times that the goal of the proposed legislation is to simply create an environment that helps insure the "survival" of defined benefit pension plans for now "which gives you flexibility in the longer run."
Then the rich is allowed Tax evasion, not the poor-middle classes

Let’s check the latest news on this matter:


Let’s summarize this article with a Qt in mind:  is his uses of NOL illegal?

Trump’s case: he used Net Operating Losses, or NOL, of the US tax code, to avoid paying taxes for years. In early mid of 1990s he reported losses of both 1991 & 1993, enough to virtually cancel out any taxes in 1995. NYT itself admits there was nothing illegal about using such a maneuver:  the world's rich take advantage of NOL tax planning all the time, and in fact acquiring corporations for their NOL benefit has long been a strategy in corporate America designed to avoid investor to flow outside  and to minimize Federal and State tax outflows.

Joel Rosenfeld, an assistant professor at New York University offered his description of what he would advise a client who came to him with a tax return like Mr. Trump’s: “Do you realize you can create $916 million in income without paying a nickel in taxes?” .. “The I.R.S., when they see a negative $916 million, that has to pop out,” Mr. Rosenfeld said.

Trump he has been the subject of numerous tax audits by the IRS, he won all the cases. The NYT itself is perfectly happy to take advantage of the US tax to minimize the amount of money it pays to the government: in 2014 a Trump company got a tax refund of $3.6 million despite having a $29.9 million pretax profit, an effective negative tax rate for 2014.

That explain why he suggested in the debate with Hillary,  “cutting tax to investors” to avoid investors  create jobs abroad instead of doing it here.  When Hillary said “you don’t pay taxes”, he replays “that makes me smart”. I did not violate IRS codes, you instead desecrate all Laws with you e-mail scandal. 

The “non-Russian leak” :
Yesterday  three documents arrived by mail at The Times with a postmark indicating they had been sent from New York City. The return address claimed the envelope had been sent from Trump Tower”. The NYT notes:  “a lawyer for Mr. Trump, Marc E. Kasowitz, emailed a letter to The Times arguing that publication of the records is illegal because Mr. Trump has not authorized the disclosure of any of his tax returns.” 

The Trump campaign promptly responded to what it alleges was "illegally obtained" information as follows:
"The only news here is that the more than 20-year-old alleged tax document was illegally obtained, a further demonstration that the New York Times, like establishment media in general, is an extension of the Clinton Campaign, the Democratic Party and their global special interests. What is happening now with the FBI and DOJ on Hillary Clinton's emails and illegal server, including her many lies and her lies to Congress are worse than what took place in the administration of Richard Nixon - and far more illegal.

"Mr. Trump is a highly-skilled businessman who has a fiduciary responsibility to his business, his family and his employees to pay no more tax than legally required. That being said, Mr. Trump has paid hundreds of millions of dollars in property taxes, sales and excise taxes, real estate taxes, city taxes, state taxes, employee taxes and federal taxes, along with very substantial charitable contributions. Mr. Trump knows the tax code far better than anyone who has ever run for President and he is the only one that knows how to fix it.

"The incredible skills Mr. Trump has shown in building his business are the skills we need to rebuild this country. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt public official who violated federal law, Donald Trump is an extraordinarily successful private businessman who followed the law and created tens of thousands of jobs for Americans."

As expected, CNN staff that support Hillary was displeased with this characterization.
The three leaked state tax filing pages from 1995 are shown below:  To read it OPEN:


"Does that mean the rest of who don't look for every possible loophole and provisions to avoid paying our fair share of taxes...does that mean the rest of us are stupid?"

[[ Giuliani.. you could’ve been the type of “smart” person Trump is  .. –you may be better than him; nobody knows your way of getting rich by no making tax evasion-  But, to say that  I think most Americans are probably offended.  I know most Americans pay their federal income taxes.”  Of course you are referring the rich. That means that you live your own reality and the reality of speculators doing nasty business in Wall Street. I won’t take your statement –above- as real, but as a suggestion to implement Tobin tax to all financial transaction done in WS and similar casino places.   Meanwhile, your question regarding Trump “does that mean the rest of us are stupid?"  .. you had the chance of demonstrate the opposite by participating in the electoral race , but you preferred not to. What you were afraid of? .. tax skeletons in the closed? . The realm of politics is the only way to change Econ realities and in politics you are like Hillary.. greed oriented and self-center  actor. You are not an actor anymore, you pretend to be an “honest observer” but you are a liar: your saying that most rich people pay income taxes, uncover you. This nation do not need more liars.. NO Hillary-Trump, and not you, of course. ]]



The Fukushima nuclear disaster has contaminated the world's largest ocean in only five years and it's still leaking 300 tons of radioactive waste every day.




U.S. Special Forces saw close up how the chaotic U.S. policy of aiding Syrian jihadists enabled Al Qaeda and ISIS to rip Syria apart
Whoever wins, the people of the United States and the entire world confront immense dangers.


WikiLeaks Cancels Tuesday Leak Touted to Doom Hillary Due to ‘Security Concerns’
State Department ‘Loses’ Smoking Gun Email of Possible Clinton Insider Trading
Pentagon ‘Silent’ Coup Undermines US-Russia Engagement on Syria



A BRIEF introductory note before going to my critique:

1- Introduction

Sanders was the latest rhetorical inspirator of “socialism” in America.  However, to say that one is a “Sanders follower”  is to say nothing: no affiliation to socialism,  nor to a progressive stand . Saying  Sanders was a socialist , so I’m by association, is flaw argument. To make a consistent argt requires to define what is socialism and what is a socialist Rev Mov. Was Sanders really a socialist? .. Was the social Mov he inspired  a real socialist Mov?. I don’t think Sanders was a real socialist and I don’t think his Mov was a socialist Rev one. There were certainly many socialists and progressive people inside, but the majority of Sanders followers were not real socialist either. Some of them could’ve been social fascist instead, without knowing they were so. This seems to be the case of Eric Zuesse, the author of this article (I gather this from his notes on 4-5-6 below) .  

Let’s put dots on the iis. Sanders was simply an electoral  progressive Mov, with some tones of socialism in its discourse. Now let’s go by parts: A- what is socialism?;  B-what is a socialist Rev Mov in electoral time, C- Why Sanders abandon his followers. D- Why some of his followers became social-fascist like Eric Zuesse. E- Why more than ever we should support Dr. Jill Stein. F- Why EZ is totally wrong in evaluating Jill Stein.

Just in case: 1- I’m not saying that Trump is a fascist, -Hillary’ demonizing argument against him- but some of Trump followers -like Eric- really are. 2- Eric is against Hillary, but he is using her arguments    -the lesser evil story tell- to demonize supporters of Jill Stein.

The complete critique to Eric will be my next post in Nueva Democracia


Keiser report   Detractores y perdedores
Pakistán, Catalunya y El País Usando a Gandhi desesperadamente AD i  Barnils
Arg en 1900  Anarquismo, maternidad y aborto Mabel Bellucci
Las ricas abortan, las pobres mueren. Basta de hipocresía!



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