jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

OCT 20 16 SIT EC y POL

OCT 20 16  SIT EC y POL


Total chaos this morning in stocks. 3 desperate VIX slams to defend the 100-day moving-average failed...

Amid chaotic swings in stocks (and VIX), precious metals just took a pounding. Gold tested above its 200-day moving-average, then broke back below it...

What a bunch of deplorable, pessimistic,whining, skeptics!!

By now we have shown every possible divergence between the ongoing collapse in jobless claims (everything is awesome) as practically every manufacturing and service economy hard data print suggests the exact opposite. So this week, we just notice that initial claims jump over 5% this week to 260k - the biggest weekly rise since May...probably nothing.
World context

"So far we have not seen an evidence of bubbles" which he defined as rising asset prices propelled by rising leverage.
SINGS OF GLOBAL DEPRESSION..  high volatility with trends down
10 charts on global depression. Here N. 10

USD strength did not help but commodities were dumped across the board today...

What happens next in copper?

See all of them at:

The Great Recession was a result of a massive monetary policy error. The Fed kept rates too low for too long, which - when coupled with lax or no regulation in the mortgage markets - resulted in a housing bubble and a crash. This then bled over to global markets. We are again suffering the effects of a massive monetary policy error. The error has already been committed, but we have just begun to endure the consequences.

Investors "have been conditioned to believe, over and over again, that central banks can shield them," but, as Allianz' Mohamed El-Erian warns "the probabilities are now starting to tip in the likelihood of a bad outcome." Simply put, El-Erian explains that financial markets have "decoupled" from the economic problems of the world leaving "enormous risk in public markets because that’s the one that central banks have distorted to the greatest extent."

The problem with being a contrarian is the determination of where in a market cycle the “herd mentality” is operating. The collective wisdom of market participants is generally “right” during the middle of a market advance but “wrong” at market peaks and troughs. There are plenty of warning signals that suggest that investors should be getting more cautious with portfolio allocations. However, the “herd” is still supporting asset prices at current levels based primarily on the “fear” of missing out on further advances.


As most of the mainstream media melts down today over Trump's "wait and see" approach to accepting the election results, the bigger takeaway from last night's debate is that "Trump needed a campaign-altering moment, and it didn’t happen."

Regrettably for Americans, Stein is right about the Democratic nominee. Those concerned about the future of America with someone as erratic as Donald Trump in the Oval Office are justified in their worry, but to believe Hillary is somehow a “better option” is not only a naive assumption — but a reckless one. A vote for Hillary is undoubtedly a conscious vote to go war with a nuclear-armed superpower.

"Brace yourselves everyone, the next four years are going to be very, very ugly... The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born... now is the time of monsters."

Say what you want about Donald J. Trump, but he is correct about one thing: the Federal Reserve has, with near certainty, been holding interest rates down for political purposes - namely, to aid Hillary Clinton in getting elected president of the United States.

Does this seem like a fact?:  "We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.  However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government."

The email behind the "quid pro quo" arrangement between the State Department and FBI has been revealed by Fox News sources and includes intel on arrests related to the Benghazi attacks in 2011

Money runs politics, and here are just a couple charts to show just how much of it has been raised and spent on the 2016 presidential election.
Anti-democratic electoral system

"I just had a call with the campaign and the DNC. Everyday at one o'clock."

Just when it seemed we could not get any more email leak excitement, here comes Wikileaks with what it claims is the first batch of emails obtained from a secret address used by president Barack Obama (bobama@ameritech.com).

Every ruling Elite needs the consent of the governed: even autocracies, dictatorships and corporatocracies ultimately rule with the consent, however grudging, of the governed.The American ruling Elite has lost the consent of the governed. This reality is being masked by the mainstream media, mouthpiece of the ruling class, which is ceaselessly promoting two false narratives...

"I am very troubled by a lot of the [voter suppression] stories that have been reported... Whenever you have allegations of those kind, that is a matter the entire country ought to take seriously."

It appears the coordinated efforts of the world's central bankers to steepen curves and convince investors "markets see growth and everything is awesome"... IS FAILING...

Thousands of people recently demonstrated in Brussels against free trade deals negotiated by the EUThis happened just days before a meeting of EU trade ministers in Bratislava last month, which was considered the last push to salvage the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and the United States. Not only is Europe divided on the deal, but the talks have been extremely secretive.





Military veteran and Empire Files producer Mike Prysner says the final presidential debate affirmed movements have critical work ahead regardless of who wins the White House
In final presidential debate, host Chris Wallace challenged Clinton by saying a no-fly zone would lead to confrontation with Russia in Syria.


The Aleppo / Mosul Riddle  By Pepe Escobar
The number one priority is to ensure the phony Caliphate survives, somewhere in eastern Syria.
The American ‘truth’ on Syria – is largely centered around demonizing Russia – never about saving lives
Syria’s First Lady Interview With Russia-24  Video  Syria's First Lady, Mrs Asma al-Assad delivers her first public interview with foreign media in 8 years
All acts of mass murder are crimes against humanity, and require a gross debasing of other people
“Let the fun begin—and let’s keep going w(ith) our plans,” responded Clinton.




Newsweek Journalist Claims US Intelligence Fed Him False Putin-Trump Conspiracy   https://sputniknews.com/us/201610191046476430-newsweek-journalist-claims-intelligence-conspiracy/

Newsweek’s Eichenwald Doubles Down on Debunked Conspiracy, Loses It on Twitter   https://sputniknews.com/us/201610201046562731-newsweek-eichenwald-twitter-threats/
Three Russian Officers Wounded in Militants' Fire Near Aleppo   https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201610201046560054-russia-officers-aleppo-wounded/
Pepe Escobar  So Russia Won't Elect the Next POTUS 
Incredible Transformation: US Media Turning 'Terrorists' Into 'Rebels' in Aleppo   https://sputniknews.com/politics/201610201046559122-us-syria-terrorists-rebels/
Worlds Apart  Competition & Attrition Security outlooks from RU-US
Keiser Report  Episode 982  Clinton  lucrative aid contracts + Int to Michael Hudson



By Robert Parry

While the major news media focused on Donald Trump’s agnostic response about whether he would respect the results of the Nov. 8 election, Hillary Clinton slipped in a little-noticed but important revision to her call for a “no-fly zone” in Syria, suggesting that it would be negotiated with Russia and Syria.

“This would not be done just on the first day,” Clinton replied to a question about the military cost and human toll that imposing a no-fly zone would require. “This would take a lot of negotiation. And it would also take making it clear to the Russians and the Syrians that our purpose here was to provide safe zones on the ground.”

Debate moderator Chris Wallace noted, “General Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says you impose a no-fly zone, chances are you’re going to get into a war – his words — with Syria and Russia. So the question I have is, if you impose a no-fly zone — first of all, how do you respond to their concerns? Secondly, if you impose a no-fly zone and a Russian plane violates that, does President Clinton shoot that plane down?”

Clinton said: “We’ve had millions of people leave Syria and those millions of people inside Syria who have been dislocated. So I think we could strike a deal and make it very clear to the Russians and the Syrians that this was something that we believe was in the best interests of the people on the ground in Syria, it would help us with our fight against ISIS.”

Whether the Syrian leadership and the Russian government would accept such a plan is doubtful, since it would amount to inviting the U.S. or NATO military to establish a beachhead inside Syria from which rebels, terrorists and other insurgents could operate beyond the reach of military retaliation.
Continue reading  =è

By Mike Whitney

“For any minimally conscious American citizen, it is absolutely evident that Donald Trump is not only facing the mammoth Clinton political machine, but, also the combined forces of the viciously dishonest Mainstream Media.”
-Boyd D. Cathey, “The Tape, the Conspiracy, and the Death of the Old Politics”, Unz Review
“The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary.”
-Donald Trump, Twitter

When was the last time the media threw 100% of its support behind one party’s presidential candidate? What does that say about the media?

Do you feel comfortable with the idea that a handful of TV and print-news executives are inserting themselves into the process and choosing our leaders for us? Is that the way democracy is supposed to work?
Check out this blurb from The Hill:
“The broadcast evening news programs ABC, NBC and CBS covered allegations against Trump by several women who claim he sexually assaulted them for more than 23 minutes on Thursday night. But revelations in the WikiLeaks dump of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta which included…sympathy for Wall Street, advocation for open borders and blatant examples of media collusion ….got a whole 1 minute and 7 seconds combined.”
Ratio of negative coverage of Trump to Clinton: 23:1
In print on Thursday, it was no better. The New York Times had 11 negative stories on Trump…But zero on Clinton/WikiLeaks.
The article in The Hill also refers to a survey by the Washington Post and ABC News that asks participants six questions about allegations of sexual misconduct by Trump, but zero questions about Podesta’s incriminating emails.
Is that what you call “balance”?
Continue reading  =è


Perú al servicio del capital   La capitulación presidencial frente al lobby minero AB
ARG femicidios y toda forma de violencia de genero  La rabia marchó bajo una lluvia de lágrimas
Una conversación con Lula  Emir Sader Quienes acusaron a Dilma esta en la cárcel y ahora..
Chile -Paro nacional el 4 de noviembre   El despertar de un pueblo A Perez



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