miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2016

OCT 11 16 SIT EC y POL

OCT 11 16  SIT EC y POL


Having jawboned rate-hike odds up near cycle record highs (December odds at ~70%), The Federal Reserve's Labor Market Conditions Index (LMCI) is crashing. Following a brief dead cat bounce in July, LMCI is now accelerating lower.

Corporate buybacks plus dividends will surpass $1 trillion in 2016, for the first time ever, according to Barclays calculations. This means that payouts to shareholders will surpass total S&P500 cash flow by a whopping $115 billion. And with corporate balance sheets increasing encumbered, Barclays believes that the rate of payouts, rising at 20% in recent years, is about to grind to a halt, meaning that for stocks, the "party is almost over."


While record food-stamps, sinking real wages, and soaring healthcare and shelter costs are all in the realm of peddled fiction; US Retailers are never shy of alternative excuses for their underperformance. It's too-hot, it's too-cold; it's too-low gas prices; it's too-high gas prices; but now, as Bloomberg reports, US retailers and restaurants are floating another excuse to explain their lackluster performance - it's the election, stupid!

This ratio has a flawless track record of bottom-picking the S&P 500 since 2009; is it signaling another “buy the dip”, or breaking its 7-year run?

Where's Vladimir Putin when we need him? Having saved the world yesterday by spiking crude oil with his comments, the return of bond traders today sees a resumption of risk-parity fund deleveraging (as bond-stock correlations neared record highs).

Like the Titanic, the EU was presented as a “super-state”, one that would be bigger and better than all the others in Europe. It was declared unsinkable. Yet, soon after it was launched, it hit an unexpected iceberg from which it could not recover. Years from now, historians and economists will debate the identity of the EU iceberg. Some will say Brexit, others will say Deutsche Bank. Still others will cite events that we have not yet seen.

Currently economists and market watchers roughly fall into two camps: Those who believe that the Federal Reserve must begin raising interest rates now, and those who believe that raising rates now will simply precipitate an immediate recession and force the Fed into battle without the tools it has traditionally used to stimulate growth. Both camps are delusional, but for different reasons.

With bond-stock correlations reaching record highs (and broad risk parity fund performance deteriorating rapidly), Ray Dalio’s $150 billion Bridgewater Associates managed modest gains across its main strategies last month - even as macro funds have suffered amid policy and political uncertainty. However, the manager of the world's largest hedge fund warns “Investment returns will be very low going forward,” in his latest investor remarks, suggesting that betting on gold could prove preferable.
So stocks are sold, bonds are sold, and volatility is forced higher..



Unlike Reuters' political "reporters", it seems the hacker collective "Anonymous" is less impressed by Hillary Clinton's awesomeness. Following Wikileaks' recent release of leaks, Anonymous reminds Americans of the 'career criminal' in a video containing a well researched list of wrong-doings, exposing the actions of Hillary over her career.

Not only will Fed policy not fix what's broken, it will actively make the structural problems worse.

New emails reveal that "Friends of Bill" ("FOB" for short) received special access to participate in Haiti recovery efforts after the 2010 earthquake in which over $10 billion in emergency aid contracts were awarded.

In an election year where libertarians have reason to fear every candidate on the ballot, public calls for Hillary Clinton to be held accountable for her obvious violations of the law are a rare bright spot.

Moments ago, Wikileaks just released its third data dump from the hacked email account of Hillary Clinton's Campaign Chair, John Podesta, which is becoming a true headache for Hillary Clinton and her supporter base.

As the U.S. elections draw nearer, the amount of bellicose rhetoric from politicians and key military commanders (in truth, “politicians” as well) has been increasingThe main focus of that rhetoric has been directed toward Russia, and is also “blathered” in the direction of China, North Korea, and Iran when it suits U.S. political interestsThe problem is that all of it is not just talk: action has been taken, especially regarding Russia and the Syrian theatre of operations.

Something odd happened on the way to the recently "agreed upon" OPEC production cut: instead of cutting production, OPEC countries have seen their oil output surge, and according to an IEA reported released today, the oil producing countries pumped oil at record-high volume last month, while officials from three member countries, those exempt from the "deal", said they plan to raise output even more in the near future.

Some oil-price factors are temporary, but others are structural and permanent. The debate about the causes and effects of the price slump since 2014 will continue, which both reflects and underscores a fundamental point: the conventional wisdom about the global oil market no longer applies.

As the powers-that-be play whack-a-mole with various systemic risk indicators, desperately tamping down contagion concerns, amid no progress in strengthening the world's most systemically dangerous bank; we warned two weeks ago of yet another canary in the coalmine of Deutsche Bank's demise (that no one was looking at). This week, that canary... died.

In a report published by S&P Global, the rating agency's analysts noticed not only the latest deterioration in corporate China, but also the relentlessly growing leverage, noting that rising debt levels will worsen the credit profiles of China's top 200 companies, requiring the country's banks to raise $1.7 trillion in capital to cover a likely surge in bad loans.

Global markets and US equity futures fell on Samsung Galaxy Note 7 contagion concern, while the dollar rose to its strongest level in 11 weeks and U.S. bonds declined as investors boosted wagers that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates this year.
  • Samsung scraps Note 7 (Reuters)
  • Note 7 fiasco could burn a $17 billion hole in Samsung accounts (Reuters)
  • Trump's struggles may depress Democratic voter turnout (Reuters)
  • Major Investor Sues Theranos  (WSJ)
  • S. Africa’s Gordhan to Be Charged; Rand Plunges Most Since June (BBG)
  • Oil price falls back from one-year highs, hit by OPEC deal concerns (Reuters)



Two articles with controversial content , signed by anonymous people


To save the banks from making losses that would wipe out their net worth, you’ll have to get rid of Social Security.
China and Russia are now trying to ensure that Washington no longer exercises unrestrained power globally

Enough Sabre Rattling Already!  By David Stockman
The Washington War Party is coming unhinged and appears to be leaving no stone unturned when it comes to provoking Putin’s Russia
Engage In Sex, Not War  By Paul Craig Roberts


Gerald Sussman   Russkies at the Doorstep
Ann Robertson - Bill Leumer  The New York Times Rejects Majority Rule


Obama Tells Women Protesters to 'Get Own Rally' to Criticize Bill, Hillary Clinton   https://sputniknews.com/us/201610121046244334-women-protest-clinton/
Republican Elite Far Prefers Clinton to Win US Election, But Trump Has Grassroots Support   https://sputniknews.com/us/201610121046244091-clinton-republican-elite/
Trump Desire to Get Along With Russia Contributes to Republican Split   https://sputniknews.com/politics/201610121046243893-trump-russia-relations/
GOP Meltdown: Trump Lashes Out on Twitter After Party Revolt   https://sputniknews.com/politics/201610111046238773-trump-twitter-tirade-party-revolt/
Russian MoD Denies UK Allegations of Involvement in Aleppo Aid Convoy Attack   https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201610121046245761-russia-uk-convoy-attack/


Posted on October 11, 2016 by JimQ

In Part One of this article I addressed the deceit of Hillary Clinton and politicians of all stripes as they promise goodies they can never pay for, in order to buy votes and expand their power and control over our lives.

I created the chart below for an article I wrote in 2011 when the national debt stood at $14.8 trillion, with my projection of its growth over the next eight years. I predicted the national debt would reach $20 trillion in 2016 and was ridiculed by arrogant Keynesians who guaranteed their “stimulus” (aka pork) would supercharge the economy and result in huge tax inflows and drastically reduced deficits. As of today, the national debt stands at $19.7 trillion and is poised to reach $20 trillion by the time “The Hope & Change Savior” leaves office on January 20, 2017. I guess I wasn’t really a crazed pessimist after all. I guarantee the debt will reach $25 trillion by the end of the next presidential term, unless the Ponzi scheme collapses into financial depression and World War 3 (a strong probability).

The total disregard for the most perilous issue confronting the nation by politicians of all stripes is a national disgrace, proving beyond a doubt the elite ruling class has no conscience, no sense of morality, and no loyalty to the common people or future generations. The sociopaths who act as if they are in control addressed the 2008 global debt meltdown by adding tens of trillions in new debt to an already unsustainable system, setting the world on a course towards total financial collapse and world war.
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Yesterday I described the conditions that render the U.S. ungovernable. Here is a chart of why the U.S. economy will also be ungovernable. Longtime readers are acquainted with the S-curve model of expansion, maturity, stagnation and decline.

This is why the economy will be ungovernable: all the financial gambits that have been played to create the illusion of “prosperity” have reached stagnation/decline.

The key take-away is that the financial gambits–QE, zero interest rates, etc.–did not actually address the economy’s structural problems. All the Federal Reserve and fiscal stimulus policies accomplished was to prop up the corrupt, stagnant engine of debt-serfdom, rising inequality and financial fragility.

All the monetary gambits are versions of trickle-down economics: if we give free money to banks and financiers, this will spur speculation that inflates asset bubbles that generate a wealth effect–households looking at their swelling IRA accounts will feel wealthier and thus more enthused about borrowing and spending money they shouldn’t borrow and spend.

But “trickle down” wealth effects do absolutely nothing to address the structural challenges that are undermining the economy: they do nothing to address the collapse of interest income for the households that save rather than spend, the collapse of low-risk yields for pension funds, the demographic time-bomb of pensions and social welfare programs that are unsustainable, stagnating productivity, the crushing pressure of soaring healthcare costs, and so on.
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Siria en la conciencia de Europa  Santiago Alba Rico y Carlos Varea
“Acuerdo de elites”  La paradoja del post-plebiscito Equipo Jurídico Pueblos



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