jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016



WHITE LIES DON'T MATTER .. The Fact is the Clinton represent the 1%, not the Nation



Party's Over - High Yield Bond ETF Crushed By Largest Outflows Ever. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/05/2016 :  It appears the credit market's dead-cat-bounce party is over. Following the almost unprecedented bounce off the February lows, the last few days have seen HYG (the largest high yield bond ETF) tumble back below its 200-day moving average as credit spreads (in IG and HY) start to widen significantly. The driver of this sudden weakness is now clear - a $2.3bn 4-day outflow which is the most sudden and largest redemption ever.



The paradoxical divergence between the government's data on initial jobless claims, which in just over half an hour is expected to print at or close to another multi-decade low, and the actual number of layoff announcements by employers as tracked by Challenger Gray, and which continues to soar is puzzling to say the least. In the first four months of 2016, employers have announced a total of 250,061 planned job cuts, up 24% from the 201,796 job cuts tracked during the same period a year ago. This represents the highest January-April total since 2009, when the opening four months of the year saw 695,100 job cuts in the aftermath of the biggest financial crisis in modern history.
Frontrunning: May 5. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/05/2016 -
  • Europe shares, oil snap four-day losing streaks (Reuters)
  • Oil rallies as Canada fire and Libya violence threaten supply (Reuters)
  • How Trump Won—and How the GOP Let Him (WSJ)
  • Hedge Fudge Managers Lose Their Swagger (BBG)
  • Turkey Premier Said to Give Up as Erdogan Tightens Grip (BBG)

QUICK NEWS on economics  from zero hedge

Futures Rebound As Crude Regains $45 On Canada Fears; Turkey Hammered. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/05/2016.  :  Crude, which rebounded from yesterday's post inventory-build lows and briefly printed above $45/bbl over uncertainty related to the impact of Canada wildfires on production and how long will last. The bounce in WTI has meant Brent briefly traded at parity with West Texas for the first time in 6 weeks. 
As Bloomberg's Consumer Comfort index slumps to its weakest since Dec 2015, high-income (over $75k) Americans suffered their biggest plunge in confidence since October 2013 seemingly unable to revive their animal spirits as much as CFOs and their buybacks.
Surprise! Baltic Dry Index Plunges Most Since November As Commodity Bubble Bursts. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/05/2016  :  Well, just as we warned very explicitly, the ramp in the index merely reflected the frenzied speculation in industrial metals by the Chinese and as authorities have cracked down on that idiocy, so the Baltic Dry has plunged by the most since November... as real demand punches back.
Has The Long Yen Trade Run Its Course?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/05/2016  :  Despite an unprecedented amount of monetary easing taking place at the Bank of Japan, the yen has - since the middle of 2015 - been on a consistently strengthening trend versus the USD… That reality may be about to take a breather, though, as too many investors have moved to the same side of the boat in betting on yen appreciation while the “smart money” is net short the yen.
Commodities Are Surging As The Dollar Rolls Over. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/05/2016  Overnight strength in the USDollar has begun to rollover, most notably against the Yen, and that is sparking a bid in commodities - industrial and precious metals. Canada headlines (and Libya) along with dismal US jobs data have also piled on, sending WTI Crude to test $46 (and copper is rallying) as Gold and Silver surge...


EL PEZ CAE POR LA BOCA “if trump is the king of debt” means that he’s  profiting from debt, in other words he is the king of vulture capital o capital buitre . He is getting richer with the poverty of Latino people in the south & the sovereign debt of states  in LA,   WATCH THIS VIDEO: https://youtu.be/dezVw9XMHfg .
VOTE FOR THE 1%?: Solo los latinos que perdieron su dignidad votarian por Trump o por Hillary

Guest Post: The Great Western Retreat. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/05/2016  :  "This massive deployment of armed forces in our own cities is a departure from history. It is a moral disarmament, before a military one. It is Europe's new Weimar moment.."
Here, in under 150 words, is the best summary of the utter political chaos and corruption that is playing out behind the scenes in Brazil at this moment.
A Brazilian Supreme Court justice ruled on Thursday that the powerful lawmaker who orchestrated the effort to impeach President Dilma Rousseff must step down as he faces graft charges, ratcheting up tensions in the country.

And in a further blow to Brazil’s scandal-plagued political establishment, Vice President Michel Temer, the man preparing to take control of the government from Ms. Rousseff, had his conviction on charges of violating limits on campaign financing upheld earlier this week, a ruling that makes him ineligible to run for elected office for eight years.

The rulings are not expected to save Ms. Rousseff’s presidency. Support for her ouster remains strong in the Senate, which is preparing to vote next week on whether to remove her from office and put her on trial over claims of budgetary manipulation. But the decisions reflect the potential for greater political turmoil in the country.
The first U.S. shipment of liquefied natural gas (LNG) arrived in Portugal last week and Gazprom did not immediately cut its own gas prices for Europe. While European media has hailed the entry of U.S. gas into the market as a game-changer and a monopoly-breaker, in the short term, nothing has changed at all.




Kerry insisted the US would not allow Aleppo to be liberated by the government
A Tale Of Two Hospitals By Brandon Turbeville
Potentially Fabricated Bombing Incident VS Open Terrorist Targeting Of Facilities In Aleppo
Reports of hundreds of civilians killed by air strikes reveal some of the human costs of the U.S. air war and the new rules of engagement
The figures are staggering. Analysts believe more than 800,000 Iraqi children have been orphaned by conflict since 2003
Obama’s has maintained many of the core elements initiated by his predecessor — assassinations, drone attacks, heavy reliance on special forces, covert operations
The Iran nuclear deal is redrawing political lines in the Middle East.
Fifteen years after the 9/11 murders, we have uncovered a part of that truth.


Bernie Sanders supporters are facing the dilemma of what to do next. .. the answer for these voters may lie less with who is elected, and more with activism and activist groups.

While Sanders supports could almost taste the victory, it was unlikely the party would ever have allowed him the nomination in the first place. Rallying behind a candidate such a Clinton only empowers the party to continue to push out those like Sanders, along with Howard Dean, and Dennis Kucinich before him. It’s time for those who want Sanders in office to look outside the party for their revolution.

It will be up to activists, from inside and outside the Sanders camp to push for these changes from the bottom up. Electing local officials, much like Socialist Alternative did in 2013 when they helped elect Kshama Sawant to the city council in Seattle, to the more than 150 locally elected Green Party politicians throughout the country.

Making waves, especially ones that upset the status quo and send a direct message to neoliberals in the Democratic Party that their positions are no longer safe and that while Sanders may not have succeeded in taking the White House, he did succeed in igniting an unstoppable movement that has been building for decades and thrusting into the spotlight and making these once underground issues mainstream.
[ Here is something about the power of activism and activism to create social power.]

For those who see themselves working in the traditions of the Black Panthers, Students for a Democratic Society, and other socialist groups looking beyond the limits of the capitalist imagination, negation and radical critique will remain as important and necessary as ever.

As MLK said in 1968: “We are dealing with issues that cannot be solved without the nation spending billions of dollars and undergoing a radical redistribution of economic power.”

Beyoncé’s “Formation” isn’t a unique brand of economically-void political intervention; it is a synecdoche for a broader trend in leftist politics. It is boutique activism, to borrow Chris Hedge’s term: an activist position that leads working class organizers and writers to laud a song and a Super Bowl performance that substitutes multiculturalism and an African-American identity for a real progressive political action position.

Now we got a singer who performs radicalism for a millennial generation interested in social change, before changing outfits to have lunch with Barack Obama, or proudly endorsing the reactionary progressivism of Hillary Clinton. This kind of response resides itself to the level of individualism, identity, sublimated progressive politics, and the limits of the neoliberal imagination, without ever extending into the realm of revolutionary politics, much less collective action, which is exactly what the survival of BLM, the working class, and the left will depend on.


On May 4th, Russia’s Sputnik news agency headlined “Lavrov: US Tried to Include Al-Nusra Front Positions in ‘Silent’ Period”, and … Al Qaeda in Syria calls itself “Al Nusra.”
The “zone of silence” (and there are other phrases for it) refers to the areas in Syria that would be excluded from the ceasefire.   Keep Reading
Why the Syrian Peace Talks Broke Down  By Eric Zuesse, originally posted at strategic-culture.org
These talks broke down on April 18th because Al Nusra was facing imminent defeat in the key city of Aleppo, and because such a defeat was unacceptable to Mohammed Alloush, the Saudi agent, and head of the Saudi-Wahhabist group, the Army of Islam. He was selected by King Saud to lead the rebel side at Syria’s peace negotiations. “There was ‘no way’ the opposition could resume formal talks amid a military escalation and a worsening humanitarian situation, senior opposition negotiator Mohammed Alloush told Reuters,” on April 18th.   Keep Reading
By Michael Snyder, the Economic Collapse Blog.

At this point, U.S. firms are laying off people at a rate that we have not seen since the last financial crisis.  Here is what Zero Hedge had to say about these latest numbers…
While one can debate the veracity of the BLS’ seasonally adjusted data, one thing is certain: when a company announces it will layoff thousands, it will. So for all those who suggest that all is well with the US jobs picture based on initial claims reports, here is the latest report from Challenger according to which the pace of downsizing increased in April jumped by 35% to 65,141 during the month of April, from the 48,207 layoff announcements in March.
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By David Haggith, the Great Recession Blog.

Donald Trump. Here is how they bill it anyway — a plan to help laborers. They have heard through their marble walls that some of you are not happy with wages that have been stagnant for decades. So, they have hatched brave new plan.

Are you ready? Their creative plan is to make it illegal for unions to withhold union dues automatically “so that you have more money in your paycheck.” That’s it. Boost your pay by stripping as much back from unions as they can. It is the best they can do.

Never mind that unions are the only thing that might give you enough unified strength to get your pay or benefits improved against cost-slashing corporations. Never mind that your pay stopped going up as soon as Reagan started breaking unions. That’s right. That is when pay stagnated while corporate profits soared … unless you were working in upper management where you pay soared.

What the Republicans call “the Employee Right Act” is just another disembowelment of unions to make sure that the corporate execs and stockholders continue to get the lion’s share of the revenue. How else will they pay for their bonuses and dividends and buy back the company’s own stocks in order to inflate the value of their stock-options package?
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One Chart Says It All  reality the economy of US economy. by Charles Hugh Smith

When the blue line is up, more of the population has a job. (the blue line is the Employment-Population ratio.)

The red line is money velocity, the rate at which money changes hands. (Money buried in the coffee can in the back yard has a money velocity of zero.)

As Joseph noted, the correlation between the percentage of people working and money velocity was strong until 2010. In the post-2009 recession “recovery,” the percentage of the populace with jobs rose modestly, but money velocity absolutely cratered to unprecedented lows.

(The one other disconnect was triggered by the 1987 stock market crash, which caused money velocity to dip even as more people entered the workforce. This absence of correlation was relatively brief.)

The correlation between more people working and money velocity is commonsensical. More people working = more household income = more spending = higher money velocity.

But something changed in 2010. Did the quality and compensation of work change? Joseph observed: People started going back to work after the official recession ended in Q4 2009 but they were working for lower pay. With lower pay comes less disposable income, hence the cliff-like drop off in velocity.
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Capitalismo degenerativo. Andrés Piqueras. crónica del mayor robo jamás perpetrado
ALC  El (d)efecto Macri. Rafael de la Garza
ALC El sonido de la crisis civilizatoria. José Javier Capera
Los fondos buitre no prestaron dinero a nadie. Carlos A. Larriera. Qué son realmente
Chile. Cuando se jodió Chile?. Miguel Lawner



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