martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

MAY 24 16 SIT EC y POL

MAY 24 16 SIT EC y POL




Hillary‘s superdelegates stabbed the DEM party many times.
They commit fraud by disrespecting peoples vote intentionally 
They excluded millions of independents in NY and other places 
In Boston many voters sign a petition to recount & they trash it
Their buying of elections with super packs is anti-democratic


We will not vote Hillary. We deserve a 3rd choice:  a People Front
United we will win: Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein is our choice.
In California we gona bury the stinky cadaver of Hillary Clinton.
1st She refused debate with Sanders, her & Biden blackmail crash.
For how much she is going to sell US voters in previous- primaries?
..nobody knows. All we knew is that she is corrupt & love frauds
We know also that she laughed  when Bill was raping a lady,
If she could not defend her .. why to assume she will do it later?
She laughed when Gaddafy die .. she will do it when we r kill too.
This evil lady has to be stopped. Sanders as 3rd choice is our option.
The independent FRONT BERNIE-JILL goes beyond elections 2016,
It is the only instrument for people to defend the Nation against the 1%
All socialist & progressive forces will defeat Hillary in California.
Then comes the socialist-democratic party & the start of REV in the US
TWIT THIS MESSAGE and be ready for action :
organize cells in your hood across the Nation and take streets


Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/24/2016 - 19:00 

According to Goldman Sachs, economic uncertainty, higher levels of volatility, and uncertainty around global central bank activity all played a role in the slowdown.
The question is whether or not the slowdown is indicative of the M&A boom being over, or is it just a temporary hiccup. Using Goldman's rationale, the boom may just be over.

Economic uncertainty abounds after the US posted a Q1 GDP of dismal .5%, and central bankers are as confused as they ever were, with planners unable to come to a consensus on who can intervene in the markets, or when, and whether or not it's ok for the US to raise rates.


As the WSJ points out, banks such as Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan have diversified enough businesses where they can absorb some of the slowdown in M&A, but the smaller boutique firms such as Lazard, Evercore Partners, Greenhill, Moelis, and Houlihan Lokey don't have that luxury, and may see shares hit the hardest over the coming months because of it.

As the very same conditions persist throughout the second quarter that drove such a severe slowdown in the first quarter, it's reasonable to expect that the M&A boom may have just hit the wall.
JAPAN'S BROKEN ECONOMY - 25 YEARS OF FAILED "STIMULUS" & "TEMPORARY ILLUSIONS".  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/24/2016   :  The proliferation of “stimulus” after the Great Recession correlates only with this downshift in the Japanese economy that cannot be due to demographics. At best, QEs have accomplished nothing at all positive, leaving no trace of something actually being stimulated for all the sustained “stimulus”; at worst, QE is the cause of Japan’s further nightmarish descent.

What can possibly be bigger than all the world’s QE’s and “stimulus” combined?
[[ The answer is NOTHING .. but the total collapse of neoliberalism worldwide. ]]
Clinton Adviser, Nobel Prize Winning Economist Endorsed Venezuelan Socialism. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/24/2016   :  Ludwig von Mises once wrote, "No one can escape the influence of a prevailing ideology.” The images coming from Venezuela should serve as a potent reminder of how dangerous the ideas of men like Joseph Stiglitz are. Statism and economic interventionism must be rejected, in order for humanity to thrive.

[[ The fact is that “Statism and economic interventionism’ of Mrs Yellen has saved  the economy of  America .. but at the cost of explosive inequality inside & predatory business abroad (vulture capitalism). We do not save emerging economies from bankruptcy like in the 1980 with MX. We promote their fall instead with the stupid regime policy we foster abroad. The case of VEN. In this dependent economy the US prohibited inversions on oil refineries. So  VEN had to send  their crude oil to US refineries and pay high for refined oil they buy. Big US corp are those who benefit from neo-liberal economies. This system is collapsing not because State intervention but because the focus on extractivism and ec growth offshore (slaved labor in Asia Africa & LA), and because of the finacialization of this fake economy: getting today consumerism at the cost of higher debt in the future .. This system does not work anymore, the currency crisis cannot sustained .. the move toward gold is setting a time-bomb for the dollar. On the other hand,  China trade business is dumping the dollar little by little and if the IMF do not set the new global currency for trade and bank deposits .. our economy will not continue its pace down .. it will fall drastically. Our days are counted. Nuke war will aggravate the fall of America .. there will not be banks to reconstruct the damage as happens in previous world wars. MAD could prevent this devastation but with the stupid arms-bulling & the foreign policy of regime change we foster  .. nothing is predictable .. but the occurrence of war devastation. This time we will be hit.]]
The War On Cash Is A War On Your Freedom To Opt Out :  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/24/2016   :  Cash is a proxy for the freedom to maintain some privacy in an era of Big Brother repression, surveillance and the suppression of dissent. Ultimately, the war on cash is all about increasing control by eliminating privacy and the freedom to abandon the debt-serf rat-race.
Main Street Suffers As Wall Street Cheers Oil Rig Count Declines. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/24/2016   :  With stocks soaring on the heels of oil's miraculous resurrection, the new normal narrative appears to be that higher oil prices are now "unequivocally good." However, one glance at the following two charts and it's clear Main Street feels anything like ebulient about the state of the oil industry in America...


It’s enough to make you sick.
Marc Faber's "Worst Fear" Is Hillary Clinton Becoming President. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/24/2016   :  [ Even big defenders of neoliberalism are abandoning Hillary. ]
"The worst fear I have is that Mrs. Hillary Clinton will become president. That is my worst fear. I would vote for anyone in the world before I would choose Hillary Clinton. She’s dishonest, she’s a liar and she has deceived people..."
Publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report  Marc Faber spoke with FOX Business Network’s (FBN) Neil Cavuto about the realistic possibility of the market collapsing before November saying “Most people haven’t really made any money over the last 12 months or even two years because the market is down over the last 12 months.”

Most people haven’t really made any money over the last 12 months or even two years because the market is down over last 12 months. The typical stock is down significantly. So they’ve actually diminished their activity in stocks. The economy is stuck. Manufacturing is no longer growing, and the service sector and employment is growing, but not with great paying jobs. And so the typical family is actually not doing well. And that’s why you have people like Trump and Bernie Sanders having such an appeal. Otherwise if the economy was very strong, they wouldn’t essentially be contenders for the presidential election.”

On Hillary Clinton becoming president: "The worst fear I have is that Mrs. Hillary Clinton will become president. That is my worst fear. I would vote for anyone in the world, including you [Neil Cavuto] and Trump before I would choose Hillary Clinton. She’s dishonest, she’s a liar and she has deceived people and is a very questionable character. And this has been all documented. I think the markets would sell off 100% if Hillary Clinton becomes president of the U.S.
Hacker Who Got Inside Hillary Clinton's Server Said To Cooperate Fully With Ongoing Email Investigation . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/24/2016   :  If confirmed, this could open a new chapter in the FBI's criminal probe into Hillary's email use and/or abuse.

Is OPEC A U.S. National Security Threat?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/24/2016   :  Republican Kevin Cramer from North Dakota is cosponsoring a bipartisan bill that will set up a commission to probe whether OPEC has used unfair means to bolster its dominance over the market and propose possible remedies on the grounds that the matter is important from a national security standpoint, reports the Financial Times. Though similar efforts in the past against OPEC have been ineffective, another cosponsor, Republican Trent Franks, is optimistic about the outcome this time around. “If our bill does nothing more than to raise this question on to the agendas of business leaders and policymakers . . . it will have achieved something,” he said.
Manipulation of oil price
Morgan Stanley Notices The Strange Thing Taking Place Off The Singapore Coast Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/24/2016.   :  Last Friday we first reported on two surprising developments: one was a record accumulation of crude tankers just off the coast of Singapore in the Straits of Malacca, awaiting higher oil prices to offload their precious cargo; the second was that as a result of previously profitable contango trades now flattening and making storage no longer profitable, oil shippers are now forced to ask for bank loans to fund offshore storage costs. Over the weekend none other than Morgan Stanley noticed precisely these two developments.
Iran's Ayatollah: "The US Can't Do A Damn Thing About Our Missile Program". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/24/2016   :  "The US have engaged in a lot of hue and cry over Iran’s missile capabilities, but they should know that this ballyhoo does not have any influence and they cannot do a damn thing. The US and other powers are extremely sad at this issue and they have no other option; that is why they made huge efforts in order to bring the country’s decision-making and decision-taking centers under their control, but they failed and God willing, they will continue to fail."




Obama will continue his $1 trillion upgrade of America’s nuclear arsenal.
The US is cooperating with the terrorist group as it did in Libya, Bosnia, and Kosovo, says former US diplomat Jim Jatras
If Hillary becomes US president, the neoconservative threat to Russia will escalate.
Zogby is likely the most controversial of Sanders' picks thanks to his activist work on behalf of pro-Palestinian causes
At home and abroad, threats to Empire and rising inequality must be crushed


Sharmini Peries - Michael Hudson. The Financial Invasion of Greece


Isn’t an Argument Against Sanders’s 2016 Candidacy  By Eric Zuesse

Posted on May 24, 2016 by

In its article titled, How Corporate America Bought Hillary Clinton for $21M, The New York Post details the companies and organizations that paid Hillary in speaking fees from 2013-2015.
The total comes to $21.7 million, which is a remarkable sum for one of the least charismatic and unimaginative orators the world has ever known.
It’s enough to make you sick.


So,  are you ready for Hillary nasty Oligarchy?
She said that Sanders has not choice to hit her DEM-Machine
FALSE!  We do not need her Dem-machine to install democracy in America
We will go independent. America deserves to have a 3rd choice. It will be.
Hillary ask: are we ready for her oligarchy?

The answer is NO! .. we won’t vote her. ..  Meaning: IT IS TIME FOR ACTION:
Time to stop her. Time for her superdelegates to respect the NATION will
Time to eliminate super-pacs, the bipartisan system and their frauds.
Time to end the exclusion of independent voters. Time for a 3rd Choice

One of the best-ever news reports I’ve seen on the Democratic Party Presidential contest was Tierney McAffee’s “ BernieOrBust: Why 20 Percent of Sanders Supporters Say They Would Vote for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton” at, the website of People magazine — hardly a place where one would normally expect to find such crackerjack well-researched reporting on politics. 

[ As long as 80% of Sanders supporters vote for the NATION FRONT lead by him & Jill Stein, everything will be OK .. that will assure Sanders victory, his socialist program  & his primacy beyond this election. The conservative people inside the GOP will not vote Hillary, several polls said so. They hate this lady. More chances they vote for Sanders, not for Trump and less for Hillary. This will assure the victory of Sanders. Now, all depends on organizing more and more cells to take street across the NATION. These ACTION will ASSURE the start of REFERENDUM-REV with lasting victories beyond Nov 2016. This will not be a violent revolution; this will be a democratic REV.]


Vargas Llosa en los Papeles de Panamá.  Escribidor neoliberal y corrupto R Vega
ALC Nabila, una mujer como tú Carolina Vásquez
EE.UU. -Lavarse las manos . David Brooks



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