martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

MAY 17 16 SIT EC y POL

MAY 17 16 SIT EC y POL


AMERICA'S AGE OF IMPUNITY. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/17/2016

Impunity is epidemic in America. The rich and powerful get away with their heists in broad daylight. When a politician like Bernie Sanders calls out the corruption, the New York Times and Wall Street Journal double down with their mockery over such a foolish “dreamer.”

Hillary case:

Impunity is not an accidental or incidental defect of American society. It is a system foisted on us by the rich and powerful, and it continues to work its magic. It has enabled Hillary Clinton to come within reach of the presidential nomination without releasing the transcripts of her highly paid speeches to Wall Street banks. The Clintons long ago perfected the art of impunity, becoming rich and powerful by blurring the lines between their campaign fund-raising, public policies in office, Clinton Foundation work, big-money speeches, and off-the-record favors for foreign governments.

[[ Solution:
1st. Go to elections & vote for Bernie Sanders, up to the end of the Primaries
2nd. Organize the Democratic Socialist Party & help the rise of People’s Front
3rd. If DNC don’t fix the fraud of superdelegates & give 50/50 in closed primaries
.. if so, Sanders’ delegates should abandon this place that legitimize fraud ..
… and declare the right of the Nation for a 3rd choice: the FRONT with Greens ..
… and other socialists parties & progressive people to fight against the 1%.
4th. The Nation FRONT against the 1% will be run as Green Party for legal purpose

Meanwhile, we will continue taking streets & winning elections with SANDERS.]]




TWO CONTRADICTORY REPORTS from special private interest at the top

1-Someone Really Wants This Market To Crash.  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/17/16.  :  If Goldman was surprised how many investors in the VIX ETP market disagreed with Goldman's 'low vol' call three weeks ago, it will be absolutely shocked now. Because what the charts show is that someone really wants this market to crash, and is putting their money where their mouth is.
2-Goldman Downgrades Stocks Over Next 12 Months Due To Risk Of Sharp Market Drop. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/17/2016  :  Having pointed out the gathering storm in VIX ETPs, raised concerns of a "reasonably high probability" of a large drop in stocks, and explained how complacently short-term risk is being priced, Goldman's portfolio strategy team have unleashed a dramatic warning. Shifting to an oveweight cash position for the next 3 months, Goldman warns "we downgrade equities to Neutral over 12 months on growth and valuation concerns. Until we see sustained earnings growth, equities do not look attractive, especially on a risk-adjusted basis."
Middle Class Destitution – A Devastating Tale From America's Heartland. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/17/2016  :  "We're becoming like a third-world country. This is how it feels to be sold out by your country. We’re going to have nothing left but fast food... Fast food and hedge funds. That's where we're going."

Although I previously reported on this as it pertained to the extremely affluent city of Palo Alto in the post, The New “Middle Class” – Making $250,000 a Year in Palo Alto Qualifies for Housing Subsidies, it appears this may be more of a trend than an anomaly.

As the Wall Street Journal reports in the piece, Rising U.S. Rents Squeeze the Middle Class:
Rising rents in cities across the nation are hurting the poorest residents, but those who are higher on the income ladder might be bearing the brunt of the pain.

 I don’t know about you, but this isn’t the kind of country I want to live in.

Texas Begins Construction Of Gold Depository. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/17/2016  :  “I am optimistic that the depository will be up and running at the end of this year or the beginning of next year,” Capriglione said, "at the depository, Texans will be able to open accounts similar to checking or savings accounts at traditional banks - and monitor them online."

---- .

Stocks Slide After Lockhart/Williams Say Rate-Hike In June On The Table. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/17/2016  : Once again the narrative spewing forth from today's Fed speakers is that "the market is too pessimistic" presumably meaning the bond market because stocks are near record highs; and crucially, that despite collapsing industrial production, plunging GDP expectations, near-record inventories, and weakness in employment data that the US economy is "doing well" and that "June is a live meeting" for a rate hike... the equity market is not amused...

[ When neoliberalism is in crisis this up & downs came faster. Time to change it  as FDR did it.]

Does this look like a market that is "too pessimistic" about the US economy?

Seems like bonds have been dead right all along?
Why 2,900 Is The Most Important Number In The World For US Equity Bulls. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/17/2016  :  What happens if - just as it did in Aug 2015 and Jan 2016 - the S&P 500 starts caring about Chinese stocks? The answer, as BofAML's Stephen Suttmeier explains, is "nothing good."
Who could have seen that coming?

"The Nightmarish Merry-Go-Round" - The Only Chart You Need To Trade This Market Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/17/2016  :  The chart of the day illustrates this nightmarish merry-go-round: the Fed threatens to hike, markets tank, the Fed delays the hike, the market recovers and the cycle repeats."


Interviews in a civil lawsuit with current and former State Department officials concerning former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server will begin this week. Lewis Lukens, a former deputy assistant secretary of state, will be interviewed under oath in the first deposition taken as part of a lawsuit by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch over access to Mrs. Clinton’s records during her time in office.

Weapons Headed To Libya: Hillary's Interventionist Disaster Continues To Spiral Out Of Control.  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/17/2016  :  Earlier today, The Guardian published an article detailing how foreign leaders were gathering in Vienna to discuss how to address the humanitarian disaster/ISIS haven they themselves created in Libya. As usual, the key agenda item revolved around whether the U.S. and its allies should ship weapons into the arena to inspire, you know, freedom and democracy.
Is Mitt Romney On A Suicide Mission?. S- by Tyler Durden on 05/17/2016 :  “It’s a suicide mission,” said the Republican Party Chairman. The Romney-Kristol cabal is Hillary Clinton’s fifth column inside the Republican Party. 

[ What a stupid title: He wants Hillary’s money too. Both know the dirty business of election and of tax-evasion too. Do you remember how Romney was put down in the previous elections?. .. they both know how much money they have en Israel, the holy-paradise for evasion in our time. Besides those coffers, both are close friends of  Netanyahu, the one who holds the key of the paradise for evasion. This is the main reason why this war criminal was passionally defended by Hillary. So, there is not love for the pig-Neta but for the money illegally deposited in Israel. No es amor al chancho sino a los chicharrones, in Spanglish.]
AMERICA'S AGE OF IMPUNITY. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/17/2016

The Panama Papers opened yet another window on the global system of financial corruption, showing how political leaders and businesses use shell companies in secrecy havens like the British Virgin Islands and many US states to evade taxes and hide corruption and other crimes. Yet the system of corruption depends on another factor beyond secrecy, one that is perhaps even more important: impunity.

Impunity is epidemic in America. The rich and powerful get away with their heists in broad daylight. When a politician like Bernie Sanders calls out the corruption, the New York Times and Wall Street Journal double down with their mockery over such a foolish “dreamer.”

John Paulson. Paulson was the coconspirator with Goldman Sachs of one of the most notorious scams of the recent financial bubble. Paulson and Goldman constructed and marketed a portfolio of toxic assets to sell to unwitting investors so that Paulson could bet against the portfolio. Goldman and Paulson thereby turned the sucker investors’ quick $1 billion loss into an equivalent $1 billion gain for Paulson, with Goldman collecting on fees. [ Now they are financing Hillary. ]

Impunity. Paulson remains a much-celebrated figure on Wall Street. He has many kindred spirits, such as his partner in crime, Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein, who has described himself as just a banker “doing God’s work.” Or consider JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon, whose bank has paid well over $30 billion in fines while Dimon remains CEO with a $27 million salary for 2015. The hedge-fund industry itself is a case study of impunity. With few exceptions, it is domiciled in tax and secrecy havens, enjoys crass tax breaks brokered by cronies in Congress (such as Wall Street Senator Chuck Schumer), and pays itself billion-dollar-plus paychecks even while leaving investors with below-market returns or outright losses over the years.

Impunity is of course not limited to banking. Consider the poster-child of impunity in Big Pharma, Gilead Sciences. Gilead brazenly bought the patents on a life-saving cure for Hepatitis C and then gouged patients and taxpayers by charging $1,000 per pill — for a drug that costs $1 per pill to manufacture.

[ This is also the case of Pfizer now. They get billion with VR by preventing a generic one.]

Or consider another tech company in the health sector, Theranos, led by Elizabeth Holmes, until recently much lionized on Wall Street. Holmes, it now seems, may have been lying about Theranos’s supposed high-tech blood-testing technology and reporting faulty blood test results to boot.

Hillary case:

Impunity is not an accidental or incidental defect of American society. It is a system foisted on us by the rich and powerful, and it continues to work its magic. It has enabled Hillary Clinton to come within reach of the presidential nomination without releasing the transcripts of her highly paid speeches to Wall Street banks. The Clintons long ago perfected the art of impunity, becoming rich and powerful by blurring the lines between their campaign fund-raising, public policies in office, Clinton Foundation work, big-money speeches, and off-the-record favors for foreign governments. [Case in point: Saudis.]


The USS Zumwalt (designed by Raytheon) is powered by electricity produced by turbines, has guns that can hit targets over 70 miles away, and has a sharp-angled geometric design that apparently makes the 610 foot long ship 50 times more difficult to detect on radar. It also has a state-of-the-art weapon launcher designed to fire missiles for sea, land, and air attacks. All of this for a taxpayer cost of a mere $4.4 billion.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/17/2016 –


Meet The "Niger Delta Avengers" - They Hold The Price Of Oil In Their Hands Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/17/2016  :  Meet the Niger Delta Avengers come into play: the group who, by keeping half a million barrels in oil from the market, have catalyzed not only the latest rally in oil, but now effectively hold the fate of the price of oil in their hands. But who are the Niger Delta Avengers...
Can Big Oil Survive At Today's Prices?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/17/2016  :  Data suggests that oil producers need prices in the $70-80 range to survive. That is unlikely in the next year or so. Without more timely price relief, the future looks grim for an industry on life support.




Peace, Not Russia, Is Real Threat to US Power. By Finian Cunningham. War is good few .. BAD FOR MOST.  . The US economy has ossified into a war economy and the only way for this to be maintained is for the US to be continually placed on a war footing
The U.S. military has become bogged down in never-ending, faraway brushfire wars
In psychological operations disinformation and deceit is routine. This is included in the standard arsenal of for instance the US military forces.
While rage was building against Israel during that summertime bloodbath, in the United States the story was far different.
Wall Street, US Big Oil and the proverbial “American interests” win this round at the circus.
The CIA has acknowledged it “mistakenly” destroyed its only copy of a mammoth Senate torture report.




Everyone who follows the statistics of rising income and wealth inequality knows we’re becoming a nation of haves and have-nots. What’s not being discussed is the role of housing.
Let’s start by recalling that for the vast majority of bottom-95% American households, the primary asset is the family home. (The wealthy, not coincidentally, own businesses and income-producing assets.)
See chart at:
“There Has Never Been A Time, However, When The Government Of The United States Was So Perversely And Systematically Dedicated To Special Interests, Earmarks, Side Deals, Log-Rolling, Vote-Trading, And Sweetheart Deals”


Poder imperial en cuesta abajo. Un desafío al poder de Estados Unidos (I) Chomsky

Cronopiando  El día en que Pinocho supo la verdad. Koldo Campos



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