sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016

MAY 14 16 SIT EC y POL

MAY 14 16 SIT EC y POL


This is why we don’t want a 3rd Obama period with Mrs Clinton in office:
Neoliberalism is collapsing fast and need to be changed asap with Sanders

The Dismal Retirement Picture For America's Older Generation. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/14/2016  :  The employment-to-population ratio for those 65 and over is at its highest level since the early 1960's, creating a bottleneck for younger workers who are looking to move up from their current roles, and also those that are trying to gain entry level employment but can't until the current occupiers of those seats can move up. The situation doesn't appear to be on the verge of getting any better either, as 27% of Americans say they will "keep working as long as possible" according to a 2015 Federal Reserve study - and to make matters worse (for younger generations), 12% of Americans say they don't plan to retire at all

As we have pointed out many times in the past (most recently here), the jobs "recovery" has gone disproportionately to older workers at the expense of younger workers.
Cumulative workers added: 54 n Yungers vs. 55 n older” (‘000s). Image at: http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user51698/imageroot/2016/05/14/20160514_olderworkers1_0.PNG

In fact, as Bloomberg points out, the employment-to-population ratio for those 65 and over is at its highest level since the early 1960's.  .. The situation doesn't appear to be on the verge of getting any better either, as 27% of Americans say they will "keep working as long as possible" according to a 2015 Federal Reserve study - and to make matters worse (for younger generations), 12% of Americans say they don't plan to retire at all.
The primary reason for the older generations remaining in the workforce isn't surprising: people simply don't have the money to retire. Three in five retirees surveyed by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies said making money or earning benefits was at least one reason they had retired later than planned, and almost half said financial problems were the main reason for working past 65.

With nearly 60% of all U.S. households having no savings in individual retirement accounts such as a IRA or 401(k), the fact that older workers simply can't afford to retire is not a surprise. Those that do have a retirement account, predictably see different levels of funding according to their income.

And of course, those with the highest funded retirement account receive the highest monthly returns - said otherwise, the wealthy grow disproportionately richer in retirement as well.


What all of this means is that the trouble younger workers are having getting into the workforce will continue, furthering their inability to make any payments on the massive amount of student loan debt racked up while in college. For those that are fortunate enough to already be in those entry level positions, they'll have to make due with the current situation, because the older generation isn't going anywhere. What it also means, is that the Federal Reserve better figure out how will it keep market levels where they are, otherwise it runs the risk that what little is currently in retirement accounts will be wiped out. If there is a replay of 2008, the younger generations might as well hang it up - as well as those institutions that are holding the corresponding student debt.

While America was so focused on whether or not there is a recession in the US manufacturing and oil & gas sector, it completely ignored the depression in America's farming heartland.  

This won't end well...   See chart at. https://i1.wp.com/www.thefelderreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/6a0133f3a4072c970b017c37501fd9970b-550wi.jpg?resize=480%2C376&ssl=1   and: Ned Davis Research has also studied this relationship and come to a similar conclusion. The chart below comes from Davis’ terrific book, “Being Right or Making Money.” At: https://i2.wp.com/www.thefelderreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Scan.jpeg?resize=696%2C449&ssl=1

Total US Debt Is Back To Its Great Depression Peak. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/14/16  :  The following chart from Citi shows the last century of US non-financial leverage in context. As of this moment, consolidated US non-fin debt/GDP is about 275%, or roughly where it was US when the great depression stuck. For those curious about the "tipping point" threshold levels, keep an eye on 300% - that's when the system collapsed last time leading to a devastated economy.

For those curious about the "tipping point" threshold levels, keep an eye on 300% - that's when the system collapsed last time leading to a devastated economy.
The second question: what happened next to unleash the greatest deleveraging in the history of the US? Why World War II of course.
Finally, on the role of debt, here is the simplest explanation we have read since opening a finance 101 textbook.

Many feel a collapse of any kind is impossible in the mighty USA but times change and anyone that fails to heed the warnings will pay dearly when events unfold and they find it is to late to get the supplies they need. People buy many types of insurance just in case. They save for retirement just to make sure. Then they ignore economic warnings that make all those things useless. The government helps people when it is convenient for them. The government has also shown its willingness and ability to take from people when it suits them. Any government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything you have. And, they will eventually.
Nature (geography) and Culture (demographics) have already picked tomorrow’s winners and losers. As individuals, we may harbor strong biases about which nations we want to see falter and which ones we want to see prosper. But as investors, we must strip away our political opinions and biases lest they interfere with our primary job, which is to preserve whatever capital we’ve accumulated.
Six Reasons Why Goldman Is Suddenly Warning About A "Large Drop" In The Market. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/14/2016  :  After recent (and in some cases very dramatic) bearish conversions by the likes of JPM, BofA, Citi and UBS, the only bank that steadfastly held a bullish view on stocks during the recent market squeeze higher was Goldman Sachs. Not any more.


Chomsky: Europe Bows To Its "Washington Masters" On Everything From Snowden To Iran, Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/13/2016  :  “There are, I think, by now four Latin American countries that offer asylum to Snowden - not one European country. In fact, they won’t even let him cross their borders. Why? Because the master in Washington tells them, ‘we don’t want him to.’ And Snowden, it’s important to recall, performed an enormous service, a patriotic service in fact, to the people of the United States and the world.


It looks like the politics in Germany are set to go from bad to worse, as Reuters is reporting that the German government is planning on spending €93.6 billion by the end of 2020 on costs related to the refugee crisis. This is an interesting turn of events, as just last month German lawmakers were discussing banning welfare payments to refugees.




Keiser Report. Episode 914 . Max and Stacy discuss the world economy going from mania to mania hoping it all pays off, as it did for fantasy and sci-fi writer, Ray Bradbury. In the second half Max continues his interview with Professor Steve..
In the Now. Hillary’ End Game (S3E27)  Clintons' dirty money, soldiers high on LSD, KGB dolphins and Canada's black guy. Crazy huh? This is the final episode of In the Now. Starting May 2nd 2016 the show will transform into a digital media project.
Worlds Apart. Trumping & Clinging? . Clinging to power, trumping up achievements, the US presidential campaign has upended many long-held assumptions expect for one - no matter who loses, political consultants always win. Money can't buy you votes but can votes earn you money?
SophieCo. War waged against Pope in the heart of the Vatican - whistleblower .. Europe’s smallest country - the Vatican, led by the pontiff - is one of the most powerful states on the planet, a moral compass for more than a billion people. However, over the past decades, the Catholic Church has suffered a number of...
CrossTalk.  Hillary’s negatives  Few have run for the presidency with the kind of name recognition as Hillary Clinton. She has an established name and is also the establishment’s trusted candidate – though among many voters she has significant negatives.
Kirby's War of Words Endgame Syria: How will the conflict end? . The Syrian conflict has changed dramatically with Russia entering, but where is it going? Is the world order itself changing? Will Assad stay in power? What is ISIS going to do under a continuous rain of missiles? Tim Kirby and Robert Bridge


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From School Boy to Company Man
This mentality is imparted to us by school, where we are constantly “allocated” throughout our entire childhood and youth. We are earmarked and sorted into our classes, grade levels, and student “tracks.” We are assigned our classwork, our homework, our teachers. We are processed like unfinished goods through elementary, middle, and high school. This instills what Isaac Morehouse calls the conveyor belt mindset.  ..  Keep Reading
SERFDOM SUCKS : From the 2013 post: The Stock Market: Food Stamps for the 1%
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Rousseff’s ouster has been curious all along. She claims it is a coup against the will of the Brazilian voter and indeed she has not been accused of corruption or serious crime. Instead, she has been impeached for accusations that she used some tricky bookkeeping maneuvers to hide the extent of Brazil’s budget deficit in advance of her successful 2014 re-election bid. Observers would note that if fiddling with economic statistics to make a country’s balance sheet look better were grounds for impeachment in the United States, there would have been successive impeachments for decades or perhaps longer.  .. Keep Reading

It is not possible to coherently discuss the “New Normal” economy without discussing financialization–the substitution of credit expansion and speculation for productive investments in the real economy–and its sibling: globalization.

Globalization is the result of the neoliberal push to lower regulatory barriers to trade and credit in overseas markets. The basic idea is that global trade lowers costs and offers more opportunities for capital to earn profits. This expansion of credit in developing markets creates more employment opportunities for people previously bypassed by the global economy.
Financialization and mobile capital exacerbate global imbalances of power and wealth. ..  Keep Reading


Ecosocialismo . El trabajo en la hora del cambio climático. Stefania Barca


He has urged his supporters to stay involved in politics up until the end of the 2016 presidential race, saying he is not a “savior”, organized people is the savior. So, he did not “concedes”. PressTv should use English in a proper way. This title distort reality & smell fishy (paid by Clinton?).

Daesh declares state of emergency: US

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