viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016



Hugo Adan May 27,16

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/27/2016   : 
"as much as I want to debate Bernie Sanders - and it would be an easy payday - I will wait to debate the first place finisher in the Democratic Party, probably Crooked Hillary Clinton, or whoever it may be." 


It does not surprise anybody the mixed lack of political ethics with usual inconsistencies of Trump .. 

Let’s examine what is behind this recant to debate in CA. 

FIRST, The one who promised more war in the middle-east to continue the failed policy of “regimen change”, and even to expand war to Iran & Rusia-China is about to be ousted from the race. Hillary will be prevented of making more money from this genocidal “regimen change” policy. What is Trump stand on this policy?, Several statement he made on public show exactly the same position as Hillary, though not well elaborated because he has not brain for it.

SECOND, The hot issued in foreign policy nowadays is the danger of escalation of current wars in the middle east toward WW3. One small nuke launched by NATO allies toward RU-China, IRAN or Syria will be immediately  responded & triplicated  toward the nation state who did it (wiped out from the map) and any attempt to respond by other NATO forces, will make the US the next target, up to rendition. This warned was set and nuclear submarines are already in the Pacific waters. The type of statements that Hillary and Trump make on this issue were very provocative and irresponsible. If proper authorities do not take out Hillary from the political contest, people will do it. The debate in CA –in the part of Sanders, as his public statement indicate- was designed to soothe and alleviate the tension on this issue. Trump’s recant from this debate in CA shows not only disrespect for this audience, he also show total immaturity  to be President of the US. If a candidate has not an elaborated stand on hot issues of our time, is not qualified to be President of the US. People make like his bufonadas, but the time for circus is now over.

THIRD, by saying that is "Inappropriate To Debate Second Place Finisher" Trump goes beyond his usual nonsense fully and is showing the stupid “supremacism” based on money, similar to the one from Hillary Clinton. Money-supremacism is the most ridiculous one in US politics since it hides the essence of corruption and frauds in the current electoral democracy. This type of oligarchical democracy  that allows to those whit money to buy elections  is the most rude insult to real democracy. We are ashamed by this fact and we are decided to fight to death for radical change of the political system in the US .. not doing it will put at risk the life of millions of people afraid of nuke war inside and abroad. This includes the political fight for the removal of the neo-nazi billionaire Trump. Fortunately, the “Inappropriate Finisher" of the GOP is being contested in Orlando during this weekend, then we will see if Trump is really the undisputable Unitarian candidate of the GOP.  Can he buy them? we will see.

FOURTH, instead of talking with common people in CA he preferred the talking with H Kisinger, the american fugitive neo-nazi responsible for 40 thousand Chileans killed for defending the elected President Allende. Kissinger designed the coup to install the neo-nazi regime of Pinochet. Allende was also killed and the Plan Condor was set to eliminate all socialists in Chile, Argentina & Peru. What kind of advise Trump is requesting from this infamous war criminal?. What a coincidence, the day Trump canceled the debate with Sanders, he got a meeting with Kissinger. Check this article :  
On (Not) Loving Henry Kissinger. By Richard Falk Global Research, May 27



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