martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

MAY 31 16 SIT EC y POL

MAY 31 16 SIT EC y POL


Donald Trump will almost surely defeat Hillary Clinton in a head to head matchup - and that’s why a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for Donald Trump.

[ In my opinion: A vote for Hillary is also a vote for Biden, the Zionist pawn, also a neocon-crook.]

There is ample evidence that the United States lacks even the most rudimentary, basic protections necessary to preserve voting integrity within its own borders. Some of the evidence is circumstantial, some is statistical, and some is pretty direct and clear-cut FRAUD. Taken together, a pattern that emerges strongly suggesting that ever since electronic voting machines were introduced in the United States, we’ve had a string of suspect election results that frankly are not consistent with a free and fair voting outcome. Open:

Hillary’s announcement of victory before counting votes (5pm ET, day of CA primary) is based on the fraud-work she is doing with the company that owns the Electronic Voting Machines, in coordination with Pollsters & TV companies already paid by Clinton Foundations. We have basic Info about, and we need new evidence to publish indisputable INFO on this regard. Meanwhile read the above article:  Electronic Voting Machines & Why Voters Should Be Suspicious Of Every Election.


WE depend on China’s economy. Check what is going on now & guess its effect on US
Simply put, the heavy hand of market-central-planning has erased any and all depth in futures markets and positioning has become so tilted that price vacuums are likely to continue to occur.

“It looks like a fat finger,” Fang Shisheng, Shanghai-based vice general manager at Orient Securities Futures Co., said by phone. “Liquidity in the market is really thin at the moment. So the market will very likely see big swings if a big order comes in. The order looks like it’s from a hedger.”
And for some context of what that move looks like longer term - it erased 3 months of gains instantly...

“Investors think there is some risk in A shares," the strategist said. “If the yuan keeps falling that would affect the value of Chinese shares."
But, as the following chart shows, this is a record level of relative short interest...

Seemingly creating the perfect opportunity for a plunge protection team to squeeze stocks higher... proving the Chinese economy is fixed once again (or is this time different, like in 2008 and 2015)
It's becoming very clear that a sea change is underway as China hoards PHYSICAL silver at the Shanghai Gold Exchange, while openly encouraging Chinese citizens to acquire physical silver and gold as a way to protect wealth. It's a paradigm shift of epic proportion, away from paper promises and into PHYSICAL metal. David Morgan said.  Open his art: “David Morgan on THE DOLLAR DEMISE: Silver Moves to China - Sean (SGT Report)” at:


The Huffington Post has removed an article on its website Sunday, claiming that the FBI plans to indict Hillary Clinton on federal racketeering charges.
As Breitbart first reported, HuffPo freelance contributor Frank Huguenard, a scientist and public speaker, posted an article on the site’s blog entitled "Hillary Clinton to be Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges." Huguenard wrote:

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) is a United States Federal Law passed in 1970 that was designed to provide a tool for law enforcement agencies to fight organized crime.  RICO allows prosecution and punishment for alleged racketeering activity that has been executed as part of an ongoing criminal enterprise.

Activity considered to be racketeering may include bribery, counterfeiting, money laundering, embezzlement, illegal gambling, kidnapping, murder, drug trafficking, slavery, and a host of other nefarious business practices.

James Comey and The FBI will present a recommendation to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of the Department of Justice, that includes a cogent argument that the Clinton Foundation is an ongoing criminal enterprise engaged in money laundering and soliciting bribes in exchange for political, policy and legislative favors to individuals, corporations and even governments both foreign and domestic …

If accurate, this could be a terminal hit to Hillary's presidential chances, and it is obvious why a left-leaning medium, and audience, would be disturbed by its content.
The piece was publicized on Twitter by conservatives including Clinton critic Jared Wyand: read it here:

And read this twitter  too: : #IndianaPrimary  : Foreing countries gave Hillary’s Foundation Millions .
The image was not allowed to published 

A note at the bottom of the original article explains that “This post
is hosted on the Huffington Post’s Contributor platform. Contributors control their own work and post freely to our site. If you need to flag this entry as abusive,
send us an email."
It appears that many HuffPo readers found the article precisely that.


MR TEMER’s regime  -the US puppet in Brazil- is being dismantled  .. he is next

Things for the new, just as corrupt as his predecessor president, Michel Temer got particularly awkward, not to mention painfully ironic, when none other than Brazil's Transparency and Anti-Corruption Minister, Fabiano Silveira resigned on Monday after leaked recordings suggested he tried to derail a sprawling corruption probe, the latest cabinet casualty impacting interim President Michel Temer's administration.


Bernie is not planning to “use” the White House as a bully pulpit, as Hillary said. We know the uses  she made as Secretary of State .. how many people die with such “use”? : Millions .. How much money she got from that nasty business? : Billions. Her corruption is naked & insulting as never seen in the US history. We cannot afford to have her anymore in the Oval. Bernie said instead: "Our ideas and belief in economic justice, in social justice, in racial justice, in environmental justice, in immigration reform and a path toward citizenship, in rebuilding inner cities throughout this country, in protecting the needs of the Native American people, our ideas are the future of this country."
Sen. Bernie Sanders: "Well, I heard that he was going to debate me, then I heard that he was not going to debate me, then I heard that he was going to debate me, and now he is not going to debate me. Well, you know, I hope he changes his mind again. I mean, Mr. Trump is known to change his mind many times in a day. And Trump goes around ..  he’s a bully. He’s a big, tough guy. Well, Mr. Trump, what are you afraid of?"

[ Yes, “He’s a big, tough guy” .. like a Dino with a brain of a child .. It is a shame to have him as candidate to the Presidency.. Do we deserve a clown & swindler in the White House?. ]


The White House delivers another message via Carl Bernstein

Bernstein: I've spent part of this weekend talking to people in the White House. They are horrified at how Hillary Clinton is blowing up her own campaign .. they are horrified that the whole business of the transcripts, accepting the money -- could blow the Democrats' chance for White House. They want her to win. Obama wants her to win. .. But Sanders has shown how vulnerable she is. [ Her situation with these transcripts is worse than Richard Nixon scandal, he suggested.  In this context .. she is lost. "Her campaign is in free fall" and they're "no longer 100% sure" that she can get the time to get the  nomination.  Listen to the current "White House" message about the Clinton campaign via Bernstein and video at the top.]

Her plan to announce victory at 5pm ET, before finishing the counting of votes, WILL CREATE A BIG RIOT against Clinton. At the same time Sanders followers will announce the 3rd option, the PEOPLE’s FRONT in alliance with the GREENs and other Progressive organizations. That will be the immediate effect of the NATION against Hillary’s FRAUD. This will be the prelim to the huge Movement against the Democratic National Convention.. whose superdelegates will be already in contempt & possible indicted in Court because their fault against public faith. .

Hillary’s announcement of victory before counting the votes is based on the work she is doing with the company that owns the Electronic Voting Machines (paid by Clintons’s Foundation) working in coordination with pollsters & TV companies also paid by Clinton Foundations. We have basic Info about, though we need new evidence to publish indisputable INFO on this regard. Meanwhile read this:  Electronic Voting Machines & Why Voters Should Be Suspicious Of Every Election.





Patrick Howlett-Martin. Libya: How to Bring Down a Nation
Robert Hunziker. Chile’s Robocops


It Is Being Reported That Turkish Military Forces Have Entered Syria Posted on May 31, 2016 by WashingtonsBlog  [ NATO PROVOCATION is setting the path for WW3. They need a severe lesson.]
By Michael Snyder, the Economic Collapse Blog.
I’m going to bring here solid sources that expose Sweden’s ‘defence’ minister Peter Hultqvist and ‘The West’s’  vicious lies leading straight to World War III.)

Sweden in the leadup to the NATO Summit on July 8-9 against Russia, and in the context of America’s installation on Russia’s borders of weaponry to disable Russia’s capacity to retaliate against a Western blitz-invasion from NATO. The first successful test of that BMD or “Ballistic Missile Defense” system occurred on 19 May 2016 and constituted a breakthrough in the ability of the United States and its allies to conquer Russia; the test had occurred in Hawaii. Just seven days earlier than that test, the first installation of the system had occurred, which took place in Romania on May 12th. So, U.S. rulers have started to install the ultimate mass-killing system, for the ultimate conquest; it’s the system to block an enemy from defending itself from an invasion. Russia is increasingly surrounded by an expanding NATO, and that expansion up to Russia’s borders is supposed to be accepted by Russia as if it’s not a very aggressive move against Russia. And Sweden’s rulers have decided to be on the winning side of World War III.

Central bankers are now in the denial and anger stages of Kubler-Ross’s famed stages of loss: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Central bankers are in denial that all their trillions of dollars, euros, yen and yuan have completely and utterly failed to achieve the desired result: “organic” (i.e. unmanipulated by central states/banks) expansion of productivity, investment and household earnings.

Central bankers not only continue to insist their free money for financiers will eventually “trickle down” to the masses–they’re angry that the masses aren’t buying it. Central bankers are now blaming the masses for maintaining a perverse psychological state of disbelief in the omnipotence of central banks and their policies.

The central bankers have spent seven years constructing “signals” that are supposed to create a psychological state of euphoria that leads to more borrowing and spending. The stock market is at all-time highs–don’t those stupid masses get it? That’s the “signal” that all’s well and they should get out there and borrow more money to enrich the banks!
Keep Reading


Afganistán. Muerto el Mullah, viva la Mullah. Guadi Calvo
Opinion. La crisis moral que nos atraviesa. Pablo Romero
Ecologia Social  Nuestra relación con la naturaleza. David Cañedo
-Siria.  La muerte no tiene tregua. Pablo Jofré Leal
MX Mayo: entre el autoritarismo y la resistencia Subcomanches moises y Galeano



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