lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016


Spread print messages: STOP the 1%. JOIN BERNIE & JILL: United People FRONT
Follow the Ex of Democ Spring & Democ Awakening. Don’t confront the police
If police come, be ready to move to other public places to spread this message
This is a “Non-violent civil disobedience act. Our aim is the public, the Nation

Here one more opinion on this social movement:

Ralph Nader.

Sanders movement is confronted with utter dissipation and disappointment at the Convention .. The question is how to face it? HERE IS MY SUGGESTION, said Nader

The Sanders movement should organize a massive demonstration in August or September on the Mall in Washington, DC, preceded and followed by a series of mobilizing workshops.  The rally should pass the buckets to raise donations for establishing immediately an office in Washington to press forward with the event’s momentum but NOT ENDORSE ANY OF THE TWO MAJOR PARTY CANDIDATES.

Then, regional rallies and workshops around our country could lead to the creation of a political force with specific agendas which candidates for all offices – local, state and federal – may wish to adopt.

Earlier this month, there were well-organized civic demonstrations and non-violent civil disobedience acts outside of Congress and other locations. They were organized by two groupsDEMOCRACY SPRING and DEMOCRACY AWAKENINGand supported by many civic and labor associations. They represented new momentum for the public interest on what a functioning democracy must be all about.

Right now, Bernie Sanders is the man of the hour. Before the spotlight moves on, he needs to use the enthusiastic political capital he and his colleagues have amassed to lay the foundation for fundamental progressive change rooted within the local communities of America.


America's Plunging Worker Productivity Explained (In 1 Depressing Chart). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/02/2016 :  The US became an unsustainable service sector based economy from the 1970s onward when service sector employment diverged from manufacturing without a corresponding boost in productivity. Even Alan Greenspan has warned that America is "in trouble basically because productivity is dead in the water..." There are numerous reasons for this plunge in worker-productivity, from perverted inventives not to work to unintended consequences of monetary policy enabling zombies, but perhaps the most critical driver is exposed in the following dismal chart...

The productivity decline witnessed ever since is unprecedented. Despite the short lived boom of the 1990s US productivity growth only average 1.2 per cent from 1975 up to today. If we isolate the last 15 years US productivity growth is on par with what an agrarian slave economy was able to achieve 200 years ago.

In addition, the last 15 years also saw an outsized contribution to GDP from finance. If we look at the US GDP by contribution from value added by industry we clearly see how finance stands out in what would otherwise have been an impressively diversified economy.

In its final stage, investment give way for speculation, and suddenly finance is the most important industry, pulling the best and brightest away from every corner of the globe, just to find more ingenious ways to maximise capital consumption.
As the slave economy got perverted by incentives not to work, so does the speculative fiat based economy, which consequently create debt serfs on a grand scale.
"If..."  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/02/2016  :
If the world’s economies were really out of intensive care, why would ultra-radical monetary policies like helicopter money be increasingly debated at the highest level of governments? Also, how come 70% of Americans believe the US economy is on the wrong course? And why do almost half of US citizens admit they couldn’t come up with $400 to meet an unexpected need? Yes, I know why ask why? And it is what is, and a bunch of other clichés. But this isn’t normal, it isn’t healthy, and - at least in the opinion of this author—it isn’t going to end well.

  •  Overwhelming amounts of government debt are among the “rich” world’s biggest threats. Unfortunately, the political will to cope with this—and the related problem of runaway entitlement spending—is nil.
  • Radical monetary measures—such as quantitative easing (QE), plus zero- and negative-interest rate policies (ZIRP and NIRP)—are not stimulating growth. Instead, they are producing stagnation, “lowflation”, deflation, and currency wars.
  • However, they have stopped the ticking of the debt bomb. They are also reversing the disadvantaging of younger generations at the expense of the older and wealthier; the latter are the big losers from the eradication of interest rates.
  • Investors need to adjust to ZIRP and NIRP. They are likely not going away anytime soon.
  • These also make it less probable the US government will resort to high inflation as a form of “stealth default” on its immense debt.
  • Central banks printing money to buy government bonds is supposedly the pain-free way to extinguish crushing debt burdens. However, there is no free lunch.
  • Monetary authorities are finally realizing QEs, ZIRPs, and NIRPs, are failing to catalyze growth. Discussions about banning high-denomination currency (like $100 bills) are gaining steam as is a debate about the merits of doing “helicopter” money drops (direct money transfers to citizens).
  • The Fed suspending its rate normalization scheme (after just one hike!), and the European Central Bank unveiling a raft of extreme easing measures, have triggered rallies in almost everything since early February. Energy, Canadian REITs, and gold mining stocks have been by far the stars.
  • US stocks are still trading way above the trend-line growth rate of the economy (GDP). There is always reversion back to that and even below.
  • Not trying to be Davey Downer but if things are fine why are QEs, ZIRPs and NIRPs necessary? And why is the US middle class so despondent?
  • There are a growing—and disquieting—number of parallels with the 1930s, though, also many differences.
  • Some good news: in addition to zero interest rates and tepid growth forestalling the day of debt reckoning, they may be creating a trading range market. Perhaps a vicious bear episode can be avoided, or at least delayed.
  • However, investors need to be nimble and contrarian. It’s imperative to overweight those areas—like energy-related last year—where money is fleeing en masse. A passive 60/40, stock/bond, portfolio won’t produce the kind of returns investors desperately need.
The best laid plans…
One of the most pressing questions of our time simply must be: How will the developed world cope with its ever-growing mountain of debt?
And when it comes to inflation, NIRP, ZIRP and QEs have all been factors in bringing back that dreaded vestige of the 1930s: currency wars. As these competitive currency devaluations have spread around the globe, they have created declining commodity and import prices—at least for those countries that have fallen behind in the debasement cycle.
For awhile, the stock market seemed quite agitated about this outcome. Lately, though, with the Fed at least temporarily halting its official tightening cycle after the heroic move of one lone increase, and the European Central Bank going nuclear on its easing measures, stocks have bounced back close to their highs from last summer. As you may recall, this was right before the August “crashette” that saw the Dow fall 1100 points in less than an hour.
Let’s stop for a moment and recap what these lords of the financial kingdom have wrought…
Paradise (accidentally) found?
Ok, so thus far, ZIRP, NIRP, and “From Here to QE-ternity” monetary policies have given us:
1. The worst economic expansion in modern history.
2. The lowest interest rates since the Middle Ages, if not antiquity.
3. Falling inflation-cum-deflation.
4. Corporations around the world leveraging up to acquire other companies (and, of course, instituting mass layoffs once the deals go through) and buying back their own stock.  These have come at the expense of normal levels of capital spending.

5. Related to 4, and the “cap-ex” plunge, we’ve seen a collapse in productivity which is essential for economic betterment, particularly in aging societies
6. Asset bubbles in everything from collector cars to penny stocks to Manhattan penthouses to, Seattle apartment buildings, to…well, you name it, and the central banks have almost certainly inflated it; many now appear to be leaking oxygen at a steady, if not rapid, rate.

Did the debt bomb suddenly stop ticking?
As noted at the outset, any attempt to defuse the entitlement time-bomb has been resolutely ignored by our political leaders (cross out hacks). In this regard, they’ve had plenty of company around the world. Yet, my fellow Americans, the ticking is only growing louder, at least from the standpoint of IOUs accumulating at an alarming rate.

Now, I’m not at all sure the Fed and its global counterparts intended to solve the debt/entitlement crisis but, at least for the time being, they appear to have done so. They’ve also rectified the indenturing of the younger generations. This is because there are always winners and losers from policy prescriptions like NIRP and ZIRP. Young people don’t tend to hold many assets (if they do, these are unlikely to be bonds). They also often have a mortgage to service. Therefore, the extinction of interest rates is manna from heaven. Moreover, the crushing debt burden they were supposed to inherit from the Boomer generation has become as light to bear as a feather on the surface of the moon.
Obviously, there are also losers from such a radical set of policies and it’s manifestly obvious who they are: Nearly anybody with a portfolio, which includes most EVA readers and yours truly. We are the ones who need to make money off money, something NIRPs and ZIRPs render exceedingly difficult.
It continue 


"Debt Is The Cause, Not The Cure"- Why $19 Trillion In Debt 'Is' A Problem. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/02/2016. AQUI LOS POBRE SON LA CAUSA DE LA DEUDA  “Debt, if used for productive investments, can be a solution to stimulating economic growth in the short-term. However, in the U.S., debt has been squandered on increases in social welfare programs and debt service which has an effective negative return on investment. Therefore, the larger the balance of debt becomes, the more economically destructive it is by diverting an ever growing amount of dollars away from productive investments to service payments. The relevance of debt growth versus economic growth is all too evident as shown below...”
The First Casualty Is Truth Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/02/2016  : The US, in its own decline, is showing this same self-destructive tendency. The worse things get, the greater the inclination of the citizenry to say, “Carry on, everything’s fine.”
Visa Unveils Plan To Burden Millennials With Billions In Debt. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/02/2016  :  For anyone concerned that $800 billion in student loans over the last decade simply won't be enough debt burden for millennials to carry, worry no more, a solution has been found.
Debt: The Key Factor Connecting Energy & The Economy. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/02/2016  : The situation we are facing today is one in which growing debt has been holding up oil prices and other commodity prices for a long time. We are now reaching limits on this process, as evidenced by growing wealth disparity, low commodity prices, and the frantic actions of governments leaders around the world regarding slow economic growth and the need for more stimulus.


[ Los videos mostraron que el avión Americano violaba el espacio aéreo Ruso,  asi que si aplicamos ese estúpido supremacismo “At A Certain Point You Gotta Shoot” los rusos habrían mandado abajo ese avión .. pero no lo hicieron. Lo que indica que tienen clara su hoja de ruta: saben adónde van. Nos no. Solo tenemos bribones y payasos arriba. Lo que hasta ahora no entiendo es como los otros millonarios del GOP no pudieron bajarse a su bufon descerebrado. Un dia Trump dice una cosa y al otro dia se contradice. La política americana está demasiado podrida. Entre los DEMs la dama Hillary miente de la forma más grosera: dice todo lo inverso de lo que hizo y de lo que podría hacer. Para limpiar estas cloacas se va a necesitar trabajo “especializado” como el de los bolcheviques que asaltaron el poder en 1917 y el de los soldados que recién entendieron que lo que estaban defendiendo en las gueras de fuera eran los intereses de los millonarios de dentro. Alli los bolcheviques pudieron  manipular fácilmente los soldados hambrientos de 1ra guerra mundial, esos que regresaban a sus comunas y las encontraron destruidas. “Todo el poder a los soviets” dijeron Trotsky y Lenin y organizaron un ejército ya entrenado y necesario para fusilar a cuantos ricos se atrevieron a disputar el nuevo poder político. Tuvieron que irse los ricos y cuando quisieron regresar apoyados por el oeste, Trosky ya los había convertido en ejército rojo. Como hacerlo aquí ¿Cómo habría que preparar  a nuestros soldados para que ayuden en la profilaxia interna y nos defiendan de ataque externos? No lo sabemos aún,. Todo depende del contexto, solo sabemos que si se va a necesitar políticos de convicciones firmes –bolcheviques se llamaron en RU- y,  del trabajo “especializado” de los soldados. De lo que si estoy seguro es que aquí los jóvenes de 20 y los milennians van a crear en cada Estado sus propios Lenins y trotkis y que van a sobrar los soldados dispuestos a tomar posesión de la riqueza mal habida de los millonarios de hoy. Asi que de repente  aquí la consigna va a ser “Todo el poder a los Estados Autonomos de la vieja oligarquía financiera y política”.Por ahora solo nos toca cumplir con las tareas de la REV democrático popular, luego vendrá la etapa democrático-nacional y al final la etapa socialista. Las metas están claras, la hoja de ruta también, lo que falta son los detalles estratégicos y tácticos de cada etapa. Sobre todo, se necesita  trabajar el factor subjetivo: el desarrollo de una conciencia socialista propia: Sin revolucionarios no hay REV. ]
Saudi Foreign Minister Repeats Warning To US Over Sept 11 Law. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/02/2016  : However, to avoid another slap in the face of US foreign policy on the record, he denied that Saudi Arabia had "threatened" to withdraw investment from its close ally and instead called it a mere "warning."
6 Charts That Show the Global Demographic Crisis Is Unfolding S- by Tyler Durden on 05/02/2016  : The world is undergoing a profound demographic shift that will cause sweeping changes over the next few decades. Those changes will broaden the scope of our study of economics and investing; they will alter our understanding of sociology; and they will radically affect politics and governments.
Lifespans are growing almost everywhere
Falling fertility rates and longer lifespans mean that the global population is getting older. This will bring something remarkable in the next few years: the world will soon have more people over age 65 than it has children under 5.

You can see in the chart that the elderly population is growing much faster than the child population is shrinking. As our ability to extend lifespans grows, the disparity between these populations will get worse.

Who will support children and the elderly?

The aging population dynamic means we will have fewer younger people supporting a larger number of older people. Don’t forget that children need care, too. So the real problem will be lack of middle-aged people to support both children and the elderly.

Here is another chart from the “Aging World” report:
It continue




Washington has absolutely nothing to offer to nations across Asia, Africa and Latin America
Obama declared Venezuela to be an “unusual and extraordrinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States”


LONG: Let’s just jump into the subject. I mentioned the FIRE economy cause I know that I have always heard it coming from yourself—or, indirectly, not directly, from yourself. Could you explain to our listeners what’s meant by that terminology?
HUDSON: Well it’s more than just people getting fired. FIRE is an acronym for Finance, Insurance and Real Estate. Basically that sector is about assets, not production and consumption. And most people think of the economy as being producers making goods and services and paying labor to produce them – and then, labour is going to buy these goods and services. But this production and consumption economy is surrounded by the asset economy: the web of Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate of who owns assets, and who owes the debts, and to whom.

LONG: How would you differentiate it (or would you) with what’s often referred to as financialization, or the financialization of our economy? Are they one and the same?
HUDSON: Pretty much. The Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate sector is dominated by finance. 70 to 80% of bank loans in North America and Europe are mortgage loans against real estate. So instead of a landowner class owning property clean and clear, as they did in the 19th century, now you have a democratization of real estate. 2/3 or more of the population owns their own home. But the only way to buy a home, or commercial real estate, is on credit. So the loan-to-value ratio goes up steadily. Banks lend more and more money to the real estate sector. A home or piece of real estate, or a stock or bond, is worth whatever banks are willing to lend against it.

As banks loosen their credit terms, as they lower their interest rates, take lower down payments, and lower amortization rates – by making interest-only loans – they are going to lend more and more against property. So real estate is bid up on credit. All this rise in price is debt leverage. So a financialized economy is a debt-leveraged economy, whether it’s real estate or insurance, or buying an education, or just living. And debt leveraging means that a larger proportion of assets are represented by debt. So debt equity ratios rise. But financialization also means that more and more of people’s income and corporate and government tax revenue is paid to creditors. There’s a flow of revenue from the production-and-consumption economy to the financial sector.
If you aren’t already concerned about a deal being negotiated on behalf of giant corporations at the public’s expense TPP, consider the following. One chapter in the deal, the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) system, threatens democracy and the sovereignty of governments.

For example, Joseph Stiglitz, former chief economist at the World Bank and recipient of the ‘Nobel Prize for Economics’ in 2001, addressed this issue regarding NAFTA in January 2004. He said: “But hidden in NAFTA was a new set of rights — for business — that potentially weakened democracy throughout North America. Under NAFTA, if foreign investors believe they are being harmed by regulations (no matter how well justified), they may sue for damages in special tribunals without the transparency afforded by normal judicial proceedings. If successful, they receive direct compensation from the federal government….

In an October 2015 article, Stiglitz and Adam Hersh added: “Imagine what would have happened if these provisions had been in place when the lethal effects of asbestos were discovered. Rather than shutting down manufacturers and forcing them to compensate those who had been harmed, under ISDS, governments would have had to pay the manufacturers not to kill their citizens. Taxpayers would have been hit twice — first to pay for the health damage caused by asbestos, and then to compensate manufacturers for their lost profits when the government stepped in to regulate a dangerous product.”

Sanders movement is confronted with utter dissipation and disappointment at the Convention .. The question is how to face it? HERE IS MY SUGGESTION, said Nader

The Sanders movement should organize a massive demonstration in August or September on the Mall in Washington, DC, preceded and followed by a series of mobilizing workshops.  The rally should pass the buckets to raise donations for establishing immediately an office in Washington to press forward with the event’s momentum but NOT ENDORSE ANY OF THE TWO MAJOR PARTY CANDIDATES.

Then, regional rallies and workshops around our country could lead to the creation of a political force with specific agendas which candidates for all offices – local, state and federal – may wish to adopt.

Earlier this month, there were well-organized civic demonstrations and non-violent civil disobedience acts that led to many hundreds of arrests outside of Congress and other locations. They were organized by two groupsDEMOCRACY SPRING AND DEMOCRACY AWAKENING and supported by many civic and labor associations. They represented new momentum for the public interest on what a functioning democracy must be all about.

Right now, Bernie Sanders is the man of the hour. Before the spotlight moves on, he needs to use the enthusiastic political capital he and his colleagues have amassed to lay the foundation for fundamental progressive change rooted within the local communities of America.
Mairead Maguire. Drop the Just War Theory


Posted on May 2, 2016 by WashingtonsBlog . By David Haggith, the Great Recession Blog.
Central banks beg for conspiracy theories to explain them, since they operate in the shadows while being given charge of all the financial systems of all the world’s greatest economies. Central bankers have the unchaperoned power to create the greatest fortunes ever known to mankind at will and to invest it wherever they want. With trillions of dollars at their disposal and trillions more whenever they want to conjure it into existence, what is to stop them from cornering every market on earth?

Capitalist central banks have become ultimate central planners
Why would we even think central banks wouldn’t manipulate all markets to the benefit of their own member banks when two Fed officials have stated that by intention the Fed’s FOMC was front-running the stock market to create a “wealth effect”? (Apparently the “wealth effect” is to make the wealthy vastly wealthier because that’s what happened; I certainly haven’t seen any wealth trickling into my bank account as a result of this overt manipulation of markets.)
We used to have regulations that prevented banks from investing in stocks (and thereby central banks from indirectly manipulating the stock market by giving money to their member banks to invest). Next, the Fed will be deciding what companies to favor. Maybe they already do.
Posted on May 2, 2016 by WashingtonsBlog. By Michael Snyder, the Economic Collapse Blog.

Last month, a “secret meeting” that involved more than 100 executives from some of the biggest financial institutions in the United States was held in New York City.  During this secret meeting“, a company known as Chain” unveiled a technology that transforms U.S. dollars into “pure digital assets”.  Reportedly, there were representatives from Nasdaq, Citigroup, Visa, Fidelity, Fiserv and Pfizer in the room, and Chain also claims to be partnering with Capital One, State Street, and First Data.  This “revolutionary” technology is intended to completely change the way that we use money, and it would represent a major step toward a cashless society.  But if this new digital cash system is going to be so good for society, why was it unveiled during a secret meeting for Wall Street bankers?  Is there something more going on here than we are being told?
None of us probably would have ever heard about this secret meeting if it was not for a report in Bloomberg.  The following comes from their article entitled Inside the Secret Meeting Where Wall Street Tested Digital Cash
On a recent Monday in April, more than 100 executives from some of the world’s largest financial institutions gathered for a private meeting at the Times Square office of Nasdaq Inc. They weren’t there to just talk about blockchain, the new technology some predict will transform finance, but to build and experiment with the software.
Keep Reading
Posted on May 2, 2016 by WashingtonsBlog.  By Kristen Breitweiser, one of the four 9/11 widows – known as the “Jersey Girls” – instrumental in forcing the government to form the 9/11 Commission to investigate the 2001 attacks. Follow Kristen Breitweiser on Twitter:
Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton wrote an opinion piece last week in USAToday, trying to “temper” feelings surrounding the release of the 28 pages. He wrote, “The 28 pages have generated a lot of public speculation over the years and have been described as a “smoking gun” implicating the Saudi government in the deadliest terrorist attack carried out on U.S. soil.”
They go on to write, “What often gets lost in those theories is that the 28 pages were based almost entirely on raw, unvetted material that came to the FBI. That material was written up as possible leads for further investigation, and the 28 pages were a summary of some of those reports and leads as of the end of 2002 — all of them uninvestigated.”
What Tom and Lee fail to acknowledge is the reason the “raw, unvetted material” was left “uninvestigated” was strictly because of the 9/11 Commission’s Staff Director, Philip Zelikow.
Zelikow has too many conflicts of interest to list in this blog. Suffice it to say that a critical portion of the 9/11 Commission’s Final Report can be seen as merely a fairy-tale rendition (or intelligence “story”) of Philip’s design. (Scroll down to the lunch break, read Zelikow’s next Staff Statement where he talks about an “intelligence story.”)
Keep Reading

Posted on May 1, 2016 by WashingtonsBlog . By Michael Snyder, the Economic Collapse Blog.
Is the strongest and most powerful nation on the planet headed for an apocalypse which will bring it to its knees?  We live in a world that is becoming increasingly unstable, and apocalyptic themes have become very common in books, movies, television shows and video games.  It is almost as if there is an unconscious understanding on a societal level that something very big and very bad is coming, even if the vast majority of the population cannot specifically identify what that is going to be.  Last week, the Global Challenges Foundation released a new report entitled Global Catastrophic Risks 2016” in which they discussed various apocalyptic events that they believe could wipe out more than 10 percent of the population of our planet, and they warned that these types of events “are more likely than we intuitively think”
Sebastian Farquhar, director at the Global Priorities Project, told the Press Association: “There are some things that are on the horizon, things that probably won’t happen in any one year but could happen, which could completely reshape our world and do so in a really devastating and disastrous way.
“History teaches us that many of these things are more likely than we intuitively think. Many of these risks are changing and growing as technologies change and grow and reshape our world. But there are also things we can do about the risks.”
THE 13 Catastrophic Events
Supervolcanoes. Asteroids And Comets. Natural Pandemics. Engineered Pandemics. Artificial Intelligence. Geoengineering. Nuclear War. Islamic Terror. Power Grid Failure. Cyberwar. Economic Collapse. Civil Unrest & Martial Law. Catastrophic Earthquakes.


INEI : siete millones de pobres en  Perú.  Son muchas más las personas pobres SI



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