sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016

MAY 13 16 SIT EC y POL

MAY 13 16 SIT EC y POL


SHE IS A LIAR : Seymour Hersh (Pulitzer-prize winning investigative reporter) published an in-depth report exposing the reasons behind the Benghazi attack in the London Review of Books titled ‘THE RED LINE AND THE RAT LINE. She crossed the red line and she must be in Prison. Open the art HILLARY IS A CANDIDATE FOR THE “POLITICAL MACHINE” By Timothy A Guzman   at http://www.globalresearch.ca/hillary-is-a-candidate-for-the-political-machine-four-reasons-why-a-hillary-clinton-presidency-is-a-real-possibility/5511397
William Reynolds in MISSING CLINTON E-MAIL CLAIMS SAUDIS FINANCED BENGHAZI ATTACKS said “Something that has gone unnoticed in all the talk about the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mails is the content of the original leak that started the entire investigation to begin with. [ Notice : 1st by Law she should’ve not used personal phone for State related issues, and 2nd she should’ve  not lie about]. In March of 2013, a Romanian hacker calling himself Guccifer hacked into the AOL account of Sidney Blumenthal and leaked to Russia Today four e-mails containing intelligence on Libya that Blumenthal sent to Hillary Clinton. Sidney Blumenthal is a long time friend and adviser of the Clinton family who in an unofficial capacity sent many “intelligence memos” to Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State. The first three e-mails in the Russia Today leak from Blumenthal to Clinton all appear word for word in the State Department release.  The fourth e-mail was missing in the State Department release. It seems that she lied about it, and -I guess- the how & whereabouts of this e-mail are now clear.  http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-03-09/missing-clinton-e-mail-claims-saudis-financed-benghazi-attacks

“Last week, Mrs. Clinton’s five closest advisors when she was Secretary of State, were interrogated by the FBI. .. Also earlier this week, the State Department revealed that it cannot find the emails of Bryan Pagliano for the four years that he was employed there. Who is Bryan Pagliano? He is the former information technology expert, employed by the State Department to problem shoot Mrs. Clinton’s entail issues. Pagliano was also personally employed by Mrs. Clinton. She paid him $5,000 to migrate her regular State Department email account and her secret State Department email account from their secure State Department servers to her personal, secret, non-secure server in her home in New York. [BRIVE is a still a felony in US Courts]. That was undoubtedly a criminal act.  Pagliano is now the government’s chief witness against Mrs. Clinton. It is almost inconceivable that all of his emails have been lost. Surely this will intrigue the FBI, which has reportedly been able to retrieve the emails Mrs. Clinton attempted to wipe from her server.

Now the FED is getting meetings with “the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Russian Intelligence Services to get the  release some 20,000 of Mrs. Clinton’s emails obtained either by hacking her directly or by hacking into the email of her confidante, Sid Blumenthal. .. FBI learned last week from the convicted international hacker, who calls himself Guccifer, that he knows how the Russians came to possess Mrs. Clinton’s emails; and it is because she stored, received and sent them from her personal, secret, non-secure server.

She does not know what the feds know about her. She faces a damned-if-she-does and damned-if-she-doesn’t choice here. Any lie and any materially misleading statement – and she is prone to both – made to the FBI can form the basis for an independent criminal charge against her. .. The Department of Justice prosecutors will call upon her lawyers – and that has already been done, and Mrs. Clinton knows it. .. Mrs. Clinton’s folks are preparing for the worst (either skipped or failed Criminal Law 101). The government need not prove intent for either espionage or for lying to federal agents. And it prosecutes both crimes very vigorously.
By Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article44633.htm


Stocks Bloody On Friday 13 As Treasury Curve Crashes To 9 Year Lows Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/13/2016  :   [ OPEN this art & see several images of the US debacle economy.]

Here only 2 images
Head-and-shoulders, touch your ties...

Bonds are beating stocks post-payrolls now...
See image location at:

Weekend Reading: Going Nowhere Fast Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/13/2016  :  “If you have large cap, mid-cap, or small-cap, and the market declines, you are going to have less cap.”
Another week of choppy market action and the end result was a move to “nowhere.” As I stated previously, the current action is either a consolidation process or a topping process. To wit:
“First of all, it is worth noting that despite all of the recent excitement of the markets advance, it remains extremely confined in a sideways trading range. This can either be good or bad news.

The Good: Sideways consolidations during bullishly biased markets provides the ability to work off excesses built up during the previous advance to provide the “fuel” necessary for the next leg higher.

The Bad: However, sideways consolidations can also mark the end of the previous bullish advance and the beginning of a bearish decline.

How do we know the difference? Normally, fundamentals tell the story. When earnings are still rising, market consolidations tend to resume to the upside. However, declining earnings have historically marked market topping processes much as we see today.”

With summer fast approaching, the markets still appear to be very fragile exposing investors to a similar “swoon” in the months ahead. This is particularly the case with both the economic and fundamental underpinnings still showing signs of deterioration. 
In the end, it does not matter IF you are “bullish” or “bearish.” The reality is that both “bulls” and “bears” are owned by the “broken clock” syndrome during the full-market cycle. However, what is grossly important in achieving long-term investment success is not necessarily being “right” during the first half of the cycle, but by not being “wrong” during the second half.
HERE some reading for you to explore this uncertain reality: OPEN THE PAGE :
Stockman believes that the world economy is heading into a "deep and lasting deflationary recession." There is no evidence that America is immune, he adds, warning of the potential for 40% downside and just 2% upside in stocks...
But don’t tell the Jeffrey Saut brigade. The abominable “X” is back, too, and even the casino empties out when recession actually hits.

But that’s not the half of it. Wall Street’s cockeyed faith that another stock market bailout is on the way rests on the idea of a post-election return to fiscal stimulus—-since even the casino punters now see that the jig is up on ZIRP, NIRP and QE.

"Making The Chicken Run" To Escape The Looming Greater Depression. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/13/2016  :  What we’re looking at is going to be much more serious than any past crisis, partly because America has already evaporated, like the morning haze on a hot summer's day. You're not in Kansas anymore. Kansas isn't in Kansas anymore.
by Doug Casey Via InternationalMan.com,  [ Nice reading for this weekend ]

HERE Few extracts
First, the Economy
That point—economic bankruptcy accompanied by financial chaos—is quickly approaching for the U.S. government. With deficits over a trillion dollars per year for as far as the eye can see, the U.S. Treasury will very soon be unable to roll over its maturing debt at anything near current interest rates. The only reliable buyer will be the Federal Reserve, which can buy only by creating new dollars.
The pain will spread. Insurance companies are invested mostly in bonds and real estate; many will go bankrupt. …  This rough sequence of events has happened in many countries in recent decades, and they’ve survived the tough times.

Then It Gets Serious
But that’s just over the short run. The long run is much more serious because the next chapter of the Greater Depression has every chance of radically, and at least semi-permanently, overturning the basic character of American life.  The economic events I’ve outlined are going to mean serious hardship and unpleasantness for many people. But that doesn't concern me nearly as much as the social and political reaction.

Everybody gets hurt in a serious depression, but if you understand what’s going on and prepare for it, you can do well enough. Of course, political and social change always follow economic and financial upheaval, but I think it’s going to be much more drastic this time because the U.S. has been on the road to becoming a police state for quite a while.

Reality is mimicking art. In 1932, Aldous Huxley described a highly controlled utopia in Brave New World, where drugs made everybody think (actually feel, because thinking could only make you unhappy) that they were happy. The U.S. has pretty much done that drill, consuming massive quantities of everything on credit, watching American Idol and its clones in every spare moment, and using plenty of Ritalin and Prozac along the way.

Sixteen years later, George Orwell described an even more tightly controlled dystopia in 1984. Everybody knows that story, even if they haven’t read the book.

They’ve long constituted a veritable Praetorian Guard, but now truly have lives of their own. Homeland Security is completing its new 400-acre campus in Washington, D.C. Police forces all over the country are increasingly militarized in both equipment and attitude. And the military itself, bloated on a budget of hundreds of billions a year, has come a long way from the slapstick world of Beetle Bailey, full of steroid-pumped Black Ops wannabes who’ve picked up plenty of bad habits in the government's numerous undeclared wars.

So, here’s another prediction. Riding the economic and social disorder, these new Praetorians, oriented as they are toward professional paranoia and the “national security” state, are going to become truly virulent. They’re going to use the continuing economic crisis to increase their power, like it or not. The American people will demand it, since they are so degraded that they really do prefer the appearance of security to the prospect of having to take personal responsibility.

If I’m right (and I feel as sure about this as I ever have about anything), then it’s not going to go well for libertarians, classical liberals, old-line conservatives, individualists, freethinkers, non-conformists, people who subscribe to letters like this or cruise suspicious websites, or gamma rats, generally. It was a dangerous environment for these types (not to mention those of Japanese or German descent and members of various religious groups) during America’s past crises. When the chimpanzees are hooting and panting, you’d better join them, or they’ll start wondering why not.

I expect what we’re looking at is going to be much more serious than any past crisis, partly because America has already evaporated, like the morning haze on a hot summer's day. You're not in Kansas anymore. Kansas isn't in Kansas anymore.

The Real Oil Limits Story - What Other Researchers Missed. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/13/2016  :  For a long time, a common assumption has been that the world will eventually “run out” of oil and other non-renewable resources. Instead, we seem to be running into surpluses and low prices. What is going on that was missed by M. King Hubbert, Harold Hotelling, and by the popular understanding of supply and demand?

The underlying assumption in these models is that scarcity would appear before the final cutoff of consumption. .. .. Virtually no one realizes that the economy is a self-organized networked system. There are many interconnections within the system. The real situation is that as prices rise, supply tends to rise as well, because new sources of production become available at the higher price. At the same time, demand tends to fall for a variety of reasons:
  • Lower affordability
  • Lower productivity growth
  • Falling relative wages of non-elite workers
The potential mismatch between amount of supply and demand is exacerbated by the oversized role that debt plays in determining the level of commodity prices.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has a different way of illustrating the likelihood of huge future oil supply, if prices can only rise high enough.

Can consumers really afford very high-priced energy products?
In my view, the answer is “No!” If oil is high priced, then the many things made with oil will tend to be high priced as well. Wages don’t rise with oil prices; most of us remember this from the oil price run-up of 2003 to 2008.
The higher cost of extraction is equivalent to diminishing returns.
As we are forced to seek out ever more expensive to extract resources, the economy is in some sense becoming less and less efficient. We are devoting more of our human labor and other resources to extracting fossil fuels, and to extracting minerals from ever-lower-quality ores.

Energy products play a critical role in the economy.
Economic activity is based on many kinds of physical changes. For example:
  • Using heat to transform materials from one form to another;
  • Using energy products to help move goods from one place to another;
  • Moving electrons in such a way that light is provided
  • Moving electrons in such a way that Internet transmission can be provided.
A human being, by himself, exerts only about 100 watts of power. A human being is also quite limited in what he can do; he can provide a little heat, but no light, for example. Energy products are very helpful for making capital goods such as buildings, machines, roads, electricity transmission lines, cars and trucks.
World Energy Comsumption per capita

To have a growing economy, wages of non-elite workers need to be growing. 
Our economy is in a sense a “circular economy,” in which non-elite workers (less educated, non-managerial workers) play a pivotal role because they are both producers of goods and potential consumers of the output of the economy. Because there are so many non-elite workers, their demand for homes, cars, and electronic goods plays a critical role in maintaining the total demand of the economy.
Co-dependent parts of the economy

Final words of the author:
My approach is very different from that of most researchers. .. I have stayed away from publishers and funding sources that might try to influence what I say. I have not been taking donations, and do not run ads on my website. The story is one that needs to be told, but it easily gets distorted if the person telling the story is influenced by what will generate the largest donations, or the most grant money.
US Rig Count Continues To Crash. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/13/2016  :  The total US rig count declined yet again this week, down 9 to 406 - a new record low. The last four times rig counts collapsed anything like this, the US economy was in recession. Oil rigs dropped 10 to a new cycle low at 308, but appear near a turning point if lagged oil prices remain any indication...


Hedge Fund Billionaire Spends $13 Million Supporing Ted Cruz, Then Immediately Flips To Hillary Clinton. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/13/2016 :  Renaissance Technologies has switched donations to Hillary Clinton, with more than $2m donated so far. [WS crooks pay her.]
Jon Stewart Just Slammed Hillary Clinton (And The Mainstream Media Ignored It). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/13/2016  :  While it’s hardly shocking that mainstream media targeted Jon Stewart’s latest jab - in which he described Donald Trump as a “man-baby” - the mainstream media establishment mouthpiece virtually ignored his lambasting of Hillary Clinton.
The Two Faces Of Hillary S-by Tyler Durden on 05/13/2016 15:50  [See image above.]
Then : SHE IS NOT WINNING in a DEMOCRACY terms. Nader always loses focus on main point.

Temer presidency may be nothing more than the latest manifestation of the US state department's implementation of yet another puppet government. We know this because earlier today, Wikileaks released evidence via a declassified cable that Brazil's new interim president was an embassy informant for US intelligence and military.




Can we face it in this election season? America is a weapons factory, the White House a war room, and the president the manager of the neoliberal conspiracy
Terrorists Commit War Crimes. U.S. State Department: "We continue to have dialogue with them."
By Moon Of Alabama.   Armed opposition groups committing war crimes in Aleppo city: Amnesty
There’s probably never been a US presidential election where both likely nominees are more despised by more people.
Donald Trump’s campaign reveals the establishment for what it is, a swamp of corruption  as fetid as those of Latin America


Doug Johnson Hatlem
Pepe Escobar
Carmen Yarrusso





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