miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016

MAY 11 16 SIT EC y POL

MAY 11 16 SIT EC y POL


We will take them out from the corrupted bipartisan system
We will return them to the river, to the ocean:  to the masses.
To the socialist revolution that they belong to.  WE WILL WIN!!





11 Signs That The U.S. Economy Is Rapidly Deteriorating Even As The Stock Market Soars . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2016  :  We have seen this story before, and it never ends well... Gravity beckons, and the crash that is to come is going to be a great sight to behold.

#1 Total business sales have been declining for nearly two years, and they are now about 15 percent lower than they were in late 2014.

#2 The inventory to sales ratio is now back to near where it was during the depths of the last recession.  This means that there is lots and lots of unsold stuff just sitting around out there, and that is a sign of a very unhealthy economy.

#3 Corporate earnings have declined for four consecutive quarters.  This never happens outside of a recession.

#4 Profits for companies listed on the S&P 500 were down 7.1 percent during the first quarter of 2016 when compared to the same time period a year ago.

#5 In April, commercial bankruptcies were up 32 percent on a year over year basis, and Chapter 11 filings were up 67 percent on a year over year basis.  This is exactly the kind of spike that we witnessed during the initial stages of the last major financial crisis as well.

#6 U.S. rail traffic was 11 percent lower last month than it was during the same month in 2015.  Right now there are 292 Union Pacific engines sitting idle in the middle of the Arizona desert because there is literally nothing for them to do.

#7 The U.S. economy has lost an astounding 191,000 mining jobs since September 2014.  For areas of the country that are heavily dependent on mining, this has been absolutely devastating.

#8 According to Challenger, Gray & Christmas, U.S. firms announced 35 percent more job cuts during April than they did in March.  This indicates that our employment problems are accelerating.

#9 So far this year, job cut announcements are running 24 percent above the exact same period in 2015.

#10 U.S. GDP grew at just a 0.5 percent annual rate during the first quarter of 2016.  This was the third time in a row that the GDP number has declined compared to the previous quarter, and let us not forget that the formula for calculating GDP was changed last year specifically to make the first quarter of each year look better.  Without that “adjustment”, it is quite possible that we would have had a negative number for the first quarter.

#11 Barack Obama is poised to become the first president in U.S. history to never have a single year during his time in office when the economy grew by more than 3 percent.

So even though half the country is flat broke, I guess we are all supposed to do our patriotic duty by going out and running up huge balances on our credit cards.

This is a global economic slowdown, and just like in 2008 it is only a matter of time before the financial markets catch up with reality.  I really like how Andrew Lapthorne put it recently
On the more bearish slant is Andrew Lapthorne, head of quantitative strategy at Societe Generale. To him this profit downturn is a sign that stocks are far too overvalued and the economy is weaker than you think.
“MSCI World EPS is now declining at the fastest pace since 2009, losing 4% in the last couple of months alone (this despite stronger oil prices),” wrote Lapthorne in a note. For the S&P 500 specifically, the year on year drop in profit drop was the most since third quarter of 2009.

“Global earnings are now 14% off the peak set in August 2014 and back to where they stood five years ago. Equity prices on the other hand are 25% higher. Gravity beckons!”
I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Look, this is not a game.
So far in 2016, three members of my own extended family have lost their jobs.  Businesses are going under at a pace that we haven’t seen since 2008, and this means that more mass layoffs are on the way.

We can certainly be happy that U.S. stocks are doing okay for the moment.  May it stay that way for as long as possible.  But anyone that believes that this state of affairs can last indefinitely is just being delusional.

Gravity beckons, and the crash that is to come is going to be a great sight to behold.
Contributor Samantha Azzarello

Myth 1: The U.S. will default on its debt
Although much hype surrounds the possibility of a U.S. debt default, the likelihood is infinitesimally small.

One of the reasons the U.S. has been—and continues to be—a traditional safe haven for global investors is that investors know very well that the U.S. has nearly unlimited taxing power and a huge asset base. The federal government could—if needed—force liquidation of these assets to pay its entire stock of debt nearly 10 times over before defaulting. This is before even considering increasing taxes on the private sector.

Myth 2: The U.S. debt is out of control
The U.S. debt is at somewhat elevated levels, but the current debt-to-GDP ratio is quite manageable.

In absolute terms, U.S. government debt, measured as total debt held by the public, is $13 trillion—a record high (as of June 30, 2015). The debt-to-GDP ratio stands at approximately 74%; an elevated level, but hardly a record. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO), a non-partisan government organization, projects only a slight increase in net debt as a percentage of GDP—from 74% in 2015 to 77% in 2025.

Considering government debt from the vantage point of the annual federal budget, the federal budget deficit has declined steadily from 9.8% of GDP in fiscal year 2009 to an estimated 2.7% of GDP in 2015. It is forecasted to hover near 3% for the next few years, as shown in the chart.

Myth 3: Rising rates will explode the debt
While rising rates would certainly cause the government’s net interest expense—its cost to service the debt—to increase, it won’t cause it to explode.

Any rise in interest rates would almost assuredly be the result of a healthier economy and inflation expectations. This matters a lot, because if both GDP and the debt rise in lockstep, the debt-to-GDP ratio does not actually grow. In addition, much of the U.S. government debt that was issued in the past seven years was done so at record low rates. This cheap debt has locked in coupon payments, which will not increase as interest rates rise.

Myth 4: The budget problem cannot be fixed
The truth is that the budget problems facing our country are not difficult to solve from a mathematical perspective. The bigger challenge is finding the political will and the level of compromise and collaboration that would be required to make progress.

For example, according to a 2015 report from the Medicare Trustees, the trust fund supporting a significant part of Medicare costs is projected to be depleted by 2030. However, the present value shortfall over the next 75 years could be entirely covered if Medicare payroll taxes were increased by just 68bps, from 2.9% to 3.6%. Changes in the age of eligibility or the amount of benefits received are other feasible tweaks to handle the shortfall.

Myth 5: The biggest risk to investors is the federal debt
As the preceding arguments have made clear, the federal debt is far from the biggest risk facing investors. Nevertheless, investors should establish a plan to address a few manageable debt-related investment headwinds. These include:
  • Solving for growth: For investors, getting an investment portfolio to grow in an era of slower overall economic and profit growth is an important consideration. While specific debt levels and their associated costs remain hotly contested issues among economists, it stands to reason that at a certain point, government spending on productive endeavors like investment spending on physical capital can be crowded out by increasing net interest expense.
  • The income drought: Depressed interest rates are not directly related to the debt burden, but are rather a knock-on effect from slower growth and lower inflation. One of the serious consequences of low interest rates is that the traditional sources of investment income earned by investors and retirees have all but dried up. We do not expect interest rates to revert to pre-2008 levels anytime soon. For investors, it remains critically important to have a diversified approach to generating income without being overly concentrated in any single asset class.

Investment implications
Although none of these factors would necessarily mandate a change in core asset allocation strategy, they do suggest tilting to equities (and, in particular, growth-oriented equities), looking at alternative sources of income to counter low rates and utilizing tax-efficient strategies, where applicable.

Investors should not be distracted by wild and misguided prophesies of debt Armageddon. They should instead focus on working with their financial advisors on topics relevant to their own financial plans, such as getting their money to grow despite a slower growth environment, or cobbling together a more diversified stream of income in a low-yield world.
Investments in bonds and other debt securities will change in value based on changes in interest rates. If rates rise, the value of these investments generally drops.

The prices of equity securities are sensitive to a wide range of factors, from economic to company-specific news, and can fluctuate rapidly and unpredictably, causing an investment to decrease in value.

Diversification does not guarantee investment returns and does not eliminate the risk of loss.
Frontrunning: May 11. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2016 -
  • Clinton loss in West Virginia signals trouble in Rust Belt (Reuters)
  • GOP hopefuls struggle with support of Trump (Hill)
  • Brazil Impeachment Vote May Spell Rousseff's Last Day on Job (BBG)
  • Staples-Office Depot Merger Collapses After Block by Judge (BBG)
  • Tumbling Banco Popolare leads Italian bank shares lower  (Reuters)


Dear Hillary,
I have to admit, you have me worried. And for more than just the usual reasons. [see them below.]

The latest Quinnipiac University Survey on the 2016 U.S. Presidential election is absolutely fascinating, and presents some very bad news for team Clinton. The fascinating part is related to  the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania in which Bernie Sanders is by far the stronger general election candidate.

Here few extracts from the letter, with my comments in brackets
“Dear Hillary, you are not the type of candidate that will stop Donald Trump “Don’t try to define Trump, whether by labeling him “dangerous” or anything else. He’s a master of rhetorical jujitsu, instantly turning criticisms and insults into honorifics.”  ..  How will you answer “Crooked Hillary,” among other things, before any statement he made on policies —  “your self-definition needs to prevail over the one he tries to pin on you” if you try to make your definition of the issue prevail .. you will lose .. . “

[[.. Perhaps If you focus on the policy-issue – without attacking him .. just explain to the public this topic like elementary teacher in classroom or a psychologist in a special room.  If you ignore the issue , you’ll lose” .. if you defend yourself .. you lose. If you attack him,  you will lose double.. Perhaps you have to treat him with compassion, like being with  a pubbert-age whit severe mental ills? ..you don’t have to talk to him about his situation .. you don’t have to talk to the public on his mental situation .. talk with the public on the policy issue to inform and teach them and educate them. ...You have to explain the issue without alarming them .. explaining them that his situation is natural in our society & is temporal and that then after everything  will return to normality,  everything will be e fine .. so,  you have to  act like a psychologist or you will lose, like a teacher, or you will lose. Do not defend yourself .. he is not the attacker, he is a victim that need compassion & solidarity for being  mistreated by our  society. Treat him like her doughters, with love, but do not say to him that he is not using a “presidentiable” language. In fact he is, or was among the GOP,  inside that context (of idiots). Do not return that context to him .. he will be aggressive with you. What if Trump mention the ticking-time bomb below?.. Your answer could be: My husband is not a saint, he made his fauls and make me & my daughter suffer. I saw you in several of his pictures at home, he was your close friend , he consider you so and I don’t care if he shared his felonies with you, but I do care if your wife notices and suffer in silence as I suffered too. Does it . Hugo Adan, May 11, 2016.]]

“No Democrat has ever run against a candidate like Trump. He overturns every settled ideological and temperamental expectation of normal politics. He will go after you with a ferocity we’ve never seen before, and the assault will be unremitting .. if so, this election cycle’s with end up with the three-letter of your dismissal: Sad!”

 ANNEX : the ticking time-bomb
I have to admit, you have me worried. And for more than just the usual reasons.
What are those reasons?.  They are narrated in the article:
: “Hillary Clinton: The Democratic Party's ticking time bomb” 

By Damon Linker Aug 14, 2015
There are here two explosive information that might come to light a month, six months, or a year from now.

Tick, tick, bomb 1: the multimillion-dollar slush fund run by her husband, with some of the world's richest people and most corrupt governments potentially trading massive monetary donations for access to and influence with a former president and sitting secretary of state?

Tick, tick, bomb 2: Bill Clinton's insatiable sexual appetite that didn’t stop with Monica Lewinsky . It continue with Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire investor with a taste for sex with underage prostitutes. Flight logs from Epstein's private jet — nicknamed the "Lolita Express" — show at least 10 trips by Bill Clinton, including several on which he flew (according to Gawker) with "a woman who federal prosecutors believe procured underage girls to sexually service Epstein and his friends and acted as a 'potential co-conspirator' in his crimes."

primaries or after the primaries, before the convention or after the convention, before the debates or after the debates, before Election Day or after Election Day. The Democrats need a viable Plan B now.
[ THE PENDING QUESTION IS: DOES TRUMP WILL MAKE this bomb TO EXPLODE?. I don’t think so, if he do it, he will lose]
In Dramatic Reversal, Trump Is Now Tied With Hillary In Latest National Poll Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2016  :  According to the latest just released Reuters/Ipsos poll, Donald Trump's support has surged and he is now running about even with Democrat Hillary Clinton among likely U.S. voters, in what Reuters describes as "a dramatic turnaround since he became the Republican party's presumptive presidential nominee." 

By Hugo Adan. May 11, 2016
In West Virginia Hillary has suffered her most devastating blow, in a race full of corruption and frauds she fostered, and in a time when the FBI and the Judges in the Supreme Court are about to decide on pending felonies she committed as State Sec. The Corporate media is speculating about the chances of Biden to replace Hillary in the post (check this: A Hint Of What's To Come? Joe Biden Says He "Would Have Been The Best President") but the most evil speculation goes against the followers of Sanders if this leader fell into to the fishing tank by attending the Democratic National Convention and submit to the oligarchical rulers in this Party. That will be a betrayal to the aim of changing the political system, as promised by Sanders’ REV.The corporate press is intending to create frustration among young followers with the WHAT IF she is out from the race and replaced by Biden is her post. “They wouldn’t vote him,” the frustrated responded, “they would vote for someone else”. The Fact is that such frustration doesn’t exist, (what exist is the opposite: enjoyment with Sanders Victory in WV) neither exit the Biden coming back to the race. The Corp media is manufacturing a delusional reality with the intention of destroying the happiness of young voters with one more V obtained so far. 

IN SHORT: the intention of the owners of the political system –the oligarchy or establishment- is to create frustration among current followers with the purpose of breaking up the third choice. This is that the Corp press: feeding the trapped fish -the electors- and put their leader Sanders inside the fishing tank.
OUR TASK is to return these fishes to the masses, to the river or the ocean where they belong to. Once we together accomplish this aim  –with actions from the bottom and right decision from top  leaders, starting with Sanders- real democracy & 3rd choice will come to America.


Getting It All Straight - Trumpism, Nationalism, Patriotism, & Libertarianism. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2016  :  Speaking very generally, American libertarianism is consistent nationalism: not the expansionist, militaristic nationalism of Europe, but that of the Founders. .. No wonder John Kerry preaches the virtues of aborderless world,” and warns graduating students of the dangers of “looking inward”! Empires aspiring to world hegemony don’t recognize the legitimacy of borders, and as for looking inward – why do that when we have a whole world to conquer?
London's New Mayor To Donald Trump: Let Muslims In Or They Will Attack The US. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2016  :  Quoted by the Telegraph, Khan added: "Donald Trump's ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe - it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists."





Return to National Sovereignty and to Happy Europeans
The biggest scam of all is that Brazilian media elites are justifying all of this in the name of “corruption” and “democracy.
Trump U-Turns... Russia Beware. By Finian Cunningham
President Donald Trump will turn out to be just one more pathetic pernicious puppet in the White House.
Sen. Bernard Sanders‘ campaign said Wednesday the Democratic Party would be courting “disaster” if it nominates Hillary Clinton as its presidential nominee



A Reuters/Ipsos poll was released on the evening of Wednesday May 11th and headlined, “Trump draws even with Clinton in national White House poll”.

RealClearPolitics Composites
Here were all recent pairings of Clinton versus Trump prior to that latest one from Reuters:

Here were all recent pairings of Sanders versus Trump:

Whereas Sanders would beat Trump 51.8% to 38.8%, and this 13% victory-margin for Sanders has been remaining fairly steady for many months now; Clinton would beat Trump 47.3% to 40.9%, and this 6.4% victory-margin for Clinton has been declining for months — and might now be gone since Trump became the Republican nominee.
The figures shown at Huffington Post are even clearer, because they show the trends during an even longer period — Trump is actually declining against Sanders:


El comercio marítimo en la picota. El cubo mágico ante la desglobalización. DM



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