domingo, 1 de mayo de 2016


[ Here extracts. At the end my suggestions & in brackets some additions.]

Vermont senator has battled Clinton to almost a draw, down by only some 319 delegates with nearly 900 to go (not counting the corrupt “super delegates” chosen for their fealty to party leaders, not by primary or caucus voting.)

By doing this well, as a proudly declared “democratic socialist” who on the stump has been denouncing the corruption of both the US political and economic systems, and as a candidate who has refused to take corporate money or money from big, powerful donors, instead successfully funding his campaign with only small two and three-digit donations from his supporters, Sanders has exposed not just his opponent, Hillary Clinton, but the entire Democratic Party leadership and most of its elected officials as nothing but hired corporate tools posing as progressive advocates of the people.

Sanders knows that barring some major surprise like a federal indictment of Clinton, a market collapse, or perhaps a leak of the transcripts of Clinton’s highly-paid but still secret speeches to some of the nation’s biggest banks, [plus the possible already paid electronic fraud for Nov 4.] he is not going to win the Democratic nomination.

Will he walk away and return quietly to Vermont? Or does he instead continue to fight for his “political revolution” by another route?  .. A Sanders endorsement of Clinton at this point would be a pathetic betrayal [to his declared principles] and betray of all the energy and money that his fired-up backers have poured into this extraordinary campaign, and it would send a message that fighting against the nation’s ruling elite is impossible, at least through the ballot box. It would also be pointless. Some 25-30 percent of Sanders backers, according to pollsters, have made it clear that they will not support Clinton no matter what — including if Sanders were to endorse her. That in itself could be enough to doom her candidacy.

Furthermore, after all his well-grounded attacks on the corrupt funding of her campaign, and of her horrific record as senator and secretary of state, any endorsement he made would be seen as a joke. [People will ask him] if he “takes back” the things he had said about her crooked speech fees from Goldman Sachs and other big banks, her default advocacy of disastrous wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria and elsewhere, etc. Most seriously, endorsing Hillary after all that heartfelt campaigning would be a huge blow to his millions of backers and his “movement.”

Just shutting up and going home, with no endorsement for Clinton, would be almost as bad, leaving his movement leaderless and thoroughly demoralized, and he’d still be besieged by journalists seeking to have him either diss or endorse Clinton.

The third option Sanders has thought is to continue his run for president, but not as a Democrat. And that option could be explosive and even revolutionary this election year, depending on how he did it.

Most states have deadlines for candidates seeking to get a ballot line as an independent candidate that are earlier than the Democratic convention in July, so running as an independent would be impossible. And a write-in campaign would be even more hopeless. But there is another option: Running as the presidential nominee of the Green Party, which already has a ballot line on 25 states and which doesn’t hold its nominating convention until August, after both the Democratic and the Republican conventions are over.

Could Sanders run as a Green? Some of his supporters are already talking about the idea. So, it turns out, are members of the Green Party. Apparently even Dr. Jill Stein, a past presidential candidate of the Green Party and its likely candidate this year, as well as Kshama Sawant, the hugely popular socialist city councilwoman in Seattle who led that city’s activists’ successful fight to pass a $15/hour wage law, are writing a letter to Sanders inviting him — urging him — to enter into discussions with the Green Party about running as its presidential candidate. Stein is apparently even willing to step aside or perhaps run as his vice presidential running mate if he were to do so. (Sawant has made an excellent argument [1] for why Sanders and the Greens should do this. She also has a petition on line for people to join in the call. It already has over 17,000 signatures.) [2]

WILL SANDERS SEIZE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO CONTINUE THE FIGHT?  If he is serious about inspiring a political revolution, he must.

More importantly, the public this year 2016 is clearly sick of the two major parties, and disgusted, to an extent not seen since at least 1968, and maybe longer, by the undemocratic nature of the primaries. Incredibly, both Trump and Clinton, the likely winners of those primaries, represent the two most unpopular and disliked candidates in memory, with some 65 percent of Americans saying they dislike Trump and another 56 percent saying they dislike Clinton. Indeed, Clinton, not favored by almost half of Democrats, is so disliked outside the Democratic Party that there’s a strong likelihood — and a fear even among Democratic leaders — that she could lose to Trump or another Republican nominee all by herself, with or without a Sanders endorsement.

Meanwhile, the most liked candidate this year continues to be Sanders, who continues to poll better against all possible Republican candidates than does Clinton.. With numbers like that Sanders, if he continued to build his movement and continued to bring in new voters as he has demonstrably done in the primaries, could even contemplate winning such a general election race. He has also demonstrated his ability to attract tens of millions of dollars a month in online contributions. Running in a three-way race, he’d surely collect even more money, making him fully competitive with the two widely-loathed big-party candidates.

Given Sanders’ already proven popularity, it would be impossible for the corporate media to deny him a lectern at any general election debates, as was always done to Green Party candidates and independents like Nader in the past. Sanders and his ardent supporters, in other words, have a unique historic opportunity to shatter the asphyxiating two-party duopoly of two pro-corporate parties that has been the Bermuda Triangle of progressive politics for over a century.


If Bernie Sanders is reluctant to make the jump to running as a Green, he needs to be pushed by his supporters. [ This means that we should start now the mobilization of people to streets announcing the third option in alliance with the Green Party] He needs to be shown that it can be done, and that his would not be a quixotic campaign, but rather a serious effort to win the White House. How can that pushing be done? Well, think about it a minute.

By the time this primary season ends in early June, Over nine million people, and maybe more, will have cast votes for Sanders. Many many more who support him passionately were denied the right to vote for him by restrictive primary rules in states like New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and elsewhere, rules that limited voting in Democratic primaries to people registered as Democrats (in NY you had to make that decision back in October, 2015 before Sanders was even being considered a serious candidate!). In fact, where the primaries have been open to independent voters, Sanders has usually won. Even last Tuesday, the four primaries that Sanders lost, in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and Connecticut, were closed, but in Rhode Island, which was open to independents, Sanders won by 10 percent, a crucial difference not mentioned in most corporate news reports). Obviously in the general election, independents will be voting.

IMAGINE if even a fraction of those millions who back Sanders — his voters and those who were barred from voting for him — were to descend on Philadelphia for the July Democratic convention, which will be held on July 25-28 – [ with banners against Hillary’ FRAUD  and  failed policies ..  imagine them chanting GO SANDERS GO, UNITED WE WILL WIN!!  ..  GO SANDERS GO , THIRD OPTION,  WE WILL WIN  PEOPLE, UNITED, WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED .. DOWN with THE 1%... DOWN!!  ..  DOWN THE 1%.. DOWN!! ].  

Imagine those Bernie backers filling the streets of this city where the nation was founded, armed with signs saying “NO HILLARY ENDORSEMENT!” and “GO GREEN BERNIE!” And REMEMBER, inside that aptly named convention center there will also be hundreds of elected Sanders delegates, who would be demanding the same thing of him.

How could Bernie Sanders, a 74-year-old activist veteran of so many popular movements over the years, refuse such a rousing call to action?
[3] : Nueva Democracia [added]

1.  ACTIONS DEFINE POLITICS: This mobilization of people to streets & public places across nation should start now. Cells & grass root org in every neighborhood should take the initiative. On line manuals for nonviolent DIRECT action can provide guidelines.  Here some of them:
His elected delegates should abandon the place at the beginning of this event.
3- Sanders should run all Dem primaries (special focus on CA) and avoid pro-Hillary media
4- The Convention for the Green Party-People’s Front to present the VP should be carefully organized and scheduled   

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