sábado, 31 de enero de 2015








A Soros «Trojan Horse» inside the New Greek Government?  [[no importa de dónde viene el dinero, lo que importa es que el financista no tenga un milímetro de poder en la toma de decisiones políticas  internas. Soros es uno de los mas grandes bribones del fraude financiero, diríase, uno de los jefes de las mafias del vulture capital, del capital buitre, ese que compra deuda soberana para revenderla y endeudar mas a un país. A él no le importa el sufrimiento del pueblo. Busca acceso al poder político interno –soborna Gbnos y senados completos- y quien se lo otorgue, es tan corrupto como el]]


Los socialistas denuncian que el auge Podemos es un plan para dividir a la izquierda. [[la lucha es contra el imperio y sus tenazas FMI, NATO, EU, ICC.. es una lucha democrático-nacional y para que sea mas democrática depende de la unidad del pueblo. La lucha no es aun socialista, no es por la socialización de medios de producción. Recuerden lo que paso en Arg: los piqueteros tenían el control de las fábricas y no tenían ni capital ni Estado para impulsar una nueva economía. La lucha de Spain es por el derecho a la libre-auto-determinacion de los pueblos, y/o una  lucha por la toma del poder político si se logra unir a toda la nación mediante un Frente anti-imperialista. Mas tarde vendrá la lucha por la socialización y  las cooperativas auto-gestionarias, etc. Si hay socialistas sinceros en Spain, únanse a esa lucha y desde dentro avancen su programa de transición –si lo tienen- pero no dividan el mov popular porque no les gusta los líderes de PODEMOS. Eso sería traición al pueblo, no socialismo. Si solo hubo 3,000 en la marcha, lancen Uds una que sea de 300 mil. Y recuerden la experiencia de la NEP de Lenin, había necesidad de blindaje financiero a la Rev y el Estado en manos del Pueblo tomo ese dinero e impulso la socialización. Hay capital productivo honesto dentro y fuera de Spain y ellos también son excluidos por las grandes trasnacionales del fraude neoliberal, es con ellos que hay que unirse. Grecia va por buen camino si se une con Rusia y China. Lo mismo tendrá que hacer el pueblo español en el poder, si el frente antimperial  logra controlar el gobierno nacional o los Gbnos auto-nomicos en la fase democrático nacional. Impulsen su propuesta desde dentro y sin dividir]]
RT  Busy' Greek prime minister to meet Angela Merkel 'in due time'. [A Ms Merkel le importa solo Alemania y la UE solo si sirve a su pais y al modelo neoliberal basado en la especulacion financiera, el fraude y la guerra. En geo-politics es una mujer de dos caras y lo que prometa no vale un pepino. Es la mejor aliada del imperio y su NATO, de los neo-nazis y su guerra econ y política contra Rusia-China]


CCTVNEWS.  http://english.cntv.cn/


US Rep. vows to take action on police , Rep. John Conyers vows to address “police accountability” after all charges were dropped against a police officer accused of killing a 7-year-old girl.

EU slams Greece shrugging creditors. The European Parliament condemns Greece's refusal to work with the troika of creditors.
ISIL beheads Japanese journalist: Video. [one more journalist killed by the US-ISIS partners]

US media spreads ‘disinformation’
Sinai is ours: Egypt’s Sisi  [yea sure.. pero el Gas del Sinai lo controla Israel]
Obama running a ‘fascist regime’ . The Obama administration is a “fascist regime” that attacks journalists and whistleblowers, says an activist and author.
‘Iran must secure foothold in W Bank’. Securing a foothold in the West Bank is now a must for Iran.
75% in US unhappy with inequality. Three-quarters of Americans are dissatisfied with at least one aspects of economic inequality in the US, a new poll shows.
US warns Turkey over ISIL flow to EU  [Turkey.. don’t pay attention to US warns.. just pack them and send it to the US,  and dropped in front of the senate.. they need ISILs for their live-museum]
Merkel rejects more Greece debt relief Angela Merkel says Greece should not be granted any additional debt relief.


What Do They Know? Why Are So Many Of The Super Wealthy Preparing Bug Out Locations?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/31/2015. A lot of ultra-rich people are quietly preparing to “bug out” when the time comes. They are buying survival properties, they are buying farms in far away countries and they are buying deep underground bunkers. In fact, a prominent insider at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland says that “very powerful people are telling us they’re scared." So what do they know?

Here's Some Frightening Honesty (Courtesy Of The US Congress). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/31/2015. Quietly, and with essentially no coverage from the mainstream media, an obscure resolution (No. 41) was introduced in the US House of Representatives this week. The entire point of the resolution (The Federal Government should not bail out State and local government employee pension plans or other plans that provide post-employment benefits to State and local government retirees) is to say that the federal government is broke. It can’t pay its own bills, and therefore is shouldn’t be responsible to pay anyone else’s either. This Resolution is a pretty scary dose of honesty.
How "Unequal" Is Your State?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/31/2015. This week's Economic Policy Institute's report, leverages the fashionable, French economist Piketty's statistics, in order to illustrate how well the "top 1%" are doing in each of the 50 states. The report is provokingly titled: "The Increasingly Unequal States of America". But the report creates distortions in the truth. An important matter affecting hundreds of millions should also include a straight acknowledgement of probability theory (involving large sample sizes). The most liberal people suggest that even thinking about this math is unnecessary. Perhaps any glorification of wrongs that need to be righted, justifies the means that it would take to get there. Over time this can conflate math ideas with one's ideological bias.
We Ignore Unintended Consequences At Our Peril. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/31/2015. The grand central banking experiment being conducted around the globe right now will not end well. With little more than a lever to ham-fistedly move interest rates, the central planners are trying to keep the world's debt-addiction well-fed while simultaneously kick-starting economic growth and managing the price levels of everything from stocks to housing to fine art. The complexity of the system, the questionable credentials of the decision-makers, and the universe's proclivity towards unintended consequences all combine to give great confidence that things will not play out in the way the Fed and its brethren are counting on.

Greek Social Contagion: Tens Of Thousands Rally In Support Of Spain's Anti-Austerity Podemos Party. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/31/2015. Less than a week ago we warned, "today Athens, tomorrow Madrid," and sure enough, emboldened by the success of Syriza in Greece, the people of Spain have turned out in their tens of thousands in Madrid at a demonstration called by the insurgent Spanish leftist party Podemos. As The Independent reports, Podemos, which means "we can", has surged into first place in opinion polls in the few months since it was set up in the summer of 2014. It is now ahead of the centre-right Popular Party and centre-left Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party in many opinion polls. Podemos’s policies include a universal basic income, increased democracy, crackdowns on tax avoidance, and increased public control over the economy. Most worrying for the status-quo huggers in Brussels, Podemos has also wants to reform the European Union, describing the current euro arrangement as a "trap."
Did The Federal Reserve Make A Major Math Error When Reporting Its December Gold Withdrawals? Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/31/2015. According to the NY Fed, 177 tons of gold have been withdawn from its vault in 2014; according to foreign central banks, at least 207 tons of gold were withdrawn from the NY Fed in 2014. Did a Fed intern make a very glaring math error or is something else going on?

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