sábado, 10 de enero de 2015






Who Ordered The Attack Against Charlie Hebdo?. By Thierry Meyssan. Thierry Meyssan points out that the jihadist interpretation is impossible. While it would be tempting for him to see it as an Al Qaeda or Daesh operation, he envisages another, much more dangerous hypothesis.
Who Profits From Killing Charlie?. By Pepe Escobar. Islamofascism peddlers are already having a field day/week/month/year. For simpletons/trolls/hordes exhibiting an IQ worthy of sub-zoology, when in doubt, demonize Islam.
The West is Manufacturing Muslim Monsters.  Who Should be Blamed for Muslim Terrorism?.
By Andre Vltchek. In the last five decades, around 10 million Muslims have been murdered because their countries did not serve the Empire, or did not serve it full-heartedly, or just were in the way.
The Farce of Western Free Speech. By Finian Cunningham. A French satirical publication may have been allowed to denigrate Islam, but it would never be allowed to condemn Zionism and all its provable criminality.




How to Stop Terrorism: 7 Ways to Drain the Swamp. Posted on January 10, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog.   I. Stop Supporting the Dictators Who Fund Terrorists.- II. Stop Arming Terrorists,- III. Stop Imperial Conquests for Arab Oil.- IV. Stop Mass Surveillance.- V.  Stop Torture.- VI.  Stop Drone Assassinations of Innocent Civilians.- VII. Stop Covering Up 9/11. [ONLY 3 strong arguments: weak ART. Hugo Adan]




Situation worsening in Syria towns. situation is deteriorating in the militant-besieged Nubul and al-Zahra towns on Aleppo’s outskirts
Ukraine crisis in 2015. The Debate discusses the future of Ukraine in 2015
Paris violence suspect in Syria: Source. [I don’t think so, it is most probable in the US]
Two car bombs kill 16 in Syria’s Aleppo . [by Kurdish? I don’t think so, most probable the US]
Americans suffer from 'superiority complex' [no news, everybody knows that]
US issues global travel warning  after recent terror attacks in France, Australia and Canada.
1000s of Germans protest Islamophobia. Sat Jan 10, 2015 5:51PM. A huge rally is held in Germany to protest against extremists’ spread of hatred toward Islam.
‘Americans have lost sense of reality’. in terms of what is a threat to US interests, a journalist says
‘France backing of terror boomeranged’. … the recent deadly attacks in Paris were a direct result of France's support for terrorists in Syria


The 'Real' Threat to Our Liberty Is The Repressive Machinery Of Empire. by Tyler Durden on 01/10/2015. France’s president, François Hollande, described the attack as an “act of exceptional barbarity.” But killing people is hardly exceptional – neither for the empire nor its enemies. It is routine. And great empires follow their well-trodden paths, too, no matter what mockery they encounter. That path leads in a familiar direction – freedom of speech is chilled. But we know of no instances in which foreign enemies put it on ice. Usually, it is the empire’s own bureaucrats, snoops and protectors who do the chilling. And that cooling is already under way.
"Stocks Are Massively Overvalued", Key Multiples Are Post-War Records. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/10/2015. As of June 2014, the median U.S. stock was priced at a post-war high at slightly more than 20 times earnings! Similarly, at about 15 times, the median stock is also currently priced at a record high relative to cash flow. Finally, the median price to book value ratio has only been higher than it is currently in two years since 1951 (in 1969 and in 1998 which were both followed by significant declines)!" - Jim Paulsen
US Ally Saudi Arabia Lashes Blogger 1000 Times For "Islam Insult". by Tyler Durden on 01/10/2015, The BBC reports, Raif Badawi - a Saudi Arabian blogger - was sentenced to 1,000 lashes (carried out over 50 weekly floggings), and 10 years in jail for insulting Islam. With 'friends' like this, who needs enemies?
An Endless Sea Of Energy. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/10/2015. We might be swimming in oil for now, but this should be no reason to become complacent. Our children and grandchildren will thank us for it.
North Dakota Admits Half Its Shale Regions Below Breakeven. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/10/2015. One wonders, when the companies themselves are slashing workweeks and cutting rig counts, when will 'investors' believe... perhaps now that Lynn Helms, Director of the North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources explains to the House Appropriations Committee that at least half of its shale regions are already below breakeven.
Thank You Western Taxpayer: Russia To Accelerate $3bn Of Ukraine Debt. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/10/2015, two months before then President Yanukovich was ousted - Russia lent Ukraine $3 billion (by buying their Eurobonds). As Reuters reports, the terms of that loan included a condition that Ukraine's total state debt should not exceed 60% of its GDP. As of last month, based on Moody's estimates, Ukraine has violated that condition with a debt-to-GDP of 72% (and will likely rise to 85% of GDP in 2015).. and so, according to Russian finance minister Anton Siluanov, "Russia has the right to demand early return of this loan."
Price Discovery And Emerging Markets. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/10/2015. Volatility is not just on the rise in the world of finance. It also is in the real world that finance fails to reflect. At some point, the two will meet again, and Wall Street will mirror Main Street. It will make neither any happier. But it’ll be honest.

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