jueves, 15 de enero de 2015



Remeber: what comes inside brackets is my quick reaction to this news


The Fed flooded the global economy with credit borrowed in U.S. dollars during its quantitative easing programs. Now that the Fed has ended its QE money-printing program, the dollars have dried up. The other source of dollars–U.S. trade deficit–has also contracted as the trade deficit has declined.

This decline in the availability of U.S. dollars has placed global borrowers with dollar-denominated debt in a vice as the scarcity of dollars meets the pressing need to refinance debt that’s coming due and needs to be rolled over.

Strong demand and reduced supply lead to much higher prices for dollars–which is exactly what the world is seeing.
The oil exporters who are losing tens of billions of dollars in cumulative revenue do not have any equivalent Sugar Daddy. Their declines in income will have to be matched by declines in spending, declines that will cascade through the oil exporters’ economies with devastating impact.

If you want to deploy the oil weapon, make sure you have a central bank that can intervene at will, in whatever size is necessary, to reduce the impact on your own economy, while maximizing the financial pain inflicted on the targets of the oil weapon.

Why Our Central Planners Are Breeding Failure. Posted on January 15, 2015 by Chris Martenson .  How can success breed failure?  It turns out there are a number of dynamics at work.  In Part 2: The 6 Reasons The Next Economic Rescue Will Fail . Click here to access Part 2 of this report.


These postings in ICH show that I’m not the only one who thinks different on current issues

Russia Cuts Off Ukraine Gas Supply To 6 European Countries. By Tyler Durden. Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian state energy giant Gazprom to cut supplies to and through Ukraine amid accusations, that its neighbor has been siphoning off and stealing Russian gas.


Russia Just Pulled Itself Out Of The Petrodollar. By Tyler Durden's. We await to see which other country will follow Russia out of the Petrodollar next, and what impact that will have not only on the world's reserve currency.


Paris Charlie – the Shock Doctrine par Excellence. By Peter Koenig. The war and killing machine that feeds the propaganda machine, driven by the six Zionist-Anglos-Saxon monster media that control 90% of the western information system, shy not from dishing out lie after lie after lie.


CIA Admits to Congress the Agency Uses Mainstream Media to Distribute Disinfo. Video. it’s not hard to see that you shouldn’t readily believe everything you see, hear or read in the “news.”
What Freedom of Speech?. By Andrew P. Napolitano. What’s going on in France, and what might be the future in America, is the government defending the speech with which it agrees and punishing the speech with which it disagrees.

The Charlie Hebdo Story Simply Doesn’t Wash. By Paul Craig Roberts. The attack on Charlie Hebdo serves to cow France and place France back under Washington’s thumb.
Was The CIA Behind Paris Attack?. By Soraya Sepahpour Ulrich and Press TV. New information has almost confirmed that Paris attack was a false flag operation carried out by the CIA.
What Hebdo Execution Video Really Shows. By Jonathan Cook. I am well aware that I’m stepping into a hornet’s nest by posting this video, which is going viral.
“I Am Charlie and I Guard the Master’s House”. By Nadine El-Enany and Sarah Keenan. How neat for the French state to be able to spin the Charlie Hebdo killings into a fairytale in which it plays the role of the knight on horseback riding onto the scene to rescue western civilisation from barbarity.
France Arrests a Comedian For His Facebook Comments, Showing the Sham of the West’s “Free Speech” Celebration.  Glenn Greenwald. The vast bulk of the stirring “free speech” tributes over the last week have been little more than an attempt to protect and venerate speech that degrades disfavored groups while rendering off-limits speech that does the same to favored groups.
Letter to a Young Army Ranger (From an Old One) Why the War on Terror Shouldn’t Be Your Battle By Rory Fanning. Here’s an interesting fact that you might consider, if spreading freedom and democracy around the world was on your mind.
The New Ukraine Is Run by Rogues, Sexpots, Warlords, Lunatics and Oligarchs, By Mikhail Klikushin.
Will the Ukrainian political class turn away from the U.S. and the West if the generosity of the U.S. taxpayers does not match the nebulous expectations of the reformers in the Ukrainian government?
Crime and CIA Embarrassments. By Ray McGovern.  Powerful people want to spare ex-CIA Director David Petraeus indictment for leaking secrets to a mistress.


“Je suis Ali Abbas”: The Forgotten Victims of State Terrorism By Dr. David Halpin. Massive terrorist attacks were hatched back soon after the pretext of cinematographic ‘terrorist’ attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001. The people of Afghanistan were first in line, that winter bombing and invasion had been planned for some months before smoke billowed up from the Twin Towers.


I love their collection of  short news, pero hay que tomarlas con pinzas, como dicen los cirujanos.

Is ‘Russia potential threat to EU’? [esta el oso listo para dar el zarpaso? Despues de las sanciones a Rusia –terrorismo económico y pirataje- era de esperarse el tit for tat (corte del gas=una por otra)]
‘US Senate to begin Iran debate soon’ debate will be on whether to impose new sanctions on Iran, Bob Corker says
UN urges Israel to unlock PA funds. The UN calls for Israel to release millions of dollars in tax collections owed to the Palestinian Authority. [se trata de robo a mano armada y no hay sanción para ellos. Ojala pronto termine el amponaje belicista de Israel y regresen  a los límites de 1948]
‘Israelis don’t want Netanyahu anymore’. A poll shows that the majority of Israelis do not want Netanyahu to win the upcoming March election.
Zarif, Kerry may meet again in Paris. Kerry may meet again with his Iranian counterpart, Zarif, in Paris.

'Nuclear weapons haven't gone away'. The US pro-nuke plan has gone missing during New Year holidays.

Congress low job approval rating persists. PressTV news day 15, Jan 2015

Charlie Hebdo: a hate-inciting rag. Finian Cunningham comments on the shameless anti-Muslim bigotry of Charlie Hebdo.
‘Muslims main victims of fundamentalism’. The French president says Muslims are the main victims of fundamentalism and intolerance.
US moves five prisoners from Guantanamo. The US transferred five Yemenis held at the Guantanamo prison to foreign custody on Wednesday. [we are exporting the remains of torture, few days ago we sent some of them to Oman and now back to Yemen (in the best scenario). What a sense of clemency the sending them to another torturer. Is no other way to recycle them and give them directly to the ISIS? Or, that is the purpose? Anyway, there are empty cells in Guantanamo.. but we need more to put the bankers and Wall Street crooks form America. What about closing the place and give Guantanamo back to Cuba.. they need a museum to attract tourists and show how benevolent were the American torturers and how real is the “god bless America”]
Turkey worried over terrorists’ return. Turkey says it is concerned over the return of its citizens fighting alongside ISIL militants in Syria and Iraq. [We all have the same concern. The only option is to rehab them and provide them a decent job once the previous work is done. Please don’t  make the mistake of placing them inside police forces. The sub-conscious has its own dynamic].



Ukraine President Signs Mobilization Decree: 50,000 To Be Drafted. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/15/2015. And with a stroke of his pen, Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko signs a decree that mobilizes up to 50,000 "health men and women" aged 25 to 60 to the frontlines in Eastern Ukraine...


Why Our Central Planners Are Breeding Failure. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/15/2015. Success, we’re constantly told, breeds success. And success breeds stability. The way to avoid failure is to copy successful people and strategies. The way to continue succeeding is to do more of what has been successful. This line of thinking is so intuitively compelling that we wonder what other basis for success can there be other than 'success'? As counter-intuitive as it may sound, success rather reliably leads to failure and destabilization. Instead, it’s the close study of failure and the role of luck that leads to success. In the macro-economic arena, we think it highly likely that the monetary and fiscal policies of the past six years that are conventionally viewed as successful will lead to spectacular political and financial failures in 2015 and 2016. How can success breed failure? It turns out there are a number of dynamics at work.

"Putin Destroyed The New World Order", According To Estonia's President Ilves. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/15/2015. [THIS STUP.. eston  lost short memory or go a flu. If so, he needs Claritin for the brain and Viagra for the lack of cojones. No fue Putin quien instaló a los neo-nazis en Kiev. No fue Putin quien prohibió el idioma materno de los habitantes de Crimea. No fue Putin quien instalo el círculo de misiles de NATO contra la población rusa y china cuando se disolvió la URSS. Por tanto, el “world order” lo destruyo NATO.  Al Eston Ilves le falto cojones para decir esta verdad. Revisa archivos STUP.. pero  antes ve a un médico a que te revise el cerebro, si algo de eso te queda. O quizá el concepto “world order” de los Estonian sea similar a caos, SI ES ASI, eso explicaría por qué eligieron como Presidente a semejante estúpido] .


"If It’s Not A Hard Asset, It’s No Asset". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/15/2015. When fiat currencies fail, one of the only things of value left standing will be hard assets that are needed by individuals for everyday needs. The paper promises will dissolve along with the public confidence in the banking system. Everything works until it doesn’t. This is especially true for ponzi schemes and fiat currencies. Don’t be the last one holding paper when chaos strikes. You may live to regret it.
British Government Wants To Outlaw Secure Communication (To Keep You Safe). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/15/2015. Nothing should be safe from government’s prying eyes. Nothing. This is the same sad cycle repeating itself yet again: something terrible happens, and government reacts by awarding themselves even more power and taking away even more freedom.

Another Turkish Shocker: "Netanyahu And The French Terrorists Are The Same", PM Says. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/15/2015. Just two day after the Turkish President Erdogan's stunning outburst that "the culprits are clear: French citizens undertook this massacre and Muslims were blamed for it," and blamed Mossad for masterminding it, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Thursday accused his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu of committing "crimes against humanity" comparable to those of the Islamist gunmen behind the Paris attacks that left 17 dead.
Peak Stupidity: OUP Bans Use of Words 'Pig' And 'Sausage' To Avoid Offending Muslims And Jews. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/15/2015. There appears to be a direct correlation between terror attacks and stupidity in the Western world. The more attacks, the more idiotic the response. Just when you thought the bar couldn’t move any lower, it has...
"Unambiguously Bad". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/15/2015. as Bloomberg reports, thousands of energy industry workers are now getting their pink slips as crude prices have plunged to less than $50 a barrel. "For the oil and gas industry, it’s scary," explains one worker, adding "I was blind to the ups and downs associated with the industry." Can we blame him, watching business media and one could be forgiven for believing this plunge is "unambiguously awesome." As the following chilling chart shows, however, it is not...
3 Things - Employment, Interest Rates & Retail Sales. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/15/2015. The majority of the jobs "created" since the financial crisis have been lower wage paying jobs in retail, healthcare and other service sectors of the economy. Conversely, the jobs created within the energy space are some of the highest wage paying opportunities available in engineering, technology, accounting, legal, etc. In fact, each job created in energy related areas has had a "ripple effect" of creating 2.8 jobs elsewhere in the economy from piping to coatings, trucking and transportation, restaurants and retail. Simply put, lower oil and gasoline prices may have a bigger detraction on the economy that the "savings" provided to consumers.
Turmoil: Gold Surges As Bond Yields, Crude, And Stocks Are All Collapsing. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/15/2015. US Treasury yields are in total free-fall (down another 10bps, led by 7Y and 10Y yields crashing). Crude prices have reversed the entire post-SNB surge and is heading back to yeaterday's pre-ramp levels... Gold is pushing notably higher at $1265
The Fed & The Price Of Oil. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/15/2015. Given the potential for financial losses triggered by oil's price collapse to cascade into the financial sector at large, the Fed may well be forced to intervene either directly or indirectly... Unleash the oil weapon...
Is Keystone Still Viable Amid Low Oil Prices?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/15/2015. “Right now with oil prices down and a glut of oil on the global marketplace, the answer is no, we don’t need Keystone right now...”
Crude, Gold Jump After Goldman Says SNB Action Hints At "Massive ECB QE". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/15/2015. "This is a massive message from SNB to the market : ECB is going to do QE, and it’s going to be big..." notes Goldman Sachs and it appears Gold and Crude Oil are starting to get on that bandwagon.
So Much Changes In 48 Hours. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/15/2015 - 08:25
January 12, 2015: "We took stock of the situation less than a month ago, we looked again at all the parameters and we are convinced that the minimum exchange rate must remain the cornerstone of our monetary policy," SNB's Jean-Pierre Danthine.
January 15, 2015: "Recently, divergences between the monetary policies of the major currency areas have increased significantly – a trend that is likely to become even more pronounced. The euro has depreciated considerably against the US dollar and this, in turn, has caused the Swiss franc to weaken against the US dollar. In these circumstances, the SNB concluded that enforcing and maintaining the minimum exchange rate for the Swiss franc against the euro is no longer justified."
Caesars Files For Bankruptcy. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/15/2015.
Russia Just Pulled Itself Out Of The Petrodollar. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/14/2015. Their divorce from the USD has quickly become a very messy affair, with lots of screaming and the occasional artillery shell. As Bloomberg reports Russia "may unseal its $88 billion Reserve Fund and convert some of its foreign-currency holdings into rubles, the latest government effort to prop up an economy veering into its worst slump since 2009." "Together with the central bank, we are selling a part of our foreign-currency reserves,” Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said in Moscow today. “We’ll get rubles and place them in deposits for banks, giving liquidity to the economy."
Gallup CEO Blasts US Leadership "The Economy Is Not Coming Back". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/14/2015. The U.S. now ranks not first, not second, not third, but 12th among developed nations in terms of business startup activity as Gallup CEO Jim Clifton rages, for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births. Wall Street, Clifton explains, needs the stock market to boom, even if that boom is fueled by illusion. So both tell us, "The economy is coming back." Let's get one thing clear, he exclaims, "this economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses."

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