sábado, 24 de enero de 2015






Russian "Elite" Warns Of War With The U.S.. By Miriam Elder. The head of a leading Kremlin-owned bank warned on Friday that further banking sanctions would lead Russia and the U.S. to the “brink of war.”
“Civilization” of the Neocons. By Peter Koenig The West under neoliberal leadership (sic) has become a horrifying merciless killing machine.
Argentina's President Says Prosecutor Killed In Plot. By AFP. Argentine President Cristina Kirchner says prosecutor murdered to implicate her government in a cover-up.
False flags and how to start a 'colour revolution' in Argentina. By Mario. The day judge Nisman is invited by the opposition to appear in Congress, he is found dead in his apartment.




Oil Dinosaurs Face Extinction: State Oil Companies and the Meteor-Strike of Low Oil Prices. Posted on January 23, 2015 by Charles Hugh Smith . The state-owned oil companies are like dinosaurs: the extinction meteor of low oil prices has smashed their ecosystem, and all they can do is watch the sky darken as revenues crater and expenses and debt remain at unsustainably high levels. Case in point: the Brazilian state-run oil giant Petrobas is heavily in debt ($115 billion in 2013) and in danger of defaulting
Western Politicians and Media Rush To Issue Tributes To King That Led The World In Beheadings, Whipped Bloggers For Criticism & Banned Women From Driving. Posted on January 23, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog  [Es cierto : “he was a US-backed butcher and a systematic human rights abuser” Pero por favor dejen que el degollador se pudra tranquilo en su viaje al infierno. Cuiden mas bien que no degüellen a las 12 concubinas]


Merkel sugiere a Rusia acuerdo de libre comercio a cambio de paz en Ucrania [this title is wrong, inconsistent with Merkel policies. The correction is: “Merkel sugiere Free Trade Agreement a sus neo-nazis de Kiev por la paz de Ucrania”. That will be more consistent with her bosses in NATO]
El legado que deja el rey saudí Abdalá es ambiguo, opina un experto  [ambiguo?.. con que fineza tratan los rusos a su verdugo.. parecen lágrimas de cocodrilo… el cocodrilo ruso se lo quería comer vivo al panzón, pero no cabía en su mandíbula… debieron usar un drone para cerdos-GMO]
Los saudíes intensificarán la extracción para perjudicar a Irán y Rusia, según un experto. [same genes, .. el Hno tan imbécil como el anterior.. le disparan al culo del partner y al hacerlo liquidan el petro-dólar.. en buena hora.. ya es hora de cambiar este tipo de energía y también el papelito verde que crea más polución financiera que el petróleo y gas]


‘Late Saudi king was enemy of democracy’    [just kiting.. it was because Abdullah loved democracy that their US sponsor loved him .. we are talking about American demo.. very similar to califatos.. solo que aqui a los califas neo-sunis les llaman Clinton-Bush.. cambia el nombre pero no el dinastic  type of  pedo.. igual de hediondos.. same type of butchers and systematic human rights abusers]
Egypt’s role in strangulation of Gaza. In this edition of The Sun Will Rise, we discuss how Egypt is squeezing the Gaza Strip with the draconian blockade disguising as security zone.
‘1.5 million displaced in east Ukraine’. The UN says more than 1.5 million civilians in eastern Ukraine have fled their homes due to the ongoing conflict.
Obama to blame if Iran N-talks fail’ . OB will be responsible if the talks on Iran’s nuclear program fail.
US sending 100 troops to Mideast,  said the Pentagon  [cada soldado va con su bolsa de plástico en la mochila  para evitar que se extravíe el cuerpo del “missing in action”]
‘Israel seeks to demonize Islam, Muslims’. Israel is behind the Paris terror attacks which were aimed at demonizing Islam and Muslims. [estos se parecen a las hienas que se comen entren ellos cuando el hambre arrecia.. los zionistas se tragaron a los judíos críticos de Paris, dijo un comentarista]
Law in US has been murdered.  The US is lawless in the sense that law serves only the government and its agenda.
Israel ‘must stop ruining Palestinian homes’. The UN urges Israel to stop immediately destruction of Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank.
ISIL lost 1% of captured area in Iraq: US  [so, the US-NATO mercenaries got 99% victory in Iraq]
US woman sentenced for helping ISIL. [so, se prohibe a los USAnos atacar a los mercenarios del ISIL]
Iraq PM hails Iran support in ISIL fight  [Iran is the one that fights US-NATO ISIL mercenaries, that is why the US try to stopped “dimplomatically”, in the language of Obama. La Guerra de fondo de US-NATO en el oriente medio es contra IRAN. Lo de Syria es solo un preámbulo. El bloque Ruso-Chino ayudan a Iran y Siria y lo que ocurra en esta zona como en Ukrania pueden generar guerra mundial, especialmente lo de Ukrania donde el enfrentamiento es abierto]
US Supreme Court reviews lethal injection. [la pena capital va a tener que ser eliminada tarde o temprano. Contraviene todo estándar ético-legal y no previene el delito que le dio origen. Ademas, hay empresas privadas que lucran con la mano de obra semi-esclava de las cárceles asi que la inyección letal es una astilla en el culo de financistas privatizadores del enjaulamiento. La cultura suni de los “amigos” Saudis (el degollamiento) no tiene cabida en esta cultura “avanzada” para el crimen “legal”. La pena capital no tiene futuro en este avanzado país líder de los drones y los nukes]
Bibi under fire for Israel growing isolation [el baboso Israeli esta viendo verde su re-elección.. pero quien cuenta los votos deciden el ganador y las maquinitas el fraude están ya listas]
US: Netanyahu ‘spat in our face’  [los babas de Israel creen que el pueblo USA apoya al bribón israelí. Lo cierto es que queremos que el ICC investigue los crímenes de este felón que no teme zurrarse en la ONU porque Obama y los neo-cons lo apoyan. A eso apunta su viaje pre-electoral a los US]


This Is What Gold Does In A Currency Crisis, Euro Edition. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2015. Yesterday the European Central Bank acknowledged that the currency it manages is being sucked into a deflationary vortex. It responded in the usual way with, in effect, a massive devaluation. Eurozone citizens have also responded predictably, by converting their unbacked, make-believe, soon-to-be-worth-a-lot-less paper money into something tangible. They’re bidding gold up dramatically.
Mapping The World's Greatest Risks (According To Davos). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2015    The World Economic Forum –WEF- notes, these multiple cross-cutting challenges can threaten social stability, perceived to be the issue most interconnected with other risks in 2015, and additionally aggravated by the legacy of the global economic crisis in the form of strained public finances and persistent unemployment.  Global risks transcend borders and spheres of influence and require stakeholders to work together, yet these risks also threaten to undermine the trust and collaboration needed to adapt to the challenges of the new global context. Rather ominously, The WEF concludes, the world is, however, insufficiently prepared for an increasingly complex risk environment.
Spot The Difference: ISIS Or Saudi Arabia. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2015    One is a terrorist organization, the other is America's most revered, oil-exporting ally... http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-01-23/spot-difference-isis-or-saudi-arabia

Source: @MiddleEastEye
Gold, Dollar "Disruption", And Central Banks' Miscalculated Insanity. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2015  "It isn’t really about interest rates or “inflation”, obviously as gold is rising as inflation “expectations” dramatically sink here, so much as gold is insurance against central banks being wrong. That seems to be the common theme all over the world ever since June when the ECB placed its desperation and impotence on full display. Everything that has occurred since then has only confirmed the monetary illusion being exactly that, including the US and its central bank’s place at really the central point of the miscalculated insanity."
These Shale Companies Will File For Bankruptcy First: Goldman's "Best And Worst" Shale Matrix. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2015. Readers will be most interested in the "restructuring/bankruptcy" option, most applicable for Group 4, because these are the names which,  all else equal, will file for bankruptcy first. [cuando hay mierda QE en el contexto cercano, las moscas corporativas vuelan hacia allí. Es cuando hablan de declararse en bancarrota. Ocurrió el 2008 y van a ocurrir de nuevo los bailouts o paquetazos de salvataje para ellos]
Congress Proposes Bill To Restore First Amendment Rights... Then Kills It. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2015. The bill stated that photographers taking footage in public areas should NOT be restricted by threats of confiscation or arrest as these things infringe on our rights to free speech. When you think about it, it’s really sad that they needed to propose a new law to give Americans back their Constitutional rights. Nevertheless, that’s what happened. And the bill was submitted. Then they killed it. Just two weeks after the bill was submitted, it was squashed. So as pathetic as it was that they needed to submit this bill to begin with, it’s even worse that they killed it.And that, ladies and gentlemen, tells you everything you need to know about the state of justice and liberty in the Land of the Free. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-01-23/congress-proposes-bill-restore-first-amendment-rights-then-kills-it
US Rig Count Craters To Lowest Since August 2010. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2015. With oil prices down another 6% this week (despite Saudi leadership uncertainty and ECB QE), widespread layoffs announced in Shale states, and despite Lew's comments that he doesn't see US oil production declining, it is perhaps no surprise that the US rig count cratered further to its lowest level since August 2010. The oil rig count standalone is now down 7% YoY - its biggest drop sicne Nov 2009. As T.Boone Pickens so rightly noted, watch the US rig count (and suggested it will need to drop 500 rigs or more before any stability returns).
3 Things - The Fed, Rig Counts And Employment, ECB. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2015 The real concern for investors and individuals is the actual economy. There is clearly something amiss within the economic landscape, and the ongoing decline of inflationary pressures longer term is likely telling us just that. The big question for the Fed is how to get themselves out of the potential trap they have gotten themselves into without cratering the economy, and the financial markets, in the process. It is my expectation, unless these deflationary trends reverse course in very short order, the Fed will likely postpone raising interest rates until at least the end of the year if not potentially longer.  However, the Fed understands clearly that we are closer to the next economic recession than not and that they can not be caught with rates at the "zero bound" when that occurs.

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