sábado, 17 de enero de 2015






Gas Theft and Auschwitz Snub… Russia’s Every Right to End the Insults. By Finian Cunningham .
It’s time that there were consequences for such hideous, purblind European arrogance.
3,000 "Moderate Rebels" Defect to ISIS - US Preparing 5,000 More. By Tony Cartalucci .
Harbinger of what's to become of US "rebel army" it plans to stand up in spring.
Can Obama Untangle from Syria’s Civil War?. By Gareth Porter. President Obama remains tangled in the demand from Israel, Saudi Arabia and other U.S. allies for “regime change” in Damascus.
Assassination Nation. By Ron Jacobs. Imagine living in a town or neighborhood where a serial killer is on the loose. The killer’s primary weapon is a pipe bomb filled with small metal projectiles like BBs and nails.
Guantánamo Diary Exposes Brutality of US Rendition and Torture. By Spencer Ackerman in New York and Ian Cobain in London. How Mohamedou Ould Slahi endured savage beatings, death threats and sexual humiliation.
To Change Everything Stop Following Orders. By An Anarchist Appeal.
The arsenals of all the world’s militaries are the physical manifestation of our willingness to defer to others. If you want to be sure you never contribute to war, genocide, or oppression, the first step is to stop following orders.





Iran: Nuclear deal only possible sans pressure. nuclear deal can only be forged when Western countries stop pressuring Tehran.
No ‘moderate’ militants in Syria: Analyst Dr. Kevin Barrett says the idea of moderate Syrian militants is “a farce and a fraud.” [Si quieren encontrar una dama media preñada, jamás la van a entrar]
‘Iran nuclear deal tied to P5+1 goodwill’. Iranian negotiator says reaching a nuclear deal depends on goodwill of P5+1 countries.
Beirut raps Arab League over criticism. Lebanese foreign minister censures the Arab League for publicly criticizing Lebanon over Hezbollah leader's remarks against Bahrain
Ron Paul: Sanctions on Iran ‘act of war’ . Former congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul says US sanctions against Iran are an “act of war.”
Ex-Treasury official: China can ruin dollar. China can ruin the US dollar and economy by dumping its “dollar-denominated financial assets on the market,” Dr. Roberts says.
UNSC to convene on Ukraine crisis. They  will meet next week to discuss ways to end the deadly clashes in eastern Ukraine.
’Clashes claim 1,600 lives in Kobani’. Clashes between Kurdish fighters and ISIL militants in Syria’s Kobani have so far killed some 1,600 people, a report says.
‘Enemies dare not attack Iran'. A senior Iranian MP says enemies dare not launch an attack against the country.
Boehner rebuffs Obama veto threat . US President Obama's threat to veto sanctions against Iran won’t stop Congress from passing them, Speaker John Boehner said.
Anti-Coup Alliance urges demos in Egypt. The Anti-Coup Alliance in Egypt calls for fresh week-long protests against President Abdel Fatah el-Sisi.


Manufactured Terrorism? US Officials Claim Credit For Stopping Another 'FBI-Created' Terror Attack. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/17/2015. The “war on terror” is the best thing to happen to power hungry politicians since a fire of questionable origin destroyed the Reichstag building in Berlin on February 27, 1933. Not only does the “war on terror” represent big business for shady crony capitalists; it gives politicians, i.e., professional authoritarians, an excuse to destroy civil liberties and implement a total surveillance system to ensure the plebs don’t get out of line. This is not just an unfortunate trend that has developed organically due to a dangerous world, these are the goals of the oligarch class and they will do whatever it takes to achieve them.
Central Banks Upside Down. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/17/2015. We’re getting back to normal, and though normal’s going to hurt – and far more than you realize yet - it’s hugely preferable to upside down; you hang upside-down long enough, it makes your brain explode. The price of oil was the first thing to go, central banks are the next. And then the whole edifice follows suit. The Fed has been setting up its yes-no narrative for months now, and that’s not without a reason. The financial sectors’ trust in central banks is gone forever. And none too soon. Now they’ll have to cover their own bets. If anything spells deflation, it’s got to be that. But not even one man in a thousand understands what deflation is.
"Weak" Market Closes Suggest Trouble Ahead For Stocks. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/17/2015. As Gavekal explains, one way to measure the intraday trend is to count the number of weak closes over a period of time, and the following chart shows, that trend of weak closes has shot up over the past few weeks to its highest level since 2012...the last time the indicator plunged this fast was into the 2011 market tumble... but that's not all!
Dramatic Drone Footage Showing The Devastation At The Donetsk Airport.  by Tyler Durden on 01/17/2015 As Conflict-News reports, this video shot by a Ukrainian activity group using a multicopter drone gives the viewer a birds-eye view of the ruins of what was once Donetsk International Airport.
The SNB's Wake-Up Call: Keynesian Central Banking Is Destroying Money And Markets Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/17/2015 The utter lunacy of the ECB is reaching its inevitable end because lunacy itself cannot create economic, or even financial, normalcy. The Keynesian heart of all of this is that they fully believe redistribution can make for potent economic tonic, but redistribution is at its root a very negative factor.
There Is No Inflation (Unless You Eat Food, Use Water, Live In A House, Get Sick, Go To School, Or Do Taxes) Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/17/2015  Government data reports are so funny. The blaring headlines today tells us that prices dropped in December. We are all saving billions from the drop in oil and gas. Hallelujah!!! The corporate MSM never digs into the numbers to get the real truth. These reports and their distribution to the sheep are designed to keep you sedated and calm. Facts are not necessary. How this data pertains to your everyday life is not important to the .1% who control the flow of information. Your government keepers will continue to drown you in propaganda and misinformation. But the average person should know they are being lied to. They see how much money they have left over at the end of every month. If any.
"We Have Been Captured... We Are Parented, Not Represented" Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/16/2015. We are enslaved with encroaching laws that are demeaning to rational self sufficient adults.   And by a legislative body that feeds from our bosom, fights with our fists and has buried us in debt to a foreign body who they sold the rights to our currency.  How is this in any way a self-governed society?  We have been captured by a group of fraudulent citizens who control our money, our military and have desecrated our constitution.


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