martes, 27 de enero de 2015


www.zerohedge. com . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015.

In the early 1970s, there were about 200,000 new US businesses created each year (net of closures). Now, the number is negative. Why are Americans getting poorer? Look no further. No new businesses (net). No new jobs (again net). No new wealth. Under Obama and Draghi, crony capitalism flourishes. Real capitalism dies. If we had to put a title on this little discussion, we might call it: “America’s Disappearing Wealth Creators.” Or if we wanted to be more lurid: “How the Zombies Ate America’s Entrepreneurs.”

Last week, we reported on how more and more people depend on the US federal government for their daily bread. Here’s the chart from American Enterprise Institute’s Nicholas Eberstadt:

If we had to put a title on this little discussion, we might call it: “America’s Disappearing Wealth Creators.” Or if we wanted to be more lurid:

“How the Zombies Ate America’s Entrepreneurs.”

Dependence on government – the one true growth industry left

As the number of zombies increases, it leaves fewer people creating real jobs, building real businesses and paying real taxes.

In short, the people who create wealth are vanishing.


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