lunes, 12 de enero de 2015





I SHARE his opinion although Vitcheck forgot to mention Judaism as practiced by Netanyahu’ foreign policy as the main source of terrorism in the  Middle East.
Read this:
The massacre could well have been a Mossad operation to arrest the growing tide of support and sympathy for the Palestinians in their struggle for statehood among people in France and in a number of other European countries. By Chandra Muzaffar:  Paris Terror Attacks: Who Was Behind This Dastardly Act of Terror? The Suspects Killed by Police, Forecloses a Judicial Procedure.
And this:
The mission of this commando had no connection with jihadist ideology
Indeed, members or sympathizers of the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda or Daesh would not be content to just kill atheist cartoonists; they would have first destroyed the archives of the newspaper on site, following the model of all their actions in North Africa and the Levant. For jihadists, the first duty is to destroy the objects that they believe offend God, and to punish the "enemies of God."
Similarly, they would not have immediately retreated, fleeing the police, without completing their mission. They would rather have completed their mission, were they to die on the spot.
In addition, videos and some evidence shows that the attackers are professionals. They wielded their weapons expertly and fired advisedly. They were not dressed in the fashion of the jihadists, but as military commandos. By Thierry Meyssan: Who Ordered The Attack Against Charlie Hebdo?

Truly Massive Display of Hypocrisy by Western Leaders. By Michael S. Rozeff . These are despicable people who are so low that they use the Paris attacks to jump on a moral white horse and act as if they are pure and defenders of their citizens. Hypocrites.
Noam Chomsky on Charlie Hebdo We Are All - Fill in the Blank. By Noam Chomsky . Terrorism is not terrorism when a much more severe terrorist attack is carried out by those who are Righteous by virtue of their power.
Here Lies My Brother . Video. A short film produced by DCI-Palestine, attempts to provide a glimpse beyond the headlines to see the impact prolonged military occupation has on Palestinian families.
My Predictions for 2015 All Liberties In America Today Are Under Siege. By Ron Paul.
If Americans were honest with themselves they would acknowledge that the Republic is no more. We now live in a police state.
The Farce of Western Free Speech. By Finian Cunningham. A French satirical publication may have been allowed to denigrate Islam, but it would never be allowed to condemn Zionism and all its provable criminality.


Major terror attack against US possible. A US senator has warned that a major attack on the United States is "in the realm of possibility.”
UNSC slams bomb attack in Lebanon . The UNSC strongly condemns a deadly terrorist attack in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli.
Gaping social chasm in the US. Fundamental contradictions remain between the majority of the African Americans and the ruling class in the US, writes
US keeps tensions high with N Korea. US has no interest in resolving tensions with North Korea.
Israel conducting drills in West Bank. The Israeli army is conducting military drills in the occupied West Bank.
US vulnerable to cyber attacks: Dempsey. General Martin Dempsey says cyber attacks could disable America’s critical infrastructure.
Hollande didn’t want Netanyahu in Paris’. The French president had reportedly asked Netanyahu not to attend the mass unity march in Paris.
US punishes Palestine for its existence. It is unclear how the US can punish Palestine any more strongly for its very existence, an analyst says.
Fighting kills 5 in Ukraine’s east. Shelling in a village near Ukraine's Luhansk region has killed five civilians, including two children.
Dempsey: Remove that Gitmo 'scar' now. General Martin Dempsey says the Guantanamo Bay prison is a "scar on our national values."


The Collective Delusion Of Grandeur Fades: Central Bank Inflationism Is Visibly On The Wane. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/11/2015. It will be even more disruptive if some among them decide that the only reason for the failure of their collective delusion of grandeur is that they have not been deluded enough and that even more wild-eyed palliatives are therefore needed. Disruption on such a scale is not what the budding entrepreneur wants to contend with as he contemplates whether to risk both his capital and his reputation in launching or expanding a business, in ordering new equipment, or hiring new staff and so fostering a meaningful recovery. Disruption on such a scale is not something we should wish to inflict upon a system we have been both unable and unwilling to fully repair. Either way – damned if they do, damned if they don’t – disruption seems to be what we will get in the months ahead.
Steen Jakobsen Warns "Things Are About To Take A Different Turn In 2015". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/11/2015. There is something very wrong with the way the system works and this is all due to the overemphasis on trying to minimize the business cycle. The real conclusion of QE can only become visible if we experience the full business cycle. In Jakobsen's view, we have never been allowed to have a down cycle since 2008. But now, there is finally going to be a down cycle because central planners can’t print more money. As Jakobsen puts it: “Now is the time for the real economy to take over”.


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