jueves, 22 de enero de 2015






How To Buy a Politician . Video. Discussing the corruption of politics with Russell Brand on the Trews.
Doomsday Clock Set at 3 Minutes to Midnight.  Experts on the board said they felt a sense of urgency this year because of the world's ongoing addiction to fossil fuels, procrastination with enacting laws to cut greenhouse gas emissions and slow efforts to get rid of nuclear weapons.
"We are not saying it is too late to take action but the window for action is closing rapidly," Kennette Benedict, executive director of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, said in a news conference this morning in Washington, D.C. "We move the clock hand today to inspire action.".
Why Can’t The World’s Greatest Minds Solve The Mystery Of Consciousness?. By Oliver Burkeman.
Philosophers and scientists have been at war for decades over the question of what makes human beings more than complex robots.


Do We Want Solutions, Or Just What’s Easy?. Posted on January 23, 2015 by Charles Hugh Smith   Everyone talks about “reform,” but real reform is impossible in a bought-and-paid-for “democracy” like ours: Why Reform Won’t Work (February 7, 2013).





‘Syria army firm in fighting terrorism’. Syrian army is determined to wipe out foreign-backed Takfiri militants.
Bahrain is an Apartheid regime: Rajab. A prominent Bahraini activist says the Manama regime has created an apartheid system in the Persian Gulf country.
Nine Bahrainis sentenced to life. A Bahraini court of appeals sentences nine anti-regime citizens to life imprisonment. [so the brutish king wanted to be buried with his pawns]  
‘Zionism, terrorism two sides of same coin’. Israel’s recent airstrike in Syria showed that Zionism and terrorism “are the two sides of the same coin.”
EU court scraps Iran Bank Tejarat bans. A top European court scraps the sanctions imposed by the EU against an Iranian bank.
‘US political system is a fraud’  said a former US congressional staffer
Jahangiri: Iran must recoup lost money . Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri says Iran must take serious action to retrieve as much as $22 billion transferred to the UAE and Turkey under the former administration. [this is just naked piracy]
World 'two minutes closer' to doomsday. The Doomsday Clock is now two minutes closer to midnight, a prominent group says.
‘Acid rain behind Earth’s worst extinction’. The worst mass extinction on Earth may have been due to vinegar-like acid rain some quarter of a billion years ago, a report says.
‘US intelligence knew of Paris attack’  some elements within the US intelligence let the Paris attacks happen  [so they were involved in the Zionist crime: are they  partners on current terrorism?]
Yemen premier hands in resignation. Yemeni Prime Minister Khaled Bahah hands in resignation amid a deepening political crisis
'NATO seeks to mend ties with Russia'. A senior NATO commander says the military alliance seeks to mend strained ties with Russia. [what they should do is dismantling the nukes against Ru & China and then close their  pigsty o “chiquero”]
‘East Ukraine clashes re-escalating’ NATO says intensity of fighting in eastern Ukraine is reverted to levels before the Minsk truce deal.
US shale oil sector plumbs bottom . The oil price slump is weighing on big winners in the US shale oil sector, forcing them to go on a spree of steep job cuts.
Baghdad demo slams Charlie Hebdo . Iraqis in Baghdad demonstrate outside the French embassy to slam Charlie Hebdo.
US presidential elections to cost $5bn. Top fundraisers say the 2016 presidential elections will top $5 billion in campaign spending.
‘Kiev’s shelling of bus, monstrous crime’ aimed at derailing the peace process.
US deploying troops to Ukraine this spring “to train the Ukrainian National Guard”.
Ukraine troops abandon Donetsk airport. Ukraine’s army says it has lost control of the main terminal of the fiercely-contested Donetsk airport.
E Ukraine clashes leave 34 killed. The shelling of a trolleybus station and clashes in eastern Ukraine claim 34 lives.
Darren Wilson won't face charges: Report . The US Justice Department won’t bring charges against a white police officer who killed an unarmed teenager in Ferguson. [Obama justice system is racist]
‘US violence against blacks shows rift’. An analyst says the killing and mass incarceration of colored people in the US reflects a deep division in the American society.
French spying didn’t stop attacks: Snowden. Edward Snowden is pointing to the recent terror attacks in Paris as proof that government surveillance can’t stop terrorism.
‘Israel invulnerability image shattered’. Iran’s foreign minister says the victories of the resistance front proved the vulnerability of Israel.
Western obsession with consumerism. The holiday season often reinforces the consumerism and commercialism that has become deeply connected with the North American and European cultures.
‘Iran to stand by Iraq against terror’. Iran’s parliament speaker says the country will continue its support for Iraq against terrorism.
Protesters disrupt US top court session. A group of protesters disrupt the opening session of the US Supreme Court, urging the judges to amend laws on political campaign financing.
US using Ukraine to destabilize Russia. The United States is using Ukraine as a “proxy state” to destabilize Russia, a political analyst says.


The Saudi Succession: Its Impact On Oil, Markets And Politics. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/22/2015. Saudi succession fight which impacts everything from oil, to markets to geopolitics, especially in the aftermath of the dramatic political coup in neighboring Yemen. As a reminder, it is Saudi Arabia whose insistence on not cutting oil production with the intent of hobbling the US shale industry has led to the splinter of OPEC, and to a Brent price south of $50.
Saudi King Abdullah Has Died; Crude Prices Jump. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/22/2015. As we noted previously when considering this possibility, "a new King can do (almost) anything he wants, including changing oil policy." 79-year-old Crown Prince Salman has been named succesor (and has his own health issues - reportedly suffering from Dementia). Oil prices popped around 80c on the news. [so, un demente va a reemplazar al bruto.. what a change!. Did It happen in previous kingship history?]
More Isolation? Russia, China To Build $240 Billion High-Speed Rail Link. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/22/2015. The rail-link - which will bring travel time between Beijing and Moscow down from 5 days to 30 hours - signals a 10-year partnership between the two nations and follows the dropping of the French company, Alstom, from the project.
The US Cannot Afford To Be The World's Police. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/22/2015. All great empires were befallen by the inability of resources to keep up with ambition. From Alexander the Great to Rome to the great British Empire, hegemony doesn’t last forever. The U.S. government guarantees security to over 35 countries and has troops stationed in over 146 countries. Does such an astounding presence – completely unmatched by previous empires – really sound all that sensible?
Now Begins The Greatest Heist Since Bernanke Bailed Out Wall Street In September 2008. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/22/2015. There is virtually nothing which is on the level in today’s financial markets. According to the Fed’s PR firm, Hilsenramp & Blackstone, one quarter of the $7 trillion in bonds issued by euro zone government are trading at negative yields. [Meaning..] a state drifting toward insolvency and/or ruinous taxation should be able to borrow 10-year money at 0.70%. That is, when the fix is in, the central bank printing press is open to buy, the apparatchiks are terrified and one of history’s greatest monetary charlatans is in charge - the speculators have nothing to do but harvest their haul. So now begins the greatest heist since Bernanke bailed out Wall Street in September 2008.     [[ Printing money create deflation, stagnation and high levels of volatility. But no printing creates more trouble starting with absorbing their QEs effects and subordination to their policies including the piracy and economic terrorism or ec-sanctions. So I wonder  what if .. what would happens if RU-Chi- Brics + Iran and members of BRICS -India- + the Changai web, what if all of them –plus Japan if wanted- create and print a single currency worldwide for trade & bank deposits and started with a massive QE –the freedom money- to dethrone dollars & euros at world level?. Is that possible in the nearest future? If so, the IMF will decompose faster than king Abdullah]]
When This Ends, Everybody Gets Hurt (And The End Is Uncomfortably Close). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/22/2015. Central bank credibility (as fictitious as that may be) is essential to maintaining the current narrative, BUT central banks are rapidly losing their credibility (which should have happened simply via deductive reasoning a long time ago) and the strains are showing. When credibility in central bank omnipotence snaps, buckle up. Risk will get re-priced, markets will fall apart, losses will mount, and politicians will seek someone (anyone, dear God, but them) to blame.
Meanwhile, Somewhere In America . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/22/2015
The Truth About The Monetary Stimulus Illusion. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/22/2015. While economic policymakers should take a closer look at Japan, China, and yes, the United States, when debating the limits of monetary stimulus and the dangerous nature of financial bubbles; sadly, the discussion is happening too late to be anything more than an intellectual exercise.
Jobless Claims Over 300k For 3rd Week, Spike In Shale States. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/22/2015. Not "unambiguously good" as Shale states see initial jobless claims spiking. Overall initial jobless claims missed expectations for the 4th week in a row
Do We Want Solutions, Or Just What's Easy?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/22/2015. We are so brainwashed by centralized models of state authority that few can even imagine a system where the solution is not one centralized monstrosity ruled by a political/financial Aristocracy. A good first step would be to admit to ourselves that we don't really want solutions; what we want is magic: financial magic that makes healthcare free and affordable, medical magic that fixes all our lifestyle ills without forcing any rigorous adult routines and limits on us, political magic that transforms our system from its current corrupt crony-capitalist paradise into a functioning, transparent democracy and economic magic that makes all the unpayable debt vanish so we can borrow another $50 trillion, or $100 trillion, with no restraints on our spending or cronyist corruption. We have no idea what it will take to jolt us from our preference for magic over realistic, difficult (i.e. adult) solutions, but we suspect a crisis that threatens to completely unravel the Status Quo will be part of the process.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/22/2015 - 07:31
  • ECB to decide on bond-buying plan to revive euro zone (Reuters)
  • Draghi Is Pushing Boundaries of Euro Region with QE Program (BBG)
  • Investors Wonder Whether ECB Will Do Enough (WSJ)
  • Treasuries Drop With Bunds Before ECB; U.S. Futures Rise (BBG)
  • European shares hit seven-year high (Reuters)
  • At least eight civilians killed in shelling of Ukrainian trolleybus (Reuters), both sides blame each other
  • OPEC Will Blink First in Battle With Shale Drillers, Poll Shows (BBG)
  • China Injects $8 Billion Into Banking System (WSJ)
  • New York says Barclays not cooperating in 'dark pool' probe (Reuters)
"If You Question Authority, You Are Mentally Ill", Report Finds. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/21/2015. The psychopathologizing of anti-authoritarian behavior is yet another step on what looks like an increasingly slippery slope and it strikes us as especially harmful. The American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM for short) defined a new mental illness, the so-called “oppositional defiant disorder” or ODD. In short, as Natural News put it: According to US psychiatrists, only the sheeple are sane. 

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