miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015






Trolling Russia. By Israel Shamir . It is possible that the US will get more than what it bargained for in the Ukraine.
Chomsky: Paris Attacks Show Hypocrisy Of West's Outrage. By Noam Chomsky. Ignored in the "war against terrorism" is the most extreme terrorist campaign of modern times -- Barack Obama's global assassination campaign targeting people suspected of perhaps intending to harm us some day.

Where Has All This Islamic Fundamentalism Come From? . The Anti-Empire Report.
By William Blum
Most of it comes – trained, armed, financed, indoctrinated – from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria.
The US Is Desperate. By Dmitry Orlov. The US is betting that the low oil prices will destroy the governments of the three major oil producers that are not under their political and/or military control.
Are Plunging Petrodollar Revenues Behind the Fed’s Projected Rate Hikes?. If This Doesn't Make You Mad.... By Mike Whitney. Unemployment looks great until you pick through the data and see it’s all a big fraud.
Martin Luther King: An American Hero. By Paul Craig Roberts. Many Americans will continue to believe that having failed to tar King as a communist and womanizer, the establishment decided to remove an inconvenient rising leader by assassination.
First African American to Walk on the Moon!?. Americans Forget Martin Luther King and What He Did
Video. Mark Dice interviews beachgoers in San Diego about MLK for Martin Luther King Day.




Even Central Bankers Now Admit QE Doesn’t Work  Posted on January 21, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog . The former head of the Bank of England – Mervyn King – said today that more QE will not help the economy. Also today, William White – the brilliant economist who called the 2008 crisis well ahead of time, slammed QE. The former long-term head of the Federal Reserve (Alan Greenspan) says that QE has failed to help the economy. The original inventor of QE agrees. Numerous academic studies confirm this. And see this.
THE DIRE STATE OF OUR NATION (What You Won’t Hear from the Politicians). Posted on January 21, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog . By John Whitehead, constitutional and human rights attorney. 18 FACTS: 
How Do You Unmanipulate a Manipulated Economy?. Posted on January 20, 2015 by Charles Hugh Smith  If you doubt the economy is dependent on monetary and statistical manipulation, then ask yourself what will happen to the economy should the Federal Reserve’s zero-interest rate policy (ZIRP) be rescinded, and interest rates return to historic norms. An economy optimized for indebtedness and speculation is akin to a spoiled kid who is rewarded for sitting around playing video games and eating chocolate cake and potato chips. The sugar-high of the chocolate-cake diet feeds the psychological addiction of playing counter-productive, meaningless games all day, and the kid’s expanding waistline and deteriorating fitness go unnoticed. That the game-playing and junk food diet are ultimately destructive are lost on the spoiled kid.


Lavrov on Obama speech: Efforts to isolate Russia will fail. http://rt.com/news/224651-lavrov-russia-isolation-usa/


US police use radar to see inside homes. At least 50 US law enforcement agencies are secretly using radars that enable them to see inside the houses.
‘Israel, al-Nusra cooperating in Golan’. Tel Aviv is reportedly cooperating with the al-Nusra Front terrorist group in the battle against the Syrian government.
‘Yemen heading to real independence’. An analyst says the current revolution by Ansarullah movement in Yemen is going to bring true independence back to this country.
'Iran slams acts of terror, blasphemy' . Iran’s Rouhani decries any act of violence as well as disrespecting religions.
Gitmo prisoner details US brutality. A former Guantanamo prisoner has explained brutal US torture programs in a book.
Israel ‘works hand in glove with ISIL’. A political analyst says Israel is supporting the Takfiri ISIL group through conducting military operations in Syria.
Obama threatens to veto Iran sanctions [What a way of keeping the ineffective-simulation  job of the VP. Any time OB talks on Iran, we check his welcomed policy on his partner Netanyahu-nuke-head]  
Obama delivers State of the Union speech [see my posting “the land of the free: 18 facts]
Coffee may keep some skin cancers away [if coffee is color café y viene en grano para molerlo en casa,  it makes protect you not only from cancer, from many things. Recomiendo el café de Cusco-Peru]
Obama talks to Hollande prior to SOTU. US President Barack Obama talks to his French counterpart François Hollande prior to his State of the Union speech.
Hillary candidate of the past: Jeb Bush [both of you are the loved dinos of the criminal US oligarchy. Most people won’t vote them in the next election. The People’s Front or abstention is our game]
Peace talks conference held in Damascus. Representatives of Syrian political factions gather in Damascus to discuss a solution to the country’s conflict. [this circus -of spying themselves- is a stupid simulacrum game: waste of time. The Fact is that is that US-Israel-UK & Saudis-Qatar +key-org of mercenaries recruited by NATO are leading  war forces against Syria. So, not funds, not arms to ISIS will be the solution.. but this is impossible now. Todays Nato’s aim is to disarm or neutralize Iran. Iran is their main target later on. So, the only way to deal with stupid simul-game is to fund & arm the anti-NATO forces. Meanwhile: no peace, no war, no talks. Just start hitting Saudis & Israel -the weakest parts of their web-  at two levels: war & UN-ICC diplomacy] 
'Only white lives' matter to Obama. The US deployment of soldiers [to “do their duti”] means “only white lives matter” to Obama, says an African American activist. [true & clear like clean water]
UN slams ISIL over civilian executions. The UN harshly criticizes the ISIL terrorist group for the brutal execution of civilians in Iraq.
Yemen on verge of breakthrough. In this edition of The Debate we will focus on the latest state of affairs in Yemen
UK MPs debate nuclear submarine fleet. Lawmakers debate the future of Britain’s nuclear submarine fleet. [Since sell them to Saudis will be too nasty business, then stick them in the asses of the top UKis military ranking; if you need more, borrow some from your partner OB]


'Everything Is Awesome' SOTU Post-Mortem: "It's Not Government's Job To Make Everybody Rich". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2015. The only thing we did not get from tonight's State of The Union speech was a "Mission Accomplished" flag... oddly some of the 6,493 words (the lowest word-count of his Presidency) were not entirely 'factual'...
Saxo Bank Warns "This Is The Endgame For Central Banks". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2015. Major central banks claim to be independent, but they are totally under the control of politicians  and that’s all well and good in principle until the economy spins out of control – at zero-bound growth and rates central banks and politicians becomes one in a survival mode where rules are broken and bent to fit an agenda of buying more time. What comes now is a new reality...
The Road To The Welfare State: Why 50% Of "Exceptional" America Gets Checks From Uncle Sam Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2015. Until and unless America undergoes some sort of awakening that turns the public against its blandishments, or some sort of forcing financial crisis that suddenly restricts the resources available to it, continued growth of the entitlement state looks very likely in the years immediately ahead. And in at least that respect, America today does not look exceptional at all.
Presenting The 2015 "Shadow Of Crisis Has Passed" State Of The Union - Live Webcast & Full Speech Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2015. it is entirely clear that his proposals have no chance of becoming law. As Eric Cantor suggests [OB bla-bla] will merely serve to inflame the GOP. From taxes to cyber security and from community college to housing... in 50-65 minutes, all will be clear... [INFLAME the GOP? .. this is not the straw that will break one single hump –out of many- of the stinky camel .. they are not playing a zero-sum-game  -what one gets is taking from the opposite- this is a zero-minus-game, they both are losers. .. OB is only adding one shovel of dust to the funeral of both Mrs Clinton & Bush]


Investors Are Losing Faith And "Markets Will Riot" Warns Albert Edwards. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2015. “It doesn’t matter how much QE is spewing out of the US,” he said. “The markets will lose confidence that the policymakers are in control of events, just as they did in 90's Japan. They lost faith that the policymakers were in control. This is the biggest risk out there.”
"This Is A Race To The Bottom Where No Fiat Currency Wins". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2015. 2015 is showing signs that change is afoot. As Santiago Capital's Brent Johnson notes in this brief presentation, while being 'wrong' for the last 2 years on gold has been painful, is it any less crazy to believe that it will turnaround that to believe the hype that The Fed will raise rates once again (just like it promised in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and now 2015...) - who is really losing their credibility? With the world's fiat currencies waging war and dislocations mounting, gold is no longer the 'David' underdog fighting against the 'Goliath' central banks... but is - as Alan Greenspan opined - "the premier currency. No fiat currency, including the dollar, can match it."
"Whiplash" & The Death Of The Last Industrialist. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2015. An oil price spike will cause another round of demand destruction, because the consumers, devastated by the bankruptcies and the job losses from the collapse of the oil patch, will soon be bankrupted by the higher price. And that will cause the price of oil to collapse again. And so on until the last industrialist dies...
The "Deflationary Vortex": Global Dollar Economy Suffers Biggest Plunge Since Lehman, Down $4 Trillion. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2015. local currencies (at least those which are not the USD) have been plunging against the greenback on the back of the expectations that the Fed will hike rates some time in the summer or later in 2015. Which also means that in "dollar economy" terms, i.e., converted in USD, things are not nearly as good.  In fact, as the chart below shows, the global dollar economy is not only shrinking fast, but it is doing so at the fastest pace since the Lehman collapse, having lost a whopping $4 trillion, or a whopping 5% drop,  in just the last 6 months!
Crushing The U.S. Energy Export Dream. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2015. Exporting crude oil and natural gas from the United States are among the dumbest energy ideas of all time. Exporting gas is dumb. Exporting oil is dumber.
2015 SOTU: The Robin-Hood Distribution Plan. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2015. Whether you agree or disagree with our points below, or the President's "wealth redistribution agenda" in tonight's SOTU address, is of little matter. With both houses of Congress controlled by conservatives, the likelihood of any of these proposals actually passing into law nears "zero." This will leave the President with his nuclear option of "excutive orders" to move his agenda down the field, but even that is likely to be viciously contested in the months ahead.
Ukraine Claims Russian Forces At Border, Attack Conflict Zone; Russia Replies "Complete Rubbish" Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2015. After reportedly rejecting Vladimir Putin's peace proposal and continuing heavy shelling in the pro-Russian-held regions of Donetsk, Ukraine's military spokesman Lysenko is reporting the Russian army is directly attacking Ukraine forces in the north conflict zone. The fight over what is now a destroyed Donetsk airport continues with Lysenko claiming to have stalled Russian forces adding that three Russian battallions are approaching the Ukraine border. CNN reports that the Russian Defense Ministry says, "Ukraine's allegations that Russian troops are in Ukraine are complete rubbish."
Obama's "Partners" In Yemen Overthrown As Presidential Palace Falls To Local Militiamen. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2015. The "Statement by the President on ISIL", in which he praised US anti-terrorist tactics, giving Yemen and its "partners" as an example of "successful" US foreign intervention.  To wit: "This counterterrorism campaign will be waged through a steady, relentless effort to take out ISIL wherever they exist, using our air power and our support for partner forces on the ground.  This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years." He may want to scrub that statement because just 4 months after reading that from the Teleprompter, America's "partners on the Yemen front lines" have officially fled quietly into that good night, abandoning the control of the nation to local Shiite militiamen.
The US Military's Stunning Conspiracy Theory Emerges From The Archives: "ISIS Leader Does Not Exist" Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2015. Having noted that voter angst has been riled, propagandized, and fear-mongered to the point at which the most pressing priority for Congress is to 'fix' terrorism, it is perhaps not entirely surprising that we discover - deep down in the archives - that giving the public someone to 'hate' as opposed to something may have been an entire fiction. As The New York Times exposed in 2007, Abdullah Rashid al-Baghdadi, the titular head of the Islamic State, according to Brigadier General Kevin Bergner - the chief American military spokesman at the time - never existed (and was actually a fictional character whose audio-taped declarations were provided by an elderly actor named Abu Adullah al-Naima). So he was a ghost back then.... is he a ghost again, designed purely to put a face on ISIS and the biggest bogeyman of the current global anti-terrorist mania?
US Equities Give Up China GDP 'Beat' Gains As Oil Hits $46 Handle. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2015. It was all so awesome. But this morning's plunge in crude and copper (global growth?) finally knocked on into equity market reality as the opening ramp quickly gave way to selling pressure and erased all 'wealth' created by Chinese data. US Treasury yields are 3-5bps lower with 30Y testing 2.39%.
"Short-Term Greedy & Long-Term Poorer". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2015. In what Bloomberg's Richard Breslow calls "a sign of the times, and not a good one" the weekend has been dominated by politicians commenting on the ECB. Not only did Erdogan un-independently suggest Turkish policy action today (as we noted here), but now Merkel, Hollande, Noonan etc. are all telling you what the ECB should do or indeed will do and then telling you that, of course, the ECB is independent. Central Banks have essentially become enormous sovereign wealth funds manipulating the markets and very much in the thrall of geo-political events. This is a very problematic development which is an inevitable follow-on to the activism of central banks in their policy conduct.
First Schlumberger Fires 9,000; Now Baker Hughes Unleashes 7,000 More Layoffs. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2015. America's bettered energy sector which are bolting down ahead of the crude storm, and firing thousands.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2015 - 07:40
  • Obama to focus on middle class in State of Union address (Reuters) - all 4 of them?
  • European Stocks Buoyed by ECB Hopes (WSJ)
  • China's 2014 economic growth misses target, hits 24-year low (Reuters)
  • Federer on Swiss Franc Shock: "Does It Mean I've Got to Win Now?" (BBG)
  • First-time buyers help Christie’s reach record sales (FT)
  • So it was the NSA? U.S. Spies Tapped North Korean Computers Prior to Sony Hack (BBG)
  • Why Chinese Developer Kaisa's Default Risk Has Money Managers Spooked (BBG)
  • Morgan Stanley Misses Estimates on Drop in Bond-Trading Revenue (BBG)


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