martes, 27 de enero de 2015






WATCH: Chomsky Blasts 'American Sniper' and the Media that Glorifies It. By Janet Allon .
The famed professor draws a disturbing parallel between "Sniper" and our "global assassination program."






Greece Begins The Great Pivot Toward Russia. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. "Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias is due in Brussels on Thursday to discuss possible additional sanctions on Russia over the conflict in Ukraine. Before the cabinet even meets for the first time tomorrow, the Greek government said that it disagreed with an EU statement in which President Donald Tusk raised the prospect of “further restrictive measures” on Russia." The punchline: In recent months, Kotzias wrote on Twitter that sanctions against Russia weren’t in Greece’s interests. He said in a blog that a new foreign policy for Greece should be focused on stopping the ongoing transformation of the EU “into an idiosyncratic empire, under the rule of Germany.” And when it comes to the natural adversary of any German imperial ambitions in recent history, Europe has been able to produce only one answer...
"Equities Will Be Devastated" Crispin Odey Warns, Looming Recession Will Be "Remembered For 100 Years".  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. Having been one of the biggest bulls of this particular central bank artificial-bull cycle, his dramatic bearish tilt (as we discussed what he thinks are the biggest risks underpriced by the market previously), is notable. Finally, Odey fears major economies are entering a recession that will be "remembered in a hundred years," adding that the "bearish opportunity" to short stocks looks as great as it was in 2007-2009.
Failing Stimulus And The IMF's New 'Multilateral' World Order. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. As I have been saying since the announcement of the taper, stimulus measures have a shelf life, and central banks are not capable of propping up markets for much longer, even if that is their intention (which it is not). Why? Because even though market fundamentals have been obscured by a fog of manipulation, they unquestionably still apply. Real supply and demand will ALWAYS matter – they are like gravity, and we are forced to deal with them eventually. The elites hope that this will be enough to condition the public to support centralized financial control as the only option for survival... It is hard to say what kind of Black Swans and false flags will be conjured in the meantime, but I highly doubt the shift away from the US Dollar will take place without considerable geopolitical turmoil.
Fear And Dread Of Deflation - The Keynesian Big Lie At Work. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. The fear of deflation has become the cornerstone of Keynesian economic thought. However, it is the height of hypocrisy that Keynesians use the specter of deflation to frighten us into believing we need to endlessly dilute the value of our currencies and take the rate on our savings to zero percent; but then, at the same time, take every data point that points to falling prices as another reason to be bullish on markets and the economy. Their mantras are: Lower commodity prices–a boost to the consumer, plunging interest rates–an increase in mortgage refinancing. How can Keynesians celebrate deflation, while at the same time use it to scare us into accepting ZIRP forever? The easy answer would be, they are, by definition, cheerleaders for the stock market...
How Much More GDP "Growth" Will Be Due To Obamacare?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. Now that the soaring dollar and plunging crude are sure to punish the Q4 2014 and Q1 2015 GDP growth rate by more than half, with estimate now sliding to the mid to low-2% area, what "benefits" to the US economy can one expect from the tax that is Obamacare? As the following chart courtesy of Goldman shows, thanks to contributions from Medicaid and Medicare and, drumroll, Exchange subsidies, the "benefits" from Obamacare will be with us, well, maybe not "us", but certainly with the way GDP is calculate for a long, long time, as the recent health spending ramp is only just getting started.
Is The BLS Overstating Jobs?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. Is the BLS overstating employment growth? I guess it depends on whose data set you choose to believe. However, there is little denying the fact that with over 60% of the population living paycheck-to-paycheck, stagnant wage growth and declining net worth over the last five years, there is something that simply does not add up. If employment growth were indeed growing as strongly as in the late 90's, it would seem logical to expect that many of the disparities in the economic landscape should be starting to equalize somewhat. Unfortunately, that has yet to be the case.
Medvedev Warns Of "Unlimited Reaction" If Russia Cut From SWIFT. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. While nations around the world continue to de-dollarize, Russia signed into law its anti-crisis plan today. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’  threats warning The West that the "Russian response - economically and otherwise - will know no limits" if Russia is cut off from the SWIFT payments system. [Besides] Russia and Iran plan to create a mutual account for bilateral payments in national currencies.
It’s Not The Greeks Who Failed, It’s The EU. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. It’s important that we all, European or not, grasp how lacking in morality the entire system prevalent in the west, including the EU, has become. This shows in East Ukraine, where sheer propaganda has shaped opinions for at least a full year now. It’s not about what is real, it’s about what ‘leaders’ would like you to think and believe. And this same immorality has conquered Greece too; there may be no guns, but there are plenty victims. The EU is a disgrace, a predatory beast unleashed upon all corners of Europe that resist central control and, well, debt slavery really, if you live on the wrong side of the tracks. SYRIZA may be the last chance Europe has to right its wrongs, before fighting in the streets becomes an everyday reality.

Is The US Preparing To Blame The Next Market Crash On "Russian Spies" And HFT?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. As reported yesterday, in a surprise announcement late in the day,.. the US Department of Justice –DOJ- announced it had busted a Russian spy ring in New York City, where at least one of the three people was said to be involved with finance and potentially, capital markets.

Specifically, the DOJ announced "charges against Evgeny Buryakov, aka “Zhenya,” Igor Sporyshev and Victor Podobnyy in connection with Buryakov’s service as a covert intelligence agent on behalf of the Russian Federation (Russia) in New York City, without notifying the U.S. Attorney General of Buryakov’s status as an agent of Russia, as required by federal law.  Buryakov was placed under arrest earlier today in Bronx, New York, and is scheduled to appear before U.S. Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn in federal court in Manhattan later today.  Sporyshev and Podobnyy no longer reside in the United States and have not been arrested.  By virtue of their prior positions in the United States on behalf of Russia, both of them were protected by diplomatic immunity from arrest and prosecution while in the United States."
On the surface this sounds like your plain vanilla diplomatic escalation, in which a lowly spy, or rather alleged spy, is exposed to show the displeasure of the host regime toward the opposing country, an action which will surely result, within 24-48 hours, in a comparable arrest of a US spy in Russia.
Greece At The Crossroads: The Oligarchs Blew It. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. Once one oligarchy falls, it will threaten to topple a long line of oligarch dominoes.
The Full Breakdown Of Greece's New Cabinet. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015 Alexis Tsipras has announced his new cabinet to lead Greece forward - with or without Europe. As was expected the economist Yanis Varoufakis was given the key position of Finance Minister, and another influential economist, Nikos Dragasakis was appointed Deputy Prime Minister...
Greece's New FinMin Explains "This Is What Happens When You Humiliate A Nation & Give It No Hope". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. "This is not blackmail," explains new Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, "we simply want to end this seemingly never-ending Greek Crisis." In what must be worryingly calm and simple to comprehend words for Brussels, Varoufakis tells CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, "this is what happens when you humilate a nation and don't give it any hope." Carefully noting that membership in the Euro is not imperative, Varoufakis concludes "bankruptcy cannot be dealt with by borrowing more," asking rhetorically, "how can I look the German and Finnish taxpayer in the eye and tell them you know I can't really pay you the money I have already borrowed from you..." but lend me more so I can pay back the ECB?

HOW CAPITALISM DIES. by bill bonner via acting-man blog,   www.zerohedge. com . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. In the early 1970s, there were about 200,000 new US businesses created each year (net of closures). Now, the number is negative. Why are Americans getting poorer? Look no further. No new businesses (net). No new jobs (again net). No new wealth. Under Obama and Draghi, crony capitalism flourishes. Real capitalism dies. If we had to put a title on this little discussion, we might call it: “America’s Disappearing Wealth Creators.” Or if we wanted to be more lurid: “How the Zombies Ate America’s Entrepreneurs.”  In short, the people who create wealth are vanishing.
WTI Crude Jumps As Saudi Oil Minister Meets With Russian, Finnish, And Norwegian Ambassadors. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. WTI Crude tests $46 once again following reports of Saudi Oil Minister Ali Al-Naimi meeting with Rolf Willy Hansen - ambassador of Norway, Oleg Ozerov - ambassador of Russia, and Pekka Voutilainen, ambassador of Finland; to discuss "market stability." Why would that spike oil prices? Because the three are plotting the final destruction of US shale... just as Obama makes an appearance at Abdullah's funeral?
Russian Ruble Extends Gains, Stocks Erase All Post-Downgrade Losses. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. "That'll teach them Russians" - oh wait... The kneejerk selling of Russian Rubles and stocks post-downgrade has almost entirely been erased and dip-buyers appear to be greatly rotating from US to Russian stocks today...
Consumer Confidence Surges To Highest Since The Last Time Markets Crashed. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. Despite stagnant wages, surging jobless claims, and global geopolitical anxiety, US consumers have not been this exuberant since August 2007... a month before the great quant fund blow-up and the top of US equities... But it's different this time, we're got money-printing and low oil prices... right? Texas confidence plunged from 119.4 to 111.9 (led by a huige crash in expectations from 95.8 to 83.5). Finally, expectations for higher incomes in the next 6 months surged higher - almost at record levels of hope - despite the slump in hourly average earnings. [if a government is facing high economic volatilely and adds on top the uncertainties of war, everybody start taking personal precautions that worsen the econ problems. The relation between economics and politics is very tied]
US Services PMI Improves But New Orders Drop To Post-Recession Low. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. “The 5.0% an nualised rate of GDP expansion in the third quarter certainly looks like a peaking in the pace of expansion, with the surveys pointing to 2.5% annualised growth at the start of the year."
Welcome To The Wreckovery: Who Could Have Possibly Anticipated Caterpillar's Disastrous Earnings And Guidance?.  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. Well, pretty much anyone who had read any of our CAT monthly sales reports over the past 2 years.
Market Wrap: Futures Tumble On Spike Of "Strong Dollar" Earnings Disappointments And Profit Warnings. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2015. [Economic things went ..] in direct refutation of what Jack Lew said previously about a strong dollar being good for the US economy, was this:"The outlook for the year will remain challenging. Foreign exchange will reduce fiscal 2015 sales by 5% and net earnings by 12%, or at least $1.4 billion after tax." In other words, P&G will "offset" the surge in the USD with more layoffs. So when Jack Lew said "good" he really meant "bad."
As The Middle Class Evaporates, Global Oligarchs Plan Their Escape Form The Impoverished Pleb Masses. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/26/2015. Obama: "Middle-Class Economics works.." [vs.] Davos Hedge Fund Director: “I know hedge fund managers all over the world who are buying airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand because they think they need a getaway...”



West ‘reluctant to face Ukraine reality’. the West does not want to accept the fact that its own measures in Ukraine has caused the current political crisis in the country.

Georgia mom kills 3 kids, herself   [la miseria del sistema neoliberal la sufren las madres del pueblo Americano]
Israel attacks Syria army positions. [it is not the 1st time they do the same, they cannot say they try to prevent nuclear attack. They believe they are above the Law in their plan against Iran..]
Kiev dubs pro-Russians terrorists The Ukrainian parliament officially declares the pro-Russian forces in eastern Ukraine as terrorists. [these clawns forgot to say that pro-russians are neo-nazis]
Will Ukraine spark Russo-Western war?. In this edition of The Debate we will focus on the ongoing tensions between Moscow and the West over Ukraine.
‘Do not expect Greece to clear debt’. Syriza Party says it would be unrealistic to expect Greece to fully repay its huge debt.
US drones cause a 'lot of damage’  A military analyst says drones that are operated domestically in the US can be “extremely dangerous.”

EU dangles more sanctions on Russia 9min. EU heads threaten Russia with more sanctions over the recent escalation of fighting in Ukraine’s east.
'Turkey rejects Kurd gov’t in N Syria' 13min The Turkish president reportedly opposes the creation of a Kurdish government in northern Syria.
UAE halts Baghdad flights after gunfire 29min. UAE airlines suspend flights to Baghdad following a FlyDubai plane came under a gunfire attack.
Russia in the cross hairs. Washington’s attack on Russia has moved beyond the boundary of the absurd into the realm of insanity.
Syria local opp. starts Moscow talks. The Syrian domestic opposition starts a meeting in Moscow in an effort aimed at settling the ongoing conflict in the country
Russia raps S&P downgrade. Russia's finance minister slams rating agency Standard & Poor's for downgrading Moscow’s credit rating.
Oil price falls ‘to affect consumers’. The drops in oil prices will even affect consumers in the future, a Saudi oil giant says.
[[Los Saudis creen tener poder y en realidad no controlan ni siquiera la fuente de energía más  grande del mundo que da base a su trono. Los Saudis jamás trabajaron para conseguir la riqueza que tienen. La naturaleza les dio algo que no merecen tener ni “controlar”. No lo merecen porque no les interesa la comunidad internacional.  No les importa el daño que causa su dumping of oil. Pudieron re-negociar sus precios en la Naciones Unidas o en su Consejo de Seguridad, pero tampoco les interesa dicho orden internacional. Solo les importa mantener sus privilegios en alianza con un imperio que busca la caída de los rusos a cualquier precio, aun sacrificando la existencia del mundo entero. La suerte del mundo está hoy en mano de esos psicópatas ultra-ricos y ultra armados cuya ambición desmedida no tiene límites. La riqueza mal habida cegó no solo a los saudis, sobre todo a las grandes mafias de banqueros y trasnacionales que lucran con el neoliberalismo y sus guerras de despojo. El imperio es un jinete (NATO) sentado al medio de dos mulas –decirles caballos es un insulto a esa bestia hermosa- se trata de mulas ciegas que jamás podrán procrear nada nuevo. El imperio dice que controla esas mulas ciegas pero lo  cierto es  que no pueden darle dirección. Las mulas solo saben que hay que alimentar el monstruo imperial que ve en Rusia y China un obstáculo para seguir sembrando caos, muerte y miseria a nivel global. El monstruo imperial se alimenta del neoliberalismo actual. Sus dos mulas también: los saudis y Kiev. Que pasaria si el jinete montado encima de esas mulas, pierde una de ellas?. Aparentemente nada, ya perdió (o esta ya perdiendo una de ellas, el ISIS y muy pronto Israel) y nada ocurrió ni va a ocurrir. Pero si cae Kiev y/o se bombardea también el reino saudí, la mula imperial tendría que competir con dos caballos Rusia-China y Europa (este último, un transitorio aliado de NATO) y en esa competencia el monstruo imperial lleva las de perder. Eso si la guerra continua dentro de los límites actuales. El caso es que las mulas no saben adónde van, ni lo saben su jinete NATO, solo saben que hay un barranco delante de ellos, el intercambio nuclear. Si eso ocurre, las dos mulas serían las 1ras en perecen en el desastre. Si el intercambio nuclear se da, el efecto más probable es que NATO sea eliminado para siempre y sus jefecitos serian puestos en la cárcel, o quizá ejecutados si ellos inician el ataque. De darse el encuentro nuclear no quedaría nada de la base de NATO: por lo menos  10 paises de europa quedarían totalmente destruidos, además de Israel, Saudis, Qatar y Kiev. Se da por descontado que más de  10 Estados del Norte del USA serian quedarían peor que Hiroshima y Nagazaki , y mas,  si el intercambio nuclear no se detiene y se declara la paz. Esto tampoco interesa a los Saudis, que creen que podrán vivir donde quieran pues hoy son acaudalados. Eso no pasaría de ser un sueño de opio pues todo lo que tienen seria confiscado y el territorio pasaría a manos de un nuevo Consejo de Seguridad  mundial quienes administrarían el petróleo hasta que se pague la reconstrucción post-guerra. Si los reyezuelos y califas quedan con vida serian perseguidos muerte donde se encuentren. Ese es el post-war que les espera a los Saudis.  La pregunta de orden es : Por que el resto de la humanidad tendría que sufrir esta guerra?  Por qué permitir que los fundamentalistas sunis decidan los destinos del mundo entero? Por que no eliminar los jinetes del apocalipsis antes de que ocurra el desastre mundial?  ]]
Israeli settlers storm Islamic sites. Israeli settlers storm Islamic religious sites in Awarta village in the occupied West Bank.
US to put pressure on Russia by oil. The US will continue exerting economic pressure on Russia over the crisis in Ukraine.
Israel troops fired for criticizing regime. The Israeli army dismisses 43 soldiers for publicly criticizing the Tel Aviv regime’s crimes against Palestinians.
More pressure on Russia ‘destructive’. Russia dismisses as “absolutely destructive” any attempts to pile up economic pressure on Moscow over Ukraine.
Fidel Castro distrusts US despite thaw. Former Cuban President Fidel Castro says he does not trust the United States despite a thaw in ties.
Oil prices to rebound ‘very soon’. The OPEC chief says oil prices may have reached a floor and will rebound “very soon.”
US Senators move against Iran sanctions. A group of US senators introduce a resolution against imposing more sanctions on Iran.
Iraq sleeper cells battle ISIL in Mosul. An Iraqi MP says former military and police officers in Mosul are tipping off Iraqi officials to positions of ISIL terrorists.
US set to execute disabled prisoner. The United States is set to execute a mentally disabled prisoner despite a ban on such executions.

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