domingo, 25 de enero de 2015






“Panic in Kiev: Ukrainian Forces Surrender Donbass”. Ukrainian soldiers are deserting with their weapons and taking to looting the countryside in increasing numbers.
Tsipras Declares End to 'Vicious Cycle of Austerity' After Syriza Wins Greek Election. By Matthew Weaver.  With more than three-quarters of the results in Syriza is projected to win 149 seats in the 300 seat parliament.








Freedom, Where are you?. War, War, War, that is all Washington wants and it enriches the military/security complex.
‘UN-brokered talks fail in Yemen’ . UN-mediated talks between Yemeni political parties and Ansarullah revolutionaries collapse in Yemen, an official says
Riyadh 'instrument of US imperial control' Saudi Arabia’s “warmongering regime’ has been involved in the US imperial policies in the Middle East
US considering military option on Russia. The US is still considering the military option against Russia over Ukraine
‘Israel backing terrorists in Syria’ . Israel is obviously supporting terrorist groups in the Arab country.
Is ISIL beginning to end? . The Debate discusses the recent ISIL defeats in Iraq
‘Israel attack proved Takfiri links’ . Israel’s attack on Golan Heights proved the regime’s links to Takfiris in Syria.
Iran, P5+1 'very close' to signing deal  [“Diplomacy”  tit for tat?... I like it]
Syriza party wins Greece elections.  Partial results from Greece elections show the Syriza party wins a clear victory.
Falling Crude taking toll on oil giants.  Major energy groups plan massive spending cuts in response to the sliding crude prices.
Ukraine crisis should be resolved by talks.  The ongoing conflict in Ukraine should be handled through peaceful resolutions
‘Support for terror hinders democracy’.   Supporting  terrorism will not establish democracy.
'Kiev not after ending conflict in east'.  the Ukrainian army does not seek to end the ongoing conflict in the eastern parts of the country.
'US Congress cannot impede Iran N-talks'.  On the P5+1 nuclear negotiations, the US Congress will not be able to impede the talks
Sabotaging Iran talks 'end in conflict'.  Sabotaging Iran’s nuclear negotiations by the Republicans and Israel could lead to a “bigger conflict” in the region
Ukraine conflict ‘enters new phase’ . A US-based analyst says the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has entered a new phase.


Blowout Victory For Syriza In Greek Elections: Live Webcasts. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/25/2015. According to the initial exit polls, in first place, with some 35.5%-39.5% of the vote is Syriza, a huge lead over the second placing New Democracy which has 23-27% of the vote
"Out Of My Face Please" - Why Are US Soldiers In Mariupol?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/25/2015. As the following clip shows, a Ukrainian journalist approaches what she thinks is a Ukrainian soldier (since he is wearing a Ukrainian military uniform and is carrying an AK) and asked him as they run through the battlezone, "tell me, what happened here?" His response, which requires no translation, speaks for itself.
Shocking Images Of China's Dire Pollution Problem. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/25/2015. China has some stunningly beautiful natural landscapes, but, as explains, they may not count for much when, in other parts of the country, pollution runs totally unchecked. China is very close in size to the USA.  Yet, as The Burning Platform notes, their population is the size of the entire Western Hemisphere, plus Japan, Germany, and France. The land can not support this mass of humanity without very dire consequences, and these shocking photos show what severe pollution people have to deal with in some parts of China...  [that speaks for the urgent need to find another type of energy.. starting by prohibiting polluting cars run by diesel]
Greece's New FinMin Warns "We Are Going To Destroy The Greek Oligarchy System". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/25/2015. Over two years ago, we first highlighted Yanis Varoufakis' perspectives on the destruction of Greece and.. admits the prospect of power in Europe is "scary". As he sums up, "we are going to destroy the Greek oligarchy system," and with it, we suspect, much of the narrative that holds the fragile European Union together...
About That "Strong Dollar" - Corporatism Speaks. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/25/2015. To think that multi-national companies are not complaining to government officials at this very moment is to be fully naïve. We would not doubt, given where the Treasury Secretary is, if he hasn’t been waylaid repeatedly about “doing something” about that “strong dollar.” Unfortunately, he cannot come right out and say that corporatism despises it so the administration, like those before, would prefer it sinking like a rock. Like monetarism, the fiscal side prefers not currency stability but their own, specific brand of instability. 
The New "Shadow Of The Crisis Has Passed" Normal (In 1 Fact-Ridden Chart). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/25/2015. If the 'shadow' of the crisis has passed, does that mean the actual 'crisis' is about to appear?
Of course, now that the ECB has unleashed QE, everything will be fixed, just like it was when The Fed unleashed QE3...

Obamacare Website Funneling Private Consumer Data To Private Companies. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/25/2015. The government’s health insurance website is quietly sending consumers’ personal data to private companies that specialize in advertising and analyzing Internet data for performance and marketing... but it's for your own good - The Obama administration says’s connections to data firms were intended to help improve the consumer experience. [dime para quien trabajas y te dire quien eres]
Today Athens, Tomorrow Madrid. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/25/2015. The picture that Brussels' bureaucrats are most afraid of...
Tsipras Addresses Greece, Says Bailout Agreements, "Troika Era" Are Over. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/25/2015. The first public address of Greece's new leaders, Alexis Tsipras has begun. The key highlights of his speech so far:
Europe will not be pleased.
[parece que escuchó mi ‘canto de sirena’: “La cuna de la civilización occidental está a punto de re-escribir la historia universal en las elecciones de este domingo. Se trata de frenar la embestida del capital financiero internacional, de su IMF y su modelo neo-liberal colapsaste. Ese modelo solo trajo austeridad, miseria y desigualdad explosiva al interior de los Estados-Nación y entre países a nivel mundial”. .  JAN 24 Sit Ec y Pol ]
"This Won't Remain Confined In Greece". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/25/2015. "...if Greece’s rebellion was to occur in a coherent way, would be only a matter of time before it was replicated in other parts of the continent." But don't think 'they' will let it happen peacefully. They'll organize huge social unrest, inject violence, and then try to use it to clamp down on the population and reinforce their grip on power. This won't remain confined to Greece.
The Slick Lies Of Obama's "Robin Hood" Economy (In 2 Awkward Cartoons). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/25/2015. Take from the 'redefined rich' and give to the.. who again?
Greek Deposit Outflows Soar In Run-Up To Syriza Victory. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/25/2015. Despite all the fear-mongering by Nea Demokratia (ND), Syriza's victory over the incumbent is dramatically larger than expected (exit polls indicate a potential 12 point margin vs 7 point spreads in the run-up). However, as JPMorgan details, the fear-mongery was very evident in bank deposit runs as proxied outflows surge EUR8 billion last week - more than all of December and the rest of January combined... 

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