viernes, 7 de julio de 2017



Hugo Adan, 7/7/17
ND: Nueva Democracia.

The anxiety & fear: that conflict US-NK could spark WW3, has been diffused.
RU and US leaders are not in favor of war. The mood for negotiation prevail,
at least in one of the conflict, out of 4: Syria. No more terrorist war in Syria.

That was the initial deal, soon later changed, no more war in 3 zones. Agreed.
The issue N-K-US, Ukraine, China-Japan, Israel-Palestina are still pending.
The risk of WW3 is still in the air, previous WW started by one single mistake.

The key Qt is: how to make the mood for peace be strong to prevent WW3?

At geo-political level, there are private interests against the mood for peace.
Two big US Co profit from manufacturing WMD, so, by fostering wars abroad.
There are also small Co which get the spillovers of this nasty business.. 

there are big sectors of financier elites who get nothing from wars, on the
contrary, their business is damaged by war. Is the case of WS speculators &
investors in productive sectors, like auto-cars, commodity-retailer.. so on,
and many local bankers. They are all affected by war-volatility-issues. Worse
if WW3 start, they will definitely collapse and promote secession: end of FED

The main Qt. then is how to convert the big Corp who profit from war abroad
into the opposite: dismantlers the nukes and other WMD at FED expenses.

In short: the main geopolitical issue is De-nuclearization at world level.  
At economic level, the Qt is how to correct the vices of neo-liberal Econ? It
is the wrong conception of liberalism that have create the explosive level of
inequality we have in our country and the huge disparity of growth n Devel
in the periphery. The G20 Eon agenda did not address this main issue.

They talk about creating sustainable development for global financial system.
To whom? To investors of course. In which areas?, In south America? No way,
Trump said that is going to put a big wall in the border, better than the wall
used in Europe against refugees coming from Africa. They may clear that their
objective is to avoid high volatility and risk to their investors and elimination
of trade barriers, set by China now.

In short, it is more freedom to expand the power accumulated by capitalist
investors as set in The Washington Consensus of 1985. Such failed program is
the cause of current explosive inequality. So it needs to be replaced by re-
adapting the Glass Steagal Act t used by FDR to cope with the recession of
1929-35. We need to create a Tobin Tax to give the resilience needed by the
working classes who is suffering the recession today. Not to create bail-out
and QEs, now with new name, to protect parasites of the oligarchical
capitalist system world wide.

Tomorrow we will see a huge people’s demonstration against those
parasites. Later on we will see them armed with the guns given to them
when soldiers and armed with the paredon used by Fidel & Che.

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