jueves, 20 de julio de 2017

JUL 19 17 SIT EC y POL

JUL 19 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Single-family rents, as measured by the CoreLogic Single-Family Repeat Rent Index (SFRI), climbed steadily between 2010 and 2016. However, as CoreLogic reported last week, rent growth has seen a material decline during the last 18 months.

The high yield bond market has come to resemble an IED in the financial markets for investors with risks that are both disguised and highly destructive. Awareness of these risks is the first step toward defusing them.

On Downdetector.com reports starting spiking after 11:30 a.m. and the website was inundated with comments from Bank of America customers around the country saying they couldn’t access online banking from their applications or computers, transfer money or deposit money or checks.

Coral Springs resident Eric Sleeper told the Miami Herald that he received what looked like a phishing email from the bank Wednesday and immediately called customer service to see if something was wrong. A message on his online account said it could not pull up his information. When he called his local branch, a manager said that local managers were all calling each other trying to figure out what caused what now seems like a national outage and why they were unable to provide certain services.

What do socialism and modern monetary policy have in common? Magical thinking. For both, it’s true on the giddy years up, and it’s true on the sad years down.

"Buy and Hold"... for 17 years to turn a profit.


"The inflection in central bank balance sheets comes in Q3 2018:  it is Q3 2018 when the contraction in the Fed's balance sheet on a monthly basis (which at that point will be $40bn a month) will start to exceed the purchase of assets by the ECB and BoJ."

Tax, growth, infrastructure - where the president’s ambitions stand after six months...

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

In what may be one of the most significant foreign policy decisions of his first year in office, Trump is shutting down the CIA's covert program to arm rebels fighting the Syrian government. This would constitute a monumental shift in terms of US priorities in Syria which throughout most of the 6-year long war have focused on removing Bashar al-Assad.

Having seemingly just been handed a stinging defeat on Obamacare, the Trump administration is desperate to deliver some 'wins' for the people who voted him into office.  Might the "physically imposing" yet "aesthetically pleasing" border wall deliver that win?

Local police will now be able to seize cash, often from those suspected of drug crimes, even in states that do not condone the policy...the federal program returns cash directly to the police department that took the asset... " It is an effort to empower law enforcement,"

[[ Does this fake law will touch big drug dealers of poppy in Afg & cocaine in COL ?  I doubt it ]]

"...normalization is no longer possible... Price discovery is incompatible with the need for ongoing financialization of economies dependent on assets for growth...Hence slaves must remain slaves."

"Perhaps investors should consider that they are being duped by central bank ploys, and that they are useful idiots in a game designed to keep the public under control with fraudulent markets until the Fed is ready to pull the plug. When the crash takes place, the Fed will find a way to remove itself from any blame."

In a testament to Chinese oligarchs, criminals, money launderers and pretty much anyone who is desperate to park their cash as far away from the mainland as possible, purchases of US real estate by foreign buyers surged to an all-time high in 2016...
[[ Americans bought not only houses.. entire companies abroad. Will they be suspected with bad intentions?... Whatever we do to them here .. they will do it over there. ]]

For the last five years, attempts to reform America’s health care system have focused primarily on the demand side of the market, and specifically on the market for insurance. However, one of the most critical supply side issues in health care is the supply of qualified doctors.
1984 is now in America

George Orwell’s novel 1984 was incredibly popular at the time it was published, and it remains incredibly popular to this day. Here are 10 facts you might not know about Orwell’s dark novel...

"Last August, a 55-year-old Wal-Mart employee found out her job would now be done by a robot"...she earned $13 an hour.

Last week the Fed raised the white flag on further rate hikes. There won’t be any for the foreseeable future. 
[ Say liar to your mirror.. We already don’t have future because your speculative business]
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

After looking at capital, management, and focused on NPLs, guess what? The bulk of Europe’s smaller banking problems are bound up in Southern Europe – Italy in particular. Surprised? Thought not.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

The Massacre of Mosul  By Patrick Cockburn
If he has .. above is not entirely his fault.. It is the fault of those who voted him, unless fraud


 Adam Ziemkowski and Rebekah Liebermann  How Seattle Voted to Tax the Rich
B Trautman, G Condon and S Ferguson  Veterans Call on U.S. to Sign Nuclear Ban Treaty

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

She escape the “hell” she was experiencing in the South, where she said "money is all that matters"
Seoul Investigates Ex-Defector from North Korea Shown in Pyongyang Propaganda  https://sputniknews.com/asia/201707201055706813-seoul-investigates-ex-dprk-defector/
Aqui tendriamos que votar el triple, empezando por electos en Senado y House
Es Mercosur otra “alianza” movida por embajadas USA como lo es la OEA?
Trump’s 350-Ship Navy Plan Might Be Sunk Ojala T logre hundir el navio del clan Clinton
CrossTalk   Will Trump survive?  Si, porque tiene quien lo defienda en RT: ImpeachmenPitis

Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced

A deeply polarizing new president, a disastrously misguided official narrative that the political Establishment doggedly supports despite a damning lack of evidence, and an economy teetering on the edge of recession–and worse.

Sound familiar? Welcome to 1969 redux. The similarities between the crises unfolding in 1969 and the present-day crises are not just skin-deep–they’re systemic.

Consider the basic parallels.

1. Nixon was if anything more polarizing than Trump. If there was any politician Democrats loved to hate, it was Nixon. Yet Nixon won a close race against an Establishment Democrat, at least partly because he ran as a “peace candidate” and because he spoke to the Silent Majority who disagreed with the nation’s direction. The Silent Majority was mocked and ridiculed by the mainstream media as racist, close-minded deplorables.

2. The Democratic Party had become the Establishment bastion of war-mongering. The Democratic White House had been obscuring its devastating strategic and tactical miscalculations behind a slick PR campaign and a pervasive and often illegal program of suppressing dissenters and whistleblowers.

3. At the behest of the Establishment, an immense propaganda machinery had been running full-tilt to paper over foreign-policy failures and tragedies (including but not limited to the Vietnam War). In 2017, this immense propaganda machine is focused on discrediting the Trump presidency by unearthing or fabricating evidence of collusion with our default Bad Guy, Russia.
Keep Reading

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

US          Una nación en guerra ¡consigo misma!  Mumia Abu-Jamal
                La otra muralla de Trump  Susana Chávez
Opin      Teoría y praxis en el saber del mundo antiguo  Marlon López
                Ochenta y un años de infamia   Lidia Falcón
España  De catalán a catalán  Javier García  carta abierta a Pau Llonch
                Informalidad: ¿Opción o condena?   Roberto Machado
VEN       Yo denuncio  Ana Cristina Bracho
                Falso plebiscito: lectura a primera vista   Yldefonso Finol  
                Esperando la caída?   Homar Garcés
                Deriva totalitaria en Venezuela?   Marcos Roitman
                Un vistazo de Chomsky a Latinoamérica   Eduardo Ibarra

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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